I am Jessica Luc and I am a fourth year medical student (MD 2018) from the University of Alberta @UAlberta#Edmonton#Canada Looking forward to the #meded tweetchat
T1 #meded Typically they are used as a summative measure of medical knowledge. It is limiting as most exams are secure so #medstudents can't learn from their mistakes.
T1 Assessment provide & support usage of information-rich feedback on #meded student learning & progression whilst assuring the quality and safety of graduates to patients and their communities, and to the regulatory /service/educational hierarchies?
T1 #meded How do we know an assessment (particularly a solely knowledge-based exam) assures quality and safety to patients? It may just demonstrate an ability to take a test.
T1 Assessment provide & support usage of information-rich feedback on #meded student learning & progression whilst assuring the quality and safety of graduates to patients and their communities, and to the regulatory /service/educational hierarchies?
Topic 2: Single-shot assessments at any one level of Miller’s pyramid are intrinsically limited. How can a culture of assessment for learning be developed? #MedEdhttps://t.co/v4ZhZuC8dv
Topic 2: Single-shot assessments at any one level of Miller’s pyramid are intrinsically limited. How can a culture of assessment for learning be developed? #MedEdhttps://t.co/v4ZhZuC8dv
T1: How to aggregate assessments of students academic work and clinical work-based assessment data across e.g. system-based blocks in the first two years of the MD. #MCQ#WBA#MedEd
T1 #meded What about some of the complaints being made about #WBA being used? I've not read the articles in detail, but some of shot them down. Wouldn't they be good for climbing Miller's pyramid?
T1 #meded But if each different #assessment tool is a fruit, how do you combine apples, an orange, a banana, and a pear without coming up with a lemon?
In reply to
@JessicaLuc1, @GLBDallaghan, @Alliance4ClinEd, @MedEdChat
T1 #meded Maybe it's not so much a lemon but a fruit cocktail with layers of competence. Afterall, one #assessment does not fit all competency measures.
In reply to
@chrisr2007, @JessicaLuc1, @GLBDallaghan, @Alliance4ClinEd
T1 #meded A lot more has been understood in #WBA research about how raters can make more meaningful judgements, but large scale implementations seem to suffer from learner "gaming" effects ie #minicex can be so variable, so just get them done & who cares!
T1 #meded This really gets back to a systemic issue of physician preceptors not having time to truly assess learners. That gets to the hear of T2 of how do we truly create a sound culture of honest #assessment?
T1 #meded A lot more has been understood in #WBA research about how raters can make more meaningful judgements, but large scale implementations seem to suffer from learner "gaming" effects ie #minicex can be so variable, so just get them done & who cares!
Topic 3: In using multiple forms of assessment – some standardized and some not – what role does human judgment play in interpreting these results? #MedEd
Too often too much time is spent on creating inspirational #meded curricula without spending the time and resource on programs of #assessment and the #FacDev needed to socialise the program & provide training and support to faculty.
In reply to
@r_rlevine, @MedEdChat, @Alliance4ClinEd
T2 #meded The #facdev piece is far too often overlooked and so vital for a robust #assessment culture to develop. The question is how to get the people who truly need the training to the table!
Too often too much time is spent on creating inspirational #meded curricula without spending the time and resource on programs of #assessment and the #FacDev needed to socialise the program & provide training and support to faculty.
In reply to
@r_rlevine, @MedEdChat, @Alliance4ClinEd
T1 #meded to often we don't long at the unintentional consequences of the summative assessment movement, including impacts on student well being, forcing them into libraries for facts instead of wisdom from patients.
T3 #meded Dr. Lou Pangaro once commented that evaluation without human intervention is of no value. Far too often we don't consider this - particularly on clinical performance evaluations.
You *can* teach (& improve) #compassion, @GavinPrestonMD — through the stepwise approach to #HealthLiteracy. I know because I’ve done it — first as student & then as teacher with a wide range of #healthcare professionals. Step 1: interact as people, not doctor & patient. #MedEd
T2 #meded The concern from some of us is that if those high stakes exams are removed program directors will find some other arbitrary measure to screen applicants.
Honored to speak @HKUniversity Asian Medical Education Association Conference on ‘Health Humanities in Medical Education: Complexity, Connection, Creativity’ #MedEd
T2 #Meded#shamelessplug for @chrisr2007 et al review of selection into specialty training and the need for competency based selection processes as currently in US the focus is on eg USMLE scores etc etc. Back to the facts and libraries again?
T2 #Meded#shamelessplug for @chrisr2007 et al review of selection into specialty training and the need for competency based selection processes as currently in US the focus is on eg USMLE scores etc etc. Back to the facts and libraries again?
T3 #meded Excellent question! How could you say confidently that you are assessing potential? Technically you are assessing their observed performance in that time. Maybe with multiple assessments of performance over time would allow for judgment of potential.
Most of the inconsistencies in med student evaluation seem to center around identifying (1) enduring traits that will make for a good physician vs (2) acquisition of competencies that suggest progress toward a goal. #meded
As a residency director reading student evaluations - am I more interested in finding out "Does this student have what it takes to become a good doctor" or "Did this student acquire competencies well enough to satisfy the course objectives"? #meded
T3 #meded Unfortunately so many schools still use summative assessments and need to move to using frequent evaluations to truly make those judgements. The problem is not having time resulting in meaningless evaluations.
True. I think the answer is: "This is a student who has the prerequisite skills to become a physician, AND here are the specific skills this student acquired during our time together". #meded