Run by Iowa educators, #IAedchat is on Twitter the first, second, and third Sundays each month at 8:00pm CST. We have added #IAedchat LIVE to the fourth Sunday of the month at 8:00pm CST. This will take place in Google Hangout on Air. We will share the invitation and link to #IAedchat LIVE each month.
It's an act of service to work with other teachers. Fight the desire to judge the other person for the benefit of the students. #IAedChat live with @jimknight99.
Unless you can see what you're doing, it's hard to get a good sense of what you're actually doing. If you watch your video enough you're going to get better. @jimknight99#IAedChat
Stay away from leading questions...and when you ask a question... you really want to hear the answer. How do you put the ball in the other persons court. #IAedChat
We just don’t know what it looks like when we do what we do. Teachers and coaches should record and reflect. We need a clear picture of reality. Like watching game tape. #IAedChat
You have to see it to learn from it. You watch game tape in athletics. If it's good enough for a middle school football team, it's good enough for educators - @jimknight99#iaedchat
Love using @goswivl to help with this! Great tool for reflection. I use it in all my workshops to get better at what I am doing. We need to model this as much as support it. #iaedchat
I was filmed in college during my student teaching back in 1984 at UW Madison; I can still see myself acting out the Spanish word for bowling while teaching a vocab lesson. Powerful stuff! #iaedchat
I tried to video myself for my coach. Had it all set up, tested it out, worked at recess-kids came in and I started lesson-tech failed. Lesson was tanked b/c I was dealing with tech. So frustrating! #iaedchat
I think it's a great tool for that, but how much are we reinforcing teacher centered by using a tool like this that links to the teacher? I'm working on 360 camera in the classroom so I can see what's going on everywhere - any time. #IAedChat
In reply to
@travislape, @townsleyaj, @jimknight99, @goswivl
Video is emotionally tough.. start with leaders in the school to tape and ask if it’s valuable reflection and PD. Coaches should walk the talk and record themselves coaching. #IAedChat
Video should not be scary. All college teams video and scout opponents. Teaching we should video and scout ourselves. It is not a gotcha tool. It is a wow I can say that better next time. I could ask a deeper question here. It is a tool to support and make you better! #iaedchat
It would be so great to walk into a meeting and already know what we are going to talk about and have the background info. It would allow us to collaborate more & accomplish more with our valuable face-to-face time. #IAedChat
Coach and teacher need to be on equal ground and careful about giving feedback to teachers, may not be the best thing to move learning forward. How do you Haley them discover it for themselves? #IAedChat
You should checkout @goswivl you can get additional makers to exactly that. Watch a mini lesson being taught and have audio markers to listen in on groups working around the room. #iaedchat
In reply to
@polonerd, @townsleyaj, @jimknight99, @goswivl, @goswivl
I have a love/hate relationship with video. Love the reflection piece but always have nerves so I don’t act 100% like myself. Still recommend it for everyone, you can grow so much from viewing and inviting others to view/reflect. #iaedchat
Affirmation, I see what you are doing.... Coaching or Evaluation... here is the standard and here is where you are.
What kind of feedback do teachers want.? Ask them! #IAedChat
I have devoted a great deal of my time over the last two years creating audit tools for over 20 districts for this reason specifically - balance is ALWAYS a struggle! #iaedchat@jimknight99
Have IC list out all the things you are asked to do, all the ways you are pulled. Show this list to the person you report to (principal, associate principal, etc.). What are the pros/cons of each item? Leaders must help coaches be where they are needed. @jimknight99#iaedchat
Hmm. Hadn’t thought about this before. The coach needs to spent most of time coaching. Should coaches be in PLC’s should coaches put bandaids on problems? The coach shouldn’t be there to make sure PLC are working effectively. Coaches can’t just put bandaids on. #IAedChat
I have videoed the kids during stations in a class when the T was working with a group and then just gave the iPad to the teacher. Less frightening since it wasn't out of her possession. T watched with @jimknight99 forms. #iaedchat
Coaches must be allowed to have their imagination on coaching. A majority of their time needs to be spent with teachers. They also need time for professional capacity building. The coach can't be PLC leader, culture shifter, coach, and all else. @jimknight99#iaedchat
A demo but a great example that highlights various ways IC are pulled - a great conversation started for teams and leaders #iedchat#googleforms#spreadsheetsrule
So what's the priority when you're the only one. You're the coach, PLC leader, etc... If the PLC is focused on building a culture of lifelong learning, Ts shouldn't need much help there. Coach can spend time coaching. #IAedChat
List all the teachers you are working with... what do you need to do to support them... then make a plan for the week. What has to happen today? Then reflect! And celebrate. #IAedChat
I had a great time with coaches at an EdCamp - made sessions specifically for us. Create a group and utilize tools like Google Meet / YouTube Live and have conversations. It would be an amazing book study tool for coaches. #IAedChat
"Risk of achievement" -man that statement intro is HUGE for me right now bc I have been involved in multi convos recently about "how do we know if coaching is impacting student achievement" People want a number, I'm not sure you will ever find "that number" #iaedchat@jimknight99
Coaching in Partnership... hmmm ... If only achievement feels like teaching to the test... Engagement is a huge part of coaching! Great impact on learning! #IAedChat
"Risk of achievement" -man that statement intro is HUGE for me right now bc I have been involved in multi convos recently about "how do we know if coaching is impacting student achievement" People want a number, I'm not sure you will ever find "that number" #iaedchat@jimknight99
Move away from top down model of school leadership/improvement. Really listen to teachers. Approach teachers with benevolence and non-judgment. @jimknight99#iaedchat
Jim Knight... what is one thing you’d change in education. Get rid of top down... how do we treat teachers as professional. LOVE! Use coaching and empower teachers, they know education. Do it together. #IAedChat