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Tuesday February 9, 2016 7:00 PM EST
Topic: Are there any advantages to a full year school calendar? Disadvantages?
Topic right now: Are there any advantages to a full year school calendar? Disadvantages?
Critical-thinking killer or a catalyst of creativity? "How Has Google Affected The Way Students Learn? https://t.co/2gGd50xBdH
I think this is an interesting concept and wonder how it has worked in other countries!
I'm a big fan of the summer break--would like to see summer programs/camps available for all children
To those pushing for innovative approaches in schools: push back is normal. Keep at it! via https://t.co/7MzTlD3Zs0
Excited to talk all about what we LOVE about being educators! Join us tmrw for at 4pm PST/7pm EST :)
A1. Community alignment of all programs that serve students
As a fan of "year round school" I especially think an advantage is collaboration with global partners and travel opportunities.
What countries have full-year school?
I wonder if a full year would allow for different types of projects and activities - or would there be more breaks during the year
students still get time off w year round school - just 3 months spread across the year vs summer.
Full Calendar school year ... 12 months? ... I think a revamping of the schedule would be more effective ...
Tell us more about community alignment.
I've wondered if year-round would foster better student motivation and focus...
Update Tennessee students start to take new ‘TNReady’ standarized test — but find it isn’t ready https://t.co/27UM5sf6xN
I wonder if teacher burnout is higher in full year school.
College President Who Said Struggling Students Should Leave Campus Has Fired Dissenting Faculty https://t.co/yuO9jPh00I
: Closing the doors to STAY like in a , wondering ;) NO OPEN walls for internet!?
I don't like the idea of more of the same, I like the idea of growing complimentary programs like summer camp instead.
I would assume so, even though I work throughout the whole summer, I need a teaching-break to refresh ideas
Would love to give students the school calendar and see what they came up with!
Yr-round school helps close the summer gap, and creates opportunity to connect with classes globally
small breaks thru the year allow faculty and Ss to recharge without "summer slide." Can also open doors to "mini-mester" concept.
But wouldn't there be the same amount of breaks w/ year-round, but just spread out?
What about the cost of going a full year? Teacher salaries? Facilities?
I've heard a couple of the global connection comments. What is that referring to? I don't understand
I taught in a yr round and coached in 3 others. Different approaches. Negligible results.
Summers off are part of American culture. Vacation & Recreation industries count on it. It would be hard to change.
Programs that serve students before and after school and summer programs need to align to the new school calendar
full year can still mean 9 month
That's a good question about salary. Would they have to pay all 12 months? Or just defer pay like they do now?
Homeschooled, unschooled kids are in school 24/7/365. So are their parents/teachers. No burnout, no admin mandates
Schools that aren't on the same schedule across the world i.e. souther hemisphere
I completely agree! My love of reading completely stems from my mother and teacher who loved reading children Y/A!
I think all teachers realize the summer gap is very real. So much ground gets lost.
they would never compensate teachers to teach year round
What are thoughts on what we are trying to solve with year round school? That might change my answer.
Hitler's Learning Walk to please Ofsted goes disastrously wrong (NEW) >> Funny Funny Funny! https://t.co/teyy37IRGC
We go from Aug to May or June. Would like a chance to catch our breath and review. I'm in for at least a revamp.
tell them they have 'x' no. of weeks for vacation - see what happens. Sadly. I think it would be predictable.
. Hard to change the act or hard to change the mindset?
Plus summer is so much fun--let's try to make sure that more have the chance for that kind of summer adventure.
I believe its the "summer slide" that students experience that most ppl worry about
When you teach in a yr round school, then have kids, they aren't on your sched
I used to wonder why my teachers were in public too.
we lose so much time with PARCC testing and then we have the summer break, no kids/teachers are focused in June-another month lost
more time does not always yield bigger returns ... kids will see it as more time to torture ...
I also really love the wording. Kid friendly and understandable for them
would you be in favor of the move to year long year?
While I enjoy summer break, what is best for students/learning loss? Studies??
I agree! I think there would be a lot of hard change in all aspects!
: 'When a flower doesn't bloom, fix the environment in which it grows... not the flower. ' …
. There is growing that takes place over the summer recess and much learning as well.
Yet, we do some good teaching in June--that's when we get outside, more hands-on exploration, field studies.
But perhaps they are so used to 'the norm' they may stick to a similar pattern.
I would say that it probably is I think that teachers and students need something to break up the monotony
Our school system has a summer program, many sign up.
year round school opens opportunities for experiential learning HS students had full summer term internship for credit?
Online summer enrichment programs
WANT to become ONLY <===> !? <===> <===> WHAT a :((( I've seen BETTER!
If were on a year-round schedule, then what would happen w/ summer school? When would Ss make up credits?
Would be more damaging for students to be in school all year than to have them take a summer vacation. Their motivation would drop
why not consider year-round school as a method of breaking norms of age/grade progression.
How can we have a legit conversation about extending school year when we have teachers who can't inspire the days we have now?
I think that the hands on experience in the summer would be a wonderful experience!
So true--I do a lot of research, reading during the summer--helps for the year ahead.
What a neat lesson idea! Gets the students to interact and understand the connection.
what about those who have summer jobs?
. I think a couple of 3-4 week breaks are ideal, and some long weekends. Allows for travel at various times
What enrichment activities should parents be responsible for?
My own children learn in different ways w/jobs, summer adventures. Time for family too.
Definitely true, this change would have to go through many people/groups to be passed and that would take a long time.
I feel like that would be very beneficial. This is coming from someone recently out of HS
Like what said. Class time needs to be used effectively
How long do you think it may take to break these norms that have been around for so long?
with target sessions between the quarters?
yet, many students get to enjoy increased movie time ...
I do think that it would be great to build wonderful summer programs for Ss. Another way to learn.
Although year long school would have benefits students will get distracted just sittin inside with beautiful summer weather outside
Not in favor of more of the same.
Summer jobs are every bit as important for a growing teenager as academic learning
Yes! I use summer to grow as an ed. as well. I also completely agree that social learning is important!
Food insecurity for low-income families in the summers is reason enough to rethink the academic calendar. https://t.co/0wBLWW4Vqj
Great idea Summer enrichment programs are a fun way for students to keep learning!
"One of the greatest gifts adults can give—to their offspring and to their society—is to read to children." —Carl Sagan {Agreed}
. It's all about changing their mindset and exploring new options.
These are good points. Not everything important is learned in school. A sustained break important for me
I couldn't agree more. Can't expect students to have a longer attention span than the teachers
Agree--in new spaces, new structures, try something different.
Also, low-income families don't typically benefit from any of the "alternative learning opportunities" associated with summer break.
yes 3 months off a year spread across year
At Bball tonight so joining late. Topic: Are there any advantages to a full year school calendar? Disadvantages?
If students are in classes all year long won't there be some burn out and loss of interest and motivation.
The challenge is for families who don't have the means for positive experiences for children.
great point! Some of the lessons taught at summer jobs cant be taught in a school setting.
We could make summer classes have more outside classes/fieldtrips
I like the idea of having more outside learning time in the summer months!
Yes that is a very good point.
I agree, students would burn out with year round school.
I strongly favor voluntary enrichment programs for the summer. NO GRADES.
It's important to think about the year at end of summer--make a good plan for the year.
This discussion reminds me of the recess debate recently; cut recess time for more instructional time
I think this is a good way to get the necessary work experience many young adults need.
I love to read Harry Potter to my sixth greater. It's a great activity.
I feel like no one is focused in June because of the excitement and anticipation of summer break.
public schools might consider "school within a school" model to pilot this in a HS
More frequent breaks throughout the year would prevent burnout at the end of the school year/after testing
Perhaps the learning could move to more student-centered, student-interest type of learning. Content areas facilitated by teachers.
Carl Sagan is no joke! Reading is where it's at https://t.co/vrzzTYTe61
"One of the greatest gifts adults can give—to their offspring and to their society—is to read to children." —Carl Sagan {Agreed}
Most year-round schds include 2 to 4 week breaks between sessions. Same amount off, just distributed differently.
June: grade-level play, Freedom Trail trip, Field Day, Wetlands Exploration, Biography Presentation. . .
How did we put a man on the moon, create all that tech with all those Ts and students taking Summers off? Is it a "real" problem?
I feel like no one is focused in June because of the excitement and anticipation of summer break.
Oh gosh. What if we went to year-round and then they gave out more testing :/
I see personalized learning happening hand in hand w year round school. Totally shifts how we assess and advance
me too! I always feel as if summer is a waste of knowledge. We could be learning so much more in these months!
also consider expenses in upgrading buildings to function year round, many old buildings with no AC.. Jersey gets hot!
while that would be a good alternative you can't always work that into your lesson plans
Some students enjoy the weather in the winter more than the summer and they manage to sit inside when they want to be outside.
It takes a team approach--talking as a school community--most classes have special projects in June.
School needs to look and feel less like "school". It's a new world, Golde.
What better way for kids to learn then being able to go outside and experience the world. See historical sites.
not if they were off for 3 months spread throughout the year
. The debate is a bit silly. It is not a problem. Both have advantages and disadvantages. No right answer.
Wouldn't having school all year negatively impact the health of children
. Or is the "summer slide" the real problem?
If we made a yearlong school year, how would we spread out the smaller breaks?
Yes- in New Zealand they have a longer break at Christmas (their summer) and 1-2 weeks between each quarter.
I believe this change would negatively impact anyone involved in the education system.Students,teachers,parents will lose motivation.
"sad face" for sure. I'm a total projects teacher now, dislike tests
luckily not the case in all schools!
One prob w/yr-rnd at secondary level is impact on extra-curricular; can result in tracking by sport or activity.
The chance to explore nature for most Ss would be great.
I can see this happening, children will start burning out as the weather gets warmer.
I know a lot of teachers use readings, but how to engage students so they will do the reading?
NO testing. Boycott testing.
There is also an expense in keeping schools open in the summer. Air Conditioning in schools that do not need it during the year.
I think this might increase rowdiness in children, especially the very young ones
Yes, and work--work is such a good teacher, love that my own children get that summer experience.
along with kids getting burnt out don't you think that their motivation levels will go down?
Not everyone experiences nice weather during the school year, limits a child's ability to go outside and be active
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I really think it's 50% academic, 50% extra-curricular for good overall program--learning.
Learning still happens during the summer! It just isn't in rows with chalkboards.
my school school so those don't happen just at the end of the yr. This model requires shifts.
Via Why Can’t THIS be School? - Regular Radical readers know that there’s nothing that drives... https://t.co/4EIaJnHTrE
That probably depends on school, and what do we use to measure?
Learning happens in my classroom too...with no rows and chalkboards :) https://t.co/4XAOgw1vp0
Learning still happens during the summer! It just isn't in rows with chalkboards.
I went to school in a town of 350 ppl. We had a four day school schedule. Teachers worked Fridays. Thoughts?
love the idea of summer camps.
Its important for them to be active to hold their attention, so good weather is always needed!.
Could be there's a slide in some traditional skills, but an increase in some imp. skills we don't measure.
More incentives for teachers to work may help keep them motivated. Maybe there can be an increase in pay due to more work.
Maybe Ts could host an online book club: Ss discuss questions, respond to text & videos.
I believe that there are already year round schools in Denver and Salt Lake.
no school is perfect ... every school has those teachers ... if you don't think so you may have blinders on
Yes, breaks are so important for school buildings, Ss health.
In regards to the cost of AC my high school didn't have AC anyways so it would be dangerous to students & teacher in that situation
Conversation is more about listening than talking. We can't learn when we are talking.
many teachers get "stuck" and almost experience tunnel-vision in that they only see things their way
Any reasonable break is beneficial, the mind can't be under stress all the time, it lowers productivity
but how do working parents deal with taking chunks of time off year round?
Agreed I believe most of the time, when you read to your children they'll grow to love reading. Helps so much in school!
True, and it all depends on context--what's right for one community may not be right for another.
Increasing the hours in the school year would require renegotiating teacher contracts to pay for the additional time working.
disadvantage would be not having summer jobs
I like that idea for a smaller school setting, but I just don't think its possible for a higher student population.
Teacher shortages confirmed in England - The government has missed its teacher recruitment t... https://t.co/BqnyR4kCM5
Exactly--we have to move from the old-time structure.
Taught 12 years in a modified schedule. Three 2 week breaks throughout the year. https://t.co/7scWnHTL8j
but how do working parents deal with taking chunks of time off year round?
There are always programs offered depending on school, or online resources to keep them learning
It's important to remember balance with school and free time no matter the age
Teachers have an extra day to work on curriculum and lesson plans... More preparation = more effective learning.
Demi Gonzalez replied to Nuria Morgado's discussion Blog #1 in the group Spanish 313-Spring 20... https://t.co/XTjessHlkq
Demi Gonzalez replied to Nuria Morgado's discussion Blog #1 in the group Spanish 313-Spring 20... https://t.co/SFXgXL1sZB
Is there a way to guage standards without tests? In sciences demonstrations of how to perform a particular lab experiment could show
But free enrichment. So tired of being priced out of opportunities.
There are so many schools going to four days a week. I don't think that it's good for students.
This is important issue--would like to see lots of summer programs w/sliding payment scales.
then students wouldn't get work or real world experience
having summer jobs would negatively affect students to incorporate into the workforce post grad
How did you like it vs. a traditional schedule?
Maybe when breaks roll around? they could possibly make up lost credit during that time
We want to build towards lives with greater quality overall.
How do you test their knowledge in a group project setting?
Logged in & ready to start S engagement through Social Studies webinar.
I have a seen a child do both 5 and 4 school day weeks and 4 was significantly better than 5.
yes we need to let local communities decide
Kirk, awesome! And learning happens during summer vacation. What's the hype about the "summer slide"?
I suppose the same what they deal with the summer off — arrange child care.
I loved the modified. Having a 2 week break in October and March was awesome. Starting Aug. 1, not so much. https://t.co/SSZn8bPp6t
How did you like it vs. a traditional schedule?
Is having a year-long school year, more beneficial for students?
Disadvantaged students tend to lose about 27% more of their learning gains in the summer months than their peers.
Retail & Recreation industries count on students for temporary help in the summer.
I'm not sure about , but at my skills we focus on skills, not content. So lots of rubrics!
We do PBL throughout year, still have to pass the tests in May--so end of year is more fully PBL.
But now I am on the traditional schedule and I have gotten used to it and I like it too.It's just different. https://t.co/SSZn8bPp6t
How did you like it vs. a traditional schedule?
Having shorter breaks could help students have free time in all the seasons compared to just the summer
Many ppl in yr-rnd scheds appreciate vacationing during off-peak times—a little perk.
The boy scouts have summer camps that are filled with educational hands on learning.
What's up UW class! This is my 4th tweet!! lol
All affect camps. On the flip side, I wonder if it would be more convenient 4 parents who are working during summers
This means "summer slide" disproportionately affects at-risk students, and they would likely benefit more from a year-round setting.
Context is critical in education--our country/world is so diverse, so many different right answers.
I think it's a great idea. At least to have a shorter break.
an explanation of the sts. own work process and thought processes is worth ALOT! Grade should mark progress not product
Sounds like a good alternative but these students are expected to learn faster & will graduate earlier which isn't the best idea.
Again, I think it depends on context--what's best for your community?
did you notice any lost ground for students over the break?
summer sch is used for secondary S's who have failed courses during the year. Teachers get a stipend. Many S's attend each summer.
I think students would certainly burn out. I know I would.
We have a break next week for presidents day & no one else here does; they only have 3-day weekends. I'm so excited :)
true, but all those guys were educated in a system with summers off without the Internet
Students will lose motivation during these months, & students can learn in the summer in multiple ways w/out schools
My son's college has tri-semester, everyone is off from Thanksgiving through New Years--good travel options.
But will the students begin to hate school more with having it year round?
what about our summer vacation?! 😘
True but back then summer was more social w/ friends where summers now might be more isolating bc of internet. Maybe?
Not necessarily a good thing. Depending on kid's home situation.
Middle School Quick Writing Do Nows - 2 Paragraph Bingo, timed writing. Complete a Row on the Board.
Our sys built in some summer courses for students who needed them, that helped.
Nope, never. We always started where we left off when we returned. https://t.co/1oz1f8ESao
did you notice any lost ground for students over the break?
I agree, but it can't be at the cost of the students physical and mental health
Students already hate school - there are other variables to consider besides breaks
I suspect their learning was done on the job. When you're passionate, u don't take 9 weeks off
Agree--when I say "quality" that includes physical, mental health, I'm a fan of holistic efforts.
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Semesters would be really cool, nice to see students for year round learning!
Agreed students need time for to be stimulated outside of the classroom
Breaks help us all re-engerize. Summer travel & study by teachers leads to richer curriculum. Kids needs to be outdoors more
What about a vacation without the crowds? Lots of breaks in yr-rnd sched.
I think everyone needs a 3D printer in their lives
How might we steer mushy cant in the higher ed ecosystem?
What are some of the core suite of and how it can increase student motivation & engagement. https://t.co/jnr6WuCpW1
Would love to travel for a year w/my own children--love reading about families that do that.
they were inspired during the school year as kids without going to school during the Sum
Fascinating question and ensuing discussion on tonight.
To year-round school or not, that is the question!
a challenge for younger Ss - HS kids could work in internships.. I live in Pittsburgh I get it https://t.co/lfaiCvRz5w
Update 5 Ways To Engage Reluctant Learners - ... The post 5 Ways To Engage Reluctant Learners appeared ... https://t.co/8H5Zp7dRIg
Update Why Do Teachers Need Instructional Coaches? - Working with an instructional coach doesn't mean t... https://t.co/LdLPwT8uXE
But then I think about Ss who aren't as lucky to have Ps who want to be as involved
yes every school does - I've seen excellent success with co-teaching and mentoring programs (former innovation director)
A lot to be said for playing outdoors, swimming, and leisurely summer days.
12 mth sch yr Most important for elementary S's who do not have enriched home lives.
Many right answers, hasn't been an issue yet in our community.
Parklands High School – New Website - We were looking for a very specific look to our website homepag... https://t.co/bHqsZcnSFg
But so many Ss won't go outside because of tech. Year-round might be good 4 social interaction
why do we need to have summative standardized assessments? Multiple choice more rigorous than PBL?
I always thought that summer break forced many parents to better appreciate what educators do with their kids during the year.
If that's the logic, why change anything ever? "Well the NASA guys were school liked this"
That's where I think it's important to have summer options like camps available.
love the idea of internships ... kids experiencing careers before making life decisions.
The year-round debate further marginalizes low-income families who would benefit tremendously from the switch.
Is there not a Q/A system in ? Just wondering.
I'm in Florida ... the crowds are during the Winter ... summer heat drives Snow Birds away.
Agree--there are also high quality youth development programs available.
New Weekly Chat Series Explores Ed Tech Issues: Consultant and Futurist Bryan Alexander is launching a... https://t.co/EFkzOD5Pay
Let local dists decide is nice...until I work in a yr-round but my kids are in traditional.
Most Ss spend school year in small classrooms with 20+ Ss, that's not ideal.
Having time to learn by lake, ocean, mountains would be awesome.
Great learning about reflective feedback today with & !
not anti-change ... I am anti-claiming the magic bullet theory. Ed is not one size fit all
Learning w/ plz follow me so I can follow u back and learn.
No, it's more of a free flow, Kirk.
multiple guess is easier to grade and more profitable for testing companies.
Research supports the summer slump. Many students would thrive more in a 12 month program that was not testing oriented.
I’m reading many objections to yr-rnd based upon non-learning factors. What are edu-based pros/cons?
but this has to be a local decision ... maybe even individual school
Does anyone in do flipped teaching? I haven't taught a lecture in 4 yrs. Just wondering if there are any others to gather ideas from
Have you tried shorter summers and more breaks throughout the year?
Which is valid, since constant change isn't effective either
Depends on meaning of "thrive" though--I'm fan of building out from the traditional school, don't want more of same.
yes! And trained many Ts.. I like using as part of blended learning lab rotation as well
Many against year-round view the debate through a lens of enriched home lives, summer vacations, opportunity, etc.
summer typically goes like this 2 wks PD, 2-3 wksvacation, 2wksPD, 2 wks school prep
I would really like to hear a S perspective that has experienced both to see pros/cons.
fan of year-round in HS for internship ops, student-driven flex credits, travel and studio based opportunities
Ss using the Catchbox as they pack up at the end of class reviewing the concepts they worked on in class. https://t.co/aVudh1riqZ
I have a math tchr who is starting to flip instruction (8th grade).
The perks of summer vacations and camps and extra family time are simply not everyone's story. Many have no enrichment at home.
Yet, why not give Ss enriched summer experiences rather than more of the same.
and those s's are fortunate to have those supplementally. Not all S's have that oppty. 12 mth provides equity.
Absolutely! Reading improves writing improves thinking, etc. But skills-based testing and nit-picking kill it all.
I love as well. So awesome. What do you teach?
Kirk, what level do you teach?
Do the advantages of full year schooling really outweigh the disadvantages? Should it be a local decision or a National Movement ?
I teach 6-8th grade double accelerated math.
We can't teach some of the best things to learn in traditional schools--summer camp can teach that.
but at what point in their childhood were they inspired?
Equity is a great word not used enough in this debate. It's most definitely an issue of equity and access.
I did teach grades 5-12 CS and STEAM.. Been an admin and now trained many Ts to flip/blend
I flip History, English, etc as a way to alternate lecture, homework, and other in-class extension activities
How might we instantiate emolient disruption in a tangible world?
How do you teach? I use blended approach, multiple ways, materials w/5th grade math.
Many summer camps are only a wk or two. In places w/ yr-rnd schs, agencies offer camps during breaks.
Students watch and do activities/lessons/videos at their own pace. All my vids uploaded to Google Drive.
Thanks out to our wonderful moderators & and thanks to all who participated in the Chat.
our schedule won't change until parents stop viewing school as a day care service.
I think it's local and relative vs national - schools have so much to figure out before that
Low-income families often don't have access to those enriched summer experiences.
Yes, but it's possible to piece together a number of great learning experiences.
if the choice to attend a 6 week program was available parents who aren't on vacay would choose
Thanks Tom & Nancy! You can tell I'm not ready to give up the wonderful summer break for me or my children.
Let's build those in, find ways to offer really great summer adventures that are diff. than trad. school.
Ya know ...we do work all year round -we just push everything into 10 months
I agree it is an issue of providing to those who would not have it otherwise avoid the summer slump enrich & inspire
or fundamentally re-envision "traditional" school to be more innovative year round
Great Discussions like these demonstrate that ed will continue to change and be debated.
fully admit easy for me to say as private school admin!
12 moths should not be a punishment but a true learning opportunity
That's exactly what we do in Savannah, it's just hard to staff and fund. Year-round sched, if done well, would help.
school/vacation, it's somewhat difficult to progress
Yes, but a change of scenery, staff, focus serves everyone well.
Semesters would be really cool, nice to see students for year round learning!
Yet some of the best learning and progress can happen during these "breaks"
Yr round: Learning takes a well needed recharge. Summ break: Learning strcure stops for too many. It's about the St
Is the discussion about reducing or redistributing vacations/school?
Using rest as a metaphor: We don't stay up for a week and then sleep for 3 days. We need consistent, continual rejuvenation.
why is that an unfair comparison?
That metacognitive question could trigger "after school" social media posts between students. https://t.co/fqp1sQSx2q
I interpreted the luck as not having the conversation about a school year extension in all schools!
The Math Revolution https://t.co/zk1yXU2cW2 The number of American teens who excel at advanced math has surged.Why?
Sometimes we need to be reminded that not all learning takes place solely in the classroom.
Thanks to all who participated in tonight & to co-mods:
Why wait for students to become "at risk" to employ summer school. 12 mth is a proactive approach.
if they view it that way, isn't that all it is?