An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
Welcome to tonight's #txeduchat. We'll be discussing lessons learned & how they affect our future practice. Be sure to introduce yourself: who you are, where your from, your role.
Welcome to #txeduchat! Tonight we're talking about how we learn from both our successes and our failures. @MsKirstenFoti is our guest host from @ArlingtonISD
I'm Kirsten. I teach English 8 in @arlingtonisd & am a reading education doctoral student at @twureadingdept. A big shout out to my educational families! #txeduchat
We'll be using the Q1 - A1 format tonight to post your responses. Be sure to include the #txeduchat hashtag so what we can see your comments and responses. Question 1 will be up in a moment!
#txeduchat A1 I was teaching intervention classes for the first semester. My class sizes were 5-10. This was far more difficult than teaching 30 kids. Constant engagement required.
#txeduchat A1 This is my 28th year to teach. This is my flowchart for student success. I have learned that the 1st day with your Ss is HUGE! If you hit a homerun on the opening day of school all goes well. The biggest challenge is the 1st day of school and hitting a home run.
#txeduchat A1 This is my 28th year to teach. This is my flowchart for student success. I have learned that the 1st day with your Ss is HUGE! If you hit a homerun on the opening day of school all goes well. The biggest challenge is the 1st day of school and hitting a home run.
@CanvasLMS has saved me for the past couple of years, especially as I have had to switch classes mid-year for both of them while still managing the classes I left. #txeduchat
In reply to
@TamraDollar, @DrHarrisonMcCoy, @CanvasLMS
#txeduchat A2 If you blow away your Ss on the opening day, you will have them hooked in the future. I have gone to school since the mid 1990's and pretended to be Tim the Tool Many Taylor who teaches math with #MorePower My students LOVE the grunts and side talks.
A1 The biggest challenge was developing an #OER numeric Schrödinger's equation solver that runs in a student's web browser.
What kinds of things do you do to take care of yourself? I engage in guided meditation before I go to bed to help clear my mind. I still end up thinking about my students all night, but I try. #txeduchat
A3 I changed teaching assignments due to a retirement. Different grade level & my class sizes now average 30. I think I am more patient (and I am already pretty patient with kids) having spent 3 1/2 months with struggling readers. #txeduchat
We have 8th grade students who take algebra on my campus. Every time grades come out (report card and testing), I have kids at my door panicking. So important to constantly encourage them to recognize their successes. #txeduchat
I often wonder if people outside of our field realize just how much work goes into planning for a school year, particularly in a large district. #txeduchat
A3 I need to spend part of each day teaching striving readers/writers in a local elementary in addition to univ. teaching. I'm trying to stay sharp in my practice to support our college students and school partners. No "ivory tower" syndrome here.#txeduchat
A4: actually one of my biggest areas of development is self- care. I need to devote more time to self...something I did not do well 1st semester. #txeduchat
I'm good about working out on a daily basis, but I don't usually consider it part of my self-care, even when it is. I always feel like I should go get a massage, but that's not something I ever do for myself. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A4 Self health is KEY! Daily 2 mile walks with the dog. <3 WALKING 18 holes while getting some quite time. Day trips to Housto where I walk miles taking pictures. Some of my best 2018 pics posted.
#txeduchat A5 Can't wait until the time change so I can walk 18 holes after school. I try to do this about once every two weeks. Quality quite time for me. #AlwaysBelieve
I love the daily accomplishments idea. Such a small change that can make an enormous difference... but I'm not giving up my Diet Coke. I'm the nice teacher and I would like to keep it that way. #txeduchat
A5 Because I am our campus TELPAS testing coordinator in addition to being a teacher & student, I am going to have to give myself permission to take a day or two off this semester in order to recuperate. Sometimes it's a necessity. #txeduchat
A5 I think it is so important to find a balance between work, family, friends, etc. It’s especially difficult for teachers because the “to do” list seems to have not end. Spring is especially challenging w/ state assessments on the horizon. #txeduchat
A5 I think it is so important to find a balance between work, family, friends, etc. It’s especially difficult for teachers because the “to do” list seems to have no end. Spring is especially challenging w/ state assessments on the horizon. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A6 Before this school year ends I will become a published author. The Story of Always Believe will be coming out soon! My goal is to start presenting on the topics in this book and inspire some school to become the 1st ever #AlwaysBelieve school. #ItCouldHappen
A7 Especially after a meeting w/ 2 of my boys today, I am here to help you fulfill your dreams, not to kill them. My being tough and pushing is to help you get there. #txeduchat
A6 One goal is to integrate more technology into my lessons. I am especially interested in using #AugmentedReality to engage struggling readers. #txeduchat
A7 I don't know what I want students to remember about me but as for what I want them to remember about themselves is from Mister Rogers - they are perfect just the way they are #txeduchat
A7 I want them to feel like they learned a lot, that they enjoyed the learning, and that they are excited to put the learning into practice with their students. #txeduchat
Despite all of my flaws, I will talk about how perfect I am because I want them to see themselves as perfect as they are. It's tough when kids focus on the negatives instead of the positives. #txeduchat