#edchat Archive
#Edchat is a hashtag, a movement—it is a weekly organized Twitter discussion of educators and people interested in education that meet virtually from all over the world. #Edchat serves as a conversation thread on Twitter and is also used for organized weekly discussions.
Tuesday February 23, 2016 12:00 PM EST
Hi everyone! Really happy to be participating in today's discussion
As one "earn and learn", apprenticeships allow career, learning and life success to be braided together .
New on : Enhanced community groups make it even easier for parents to start meaningful connections
What is your slightly longer answer? Previous experience with a flipped classroom?
My short answer - It depends on how the educator is flipping their class
NOW - Is the Flipped classroom anything more than just switching places for homework, video lecture, and classwork, practice?
All teaching strategies depend on the strength, innovation, and wherewithal of the teachers utilizing them!
Excited to listen to another webinar w/ Putting pedagoy in the Driver's Seat
Basic idea is to use videos 4 direct instruction. Kids watch at home or in class. Trad hwork done in class w/teacher help
How do edus who doubt the effectiveness of Lecture & hmwk feel about the flipped class, since they're big components of the process?
don't use it myself, but isn't the idea to allow Ss to spend more class time working productively? https://t.co/FDcYvsa1Dl
Today's Topic: Is the Flipped classroom anything more than just switching places for hmwk, video lecture, and classwork, practice?
The flipped classroom allows students to utilize social media and find resources that help them understand material
. Phrasing the question this way leads people to think it isn't. There is a broad definition https://t.co/Jh4CKrPl9N (1/2)
There are some things that can be learned independently, and many that need collaboration and time to discuss
I haven't seen it used as more than that. What are others doing?
But there's a finite amount of time during the school day and individual periods. Need students talking!
...and lots of examples of people going beyond video/classwork switch. See guest post series: https://t.co/BKyvE8cNhn
Flipped classroom a model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed.
One of the biggest advantages in flipping is an increase in student engagement
talking and working "productively" rather than listening to "chalk and talk" https://t.co/bcLA8wOJky
But there's a finite amount of time during the school day and individual periods. Need students talking!
Ss seem to like the same problem, I would stand and deliver in class recorded and available to watch at home
Flipping allows high Ss to move on. Still need whole group inst to keep everyone on the same page.
Virtual Day? Great idea! Study In Your PJs? What A High School 'Work From Home Day' Looks Like https://t.co/Ax5w1Sc5cV
Interesting! Do you have any students going through a course?
I agree! The teacher & their specific strategies is a variable we can't ignore
HAVE YOU TRIED video lectures for students to view at home and in-class exercises, projects, or discussions? How’d it go?
Advice for developing critical thinking: teach habit of mind, perspect. shifting, & why its important https://t.co/YsWuRe2hHO
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I think it CAN be more. If a T skilled in facilitating S learning/practice has more time 2 do so, it's a win https://t.co/p5k5w99Ei8
NOW - Is the Flipped classroom anything more than just switching places for homework, video lecture, and classwork, practice?
Traditional homework is under fire for good reasons. Facilitated homework is much more effective.
+1 on utilizing our own presence on social media as a model for our students and parents about effective/healthy uses!
it's more than the "flip" it's about providing opportunity to work w Ss & provide support https://t.co/LCcDPyOg34
NOW - Is the Flipped classroom anything more than just switching places for homework, video lecture, and classwork, practice?
allow for Ss to drive instruction when properly done. Ss come with questions and you can clarify misconceptions
And providing Ss with structured time to discuss/debate/learn/grow
It lets teachers spend most of their time facilitating student work and learning.
Flipped classroom—is such a widely used term, what does it really mean?
videos are previewed by my Ss before coming to class and it provides launching pad for a lesson
To truly flip, then students must have internet access outside of school.
Flipping also really needs a 1:1 situation. 1:1 schools also trend towards flipping.
agreed... so more time for project-based/authentic learning!
It also allows stu's who miss class, slower stu's, sped, ELA, etc to catch up. Not just abt high kids.
How prevalent is the use of the flipped classroom? I know folks are doing it from Conferences I attend, but I don't see it going on.
"Helping 1 person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for 1 person"
I was thinking that, too. Luckily, my district has 1:1 but we need mroe Ts to buy in to the inst tech https://t.co/6EPlg6MGDr
Flipping also really needs a 1:1 situation. 1:1 schools also trend towards flipping.
FLIPPED CLASSROOM— are you using this approach? Are you colleagues? How often?
What exactly is reversed? Is homework now being done before the lecture has been given?
Projects allow more effective homework as student can just continue working on projects at home.
So, , what about disadvantaged kids w/o adequate Internet at home? Flipped or not. https://t.co/k6wVVewGKb
I think it CAN be more. If a T skilled in facilitating S learning/practice has more time 2 do so, it's a win https://t.co/p5k5w99Ei8
NOW - Is the Flipped classroom anything more than just switching places for homework, video lecture, and classwork, practice?
We have a definition of published since 2014. More than a simple swap. Doesn't even require vid. https://t.co/ImiSgWloLr
Flipping allows the student to practice and work on Hw during the class, while the teacher can mentor them. A real game changer
Or do you mean they are reversed in the sense that they are just existing in a different form than they used to?
Flipping should allow for collaboration and discussion.
yes, &at my school this is the case and for the exceptions. I have allotted time during the week Sscan comein as well
although we don't use flipped design, I've had a couple of my colleagues begin to use layered units for that reason
Although I definitely agree with the sentiment, I feel "not doing much learning" is a bit harsh, no? https://t.co/lgI6KrOFsB
If your class was recorded for an entire week... whose voice would you hear more? Yours, or your students'? https://t.co/STvpWtX9oS
I see the basic definition as direct instruction is moved to video. Doesn’t matter where you watch.
More Pop Art With Google Drawings!
Well mostly the 'lecture' of engagement with content is done outside classroom and 'process' of content don in it.
How is that beneficial? I'm not disagreeing, I would just like to understand your viewpoint
Many teachers new to are traditionally rooted. Still growing in implementation and sharing.
NOW Topic: Is the Flipped classroom anything more than just switching places for homework, video lecture, and classwork, practice?
FLIPPING A CLASSROOM requires lots of planning and attention to design. That takes time. Do teachers have enough time to do it well?
I utilize a flipped approach for new lessons to familiarize my Ss with the standard & skill
more "working" time in the classroom - not wasted on disengaging lectures
thanks Doug... that's a convenient way to view the model.
Flipped/mastery is the way to go. Involves banks of test items and retakes on unit test if mastery not shown.
& others argue "appropriate content" moved to something else outside of community time.
Give them every opportunity!
Exc resource for creating globally competent Ss-->What do Globally Competent Students Look Like? https://t.co/CX1UsE0cZn
Exc resource for creating globally competent Ss-->What do Globally Competent Students Look Like? https://t.co/W1aCKWyro9
I have been working at it for three years & some flips are better than others. It does take time and willingness to fail
Making The Transition From eLearning Freelancing To A Full-Service eLearning Firm https://t.co/04TJPxiego via elearnindust…
Will you tell me more about what "layered units" are?
Making The Transition From eLearning Freelancing To A Full-Service eLearning Firm https://t.co/4m0Qtej85w via elearnindust…
Flipped/mastery should also allow for individual-paced learning. Expect achievement gaps to increase.
Thanks Erin... -- key seems to be what is don in class...
Thanks Erin... -- key seems to be what is don in class...
Everything in teaching well takes time. It's about prioritizing the things that are most effective for students!
Is there a novelty factor about the flipped classroom that causes student compliance initially, but it wanes with extended use?
Thank you! That actually cleared it up a little bit. So it's favoring more hands on learning?
I think there could be, depending on how the teacher/school introduces it to the Ss
scaffolded, project-based learning where assignments are in layers w/ increasing difficulty https://t.co/gQMCrkrx22
. I think it depends on how much the T uses the class time to differentiate learning. Is class time hands-on?
--we work with lots of Ts of disadvantaged kids, which is why I asked.
^DHEngaging PowerPoint/Keynote Presentation World History Patterns of Interaction "A Flawed Peace" https://t.co/GhJdGfuhDa
Some of my Ss are progressing to the point that they have found videos and resources that they like to use to preview the standard
Teachers must be uber-prepared to keep students engaged. Novelty only if planning is poor.
differentiation easier to apply - Ss that r independent can work solo & visa versa https://t.co/v1mWgppISQ
And providing Ss with structured time to discuss/debate/learn/grow
How might we relax bad hegemony where scholarship meets productivity?
When you invite students into the learning decisions, action, the response is awesome.
It is always good to think about our practice and how best to teach students. This chat about flipping classrooms is doing that.
If flipping is so good then MIGHT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT of teachers benefit from a flipped approach? Have you tried? Thoughts?
Any change from test & punish has to be improvement. If students advance at own pace cohort testing looks even dumber
Flipped model or any other newer method still boils down to T buy-in which stems from and release of control to Ss
As a former administrator, I've given teachers videos and websites to watch before our debriefing sessions
if u want it done in classroom...it has to be modeled & supported
If flipping is so good then MIGHT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT of teachers benefit from a flipped approach? Have you tried? Thoughts?
SO MANY NEW DEVELOPMENTS--1/1 computing, BYOT, personalized learning, flipped classrooms. YET SO MUCH THE SAME What’s going on?
Joining you late today from Denver. Sorry for being tardy.
... and students do more pre-work so the hands-on-learning/project/etc done in class is richer.
They appreciated the examples and time to go through new material on their own, then face-to-face debriefs with me!
GREAT insight from Ss who joined us for Teaming on Tuesday Professional Learning day!
I would agree, and this sentiment could be applied to other teaching practices too.
Flipped Class: I always question lessons that are homework dependent. Too often a high % of Ss don't complete Hmwk.
The flipped classroom SHOULD provide Ss with more access to their instructor during the "practice" portion of the lesson
The Big Idea: Letting go of control; redefine role of the learner. Leaders need to empower Ts
agree... am wondering if anyone is doing that..
Professional development is useful when establishing a new practice. I have found some edu do not feel they have the time to flip
It is a rare high school were some teachers are not experimenting with flipping.
But could that be due to a motivational issue? If the homework isn't checked or doesn't lead to anything they NEED to do.
That's always my question. What about the large % of kids that don't watch vids? What then? https://t.co/B9rxlIOfEV
Flipped Class: I always question lessons that are homework dependent. Too often a high % of Ss don't complete Hmwk.
"Students are not coddled...they are defeated.
We have divorced school from learning...this is the result." https://t.co/GtOEB2MmsT
Chiming in for few min. during lunch break-I think it's all about good learning, and "flipped classroom" is part of that.
it has to happen, district and school level. Show teachers the possibilities.
Teachers need to feel comfortable shifting control to students.
Totally agree it is possible. I was referring as to how the time is actually utilized.
edu/Ts/Admin/Ss no one is same...pick & choose what works for ur school/situation
no formula
SO MANY NEW DEVELOPMENTS--1/1 computing, BYOT, personalized learning, flipped classrooms. YET SO MUCH THE SAME What’s going on?
if the homework/practice is done in class more the completion should go up
and some think that is "blended learning" when really it's a subset of a station rotation model. There's more models.
Let’s hope that leaders get out of the way when teachers want to try flipping.
Do we lower our expectations because some students aren't doing homework? That's a dangerous journey...
Same with my Ss. Flipped Classroom is a good opportunity to give homework that is enriching or exploratory, not punative
would they complete more HW if it was more interesting or tied to a project of their choosing?
I completely agree! Any tips on how to best accomplish this?
What about the 15% of kids in my district that do not have Internet access at home to do this homework? https://t.co/E7IJed2K4a
Do we lower our expectations because some students aren't doing homework? That's a dangerous journey...
i believe so...solid admin/quality leaders start the ripple effect
agree... am wondering if anyone is doing that..
I have tried to flup PD w/little success. Ts have such a negative view of PD they came in without viewing
Yes, and teaching students how to navigate learning road--for every child that will look little different.
What do you do with stu's who don't do HW now? Where are you supposed to start in ?
Time use will vary. Some students will watch all direct instruction at home. Others will watch it in class.
Flipped classroom model assumes that students have the necessary access required for the model to work. Is that a safe assumption?
You always need to adapt to fit students' needs. They may need access to a portable DVD player or on their phones.
--Thx for this. This is exactly my concern. Flipped class or not, Ss still need Internet access!
Awesome! exactly what the flipped classroom should look like!
Often starting point is video as HW. Most have moved past that implementation as they learn. Have to start somewhere.
I'm on a kick, she'd call these "floor to ceiling" learning opportunities.
Difference is my class does not depend on whether or not my kids do their homework. Flipped Classroom does. https://t.co/uD6jzM3TcQ
What do you do with stu's who don't do HW now? Where are you supposed to start in ?
All tweets this hour are from webinar w/
In those cases I also had little push from the As in advance of my time with staff. I will keep trying.
...And some will ask their friends what it was all about just before class begins.
. Blind implementation assumes that. It's the tchr's responsibility to ensure access to *any* learning method.
Like any new strategy, if we never try, work at it, revise and refine, we will never know.
. yes, we use frequently, allows for customization, deeper more meaningful application & assessment
So... has PD become a four-letter word for teachers?
not necessarily...if u want to flip, take steps ensure preparedness...just like w/ anything
Flipped classroom model assumes that students have the necessary access required for the model to work. Is that a safe assumption?
Must teach kids how to ask different kinds of Qs- important skill to have
. Again, it's a process. Video isn't the end-all. Why isn't there discussion about the actual class design beyond DI?
its continuation of the one size fits none model. In what environment does flipped work best and when does it not?
Thanks... so where is it happening?
You really have to talk w/a teacher group before putting together PD, know where they're at
I definitely agree. students should be offered an incentive whether it is a grade or other motivational tactics
YES. Thanks for for this. Until we find ways for Ss to be successful at home, what good is a flipped model?
If PD is sit and get telling Ts how not to sit and get, it's reputation is deserved.
Flipping doesn’t require any homework. Students can watch videos in class. Doesn’t require an inflexible approach.
It's true & it is sometimes so hard! https://t.co/BBvFbJiwoZ
You really have to talk w/a teacher group before putting together PD, know where they're at
If teachers all with newborns or toddlers, that wouldn't be surprising or T's with second jobs.
what if they watched at the beginning of the PD and then got to work? Or is that not longer "flipped"?
Kids need to learn to work w/Ss from around the world. Kids need to learn how to self-assess own work
Though what steps do you take for learners without home internet access?
well... use a flipped instructional approach for delivering PD to teachers...
Not the end-all? Isn't video the backbone of Flipped Classrooms? https://t.co/DxZVcWuvWa
. Again, it's a process. Video isn't the end-all. Why isn't there discussion about the actual class design beyond DI?
You seem to think that all students should watch the same video each night. Not so if self-paced.
PD is hard bcuz PD is not personalized...it has become opposite of all edu in class should be
times r changing! we can do this! make a culture change..somehow
"He who opens a school door, closes a prison."-Victor Hugo
I think flipped has real role when we discuss deeper learning efforts,I think many just beginning to dive deep
Flipped classroom—appears more commonplace in higher education. Have you taken a course in which this model was used? Thoughts?
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Students who don’t watch videos at home can watch them in class/study hall/cafeteria/etc.
Also rethinking homework, home study routines--is there a place for this, lots of research says no.
. V What is the difference between Live and a taped lecture other than time-shift capability. A lecture is a lecture.
And students asking friends about the videos is bad?
too often a client wants me to "fill a PD day." I am now able to politely decline that work.
Short-term focus (testing) is what's going on. Change focus relevance = engagement = lifelong learning.
Vid is *a* method. BIg picture is to reverse community/individual space. Do what makes impact when it makes *most* impact.
The ability to pause with regard to learning is terrific in a taped lecture.
I run an "in-class flip"...my students watch instructional videos as bellringers/opening activities for the day
Not easy, trying to lead by example mostly and hope people catch on. Making slow but steady progress! https://t.co/11b90kSli1
times r changing! we can do this! make a culture change..somehow
So they watch during class, now they're left out of discussion that is supposed to be part of this model. https://t.co/2imiM0JBQG
Students who don’t watch videos at home can watch them in class/study hall/cafeteria/etc.
How might we smoke authorized dichotomy at full strength?
open lab hours, iTunes U, library, friends' home...brainstrm w T & S answers
Though what steps do you take for learners without home internet access?
To create world-class citizens, we need to have Ss working w/Ss from other parts of the world. Going beyond "hi" to working 2gether
Today S said, "You're going to fast." Another mentioned they wished they could "pause" me.
Time-shifting, rematching, or skipping altogether if you already know it is a BIG improvement.
I know that feeling. I've done it--tough role.
Great example! And how many times do you wish you could have written down those notes faster?
The interaction. I don't like a lecture without questions going on during.Personal connection can be lost. Do them both!
Video is very useful (vs. static text) to show (and re-show) process.
Thanks so much, - you offered help for a concern I had.
I like that Doug. I like thinking about learning as more of a continuum throughout day.
issue when you think you deep dive but implement w/o knowing how deep it really is.
Good to maximize where and how it can happen.
If video is just a method for Flipped Classrm, what are the other delivery methods? All I hear abt is vid. https://t.co/0yk9GakZ1k
Vid is *a* method. BIg picture is to reverse community/individual space. Do what makes impact when it makes *most* impact.
No individual pause button on teachers I know.
Yes, all options. Though for lower SES students, I wonder how practical and consistent these options are?
def not easy...but nothing worth it is :)
just like in the classroom...just takes 1, then 1 more, then 1 more
definitely what I try to do as instructional coach at school level!
Ss love watching anything on their own devices. I think it allows them to feel empowered
So, it's just regular homework then? https://t.co/BDaQ1UKfBK
. In my understanding video has nothing to do with flipped classrooms. I thought the idea was study at home - participate in class.
There's a lot to be said for interaction, collaboration when it comes to deep, meaningful learning--integral.
Some teachers use Classkick as an assignment at home with links for the web, audio instructions, questions, etc.
So Flipped Classroom is just regular homework then? https://t.co/4iDe9XXH0D
Some teachers use Classkick as an assignment at home with links for the web, audio instructions, questions, etc.
Thank you, -- I know Ts worry about options, so thx for these suggestions.
Effecting real change in the classroom is ten times more stressful than taking the easy way out.
I work with districts to build consistency in coaching across schools. That's a missing part.
it was my understanding that they would be learning NEW material at home, rather than practicing.
So schools should spend money on individual devices rather than textbooks.
When you shift the control of designing problems to Ss, you might get more complicated problems than what you'd give
Have to remember it's all worth it when you have those moments where you want to pull your hair out! (Like today)
depends on the class. In history, I want primary documents and interaction with them as the backbone.
Devices allow access to updated information. Textbooks remain constant as time passes.
Sure there is! It's called "Can I go to the ___" or the bell.
for sure! for that sit...u may want limited flip. flipping not end all be all - not the only answer
I'm definitely a fan of a great tech device for every Ss--not a fan of textbooks.
My team uses to flip the classroom - still reading for HW, but now I can track time spent reading, provide annotations..
has to be a good balance. Students still desire that interaction. Some NEED it.
As much as we can use primary sources, great videos, real-time learning, the better.
my schools textbooks are digital so it made sense. However, that was great tool
Yet depends on what you are teaching, when, probably space for TB's at times.
I love the TechSmith tools for screen capture & recording
We need both problem designers as well as problem solvers. We need to engage Ss in designing problems
But that "pause" = missing new information. Versus pausing the video and coming back
I don't believe so. The flipped mastery model works well for watching videos whenever. Lots of ways to flip
My guide is - It works best to SHOW something as opposed to TELL something.
Great examples of motivating students. Motivation = engagement in all subject areas!
I agree. Some new school thinking is to let Ss struggle and find their way, though
Thanks... so what's said about assuming is true...
Absolutely that's why I call learning design, choreography--it's really about mixing all the right parts together.
Is flipping classrooms for high school students a good way to prepare them for college courses?
How have you "flipped" PD? What's different? https://t.co/Fqv3Jeo0qF
. yes, we use frequently, allows for customization, deeper more meaningful application & assessment
reading Couros' Innovators Mindset what if instead of watching vid Ss create vids for flipped learning
The chat is in 10 minutes! Join the
flip isn't just about video...try a short article or hands on exploration
He's the energizer bunny of eduction ->
Anyone using Periscope for Ts PD? I've learned more on periscope about teaching in one week than in a long time at my school...
It may be a good idea to flip pre-test instructions for those who have trouble with pre-test anxiety
We're talking "pause" when Ss want info--not going too fast, but yes, the other exists :)
This is fine but where are kids getting that background knowledge to make those videos? https://t.co/z2NDZkBSI2
reading Couros' Innovators Mindset what if instead of watching vid Ss create vids for flipped learning
Oh I know, it's just a typical place to start for those new to flipping
Is the primary goal of high schools to prepare kids for college?
Thanks Kris... further support for fundamental shift in education paradigm ...
Quoting Hattie again, "top 2 skills-Quality teacher feedback essential along with student self-assessment"
The chat is in 25 minutes! Join the
Enjoyed the lunchbreak now back to teaching--we're having an open workshop on an advanced skill--inviting Ss who want to come.
Kids don’t make the videos. Teachers either make them or find them online.
collaboration? self-directed learning? leaner-centric classroom/independence where you guide they research
Primary goal for high schools is to make students self-directed learners. How’s that?
Anyone use social media other than YouTube for flipping?
are college profs ready for Ss who are learning in the alternative method?
Parent here. Haven't seen parents mentioned in flipped classroom convo. Obvious impact on parent engagement. How do you factor that?
Going to try Blab and Periscope soon
Role of leader is to help us focus on doing 1 thing really well: self-assessment, tchr feedback, global literacy
and be able to live independently and support themselves (not in parent's basement)
Absolutely - having the parents involved in what the students are watching and interacting with at home is a huge +
often no, but they have good lectures about how to do it.
So again, we're not really "flipping" anything. Classrooms been doing this WAY before "flipped" buzzword. https://t.co/lgzCr3Rlu7
collaboration? self-directed learning? leaner-centric classroom/independence where you guide they research
It's great to see that the Flipped Class has so many well informed supporters. I wonder what % of edus are now properly using it?
Where are we today, where do we want to be? Tie in staff development to that. Get beyond $1000 pencil
kinda like PD that includes students? Cool!
Google classroom makes so much easier and streamlined.
I am wanting to use Periscope. Record a lesson in class, get thoughts from other classes and locations.
I'm excited to see it hit highered, since the Ss that have had it in HS are heading to college
. allows for mechanics upfront on their own, then meet as group to customize PD to relevant goals
When doing the "Flipped" model, don't assume all kids have home access. 5 million families with school-aged kids don't.
Real results that are about the core/vision not the tool.
and what does "proper" really mean. Many model and needs.
Any non fiction articles that focus on social conditioning in our world today?
Connecting to Brave New World.
The best way to answer this great question is...We should ask their students : ) https://t.co/VpFg2nyieE
It's great to see that the Flipped Class has so many well informed supporters. I wonder what % of edus are now properly using it?
"There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of is the best of all. —Jacqueline Kennedy"
I did lots of self-directed projects when I was in high school in 1989. No "flipped" or "flipping" involved. https://t.co/lgzCr3Rlu7
collaboration? self-directed learning? leaner-centric classroom/independence where you guide they research
Yes! Very important to remember. We can't leave them behind
The point I was attempting to make earlier. Many Ts will make a video and give classwork expecting magic.
absolutely no argument here. The question is "is that being done? If not, why not?"
esp. if parents are helped to understand how they play a role. Even better if they're integrated into lesson planning.
Yes, let's hope! I think some in highered will embrace it though, and I'm excited to see what they do
We like to think of XYZ Textbooks as a “best of both worlds" between and traditional publishing: https://t.co/lJBj7JSJwV
Moving from HS to higher ed is easy considering the High % of adjuncts in higher ed many coming from High Schools
I really feel that we've been sucked into this idea of "Flipping" by some folks who are just really good at social media.
great point. why we should be working towards "integrating" technology in class, and not "centering" classroom around Tech
Have to leave early; great chat today
These is no silver bullet and different students need different things. Flipping is ONE way to address some Ss.
Yes, good point Tom! I didn't consider that
Intriguing! The very thing our next blog will address... https://t.co/OjJpXMyYCN
What do you believe to be the most important factor in student motivation?
That is always the problem with new strategies. Some more than others lend themselves to abuses.
The only one who loves change is a wet baby, and then not on a cold day. :-) Need a reason to change.
Totally agree. I'm more of a fan of a blended model. Flipping can be an aspect of it.
I believe it's who mentions that "Flipped Classrooms" have been around for decades. Now, some just market it better.
MANY thanks for participating in as we explored ‘flipping classroom’ Thanks to your teaching, i learned lots. Shoutout to
Great thanks out to today's team of moderators & . Thanks to all who participated. Next chat 7 PM EST
My exp w Flip was to change my view of where the focus of classroom lies & went far beyond video content delivery
Whether a T flips or not, bottom line = more work time for S and less stand-and-deliver by T!
Remember that did his flipped model in a HS AP class in a reasonably well off area of Colorado.
I think most jurisdictions stop at the content delivery mode, which is simply subbing out forms of poor practise
Great chat! All those educators that are currently flipping their classes - keep up the hard work!
Different kids and communities have different needs. All ways work for some.
very useful thread. I have associated it w video. And with not being all alone at home unable to understand HW.
New book available in April "Self-Regulation in the Classroom: Helping Students Learn How to Learn" https://t.co/7yokZPiZBi
Dr. Cash is presenting at the 31st Annual KORCOS 2016 International Ed Conf in March, "Start with Why"! https://t.co/C4kTlqMGFX
. A true Flipped Learning pioneer has, I believe, more than 1 book on the topic.
i'm sure in some classes yes...others no. my guess...because profs aren't "teachers". not their passion
And he became a masterful marketer on social media. https://t.co/RzoIQ4DPHp
Remember that did his flipped model in a HS AP class in a reasonably well off area of Colorado.
Don't forget that a big part of creating change is sales. Schools should be better at public relations.
will be canceled Wed due to Wx and rescheduled. Look for an email!
saw him speak...really interesting to hear where the concept came from...necessity breeds invention
. A true Flipped Learning pioneer has, I believe, more than 1 book on the topic.
I applaude for the great way he and Aaron built flipping into a "thing"
Thank you for a great mid day
What local are you tackling with ? We’re calculating landfill capacity & detecting crop blight with our students
“Education doesn’t start on the first day of school. It starts on the first day of life.” → https://t.co/MGK4FRFHTK
As always, a continued thank you to and for leading these weekly conversations. You are appreciated.
Has anyone used a backchannel in the classroom? I want to know about it.
I agree. They took something that teachers had been doing for decades and sold it better than anyone else. https://t.co/EztDhgoGm0
I applaude for the great way he and Aaron built flipping into a "thing"
makes sense. Video has access issue & it may may not be valuable w all learners. Can't just be another project.
. Thank you Tony and I are most appreciative of your kind words.
Agreed! If you value it, make time for it.
“Education doesn’t start on the first day of school. It starts on the first day of life.” → https://t.co/YEhEqnwABb …
“Education doesn’t start on the first day of school. It starts on the first day of life.” → https://t.co/M8sjJq65eU …
Hadn't done one if these in a little while. Glad I could hang today! Thanks, and !
But they certainly didn't invent a new or better way of teaching. https://t.co/EztDhgoGm0
I applaude for the great way he and Aaron built flipping into a "thing"