#dtk12chat Archive
Please join us for a weekly conversation about design thinking in K12 education. We will have a variety of moderators with a wide range and depth of design thinking experiences. Each week, we will connect the dots to the design thinking methodology and how it can and will play a bigger role in today’s K12 educational arena.
Wednesday April 13, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Are we starting now ? Who's out there in the Twittersphere?
Hey Peeps Welcome to the “down under” convo hosted by Woohoo
Kia ora koutou (welcome everyone) to moderated from Aotearoa/New Zealand today!
Was so paranoid about the time difference...where are y'all tweeting from today?
So the “Thunder from the Down Under” is the Lead “Guest” Mod 4 . Let’s get this Convo started!
Im Mary via ATL just got back from a great dinner w/ talking + Excited to b here 4
Today I'd like to approach DT frm a beginner's mindset...thinking back to what we wanted to know when we 1st started this journey
I'm in Arizona, USA winding down an hour or so after work
Want to know how we can work more deeply together than just from each other with chats. *Although thankful for the chats!
A1 Current Def A HumanCtrd approach to learning, creating, & being through Empathy https://t.co/FlyUQCH79H Evolving Thoughts
I'm interested in this because I think it's tricky to get across the complexities of design thinking in a brief but genuine way
I think reaching out and asking to collaborate, or asking for helps Works for me
. I agree - empathy has got to be front and centre. 'Human-centred design'. Authentic problem finding and solving
. I end up in a lot of conversations about the difference between DT and inquiry/problem or project based learning
A1 In talking w/ she saw peeps view DT either as Product Based VS Empathy Based… Im on the Empathy/People/Process side
A1 is a humane problem solving method focused more on people than hard data. It leverages mistakes to learn.
I enjoyed your blog series Phillippa
hey, that's great to hear, thank you Mark!
Hi folks. Finally made it to Bonnie from BC. Online educator.
. To me, this is where the core tenet of empathy comes in. No determined questions, or fixed ideas about outcomes
Woohoo Bonnies so great to have you on tonight I ow you a DM reply… one day very soon :) hope you are feeling better!
A1 Can’t call it DT if you don’t have a User + Empathy DT is grounded in Empathy & Not abt SELF Always another person
Yeah Ela great to have you here on
Originally bc of its potential 4 change & open-ended outcomes Currently 2 build a foundation & lens 4 empathetic postures
So, in case you missed it...Q2: What’s your rationale for why you embrace DT? What is powerful about DT to you?
A2 I'm a big fan of using data (statistical process controls) to solve problems. It's specialized, high tech & done to others.. +
Tell me more about "empathetic postures" please?
A2: It isn't "a predicatable project" Learning/skill building happens in all phases.
Thank you! Thanks for leading !
I learned this aspect of DT via the gr8 &
Hey gang. jumping in and trying to catch up
. Shalom, chaverim! Ken G. from Newton, MA! Hi, Ela!
A1: DT differs from other PBL/inquiry because it really matters to a person. Not an esoteric exercise.
As a teacher my decisions designs, plans, etc hopefully come from an empathetic posture of what R the needs of my Ss
Q2 It is aligned with how people learn, play, and socialize. It isn't about education conditioning you for someone else's goals.
A2 is more natural and done with others. DT is in the moment stuff using w/e is handy. I like prototyping & messy
. Yes, not repeating known information.
Authentic, meaningful and driven by curiosity and empathy.
Where my POV is shld align with the EndUser not self, not Org, not Ego I want 2B mindful & understand individual
wow! outstanding discussion, esp. abt teacher control
Like that. Links to too, hey?
A2: I find DT powerful because it's one journey that takes folks through empathy, discovery, vision, creativity—and experimenting
. Love that you've mentioned that "play" aspect to design thinking. I think that's key for kids and adults
A2: DT (W.E.D.E.S.I.G.N) reflects Aboriginal ways of knowing & naming world views.
As a DTer, I want 2 lead w/ empathy 1st I hope 2 help others lead w/ a empathetic posture N ProblemFindingSolving
Sorry I’m late. A2: I view DT has a process/foundation for the ‘dreams’ or vision.
A1: empathy based.... adjustments/enhancements/solutions
Should be learner focused.
. I like the idea of 'hard fun' with a deep purpose.
Yes and convo of last week put Play & humor into the mix. Vital N process
Yes and convo of last week put Play & humor into the mix. Vital N process
T2 DThinking gives form to creativity. Structure to energy. An ethic of giving-a-damn to otherwise sterile problem-solving.
Some great discussion/agreements/disagreements after blog post!!! Gt clarification!
So glad you could make it to Darren
A2: ie: non-linear, humans & harmony, balance, physical, wisdom, reflection/spiritual, community
Ooooo, I like that https://t.co/ml0Vnew2Ek
T2 DThinking gives form to creativity. Structure to energy. An ethic of giving-a-damn to otherwise sterile problem-solving.
It's in humans' nature to explore ... only freedom restricts that urge.
A2 This.. https://t.co/vDib1nmy6M .. Usual improvement processes abhor lots of adjustments. DT says feels right? Go for it!
A4 few of my projects fail because I'm constantly adjusting inputs, goals and outcomes. Never ending adjustment.
A2: ie #2 deep listening, conservation of resources (low resolution materials), invitation to learning, wholistic
Welcome to Ken Where are you in this vast twitter world we live?
Q3: this wasn't one of my posts, but perhaps it should have been...What scenarios can you imagine where DT would not be of use?
DT is a constant & awesome “formative assessment” opportunity
A2: DT is a language for something people do inherently. I embrace DT bc it is based in connections, relationships, community
A3 I can’t…. mainly bc where there are people DT can be practiced, utilized, honed Curricular, Environment, Behind the Scenes
A3: To not use would be anti-collaboration
. This is my gut feeling too, but wanted ideas from others. When is empathy not important?!
A3) It wasn't in play too much when I met with my tax accountant this week. I mean we didn't prototype my tax return.
A3 My position is Ts R designthinker They may not know it &/or have common language Yet I hope they R constantly Designing 4 Ss
Did you take in post-it notes, playdoh and pipe cleaners? ;)
A3 Any problem where a SMART goal is needed. :) If a problem requires a tweak or incremental improvement DT is too powerful.
. A3 I don't suspect Stalinist Russia would have had much love for design thinking.
A3: We must recognize/empathize that it gives way to other approaches to a problem when it works better
Can a DT-based solution not be a tweak?
come to think of it, there wasn't much empathy on display there either.
Absolutely, but I see a teak as a refinement of the existing construct. DT can be so unrestricted. https://t.co/sgELnEVRam
Can a DT-based solution not be a tweak?
A3: DT is least effective when the designer is unable to assume the POV of the user/client/situation
A3: DT ok for the design of an enjoyable functional Mars colony but physics/science approach for it to actually work.
Yes And Constraints/restrictions canB utilized in DT its the facilitator meddling makes it muddy
Good point. I think that inherent world view can be difficult to overcome in ethnographic study 1/2
A3b involves serious change. As describes, lacking a major org influencer may inhibit efficacy.
I feel as though iterative loops/continual beta mode is part of a DT mindset
4 ex. Crafting a HWM w/ the answer/outcome already outlined/framed Why I prefer HMW later N Process
I was a design thinker long before I knew it was a thing ... I always applied it as an athlete and coach.
A4: Our building move to w/focus on crossover of standards
A3 It's frustrating when people's love of design thinking blinds them to various other options (sometimes to all other ones).
A3c It was a good talk. It's easy to miss the politics that make change/improvement challenging
I could not agree more & an aspect of DT that is rarely practiced
A4: uses DT in MS ELA units. I use DT to build teacher capacity, culture, and leadership. We both love the FUN!
Yes. I think we've chatted this before. A handy place to get started w DT, but not truly in keeping.
agree. and DT gave language to what I was already doing.
Fair call. This might be me. Can you tell me more?
2/2 Our cultural biases and world views are sometimes difficult to identify without having spending time on that 1st
A4: Many of my and others' DT+edu examples at https://t.co/JR1QNQCGpr - from Ss' projects to Ss/Ts working out personal problems.
I agree with this as well. I think we have different ideas where in the process tweaking occurs. https://t.co/0QT7sSNGWC
I feel as though iterative loops/continual beta mode is part of a DT mindset
. George Steiner once said, "The polyglot is a freer man." DT is one of many problem-solving vocabularies.
This is a key love of DT for me - versatility. I use it in my work w tchrs, but equally w students
DT is a great structure or process to provice common language and honoring each other in any team.
. The more ways of talking about creating, feeling for others, testing and improving, the better our stuff'll be.
. The better we'll be! The better off everyone'll be!
. We limit ourselves with having only one set of terms to describe ourselves.
A4: we use DT all the time. when you talk to Ss as designers that's what they are. some days are heavier in Discovery
A4a I use in instructional design meeting with subject matter experts. It adds a new active listening dimension +
I use DT to inform any learning I do...immerse, ideate, implement.
A4b I sketch prototypes then they grab the pencil and show me where I missed and how it really works. Saves lots o time.
A quick second to last question, Q5: Where do you send people who are interested in exploring DT for more help?
A4: DT doesn't only happen during a DT challenge. In math can be used for Ss to uncover diff. solutions and applications
I love this! My S's use DT explicitly for team formation and team challenges.
A3: We must recognize/empathize that it gives way to another approaches to a problem when it works better
True. We can get to slavish to one way.
Empathy calls for an open mindset.
A4: In ELA we've used DT to focus on character empathy and make predictions, and engage in rich discussion about new perspectives
Can you share more Blinds them to other DT approaches?
A5 and I hosted a voluntary DT workshop for Ts from our schools. Blessed to use the on
Agree. I think, as a former English teacher, this is how the empathy part seems so natural and logical to me
. Other ways to looking at existence, of problem-solving. Of being.
Doug how was it received?
I think a lot about who is behind the learning focus and design? Ss or Ts
. Ironically, "mindset" is another one that's way over used. ;)
. I think of DT as just 1 of many ways 2 solve a problem…What lens I choose 2 wear. Another tool in arsenal
You are very kind thanks 4 the props & right back at ya Bonnie!
. That's exactly the right attitude, I think.
Looks like an interesting article Thx Ken 4 the share
Do you have a preferred synonym? Attitude?
A5 It's grassroots innovation, low/no-tech anyone can get their brains around. If anything save us from zombie apocalypse it's DT
No apology necessary. Love to read alternative POV - hate Twitter echo chambers. cc
. Openness tempered with humane skepticism is my preferred attitude. You, Philippa?
Thanks Phillippa I have to run. Great Mod. & Qs tonite! Thanks for the shares to all!
Interesting… that is 1 thing I find I dont do in DT I think there is not enough iteration in an idea due 2 time
Oh where is ? Now THAT must deserve a !
I like that. Need more thinking time on this one. Will read your shared article first maybe?
. Agree about time--for sure.
Thanks 4 the nod CA I include You 2 Mo’ Definitely
My pleasure - great to meet and chat with you :)
. But I was mainly talking about language. Say "iterative prototyping" enough and it loses all its power and charm.