#TLAP Archive

#TLAP is a weekly chat for educators who embrace author, keynote speaker, and moderator David Burgess' approach of teaching like a pirate. Burgess is author of Teach Like A PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator and co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators.

Monday July 16, 2018
9:00 PM EDT

  • EduGladiators Jul 16 @ 9:00 PM EDT
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    Welcome to #TLAP! Please introduce yourself and share a GIF that expresses your thoughts tonight! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    Hi everyone, are we chatting tonight? #tlap
  • mellomama6 Jul 16 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    Awesome! Love the artwork too! #tlap #leadlap #BeREAL
    In reply to @TaraMartinEDU, @dbc_inc, @burgessdave, @HeckAwesome, @burgess_shelley, @AnnickRauch, @nankr1120, @aaron_hogan, @bmilla84, @BethHouf, @JayBilly2, @tamaraletter
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    ✨☠️Hi Crew! I'm Kimberly from NE, and I teach 7th grade ELA. I Iove Monday nights when I get to spend time with you! #TLAP is always on fire with amazing educators and hot convos! Looking forward to @kimbearden steering the ship tonight! Let's do this! 🔥☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
  • jmattmiller - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    Sticky note inspiration: What kids REALLY need https://t.co/pzZO9xGiZM #ditchbook #edchat #tlap
  • LisaDegnan1 Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Lisa - Instructional Coach - Texas y’all #TLAP
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Hi, everyone! I am Kim Bearden, the cofounder & ex dir of the Ron Clark Academy. I also teach ELA. My 2nd book, Talk to Me: Find the Right Words to Inspire, Encourage, and Get Things Done was released today! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Ryan7Read Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Ryan from IL, business & tech teacher. Enjoying the end of a nice day. #tlap
  • k_callahan4 Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Hi there! Fourth grade teacher from Northern Kentucky here! Super pumped about the chat! #TLAP
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    You bet! Follow @kimbearden for #TLAP Qs!
    In reply to @teachermike72, @kimbearden
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    #tlap Hi! I'm Mike, a HS social studies teacher from California. Great to be back on #tlap!
  • sew1080 Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
  • happyteacherguy Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Justin Thomas, elementary principal near Nashville, TN #TLAP
  • timlriley Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Hello everyone. Tim in Nebraska #TLAP
  • MrsMonty5thGrd Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Do we want to be good, or do we want to be great? Check out @TaraMartinEDU's Be REAL as she inspires and challenges us to Be GREAT! #REALedu #buncee #edchat #educhat #LeadLAP #tlap #BookSnaps #inspire #Bunceechat
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    The book teaches 6 principles for effective communication, and it is designed to equip you with ways to better interact with coworkers, students, and parents. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hi, Katelyn! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @k_callahan4
  • Ryan7Read Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    That as me a year ago. #tlap
    In reply to @timlriley
  • TeachDMD Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hi, there, I'm David, an English teacher from Baltimore, MD, and I'm super excited for the chat tonight! #tlap
  • msweisenbeck Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Thank you all! @PaulSolarz Thank you for a book that inspires so many of us! I've said it before, but it was a true game changer for me! #tlap #learnlap
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hi everyone, Im Kristin from MA, coming to you from vacation on LBI in NJ. I'm here for the great conversation and of course, the #DBCChallengelbi no #tlap
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Sarah! #4OCFPLN in the house!! #tlap
    In reply to @sew1080
  • GuysBride Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hi! Nicole Taylor from @CaldwellElemenin Florida! Excited 😜#tlap
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Ryan! Beautiful sunset GIF! Good to see you! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @Ryan7Read
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hello #TLAP This is Melissa from Katy TX - hello fellow pirates argh!
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    I'm just getting ready to read the first one. I loved Ron's book Move Your Bus, and I have loved all by Pirate books, so I am excited #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
      Hi, everyone! I am Kim Bearden, the cofounder & ex dir of the Ron Clark Academy. I also teach ELA. My 2nd book, Talk to Me: Find the Right Words to Inspire, Encourage, and Get Things Done was released today! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • jasongriffinccs Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Good evening! Jason, Elem Ed Director in NC! It’s going to be a fun #TLAP chat this evening with @kimbearden!
  • bmilla84 Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Brandi- 1st Grade Teacher @CaldwellElemen in Florida!! So excited to chat with @kimbearden tonight! Congrats on the release of #TalkToMe! #tlap
  • KristenDolen Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Kristen Dolen, middle school AP in Liberal, KS. #tlap
  • HillaryRB Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Busy, productive day = tired mama, but I’ll try to keep my 👀 open for #tlap! Hillary, Reading Specialist from VA.
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Good evening y’all! Pumped to chat tonight. Elyse from North Texas & I work with severe behavior students & love it! #tlap #talktome
  • lmcdonell14 Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Laura MCDonell teacher and advisor in Saint Clair, MI. Just finished up a night at the baseball field. #TLAP
  • MrsAsztalos Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hello #tlap Melissa, 7th Grade Science from NY, tweeting from VA at a STEM workshop. Been a long day of learning, but I am ready to chat!
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Good evening @kimbearden and #tlap. Congrats on the Book! - Can't wait til mine gets here. I'm Jay, an elementary principal from NJ
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hi Brandi! Happy to see you in #tlap tonight!
    In reply to @bmilla84, @CaldwellElemen, @kimbearden
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hey, Tim!!! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @timlriley
  • mellomama6 Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Amy...Principal from CA. 30 days and counting until our kids are back! #tlap
  • LeaLoves2Teach Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi there...I a multi-grade teacher from Mariposa, CA. #TLAP
  • Dr_LMR Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi #TLAP friends! Lena Marie, HS AP from MA joining tonight. Excited for this convo!
  • tishrich Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi! Tisha former HS Culinary Tr & new Tech Instructional Coach from Medford, OR! Excited to chat tonight with @kimbearden and #tlap crew!
  • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hey #tlap! This is Michael A. from #122edchat in Chicago. I am an award-winning #STEM Facilitator for @SmartLab_tweets from @Simmonsknights1. Excited for the conversation, trying to beat the heat and humidity.
  • Adam_Johnson07 Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Adam Johnson fourth grade teacher mount airy, NC #TLAP
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi, Justin! Hope your summer is going well! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @happyteacherguy
  • kmurfitt1 Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi friends! Kimm from NC! #TLAP
  • kescalante_edu Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Karen, teacher educator from CA. Stopping by for a bit! #tlap
  • noel_hoffmann Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi #tlap! Noel, ELA teacher here and ready for some piracy tonight.
  • MsGarlisi204 Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Shayna, 2nd Grade teacher from MA #TLAP
  • nankr1120 Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hello my Pirate Family! Kristen 3rd grade Pittsburgh ready to hang out with my peeps! #tlap
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    YES! Love this, Matt! #tlap #edchat #ditchbook #passionforkindness
    In reply to @jmattmiller
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    special ed inner city title I school Tampa Florida #tlap
  • bcampbell70 Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi there! Bryan, Elementary Principal from Missouri. Excited to be here! #TLAP
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi everyone, Im Kristin from MA, coming to you from vacation on LBI in NJ. I'm here for the great conversation and of course, the #DBCChallenge #tlap
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hey, Sarah! Super cool #EduGIFs creation!! I LOVE IT! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @sew1080
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hey!! Glad to see all of you in #tlap tonight with the amazing @kimbearden leading us. Let's talk about effective communication principles!! This topic is based on her new book, #TalkToMe which is out TODAY!!! https://t.co/mk4l6qpFky #LeadLAP
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hello #tlap crew! Excited to learn with you and @kimbearden instructional coach from utah
  • Dr_LMR Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Will you be attending #ILA18 in Austin later this week? #TLAP
    In reply to @LisaDegnan1
  • timlriley Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi Kim #TLAP
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass
  • rcollins_edu Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Good evening #TLAP, Rachael Collins from CA. Middle School Social Studies teacher. Post vacation ...
  • jasongriffinccs Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Good evening! Jason, Elem Ed Director in NC! It’s going to be a fun #TLAP chat this evening with @kimbearden!
  • heywaysELA Jul 16 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Mariah from KS! #TLAP
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Craig from PA. HPE. #TLAP
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Tamara! Great to be chatting with you again!! #tlap
    In reply to @tamaraletter, @bmilla84, @CaldwellElemen, @kimbearden
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    The gangs all here- this chat is going to rockthe boat my friends #TLAP let’s set sail mateys
  • MrElmerLLC Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Struggling with tiered supports? Our intervention library is loaded with the best options from @khanacademy and other fabulous resources. We make sure you know the right move to help kiddos who need a little extra! #tlap #boldschool Hit get started! https://t.co/9MHxmk3I8o
  • jenny_rathjen Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hi I'm Jenny! I teach 4th grade in North Carolina. I am so excited to be a part of this amazing chat! #tlap #ElonEd
  • timlriley Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hi Kimm #TLAP
    In reply to @kmurfitt1
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hi, Mike! Glad to have you back! Welcome!☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @teachermike72
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hey, Kim! Tara Martin from Kansas! I'm PUMPED UP for you to host #tlap about #TalkToMe !!! Yeah BABY! Let's do this thing!
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • apadalino Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    April educational coach starting off on a new adventure with @Cyndi_Leigh769 and @BringEdLife #tlap
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Paul France, 3rd Grade teacher in Chicago! #tlap
  • TeachDMD Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    .@PurpleEducator, @kimbearden from Ron Clark is hosting #tlap right now. I know you love them; thought you might be interested.
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hi, Mike!! Sure are...all questions from account of @kimbearden tonight! #tlap
    In reply to @teachermike72, @kimbearden
  • AllysonApsey Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hiya!! Allyson Apsey, elementary principal in Michigan and author of The #Path2Serendipity ❤️❤️❤️ Happy t😊 learn from @kimbearden tonight!! #tlap
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Ha! Jason.. this GIF! Hillarious! Nice to see you! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @jasongriffinccs, @kimbearden
  • msyoung114 Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hey #tlap Heather, Seattle, Kindergarten teacher.
  • wadewhitehead Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    I'm Wade. I teach fifth graders and direct https://t.co/Y2RInPVEli Pumped to be here with to support my friend @kimbearden #tlap
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Welcome, Jenny!! #tlap
    In reply to @jenny_rathjen
  • JoveStickel Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hello I’m Jove a MS Principal from MO #TLAP
  • gdorn1 Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hi, Gretchen from KY joining in. STEM. #tlap
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Where did you vacation to? ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @rcollins_edu
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hello #tlap joining in for a bit from oh so hot Pittsburgh, I teach Spanish and STEAM
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Glad you're here!!! #tlap
    In reply to @ChouinardJahant
  • MrCoachEli Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hello #TLAP I’m Eli and I’m the Lead Learner/Principal at Monte Vista Elem in Las Cruces, NM. Pumped for tonight’s chat!
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Always Paul, if you ever write a second I would love to review it as well #learnlap #tlap
  • jamesvarlack Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hi! James joining in from South Texas... Instructional Technology...congrats on the book! #TLAP
  • jmartinez727 Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hey there, I'm John Martinez principal of Rowland Elementary, a K-6 school in Southern California #TLAP
  • GreatWeissOne Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Jarrod from Marysville, Ohio. Former HS social studies teacher, now w/ state of Ohio. Let's do this! #tlap
  • swebsterteach Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hi! Suzanne from North Texas. Excited for my first chat with #tlap
  • McEnglish101 Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Evening All! High school English teacher, entering year 15 (=teacher midlife? 🤔) rural Virginia. #TLAP
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    that is exactly how my cats look around here! #4OCFPLN #tlap
    In reply to @msyoung114
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Craig, RTI Facilitator from Texas #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hola!! Cam Carter joining in from Columbus, OH! #TLAP
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hi, Mariah! #tlap
    In reply to @heywaysELA
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    So excited to be here! Alicia from NC joining from #nccatgenz at @NCCATNews! Game night in the commons area! #tlap
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Tamara, tech integrator from VA, excited to join in the celebration of @kimbearden book release of #TalkToMe! #tlap
  • teripendley Jul 16 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hi! Teri, Elem Principal from Rome, GA! #tlap
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hilarious GIF, such a fun part of the movie! #tlap
    In reply to @TaraMartinEDU, @kimbearden
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Love this! #tlap
    In reply to @craigklement, @kimbearden
  • klubkraker Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    HI Cheryl from Michigan #TLAP
  • LKapuchuck Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Leslie- elementary principal in VA. So excited you’re moderating, @kimbearden!! Not a gif but a pic of a great memory @ronclarkacademy ! #TLAP
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    I know what you mean @_on11 #tlap
    In reply to @_on11, @SmartLab_tweets, @Simmonsknights1, @_on11
  • perrymanclass Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hi I’m Maegan, a 3rd grade teacher from Texas #tlap
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hi Tisha :) #tlap
    In reply to @tishrich
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Glad you're here, Rachael!! #tlap #CArepresent!!
    In reply to @rcollins_edu
  • rcollins_edu Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Cabo San Lucas, MX and then two days home before weekend fun with friends in Vegas! #tlap
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass
  • kubteach Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Kim from MI. I teach science, social studies and ELA. Happy to be here! #tlap, #KidsDeserveIt
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Welcome! It’s a fast and furious hour! #tlap
    In reply to @swebsterteach
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Congratulations, Kim!! So exciting! I can't wait to read your book! #TalkToMe #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • AllysonApsey Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hi Heather!! ❤️❤️❤️ #tlap
    In reply to @msyoung114
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Ugh I just love this one #tlap
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Loving these GIFS! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • MsRommelBand Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    The development of hobbies and personal growth outside of your profession can help you become a better teacher. #TLAP @burgessdave @TaraMartinEDU @dmdacosta13 #BookSnaps
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hey, Cameron! #tlap
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    I hope you're enjoying your vacay! Sounds amazing! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @daleyscience
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hi #tlap!! Annick, grade 1 teacher in Winnipeg, MB 🇨🇦! So happy to be back tonight after missing the last few weeks! ☠️
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Let’s go BUCKS!! #TLAP
    In reply to @GreatWeissOne
  • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Bonus points for that Simpsons gif, yo! #tlap
    In reply to @CristinaDajero, @SmartLab_tweets, @Simmonsknights1
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Welcome, Maegan! #tlap
    In reply to @perrymanclass
  • AprilSuter5 Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    #PROEpirate #tlap #PROEcenter Collaboration can make all contributors better teachers. Pg170
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Yep, trying to chat and watch home run derby #tlap
    In reply to @iluveducating, @kimbearden
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Love your GIF! How did you make it? #tlap
    In reply to @sew1080
  • ASMILEwithAnna Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Good evening, fellow #TLAP #PLN! I’m Anna (close friends call me Sparrow), a passionate PIRATE from San Diego! #TalkToMe
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Welcome, and like your KC style, Craig! Aka #DBCChallenge winner!!! EEEK! #tlap
    In reply to @craigklement, @kimbearden
  • khoggardGRT Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hey #TLAP Kelly from Va Beach Fewling pumped to be here #champforkids
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Bryan! Lovin' this GIF! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @bcampbell70
  • Dr_LMR Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    I hear ya! Looking forward to some down time in early August! #tlap
    In reply to @LisaDegnan1
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    #TLAP 👏🏼👍🏼🤗🤗
    In reply to @TaraMartinEDU
  • k_callahan4 Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Any #tmgenius crew out there on Twitter right now? Come join in the #TLAP chat!
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    In reply to @paul_emerich
  • Ryan7Read Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    A1: what do you know about their background. Where are they coming from, who are they as a person. #tlap
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Welcome, Jarrod! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @GreatWeissOne
  • tikaee Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hello, I am Tika Epstein, and I am an elementary school teacher & mentor in Las Vegas, NV. I can’t wait for my copy of Talk to Me to be delivered this week! #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:01 PM EDT
      Hi, everyone! I am Kim Bearden, the cofounder & ex dir of the Ron Clark Academy. I also teach ELA. My 2nd book, Talk to Me: Find the Right Words to Inspire, Encourage, and Get Things Done was released today! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • mrsjeagon Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hi everyone! Jeanneen from Wisconsin and I teach K-8 Technology...we are finally getting into the swing of things and readjusting to having a baby in the house after 6 years! #tlap
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hi Shellie! Where in Virginia are you from? #tlap
    In reply to @McEnglish101
  • diane_mackinnon Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hi, it’s Diane back from a day at beautiful East Matunuck Beach in RI. Ready to #TLAP
  • batool_attiya Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hi, Attiya from Florida! So excited to join this chat! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    who they are, where they are coming from, How they might interpret based on background etc #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hi, Friend!!! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @nankr1120
  • PreK33 Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    I always try to consider that everyone has a story, and we have no idea what others are struggling to overcome. I realize that I will never know what it is to walk in another’s shoes, and this mindset guides my approach. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Welcome aboard, Eli. PUMPED, too! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @MrCoachEli
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Q1 is here!! Join #tlap and @kimbearden to talk about effective communication! #LeadLAP #LearnLAP #KIdsDeserveIt #BeTheWildCard
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    What is their story? Everyone has one and when you know their story you can listen with empathy and understanding. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Love the pic! Welcome, Leslie! #tlap
    In reply to @LKapuchuck, @kimbearden, @ronclarkacademy
  • NCS_Principal Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Jenni - I’m a principal of a small private school in south Louisiana! I heard Kim speak last year in Atlanta so I’m excited about tonight and her book! #tlap
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    My tweets for the next hour will be apart of the teach like a pirate twitter chat! #tlap #LUlearns
  • Ryan7Read Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Same here, Kim. #tlap #talktome
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Feeling tired? We are about to wake you up, Jove! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A1: Try to be empathetic and keep in mind that their perception is their reality. #tlap
  • AllysonApsey Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Well hello there my friend!! Sneaking in a lil twitter chat time between the bike ride and movie time! #TLAP
    In reply to @klubkraker
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Oh hi! Long time no talk, my friend! 💜#tlap
    In reply to @tamaraletter, @kimbearden
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A1 Identifying who I am speaking about/to, the identified struggle or area of weakness, and also pointing out the good because it’s not just negative. #talktome #tlap
  • GreatWeissOne Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A1: Where are they coming from? Where have they been? We have to understand what makes someone tick & what has influenced their live to be in a position to help them. #tlap #talktome
  • LisaDegnan1 Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A1 - I always take into account that this parent is sending me their very best. With a coworker, Inoffen think that they just need some TLC, training, modeling, help. No is a lost cause. #TLAP
  • TeachDMD Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A1. I have to consider the whole student. Not just what they show in my class, but who they are outside of school, what's going on in their lives, their interestes, their passions, their struggles. We don't talk to a person, but a life. #tlap
  • mospillman Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Hi, #tlap! I’m troubleshooting laptops tonight and packing to move and all that fun stuff. So this is me... #talktome
  • franziski123 Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Hey! Andrew from Buffalo, NY SPED and compartmentalizing hs science this year #tlap
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Cristina Dajero, Reading Specialist from Virginia Beach, VA #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • kescalante_edu Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A1: Give (student, parent, teacher) the space to be heard. We all know the saying, Listen w the intend to understand rather than respond. #tlap
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    You're going to rock it! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @apadalino, @Cyndi_Leigh769, @BringEdLife
  • education_geek Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Can we stop pretending that all students need the same thing, at the same time, on the same day? #edchat #TLAP #LeadLAP #KidsDeserveIt
  • perrymanclass Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1 If it is a difficult situation, I like to give the other person time to calm down (student or adult) then empathize and LISTEN before saying anything. Most times they just want you to hear their side #tlap
  • Dr_LMR Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1 I always think about how I would like to receive the message. Then think about how they might perceive it and try to be considerate of their feelings. #TLAP
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1: always to look for something positive and make sure they know your intent is not judgement but growth #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • mellomama6 Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Ditto amd listening to my sons @HotshotsHC game in SD. #tlap
    In reply to @craigklement, @iluveducating, @kimbearden, @HotshotsHC
  • BusEd11 Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Theresa here, tweeting from Southern Illinois! #tlap
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Hello! Crystal from MO! I ordered my copy today and can't wait to get it! #tlap
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1: Listen with empathy, lead with compassion. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • apadalino Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Agreed! Perspective is oh so important. #tlap
    In reply to @docvs1
  • happyteacherguy Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1: What matters to me may not matter to them. How does the world look from their eyes? How can adopting their perspective help us both to meet our goals? #TLAP
  • noel_hoffmann Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1 There may be more to the situation than meets the eye. Offer an ear to listen and a hand to help. #tlap
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1: Obviously their state of mind. If they're upset, you use a different tact than if they're aggressive. I try to listen first before reacting. #tlap
  • AllysonApsey Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Hey friend!! ❤️❤️❤️ #TLAP
    In reply to @tamaraletter, @kimbearden
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Thanks for joining us, Jenni!! #tlap #TalkToMe is unbelievable!
    In reply to @NCS_Principal
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1 - It always starts with listening and relationships. Getting to know your students is key. Then, it’s about showing empathy and a positive attitude. We should consider each situation as unique and adjust based on that student. #TLAP
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Q1 Again...#tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • KristenDolen Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1: Timing. Tone. Focus on the “do”, not the “who”. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • smgaillard Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Love being in the band with you, my bandmate! #Daymaker #tlap #ThePepperEffect #XPLAP #HiveSummit #MasteryChat #CelebrateMonday #EduHeroKim
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass, @nankr1120, @MrsHankinsClass, @SteinbrinkLaura, @JordanPotrzeba, @AggieSalterITS, @Ms_Morgan15, @KidsDeserveHaM, @kristi_daws, @mpilakow, @Slapshot99, @Gameboydrew, @hmarrs24, @MarisaEThompson, @MarshaKGreen, @Stella_Pollard, @iluveducating, @mospillman, @timlriley, @Rdene915
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Welcome! #tlap
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Hi Kristen!! #tlap
    In reply to @nankr1120
  • Mrjonresendez Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Jon from Irvine coming to you from the Redwoods! #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1: You always have to be cautious, especially when speaking to children. People will forget what you said but people will NEVER FORGET how you made them FEEL! Always be open and honest and make sure families know you are available to chat! 👍🏼 #TLAP
  • SteinbrinkLaura Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Good evening #tlap crew! Late but here!
  • jamesvarlack Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Nice Jason...just trying to catch up to your level...#tlap
    In reply to @jasongriffinccs
  • Mrs_Gilchrist Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Hi, #tlap friends! I'm a literacy coach, MYP Language and Literature teacher, and international literacy consultant in Tokyo, Japan.
  • GuysBride Jul 16 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1- remind myself not to take anything personally. Ask them how they are doing, do they need anything I can help with. Everyone has a struggle or burden we don't know about. Take time. #tlap #talktome
  • MrMarshsClass Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1 the considerations I try to always take are to listen, support, and help in anyway I can! #TLAP
  • tishrich Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: I try to put myself in their shoes, to better understand where they are coming from. #tlap
  • teachlikeaninja Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Hey #tlap crew. Josh Stock, 6th grade ELA teacher from Olathe, KS, doing a little multitasking during the chat.
  • Adam_Johnson07 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: my focus on day one is developing that relationship. I can’t help if I don’t know who they are. #TLAP
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Hi everyone! I’m Ellen a kindergarten teacher from Wentzville, Mo! #tlap #lulearns
  • PurpleEducator Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Hey, y’all! I’m Ashley from Baltimore (by way of ECU.. looking at you @mrronclark_ ) a 6th grade math teacher at an all boy charter school in Baltimore City, MD! #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden, @mrronclark_
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1 #tlap
  • kubteach Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1) I want to know what communication style they are most comfortable with. Can I use humor, should I be quieter/calmer, should I be extra positive and upbeat. This matters. #tlap
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    You're going to love it, Crystal. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @thoughtsinflow
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Definitely! #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • timlriley Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1. Have I experienced this too #talktome #TLAP
  • LisaDegnan1 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1 I always put myself in their place. You don’t understand unless you walk on someone else’s shoes- Support without judgement. . #TLAP
  • k_callahan4 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: The source of the struggle...we must be able to empathize with what someone else is feeling before being able to fix the issue. LISTEN to their concerns, find the root of the issue, and take action to rectify if possible! #TLAP
  • heywaysELA Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: Consider where they’re coming from and then specifically what you can do as the T to help. What you’re going to do to follow up with them. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • mrsjeagon Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: I think the biggest thing to consider is their background (where they are coming from, their lives outside of school, what is their previous interaction with the school like) #tlap
  • MrsAsztalos Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1 Realize that no one WANTS to be unsuccessful. Listen to their side, and always give the person a lifeline to pull themselves up. Some people just don't know how to get out of the hole they are in. Be their rope and light. #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    I-O!!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #tlap
    In reply to @GreatWeissOne
  • HillaryRB Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: perspective taking has been a personal area of professional growth. It helps me to perceive motivations + understandings and respond appropriately. #TLAP #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Here you go @_on11 #TLAP
    In reply to @_on11, @SmartLab_tweets, @Simmonsknights1, @_on11
  • LKapuchuck Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: The most important factor for me is the relationship & trust I’ve built with them. I always try to see things from their perspective & do more listening than talking. I’ve found that sometimes they just need someone to listen & help guide them. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • khoggardGRT Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1 - perspectives and situations are important to take into consideration. Some people are struggling bc of a specific situation that may be causing stress, often has NOTHING to do with you! Also must think about other people’s perspectives! #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • swebsterteach Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: I try to remember that you never know what is going on in someone’s life. Treat them with kindness and empathy, show grace, you never know how your kindness can lift another up. #TLAP
  • MrCoachEli Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1 I try to rely on the relationship I have w/ them (hopefully I have one as that’s the goal), really listen and be intentional w/ the conversation, and I try to remember to “V.A.B.B.” #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • mellomama6 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: Try to think of their situation, their personality stlye. My way isn't always best. #tlap
  • bmilla84 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: I try to find out as much as I can... what’s their background or are they going through something personally. I approach the conversation with an open mind, willing to listen and support, and express my intent to come up w/ a solution together! #tlap #TalkToMe
  • AustinELA8 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Naomi Austin from SW Missouri 7-12 principal. Happy to learn with you all tonight. #tlap
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Always a joy to catch up with you, Mike! It’s been too long! #tlap
    In reply to @teachermike72, @bmilla84, @CaldwellElemen, @kimbearden
  • jasongriffinccs Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1 Do we understand the things that happened before Ss get on the bus? Is there a reason why Ss act out? Take time to invest if we want Ss to give us their best! #TLAP
  • jmartinez727 Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: Know the story. What do you know or can you learn about the individual to inform the conversation. Listen. Lead with empathy. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • I_teach_urban Jul 16 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Hey I’m here! I’m west Shaw! Let’s this this started! #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • JoveStickel Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1 what is there state of mind what does their body language say, what kind of a relationship do I have with them. I must be a good listener first and foremost, have compassion and be genuine #TLAP
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1. #tlap Student - stop, find out about them, give some extra attention. Parent - stop, acknowledge their frustration, and explain. Sometimes not ALL or correct info. went home. Colleague - stop, try and see their side and problem solve together.
  • jenny_rathjen Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: I try to be empathetic and understanding #ElonEd #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    In reply to @paul_emerich
  • Mrjonresendez Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: First thing I do is NOT try and solve their problem. Listen, pause, ask a question. #tlap
  • msyoung114 Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: What’s my purpose, the why behind the conversation. What perspective might they have? How can I make sure the conversation is as positive as possible? #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • ASMILEwithAnna Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: I consider that there are many factors (to the struggle of someone else) that I don’t know about. I try to ask non-invasive questions to gain a deeper understanding of who they are and how they are affected by a situation. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    #TLAP The why? Is the struggle academic, emotional, social. The how? How can I best address the sittwith mindfulness & calm. Words are my ally-I pause & listen-this is my best strategy then when I fully understand the needs of my student -I can actively guide them to a solution
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • ItsAMrY Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    #tlap Anyone who is struggling does not want to struggle. We all want to be successful. Always assume good will, interest, and desire. What are the obstacles? How can I remove or help you avoid obstacles to your success?
  • Clymer_Edu Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: When is the last time you’ve talked to them? Has it been a while? If so, we need to be more intentional about building relationships #TLAP
  • MarciaMentor Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    I use empathy & think how can I “clear the path” for this person. What do they need from me? What resources can I provide to support them? Starbucks helps too #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • teripendley Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: When it comes to staff, I try not to think the worst. Sometimes it’s a case of didn’t know instead of refusing to do something. I give lots of feedback and support in any way I can. #tlap
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: St. Francis of Assisi said it best: "O master, grant that I may never seek so much to be understood as to understand." #tlap
  • mospillman Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1 I’ve learned that I need to speak concisely. Not use idioms, etc. Sometimes a misunderstood reference can make a conversation take negative turn. #learnedthehardway #tlap #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    In reply to @TaraMartinEDU
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    It's always good to understand that parents are sending their most prized possessions- we can try to see things from their point of view #tlap
    In reply to @LisaDegnan1
  • jmartinez727 Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Truth! #TLAP #TalkToMe
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • jamesvarlack Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1 Is this the first time I've had meaningful contact with them all year? Try to ask myself that every time... #TLAP
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1 Love this @alicekeeler quote: "You're not going to get that light bulb moment talking at kids, you're going to get that light bulb moment talking with kids." This doesn't only apply to kids, but the same goes when communicating with parents and colleagues too! #TalkToMe #TLAP
  • jordanhohm Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Good evening, #tlap! A1. Where am I coming from in this interaction? Am I in a good state of mind? Am I down to listen to understand? Did I have my coffee?
  • diane_mackinnon Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: Not everything is always what it appears to be when one is struggling. I work really hard to listen intently and validate feelings. One may not be looking for a solution just a listening ear. #TLAP
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Preach it! So true! #tlap
    In reply to @LisaDegnan1
  • maryroach26 Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Things to consider: lol past the illusion and see what’s really going on. Students behavior typically is not related to me or the assignment or the class. Listen and share with empathy. Find middle ground #TLAP #talktome @kimbearden
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1b - Above all else it comes down to respect, kindness and a willingness to understand the situation and what a person might be going through. #TLAP
  • bcampbell70 Jul 16 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1 What type of relationship is there? Have we been friends or colleagues for a while and focus on empathy, understand where theyBre coming from. #Tlap #talktome
  • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: When talking to students, I remember that they are someone else's little boy or little girl. I need to treat them with honor. When speaking to other adults, I need to remember that like me, they make mistakes, and are on a journey to greatness. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    We should try to have a hangout sometime this summer! #tlap
    In reply to @tamaraletter, @bmilla84, @CaldwellElemen, @kimbearden
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    I truly try to put myself in their shoes, that and I grew up poor, with a learning disability, I am able to relate #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:08 PM EDT
      I always try to consider that everyone has a story, and we have no idea what others are struggling to overcome. I realize that I will never know what it is to walk in another’s shoes, and this mindset guides my approach. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: I put myself in their shoes and try to remember what it's like when I struggle. #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    In reply to @jmartinez727
  • PreK33 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: Empathy, compassion, understanding, listening. #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1 Taking time to hear their side of the story. Listen to Learn is one of the REAL Talk Treasures I love. Also, leading with Humble Inquiry. No judgement. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Allyson!!!! #tlap
    In reply to @AllysonApsey, @kimbearden
  • Mrs_Gilchrist Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: Consider multiple perspectives, remain open-minded, and listen, listen, listen. #tlap
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1 try to make sure I know them and have an understanding about their struggle, lean in and listen first, really listen intentionally, try help focus on small parts first and then work through it #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • Auen_Ed_Tech Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Patrick Shipway, MN, tech intergrationist, science teacher and trying to to this while walking with my wife... A1: I try to put myself in their shoes, see through their lens, what wouldn't I like in this situation if I was them? #tlap
  • jillmclean27 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Assume positive intent. This has been leading me in so many good directions lately, allowing me to connect with people. #tlap
    In reply to @paul_emerich
  • borg5027 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1 When you take the time to get to know a child and their family, you can engage with your heart and show the parents that you truly care about their child and not just about academics. Their child becomes my child for life! #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @Clymer_Edu
  • franziski123 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1. I'm usually the most patient with parents first because they have the most power in encouraging students to be openminded with my message. Least patient with colleagues but getting better. I just feel like we all have the same education here, but remind myself that #tlap
  • WentzvillePRE Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Hello #TLAP joining for a bit from Wentzville, MO!
  • tikaee Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1 I want to think of the situation through their lense. I also want to think about their needs. Do they need advice, a person to listen, or choices? #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • teachlikeaninja Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: I try to think what I would want/need to hear if I was the student or the parent. I also take into consideration what will have the greatest impact. Some kids gma has a huge role in that kids life. Another it might be a coach. Who is their person? #tlap
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1 seek to understand and lead the conversation with empathy. I always want to make sure that they can feel how much I care. #tlap
  • TeacherWinters Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Getting in late! Matt from Utah, ELA and Edtech Coach. #tlap
  • LeaLoves2Teach Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    I try to listen to them in the moment...what's happening right now....how does the now effect their past story...and where they are going...#TalkToMe #TLAP
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    The mama in me appreciates this! Every Ss is somebody's "baby". #tlap
    In reply to @_on11
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Love this! I also try to remember that this is their prize position that they giving me and I need to treat each situation with that sensitivity in mind! #tlap #LULearns
    In reply to @LisaDegnan1
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Hey #tlap Stopping in for a bit! Pam, Instructional Coach from Charleston,SC.
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Haha! Haven’t talked to you in forever! (In milliseconds, lol!) #tlap
    In reply to @AnnickRauch, @kimbearden
  • nankr1120 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: What is their story? What does their walk look like and how do I fit into it? Can I walk beside them and listen? Can I take the lead and extend a helping handq? #RelationshipsMatter #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Always and forever! Communication is KEY to forming a RELATIONSHIP with families, students, and colleagues! #TLAP #kidsdeserveit
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • teripendley Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    This is a hard one for me. I’m always trying to fix it. #tlap
    In reply to @Mrjonresendez
  • Mrs_Boecke Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: I try to always remember that everyone needs to be heard to feel valued. #TLAP
  • sew1080 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1 It's all about the relationships, no matter who you are talking to! Take the time to truly to get to know your colleagues and students! #tlap
  • Teachintjay Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1: I try not to define my Ss as struggling. I approach each by attempting to get to the root that is causing the problem by communicating. I try to help them devise a plan to address the problem. #tlap
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1: It's so important to really know and respect the other person's position. Listen with empathy and make sure not to be defensive. Be reflective and sensitive so that when it's time, you can be heard too #tlap
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1: What is the main focus that needs to be addressed, what positive can I include, how would I want someone to say this to my own child or to me? Is this the best time, setting, mode of sharing information? #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    You gotta put yourself in their shoes! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @ASMILEwithAnna
  • spqrmiguel Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Miguel from Texas and elementary school principal. #tlap
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Party central on nights like these! #tlap
    In reply to @paul_emerich, @TaraMartinEDU
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Hey Pam! Hope you're doing well! #tlap
    In reply to @specialtechie
  • tishrich Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    We are totally twinning with our answers! 😜👭 #tlap
    In reply to @thoughtsinflow
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    In reply to @jillmclean27
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    So true, listening and making sure they feel heard is so critical #tlap
    In reply to @TaraMartinEDU, @kimbearden
  • SenorSouderSHS Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1. I consider what is going on underneath the surface that may be causing the confusion or undesired behavior. I also consider my timing and my way of communicating. The right thing to do at the wrong time or in the wrong way is the wrong thing to do. #tlap
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    #toolong 😉 #tlap
    In reply to @tamaraletter, @kimbearden
  • mellomama6 Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Love me some Converse! #tlap
    In reply to @tishrich
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    YES! YES! YES! #tlap
    • Mrs_Boecke Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
      A1: I try to always remember that everyone needs to be heard to feel valued. #TLAP
  • JWankum Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1: We never know as educators what others have faced. What have their previous school experiences been like? You never know someone until you have walked in their shoes. #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    #TLAP ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    In reply to @diane_mackinnon
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Hey! Welcome! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @AustinELA8
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Thanks! You too! #TLAP
    In reply to @iluveducating
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Hey girl, add the hashtag #tlap to your replies. You're rocking it!
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • MsGarlisi204 Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1: Background...we are only together for a portion of the day/week and everyone's life outside of school is different. LISTEN! Everyone wants to feel heard, especially when discussing a difficult topic. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Lean in and listen! Yes! #tlap
    • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
      A1 try to make sure I know them and have an understanding about their struggle, lean in and listen first, really listen intentionally, try help focus on small parts first and then work through it #tlap
      In reply to @kimbearden
  • wadewhitehead Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1: Talk less. Remember that "listen" and "silent" are made of the same letters. #tlap #TalkToMe
  • AustinELA8 Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1) Some times those voices are heard in small moments. Especially with staff and admin. #tlap
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Hi Pam! Hope you’re having a great Monday! #tlap
    In reply to @specialtechie
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Absolutely! #tlap
    In reply to @teachermike72, @bmilla84, @CaldwellElemen, @kimbearden
  • CoraBoucher Jul 16 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1 You must understand the persons story. Where are they coming from, what are they hoping for/needing from you? #tlap
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • nankr1120 Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass
  • TeacherWinters Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1 - What is their perceptions of the situation? Is this a necessary issue or something of a nit picking nature? Is there a way that I can share and help and reteach rather than confronting them? #tlap
  • NCS_Principal Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1: Listen, listen, listen. Often that’s what teenagers need from me. To be “heard” them and truly understood. Also striving to understand the motivation behind what they are saying. Whether I agree with it or not, it’s important to them so i need to listen ! #tlap #talktome
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1: I like to stay as calm as possible and listen intently. I like to share all the positives I can and talk about all the things I am going to do to help! #tlap #lulearns
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Right on, girlie! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @MrsAsztalos
  • rcollins_edu Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1) Consider that every individual has varied perspectives based on their experiences. Those experiences are not often outwardly shown so give all parties a bit of time to process/reflect before response. Be cautious & empathetic. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    It's summer! All days are great days. :) #tlap You too!
    In reply to @Hahne_Elyse
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Definitely! I often say, I’m not looking for an excuse but I am looking for something that may help explain it #TLAP
    In reply to @jasongriffinccs
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Feeling valued goes a long way, for sure!! #tlap
    In reply to @Mrs_Boecke
  • nankr1120 Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Hi my friend! #tlap
    In reply to @AnnickRauch
  • nmtond98 Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Liz from San Jose joining my first #tlap
  • tarheelscpl Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1: I always remember that all parents are advocating for their students. They may do it differently, but they want the best for them. #kidsdeserveit #TLAP
  • PrincipalKrantz Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1 Definitely after with empathy. I also consider the relationship I have with them and leverage that to offer support. #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Hey girly, add the hashtag #tlap to your replies. So we can all see them. ;)
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • kmurfitt1 Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    A1: There is always a cause behind the struggle. Extending grace and patience can go along way in the support. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    I try to do extravagant acts of kindness without telling anyone in order to keep my motives in a pure and unselfish place. When I am struggling with interacting, I assess my motives and try to reframe my mindset. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Whoop Whoop!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 #TLAP
    In reply to @diane_mackinnon
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    So true! ☠️✨#TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @paul_emerich
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    YES!!! I’m trying to deflect all the BTS posts for a few more weeks. I just can’t yet. #tlap
    In reply to @specialtechie
  • SteinbrinkLaura Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1: Always good to know where they are coming from, but even if that isn't possible, I can make sure that I am listening and restating and asking for clarification. I do what it takes to make sure we're on the same page. #tlap
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1- I struggle with Dyslexia #TLAP and so I understand what it feels like to be confused and disconnected and yes discouraged- so my first approach is positive reinforcement and listening this way they feel comfortable talking to me
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1b: listen to understand, home in on their needs, what is the root of the stuggle. #tlap
  • Ryan7Read Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A2: Learning from mistakes and when life goes down. Find the positive in it, even when you feel that you are on empty and build from ground up again. #tlap #TalktoMe
  • PurpleEducator Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1: It is definitely important to know the person that you’re communicating with. Take caution to your words and how you approach the conversation. Professionalism is key, especially when addressing parents #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Good point, Rachael...perspective can mean everything! #tlap
    In reply to @rcollins_edu
  • batool_attiya Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1: I try to picture myself in their place and let them talk first. I know it's not comfortable for some parents to discuss the difficulties their child may be facing, so I always offer solutions or help even if that means that I will give up my personal time. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • kmurfitt1 Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Wow! Just a simply beautiful response! #TLAP
    • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:12 PM EDT
      A1: When talking to students, I remember that they are someone else's little boy or little girl. I need to treat them with honor. When speaking to other adults, I need to remember that like me, they make mistakes, and are on a journey to greatness. #tlap
      • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
        What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • sew1080 Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A2 Presume positive intent! Most people do not want to be mean on purpose. #tlap
  • spqrmiguel Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1: Be compassionate and understanding. As a principal, I always listen before coming down with a response to the situation. #TLAP
  • McEnglish101 Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1: Perspective- What might appear 1 way to me might appear completely opposite to the other person, & as we know, the “reality” usually lies between the 2. Authenticity I think is important too- not giving responses just bc they are expected or to make the convo easier. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • jmartinez727 Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    "Grace and patience" love that! #TLAP #TalkToMe
    In reply to @kmurfitt1
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1c - If we think and reflect on our tough times, it will hopefully help us to see how we can make the person feel good, safe and welcome. #TLAP
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A2: being relatable and able to sympathize with their situation #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • apadalino Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1: I try hard to listen to understand so because of the need to know the perspective of others. Sometimes that is all they need. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • kubteach Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A2. When we keep the best interest of the student at the center of every conversation, knowing that is the common goal, it helps make it easier to stay positive. #tlap
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A2: Idk about y'all, but I've got to censor myself when I get frustrated... surrounding with positive people helps. #tlap
  • HowardKiyuna Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1: I once received this parenting advice, "Don't ask Q's you already know the answer to" because you set your kid up to lie. As a T in a full inclusion setting, I have to find ways to build Ss confidence. Have supring levels of vision. #tlap
  • PrincipalKrantz Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A1 Definitely agree with empathy. Also consider the relationship already developed (or not) and leverage that to offer support. #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • kescalante_edu Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    A2: Use postive presuppositions! Always! #tlap
  • WentzvillePRE Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A1 Never take things to personal and remember everyone has things going on and you are someone that can make things better or worse for them, choose better! #TLAP # talktome
  • WallerALPHApack Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A1: Don’t assume I know how they feel. Never presume I have the answer to solve their concern or problem. Offering support and that I am there to help is a good start. Let them know I am here to help and listen if needed. #tlap
  • AustinELA8 Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2) Always stay positive. Remember that what you are hearing for the seventy-fifth time may be the first time for someone else. Take cheer in other peoples growth. #tlap
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    Extending grace and patience...love this, Kimm with 2 m's!! #tlap
    In reply to @kmurfitt1
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    Q2 is up! #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • MrsJohnsNSHS Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A1: I strive to be investigative but not interrogative. I strive to listen and maintain open body language. I consider the length of my relationship w/ the person, how we can do things differently next time & let them know I’m available to help however possible. #tlap #talktome
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    Give. Give. Give. Show curiosity, learn about people, and figure out what they want. Then give it to them without giving up your boundaries at the same time. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2 Stop and listen when others are giving their input, encourage open and honest relationships, and be intentional in conversations and actions. #talktome #tlap
  • heywaysELA Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2: Remember to try to stay positive yourself because you’ll draw in what you give out. Don’t let small things build up. Address things as they come up and don’t let them linger. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • nmtond98 Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    You took the words right out of my mouth. So important to remember that everyone with different backgrounds and has individual needs. #tlap
    In reply to @CoraBoucher
  • gdorn1 Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A1. Perspectives, situations are extremely important to take into consideration when communicating with someone. You never know what someone is going through unless your walking in their shoes. Trust is a main factor! #tlap
  • GuysBride Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2- Always assume the BEST in people. Remember you have impact to make a negative a positive with a smile & friendly tone! Be aware of your body language & tone of voice! #tlap #TALKTOME
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    YAY! Welcome! My husband is from San Jose! Glad you're here! #tlap
    In reply to @nmtond98
  • TeachDMD Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2. Reminding myself that by focusing on the positive motivators, we ALL get better. We're all in this to make everyone better, so the negative motivators should be pushed away hard! #tlap
  • JoveStickel Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2 have an open door and an open mind, model positive behavior, make people feel appreciated, valuable and important. Make school engaging, fun, kind, and mindful for all. BE SUPPORTIVE #TLAP
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    respect is huge, focus on positives and growth, be real and sincere #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Willmdunn Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A1) First, I ask myself if I’ve tried everythig I can think of with the student directly. Second, I rethink the situation putting one my own children in the role of the student. #tlap
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    Love this! Listening is such a powerful thing! #tlap #lulearns
    • NCS_Principal Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      A1: Listen, listen, listen. Often that’s what teenagers need from me. To be “heard” them and truly understood. Also striving to understand the motivation behind what they are saying. Whether I agree with it or not, it’s important to them so i need to listen ! #tlap #talktome
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    You are so good at this too :) #4OCFpln #tlap
    In reply to @SteinbrinkLaura
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    Well said, Attiya! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @batool_attiya
  • MrPStrunk Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Hey it's summer! Kick back, relax, and watch the newest episode of #Edusations with @MrsAsztalos! https://t.co/GqmaZ9CVqx #edchat #tlap
  • mrsjeagon Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: being relatable and approachable...it’s all about the golden rule: treating others the way you want to be treated #tlap
  • jmartinez727 Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    So much love and heart in this response. :) #TLAP #TalkToMe
    In reply to @_on11
  • teripendley Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: Leave your ego at home. As a leader, my job is to build others up, not myself. When you are focused on the right things, the positive motivators come. #tlap
  • swebsterteach Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: I think that creating a real bond with colleagues and Ss and working towards shared goals is a way to focus on positive motivation. #TLAP
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: Word choice. The words we choose can be POWERFUL. Always assume positive intentions and make sure your facial expressions match the words you are exclaiming. #TLAP
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    I like this! Don't automatically try to find the negatives. #tlap
    In reply to @sew1080
  • MrCoachEli Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2 My biggest way is definitely relying on surrounding myself w/ the right people that help me keep that focus. Being real and kind. The 7 Habits and a focus on relationships have also helped w/ this and being such a huge piece of culture. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • timlriley Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2. I walk away from the negative which includes myself at times #TLAP
  • Mrjonresendez Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: Here is a tip that has worked for me. If a colleague breaks a norm, search for a GOOD reason for them to have transgressed. For instance, if they are snarky with a colleague, they may have a negative situation at home. #tlap
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Q2 is up!!! #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • KristenDolen Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: Remember that it’s not just about you. Communicating requires listening and not just speaking. When having a tough convo, remember that we’re all in this together! #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • happyteacherguy Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: I just wrote a blog post about this! https://t.co/LX8sELehr9 #tlap
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A1: For P's, put yourself in their shoes. If this was my kid... This was much easier for me once I became a parent. For T's and S's, just be real & embrace your emotional intelligence. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • VickiRD13 Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Hi Everyone! I'm Vicki! Sorry to be late to the party! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • k_callahan4 Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: Good question! Self reflection is key. Oftentimes we say things without thinking of where those thoughts are coming from. Negative motivators often come from being insecure. Lean into that trust you have with your colleagues to keep each other in check. #TLAP #talktome
  • jordanhohm Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2. To stay positive in communication, you've got to check yourself! Why am I saying the things I'm saying? Are they helpful? Are they true? Am I ready and willing to learn from this person? #tlap #talktome
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Surround yourself with positive people because you become like the 5 people you're around the most. Great people will keep you focused on positive motivation #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • fantasticfirst2 Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    I’m Devon Napps. 1st grade teacher in Richland, Mississippi. I’m excited for this chat! #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • SteinbrinkLaura Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Thanks! You are too! #tlap
    In reply to @Rdene915
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: When we focus on solutions and creating a positive outcome and look at growth then we make others understand our motivation and they will be receptive #tlap
  • BonKramer Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Bonnie checking in. Elem music and K-12 Gifted in western Iowa. Headed to Madison tomorrow for PLCtraining. Anyone else? #tlap
  • JoveStickel Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2b I also think thank if you have a positive swagger how can people not help but be positive with you #TLAP
  • LKapuchuck Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2: Remember- as the leader, it’s NOT about you! It’s about building capacity & growing other leaders! Leave your ego at the door & list others up. Always do more listening than talking & don’t feel like you have to solve all the problems! #TLAP
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Preach! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • teripendley Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    We all need a little grace! #tlap
    In reply to @burgessdave, @kmurfitt1
  • perrymanclass Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2 Setting agreed upon norms and referencing them before meetings. Remembering why you are a teacher and keeping your focus on helping kids #tlap
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A1: Find the joy in simple moments and shine the light on other’s accomplishments. Show a true interest in others and remind them in unique ways just how special they are! #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: Motivations start with the heart. Connect with the heart. I have found any struggle has an emotional seed that when identified changes the whole perspective. #tlap
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    It's actually kept me out of Target. I don't want to see it yet. ;) #TLAP
    In reply to @Hahne_Elyse
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2 being available, model the positivity, knowing about others, building relationships helps us to know how to interact better #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    #TLAP Mindfulness-awareness of the needs & personalities of others. Facial expressions and body language have such an impact on those around us. Keep a calm demeanor, positive tone and smile. When we truly find joy in teaching it shows & this keeps the atmosphere cheerful 😀
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: Keeping the big picture goal in mind, especially when working on the same team or organization. We need to operate collaboratively rather than competitively. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Adam_Johnson07 Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: My class once a month has #TBhThursday “to be honest Thursday” they may write a letter to anyone in the school encouraging them. Ex. “To be honest you are an amazing principal” #TLAP
  • HillaryRB Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: Remember your overall goal- student success! Positive motivators help us reach our goals of creating independent and strategic lifelong learners! #tlap #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • L3Hess Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A1: That they probably want to be heard, students especially. That may fall under validation, but the past couple of years, I've made a cognizant effort to focus on actively listening first, and it has helped. #tlap
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    For sure! Grace - I've got LOADS of... patience, notsomuch. #tlap
    In reply to @burgessdave, @kmurfitt1
  • mospillman Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2. A practical way to keep the focus would be to print this image and post in our classroom. At home, too. Love this! #tlap #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2 - I personally promise to be positive. Yes, certain situations can be tough. But, if we separate the person from the issue, things usually work out. Learning to smile and stay calm will always put people at ease. #TLAP
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Hey!! You kinda nailed two of the three #REALedu words of @TaraMartinEDU Love it!! #tlap
    In reply to @mrsjeagon, @TaraMartinEDU
  • HillaryRB Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Love the mindset for your acts of kindness, Kim! So great! #tlap #TalkToMe #passionforkindness
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Or I guess I could just say Be REAL, right @TaraMartinEDU? #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden, @TaraMartinEDU
  • DFerrera521 Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A1: When communicating w/ a struggling S, a parent or co-worker, I think about the S as though they were my own child, myself as a S or my sibling, and a parent or co-worker as though they were myself. How would I want to be viewed or communicated with? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2 LOVE AND LISTEN ❤️👂❤️👂❤️👂 Remember to be compassionate and just listen. Sometimes people just need to get their feelings out in the open, so let them! Have an open mind, be optimistic, and give them the chance to be heard! ☠️✨ #TalkToMe #TLAP
  • jordanhohm Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    You can learn something valuable from every single person in your school (student, staff, administrator, colleague, parent...)! #tlap #talktome
  • CoraBoucher Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2 Find the positive even if it simply means learning and growing from the negative. Find those who have positive outlooks so you can push one another. #tlap
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Hi, I'm here about 20 mins late, but hopefully I can catch up quickly. My name is Victoria; I am a 5th grade science teacher in FL. #tlap
  • nmtond98 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: remembering that I’m dealing and working with people and they respond better to honey than vinegar. And if it has to be vinegar at least make it apple cider vinegar #tlap
  • TeacherRunner42 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    good evening, #tlap - michael from columbus ohio checking in late - middle grades teacher :)
  • wadewhitehead Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: Be too big to take offense and too kind to cause it. #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Words are POWER!!!! #TLAP #TALKTOME @kimbearden
    In reply to @TaraMartinEDU, @kimbearden
  • mellomama6 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Open mimd is key...#tlap
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • bmilla84 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: Intentionally focus on positive interactions with others! When we approach with the right motivations, we are open to learning from others & working together towards a common goal! #tlap #TalkToMe
  • Adam_Johnson07 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: My class once a month has #TBhThursday “to be honest Thursday” they may write a letter to anyone in the school encouraging them. Ex. “To be honest you are an amazing principal” we then hand deliver them! #TLAP
  • rcollins_edu Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2) Ways to focus on the positive motivators with students: "Make them shine in ways they don't know they shine." -Fellow teacher in a twitter chat. Loved this, so I noted it. #tlap
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2 Surround yourself with positive people. Keep doing what you know is right. Listen to the "other side", but chin up, always. #tlap
  • AustinELA8 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Absolutely. Assume the best intentions of others. We are all on a different journey and in different places. #tlap
    • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:15 PM EDT
      A2: Idk about y'all, but I've got to censor myself when I get frustrated... surrounding with positive people helps. #tlap
  • PreK33 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: Remember that everyone has a story, and most times it will break your heart. Handle every situation with love & care. #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Yah...Jeanneen for the #REALedu WIN! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @burgessdave, @mrsjeagon
  • Auen_Ed_Tech Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: I think it all starts with classroom norms. #tlap
  • MiddleMsGus Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Keeping in mind that negative motivators say more about me than others helps me to refocus on positive motivators. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • TeacherWinters Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2 - Smiling helps. I remind myself to smile as I stand outside my classroom, if I am listen to a student, if I am walking down the hall. Some days it is hard, but when I remember it helps to maintain and propagate a positive motivation in my daily interactions. #tlap
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: You hbe to know them on a personal level- not only what are their cademic strengths & weaknesses but what do they enjoy? What inspires them? What do they do outside of school? When you have a true connection, then you can motivate. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    YES YES YES! Word choice 100% #tlap #lulearns
    • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:17 PM EDT
      A2: Word choice. The words we choose can be POWERFUL. Always assume positive intentions and make sure your facial expressions match the words you are exclaiming. #TLAP
  • jenny_rathjen Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2: I try to stay positive in all situations. Being a good role model for others is important as well. I always try to treat others like I want them to treat me! #ElonEd #talktome #tlap
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2 surround yourself with positivity. Remember to lead with the heart. Truly listen to others without the intent to respond or fix anything. Build on those relationships. #tlap
  • mellomama6 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Now I'm singin! #tlap
    In reply to @TeachDMD
  • franziski123 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2 I have a pause and a breath where I rephrase the questioning to bring about a more positive light. Often, ss and ts and ps all have damaged relationships with each other. Quickly, conflict will disappear if we ask What does success look like? #tlap
  • VickiRD13 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A1. Some of the factors I take into consideration are how tough it is for them to talk about this (probably again), remain open, nonjudgmental, empathetic and paraphrase what they are saying to verify understanding. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • BusEd11 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2 Look at the Ss body language, it will tell you if you get off the positive track. #tlap
  • jenchitmon Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A1 When communicating w/struggling Ss, parents or coworkers, determine areas with which you can relate & empathize in a given situation. Give them a chance to speak uninterrupted. Listen to really hear what’s being said & not just to respond. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    I saw some on my weekly grocery run but I avoided it. ;) #tlap
    In reply to @specialtechie
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2b - Listen first, then respond inal a way that will inspire and uplift. #TLAP
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Yay! Another Columbus educator!!!! #TLAP #TALKTOME
    In reply to @TeacherRunner42
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Love this SO much! YES! #tlap
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass, @JayBilly2
  • ebony_forte Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    I always consider that there is a cause for the behavior, and I try to be empathetic to the person that I am dealing with. #tlap
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Very true! Practice the pause. #tlap
    In reply to @jordanhohm
  • jasongriffinccs Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2 Constantly remind ourselves to focus on the positives. We may be the only light that shines in our Ss lives so don’t blow it out being negative! #TLAP
  • MsGarlisi204 Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: Focus on what to do, rather than what not to do. Reinforce the idea that we're all on the same team & working together to be the best we can be. I try to use "we" vs "I" or "you" as much as possible. Build and maintain a positive culture as that in itself is motivating #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    yes, smiling makes a huge different! and not always easy, when that comes I play some fun music to lift the mood :) #tlap
    In reply to @TeacherWinters
  • tikaee Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2 I always think about the relationship. I think about a positive story or event I have shared with the person. I also always try to remember the 5 to 1 rule: 5 positives to every redirect or negative. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Great answer, Craig!! 🙌🏻💜 #tlap #REALedu
    In reply to @craigklement, @kimbearden, @TaraMartinEDU
  • k_callahan4 Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2b: Surround yourself with the positive. It’s important for us to recognize that we (educators) are in this together—to build each other up. There’s no room for negativity in our profession. Who has time for that? #TLAP #talktome #tmgenius
  • PurpleEducator Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: celebrate the small things! This is especially true with students. Noticing and celebrating small things can instantly change someone’s day. It’s all in the detail and it lets them know that you’re paying attention! #TLAP #TalkToMe
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • jamesvarlack Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2 Dont close your door for lunch or avoid the Ts lounge...be the change through your voice and actions #TLAP
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    This. #tlap
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • spqrmiguel Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: As a principal, the choice of words and how we respond. #TLAP
  • McLane_Ryan Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    #TLAP Sometimes it’s easy to want to “teach kids a lesson” when they mess up. How about taking the positive mindset of “helping” them avoid making the same mistake in the future. Our tone of this communication is huge.
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    oh me too, been using it almost all year, drawing on my own struggles #tlap
    In reply to @NAEmmanuele, @seanmarnold, @DMooreSpanish
  • kmurfitt1 Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: If you want to live fully and love your work with others, you have to focus on positives. Being positive isn’t really about others...it’s about you. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    #tlap @kimbearden @GuysBride
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:19 PM EDT
      Yes. Nonverbals can speak as loudly as words!
      In reply to @GuysBride
  • nmtond98 Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2 So important. It is easy to get caught up in everything else and forget this #tlap
    • perrymanclass Jul 16 @ 9:18 PM EDT
      A2 Setting agreed upon norms and referencing them before meetings. Remembering why you are a teacher and keeping your focus on helping kids #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Couldn’t agree MORE!! 🤗🤗 Expressing our voices and LISTENING are two powerful tools in POSITIVE communication! #TALKTOME #TLAP
    In reply to @EllenJacobsen9
  • WallerALPHApack Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: Carry a smile, be a good listener, be a problem solver...remember misery loves company and that is company I prefer not to keep. Ask if help is needed. If not, just let the person know you are there if needed, just ask. #tlap
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    That's a cool idea, Adam! Thanks for sharing! #TalkToMe #tlap
    In reply to @Adam_Johnson07
  • GreatWeissOne Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: Never assume the motivations of another and don't always see what they say as negative. Let people's words just be and don't add your own meaning. Take them for their word and they will take you for yours. #tlap #talktome
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Hi, LAURA! Always makes my night chatting with you!✨☠️ #TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @SteinbrinkLaura
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2 #TLAP Set mindful intentions- repeat them throughout the day- focus on them- even in times of frustration & doubt- repeat aloud the intentions- always respond not react-this keeps the energy positive & productive and more importantly contagious-calm is contagious
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    In reply to @TeacherRunner42
  • L3Hess Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: Try to remember that the negative motivators really aren't going to improve a situation. And accepting that people have different experiences and perspectives. #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • KristenDolen Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Yes! Regularly assessing motives... good point! #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • SteinbrinkLaura Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: Great rule of thumb is to assume positive intentions, work at bonding with responses, and truth is always the best. Unless they ask how their hair looks, and it looks bad, but they are proud of the new do. #tlap
  • MrMarshsClass Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2 As a staff our goal is to support kids! As long as we share that goal, how can we help but have positive interactions! #kidsdeserveit surround yourselves with positive people! #tlap
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: The motivator should always be to come to some positive consensus, and NEVER to be to attack or tear someone down. We have to speak with grace, even when we're tempted to speak with rage. Maybe especially then. #tlap
  • DrLMNelson Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2. If we keep in mind our WHY, we are more likely to remain in purpose and on target with positive motivators! #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • aaron_hogan - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: Tackle every opportunity your day offers as a moment to engage with others and let them know they are worth getting to know. #TLAP
  • noel_hoffmann Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2. There is always a positive that can come out of every situation. Always search for the positive and work to create a positive outcome. Give people the benefit of the doubt and know that everyone wants to be their best. #tlap
  • MiddleMsGus Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: Keeping in mind that negative motivators say more about me than others helps me to refocus on positive motivators. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Love this! ✨☠️ #TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @Auen_Ed_Tech
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    So true. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @DrLMNelson
  • batool_attiya Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: I stay focused on the big picture and goal, which is to see my students succeed and be happy. When you lead with that, all interactions can stay focused on positives. #TLAP #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • msyoung114 Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: I try to check myself: Am I being kind in the interaction? I know that I'm a conflict avoider so if I sense that a conversation isn't going well, I will stop or change the topic (which is something I need to work on!) #TLAP
  • ebony_forte Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2 One of the ways I try to stay focused on the positive is to keep the end goal in mind. #tlap
  • khoggardGRT Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2 Sharing the truth and being prepared to hear the truth, being solution oriented is a HUGE way to stay focused on effective communication! I often listen and jot down concerns and then attempt to get the team brainstorming solutions! #tlap #TalkToMe #champforkids
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Q3 from @kimbearden is up!! #tlap Kim...put #tlap hashtag into your replies so all can see!!
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A1: It's important to realize not everyone comes from the same background. Some people have faced traumatic difficulties in their lives that others cannot fathom. People have to take a step back and give others a chance, realizing they may have good intentions as well. #tlap
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Love that GIF, could probably stare at it for hours! LOL! ✨☠️ #TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @CRCarter313, @TaraMartinEDU, @kimbearden
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    I host a Mothers’ Night Out to thank my amazing mamas. We have volunteers from the business community who serve them a delicious dinner. We have music, inspirational messages, a photographer, and more! It is a beautiful night of bonding! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A2 #tlap
  • kmurfitt1 Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    Ohhh yeah! High five to this! #TLAP
    • MiddleMsGus Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      A2: Keeping in mind that negative motivators say more about me than others helps me to refocus on positive motivators. #TLAP #TalkToMe
      In reply to @kimbearden
  • gdorn1 Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A2. Try to be positive, ignore the naysayers and the negative people! If there is someone playing a Jekyl and Hyde character, they will get caught in the end! Don't let their negative culture bring you down! #tlap
  • SawickisSupers1 Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    My name is Maura and I am studying Digital Communication with @ghartman I will be participating in the #TLAP
  • diane_mackinnon Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A2: As I heard @docspeaks say at #NPC18 - you must stay on the balcony. Always. Don’t let them take you to the basement! Keep a positive outlook, smile, and keep on smiling. Acknowledge others’ feelings but spin it toward the ➕ #TLAP
  • jamesvarlack Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    Nice GIF Jason...#tlap
    In reply to @jasongriffinccs
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    ooohhh...like that, Paul. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @paul_emerich
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    Hi, Michael! Always better late than never!!!! Glad you're here!! ✨☠️ #TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @TeacherRunner42
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    I’m LOVING all the GIFs tonight!!!! 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#TLAP #TALKTOME
  • TheAshleyWarren Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    I think through my communication by asking what impact will I make rather than outcomes. My impact must be long term and always in the best interest of those I’m serving. Relationships must be the motivator in every situation! #tlap #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • TeachDMD Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A2. This retweet from #ISTE18 seems appropriate right now. #tlap
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    #tlap @kimbearden
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      Yes— LEARN from others with different perspectives!
      In reply to @jordanhohm
  • SteinbrinkLaura Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    It's my buddy, Kim! Makes my night chatting with you as well! #tlap
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass
  • TeacherRunner42 Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    a3: physically say it and write it. tell people you appreciate them. e-mail parents that you appreciate their help. #tlap
  • nankr1120 Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A2: Honestly if we stay focused on the kids we can’t go wrong! By keeping them at the forefront we keep the positive overflowing! #tlap #Nan3EDU
  • Ryan7Read Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A3: Previous school we did shout outs, I made Pixel Badges for achievement and even sent art set achievement cards to parents. #tlap
  • SenorSouderSHS Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A2. I remember that I am not going to solve everyone's problems, but if I can do my part to take myself out of the equation and let Ss know that they matter, then that is a good day's work. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    I agree that words are important but also that you are aware of body language- sometimes it’s not what you say but HOW you say it. #TLAP
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • BusEd11 Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A1 Try to first put yourself in their shoes, what if you had a bad day, was up late arguing with their kids, or working two jobs and still short for paying bills. Then you can talk to them, listen, understand and problem solve better. #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    #TALKTOME #TLAP 🙌🏼🙌🏼
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass, @TaraMartinEDU, @kimbearden
  • kubteach Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A3. I love finding things of interest to them and simply sharing what I found with them. Kids love to know I am thinking of them at random times & care enough to share a photo, song, magazine, book, article, etc. #tlap #TalkToMe
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A3 Call out the little things that no one else will call out #tlap
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A2: Keep it positive! Sometimes, you are the only person that has said a good thing to them (P's,S's,T's) all day. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • aaron_hogan - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: Sometimes we overthink the little things. A simple, genuine thank you can go a long, long way. Genuinely noticing what others are doing is powerful. #TLAP
  • educatorTHR Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Staying true to the cause - the best interest of students #talktome #tlap
  • Rdene915 Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Huge difference, playing as Ss come in, random 80s or one hit wonders, gets them pumped. #tlap
    In reply to @TeacherWinters
  • mrsjeagon Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: I love leaving notes of encouragement around with a sweet treat (sometimes anonymously) #tlap
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: When I was an edtech instructional coach, I did a tech teacher of the week award. Now, I send out shoutouts via campus wide email #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • ASMILEwithAnna Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A2: One way I motivate myself to be positive with others is to stay calm and cool: “Vanilla Ice Cube” Style: chickity check myself first. Then, if you’ve gotta problem, yo, I’ll solve it. (My other answer is: finding the silly side of things.) #TLAP #TalkToMe #MashUpAnswer
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Simply saying "I appreciate you" goes so far! Also leaving little happy notes or something meaningful to the person directly. If I know you like Reese's, I will bring you Reese's, etc. #tlap
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: I take time to go tell them how much I liked what they did or said. I try to focus on stuff they did on behalf of me or our mutual students, even if it doesn't clearly benefit me. I try (but don't always succeed) to put my own ego out of the picture. #tlap
  • MrMarshsClass Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3 I show my appreciation by praising my students every chance I get! My role is facilitator/cheerleader and I’m proud of it! #tlap
  • Ruby_SneakersRT Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A1. Reyna from NY jumping in a few minutes late. I find the best way to effectively communicate is first to give space for them to express their feelings and perspective. Then, collaborate with them on possible solutions to come up with a plan to solve the problem. #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3 I like sending hand-written notes/treat. If I do this when I feel unappreciated, it completely changes my mood and I'm grateful for the people in my life. I'm not perfect but this helps! #tlap
  • rcollins_edu Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    humbling pt.! #tlap
    In reply to @MiddleMsGus, @kimbearden
  • mospillman Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3 I have decided that the joy I get from helping and adding a positive vibe is enough. If I’m not appreciated I think that maybe a little positivity could help chip away at whatever is making things so negative. #tlap #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3 Show up & be intentional in your words, actions, and relationships. Be positive and proactive. Engage and be encouraged by the others that share your community with you. Compliment & be real. #talktome #tlap
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Gratitude journal thank them for anything that they do for me/kindness/etc Drop in bucket, positive calls home, colleagues--send email with cc to principal live with attitude of graditude #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • DFerrera521 Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A2: I try and stay focused on who I am and what is important to me. I also try to always do by best and when I fail, I try to do better. This helps to keep me positively motivated. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Yes!!!! Our facial expressions tell SO MUCH!! #TALKTOME #TLAP
    In reply to @CristinaDajero
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    In reply to @MrCoachEli
  • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: Tell the truth. Look them in eye and tell them SPECIFICALLY why I appreciate them. Build them up with kind words. To the haters, I find their good and speak it over them. If they want it, it is there for the taking. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    LOVE it, Jason. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @jasongriffinccs
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Thanks! #tlap #talktome
    In reply to @TaraMartinEDU
  • jordanhohm Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3. Best way to show appreciation to folks you interact with: Spend time with them. Listen to them. Remember what they talked about. Ask them about it later, genuinely. #tlap #talktome
  • PurpleEducator Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: I always give my students and coworkers hand written notes of appreciation. It takes little time to thank someone for their hard work or for going out of their way for someone else. #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • k_callahan4 Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: I think I need to get better at this...but we send positive post cards home to students, fun positive affirmations to colleagues, I’ll send a quick email or note home to parents. Just not enough. It needs to be a daily goal for me. #TLAP #talktome
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: Simply saying "I appreciate you" goes so far! Also leaving little happy notes or something meaningful to the person directly. If I know you like Reese's, I will bring you Reese's, etc. #tlap
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: Make a positive phone call or send a note sharing your appreciation. I keep my special notes in a Smile File for those days where the seas are rough and I need a little wind in my sails! #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • SawickisSupers1 Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A3: Finding things that are special to them and showing that you care. Hand written notes are always a great way to show appreciation! #TLAP
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A1: And... we also cannot be preachy or act like our perspective is better than theirs. We have to be considerate and truly LISTEN. #tlap
  • heywaysELA Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3: Giving our positive notes/ cards. Just surprising them with nice things. Remember that they’re human and don’t take things personally. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • VickiRD13 Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A2. Remain a calm & empathetic, reframe what is being said with a focus on the positive, & make every attempt to not "go down the rabbit hole" or the "dark forest" with them. Goal is to be their anchor. #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • DesrosiersEryka Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Hey #Tlap peeps! I’m super late, but still wanted to drop in for a few! I’m Eryka, teach HS ESL and I’m interested in making my class more student-centered and #innovative by getting my Ss involved in the #community and hopefully experimenting w/ #entrepreneurship.
  • JoveStickel Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3 be kind be supportive be respectful be honest be honerable be Upstanding. Give praise I write two notes a day to staff. Get out andrhank people and ask how they are call home for positive things send out positive referrals #TLAP
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Non verbals definitely speak louder than words. How do you prevent yourself from making negative faces or body language when you don't like something but need to maintain a positive environment? #tlap #lulearns
    In reply to @kimbearden, @GuysBride
  • TracyMailloux Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Hello, Tracy - 6th gr T - from MA jumping in late for a bit. Hope you're all enjoying summer! #tlap
  • cheryljglasser Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3: For students, I like to make positive phone calls to parents. Parents are always so surprised to get a good call from the principal and the kids love getting to brag about their accomplishments. #tlap
  • TeachDMD Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3. Even when I struggle with feeling appreciated, I try to remember that the Ss being there is them giving me the chance to reach them, even if I don't always succeed. Them giving me chance after chance is their version of patience and I keep hoping I hit the right note. #tlap
  • TeacherWinters Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3 - I am terrible at presents and letters, but I am great at trying to give honest praise and remembering to make students feel special. I students to remember me like Ron Swanson - If he says something, he means it. #tlap
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • GreatWeissOne Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3: As a leader you can do so much to show appreciation for what others do, but the most simple is the most effective -- just be there for others. Show them you value them and their work. The simple things can have huge impacts. #tlap #talktome
  • SawickisSupers1 Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Agreed! Relationships are such an important part of teaching! #TLAP
    • heywaysELA Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
      A3: Giving our positive notes/ cards. Just surprising them with nice things. Remember that they’re human and don’t take things personally. #TLAP
      • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
        How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • TeacherRunner42 Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    WOOHOO! hello, stranger! :) #tlap
    In reply to @TracyMailloux
  • CoraBoucher Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3 I love to leave note for my Ss and point out things I appreciate about them during our carpet time. #tlap
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Great idea for the gratitude journal! #tlap
    In reply to @docvs1
  • jamesvarlack Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Just following your lead Cameron...👊🙌😂 #TLAP
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • noel_hoffmann Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3. I am sincere in my interactions, and when they do something awesome or show improvement, I make sure to praise them. I like to show off their work, whether it is a student or a coworker. When a parent helps me, I make sure that others are aware of their wonderfulness. #tlap
  • LisaDegnan1 Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3 - Put kids in charge of their learning, their growth, their goals. We forget - It’s THEIR education. Kids need to care as much as WE do. #tlap
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Q3 (part 1) Compliments go a long way, any chance you can get; in person, on social media, through another colleague. (part 2) Two wrongs do not make a right, so give people compliments, even if it doesn't get returned #modeling #highroad #tlap
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Love your transparency, Matthew. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @TeacherWinters
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    #tlap @kimbearden
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
      There is so much power in a smile. TIME magazine has a special issue out now about the power of smiles and laughter!
      In reply to @TeacherWinters
  • jmartinez727 Jul 16 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A2: I try to remove my ego from the equation. It's not about me. My job is to serve others, so start with kindness, maintain relationships, and be honest. I don't always succeed though.#TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • KristenDolen Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3a: I try to write or verbally give specific affirmations. A3b: I’m a sentimental person 🙈, so I keep all the nice notes I’ve ever been given and sometimes I just pull them out and they’re a good reminder of why I do what I do. A burst of encouragement. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • SteinbrinkLaura Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: Write them notes, tell them thank you, give them shoutouts, treats, coffee time mornings, a hug or pat on the back, whatever I feel they seem to need. #tlap
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: I make sure that my positivity shows through and that everyone know how much I appreciate their work by shouting them out on SM and by thanking them F2F. When I feel unappreciated, I go back to my why! It's not about me #tlap
  • perrymanclass Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3 A short handwritten note goes a long way to make someone feel appreciated. Remember your why even when you feel like no one notices all you do. It’s not about recognition! #tlap
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Sometimes, people don't realize how much they appreciate you until later. You may not even be in their lives anymore. We just have to have faith that we are being the best we can be. Right?:) #TLAP
    In reply to @mospillman
  • Mrs_Gilchrist Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A2: Stay curious. Focus on the joy and the good. Choose kindness. Question hurtful thoughts and turn them around (love using @ByronKatie's the work for this—read more here about using it with students here: https://t.co/OxP7HmxcKR ) #tlap
  • GuysBride Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3- you show them they have value when you create amazing experiences for them they will never forget, Teach & show them they matter! Boys & Girls event @CaldwellElemen inspires by @kimbearden #tlap #TALKTOME
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    It does. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @iluveducating
  • NCS_Principal Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: I started doing a pre-summer survey for teachers. Two of the questions - What do you like to receive as a treat? And what can I do for you? I use that intel ALL year! #tlap #talktome
  • HillaryRB Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: keep smiling. Keep serving. Model appreciation for all acts of kindness, big and small. Give of your time, talents, resources. Say yes whenever possible. #tlap #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Yep, we got to be like Chick Fil A employees: “it is my pleasure to serve” #tlap
    In reply to @mospillman
  • Teachintjay Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3:I love to build anyone I know up with specific compliments.I also love to share "little happys"with my Ss like special treats,extra game time,etc.With Ps I always acknowledge the wonderful job they're doing and how hard parenting is If I feel slighted,I rembr my why #tlap
  • DrLMNelson Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3. One of the most underrated forms of appreciation is simply being in the moment and acknowledging the presence of our people! #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • jasongriffinccs Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3 Random acts of kindness will help to build specific relationships. No matter the circumstance, find positives in every child, every teacher, every day! #TLAP
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    #TLAP Just before the bell, beginning of class period- I greet them with enthusiasm and I say “I am excited to learn with you today” & at the end of class “thank you for learning with me today. “ it is a daily thing- sets a mindful energy
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • noel_hoffmann Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Oh! That is a wonderful idea! #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • AustinELA8 Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3) State focused on the most important thing: The STUDENTS! Look for the positives in small moments when necessary. Find their love language and reach out. #tlap
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3 - Positivity above all other things is transformational for school. If we stay upbeat and always remember that kids deserve it we can change our class and school. #TLAP
  • ItsAMrY Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    #tlap 1 day, in the winter, I took time at end of class to tell each S what their unique contribution was to the class. How proud I was of their specific growth. In front of all the whole class. First time I did that. I will do this every year going forward.
  • nmtond98 Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3 Really focuses on this last year. Best way I found was to offer opportunities or Ts to appreciate one another. Compliment cards, staff shoutouts, thankful cards, etc. These were big hits. #tlap
  • apadalino Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A2: Assume positive intent. 😁😃👍🏻👋🏽#tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Yes, and the idea that those are handwritten notes means a lot. Much more intimate than emails. Good on ya, Tamara! #tlap
    In reply to @tamaraletter
  • KristenDolen Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Yes, one thing I’m trying to get better at is listening to understand, not listening to speak. #tlap
    In reply to @WentzvillePRE
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: I love to send home handwritten notes or E-Mail’s to parents thanking them for their support! Even those who don’t communicate as much DESERVE your support as well. The students know I appreciate them from my passion in the classroom each and every day! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3 make sure to celebrate those little moments so everyone feels appreciated. Feeling valued and appreciated will move mountains!! #tlap
  • Adam_Johnson07 Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    A3: I head straight to social media! Everyone wants to feel “famous”/appreciated every once in a while. Photos or work are easy things to post. A simple thank you goes a long way as well. #TLAP
  • jillmclean27 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    I love the phrase "you made my day" whether it's the person who runs the computer lab who fixed a tech issues, or a student who shared where she sees physics in her life. Doesn't need to be a big thing. #tlap
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    You exude JOY and love and appreciation, Jay. #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @JayBilly2
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A2: Being competitive/jealous of others does NOT make us better. It is NOT a good motivator bc although our results may be decent, intentions of getting there were lousy. We have to be practical, realize everyone has something good to offer, and collaborate respectfully. #tlap
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    TIME (without distractions of phone etc.) to chat are valuable gifts to people- It's making meaningful MOMENTs count! #tlap
    In reply to @GreatWeissOne
  • kmurfitt1 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: First of all, leadership of any kind, is about service to others. And the best types of leadership are the ones without an “official” title. Appreciation is shown when you keep showing up and keep your commitments to those you’re serving. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • spqrmiguel Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: Our students are rewarded often and periodically for good behavior and excellence academic scores. Our teachers are usually rewarded with “jean day” 😂 or an hour lunch. Our parents are usually invited to our school and are treated to free breakfast or lunch. #TLAP
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    In reply to @jamesvarlack
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3b - Good morning, hello, thank you, have a great day and lots of 😀😀😀👍👍👍👍 #TLAP
  • tikaee Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3 I ❤️ to leave sticky notes with a little note for my peers and admin. I make sure to call parents for even the smallest thing for Ss who have had a tough time in previous years. I ❤️having lunch with my Ss to hear about what is going on outside of school. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • 2ndGradeMama Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A1: when talking to with/about struggling students I try to focus my conversation with a STRENGHTS/Compliment first and then to be CLEAR (no jargo) and KIND about the concern #TalktoMe #tlap
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Q3 again... #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • DFerrera521 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Jumped on late and never introduced myself. Diana Ferrera, 5th grade ELA, NJ & I love getting excited about things! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • swebsterteach Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: I am a big believer in not holding back authentic compliments, and I try to show appreciation for small things. #TLAP
  • DrLMNelson Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3. Hand-written notes are a lost art form, but truly are considered a special treat by all! #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • tishrich Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: Sincere thank you’s go a long way. Make sure you acknowledge the things that people do. Tell them f2f, write thank you cards, give shout outs at meetings. I still have the thank you’s my former principal @KevinCa28581019 gave me. It’s a big deal! #tlap
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: Be specific in what you appreciate about them and their actions. Be real and remember why you are doing what you are doing it. I have to remind myself that much of what I do is not necessarily expected, but what I want to do to make the world better. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Haters are so hard for me to deal with, but I'd rather hear their truth though than to wonder what they think. Typically my brain creates a worse version of the situation than the actual situation. #tlap
    In reply to @_on11
  • Mrs_Boecke Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: Lots of positive reinforcements in the form of notes or pictures to share successes! I try to always remember what is best for the student no matter how much EXTRA it might involve! Their smile or aha moment is enough appreciation! #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • BonKramer Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    #tlap A2 ask questions and actively listen.
  • Jonesa7Jones Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    #tlap A1 today in training @UNCGMSPS we talked about different people's personality traits. I came up super strong on the blue-caring spectrum. It made me think about how we all come with traits which influence how we interact w each other. #ElonEd #MED523
  • k_callahan4 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3b: When I don’t feel appreciated? I can be pretty hard on myself...but it doesn’t cause me to appreciate anyone else less. I try to think about what the other person might be dealing with and know lack of appreciation shown isn’t necessarily intentional. #TLAP #talktome
  • franziski123 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3. I try to make it habit to give status checks once a week with parents. When I worked with my dd kiddos, they produced their own picture based newspaper that said what each student was doing during a week. If like to do something similar for my hs ss this year. #tlap
  • bmilla84 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: I remember that an appreciated person is always willing to do more!! I love giving notes of encouragement & thanks! I think it’s important to recognize the efforts of others even if it’s not returned! Always do what’s right! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Mrjonresendez Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: I tend show my appreciation through actions. I show you I love you by being reliable and helpful. This is a problem sometimes because words matter too. I have stated to send random appreciative texts to my team and individual colleagues when I think of them. #tlap
  • diane_mackinnon Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: Take the time to notice the hard work, the improvements, and the effort. Verbally thank others often for their input and contributions. Little handwritten notes of appreciation and food. Food is big. #TLAP
  • PreK33 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: We have class reward parties, we do silent cheers for great ideas and actions. I send all parents thank you notes for coming to conferences. When I don't feel appreicated, I do some mindfulness exercises and focus on the good & positive. #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • TeacherWinters Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    It is one of those things that people remember. I was in Union Station in DC once waiting for a train. I got on any my seat partner was tickled that she was sitting next to me because she saw me smiling while I was getting on. I was just excited to be traveling. #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • batool_attiya Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Nothing is more valuable than reflecting on your interactions and actions! #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Love that! Each teacher in our school fills out a survey sheet with favorites that we keep in the office so all stakeholders can surprise others with acts of kindness here and there! Such a joy to see a surprise in our mailbox from our favorite's list! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @NCS_Principal
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: I am a big believer in thank you cards and positive notes! I say thank you for everything and tried to leave positive notes for students, parents, and staff each week even if I am not receiving anything back! #tlap #lulearns
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Welcome to #tlap!
    In reply to @MrsKatieCulver, @kimbearden
  • MrsAsztalos Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3 Tell them! I find a simple "Thank you" and You rock!" go a long way! I try to be extra nice and kind to others, even the ones who do not reciprocate. We don't know other people's struggles #tlap
  • jenny_rathjen Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: I make sure to always say thank you and tell them how much their gesture means to me. I smile and say something positive to each student every day! #ElonEd #tlap
  • nankr1120 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: I bring my A GAME every day... I do not take one day of their learning or my time with them for granted. That is one thing that every child and parent alike knows about me... they have my heart, my time, my everything. All in! #tlap #TalkToMe
  • VickiRD13 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3. I absolutely love showing people I appreciate them...it can be a simple thank you, to a card, to a gift, a public acknowledgement, or a simple hug. I consider myself to be a Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) and appreciation is the easiest way to do that! #tlap #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • SawickisSupers1 Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Keeping the nice notes is a great way to feel appreciated or boost you up on a tough day. #warmfuzzies #tlap
    • KristenDolen Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
      A3a: I try to write or verbally give specific affirmations. A3b: I’m a sentimental person 🙈, so I keep all the nice notes I’ve ever been given and sometimes I just pull them out and they’re a good reminder of why I do what I do. A burst of encouragement. #tlap
      • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
        How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    You always hear Ts say, don’t smile until Christmas. I always try to smile and make kids laugh all the time. Spread some joy, make school a happy place #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden, @TeacherWinters
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: The more you know your people, the easier it is to know their "love language". So, relationships are key! If I don't feel appreciated, that's when I have to do some self reflection as to why I do what I do. It's not about me. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • MsGarlisi204 Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: Quick notes of appreciation, positive social media posts, a short & specific "thank you" in person, emails & thank you cards. Keep it genuine. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Making 5 phone calls per week is my #KidsDeserveIt goal for #DBC50Summer https://t.co/DrYvAVFLR3 #tlap Love this!!!
    In reply to @tamaraletter
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: Part 1: I write each of my students personalized letters at the end of the school year and make them personalized holiday ornaments as well. I celebrate their accomplishments and process that encompasses both successes and "failures". #tlap
  • 2ndGradeMama Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A2: when talking with others I try to see the good, while being honest. #TalktoMe #tlap
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    You are right. Calm is contagious. I need to be mindful of that, too. #tlap
    In reply to @ChouinardJahant
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    I LOVE HANDWRITTEN NOTES! #tlap #lulearns
    In reply to @sandeeteach
  • teachlikeaninja Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: I love to record positive videos for kids and parents. I always send out a thank you email to parents after conferences and send out our positive videos to kids talking about all the awesome things they are doing. #tlap
  • LKapuchuck Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: Saying “thank you” sounds simple but it’s so important & too often forgotten. I also make the #goodnewscalloftheday for Ss & Staff. They love this& parents have cried with joy to hear something positive their child has done- big or little! I love to write cards, too. #TLAP
  • TheAshleyWarren Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: personal time! Building and strengthening relationships through face to face connections...there’s nothing greater to show appreciation than being heard and being told directly the impact you’re making! #TLAP
  • WentzvillePRE Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    We have served our staff breakfast, lunch, and dinners. We have taken them bowling and provided other special treats like massages and special mindfulness activities throughout the year. We celebrate our kids all the time but need to do a better job serving parents. #TLAP
  • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    I end the day by telling kids, "Thank you for choosing to be here today." They always look at me, astonished, but it is a choice, honestly. And the next day, when they come back again, they hear me say, "I am glad you are here!" #tlap
    In reply to @ChouinardJahant
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Welcome! I love the little things too. #tlap
    In reply to @DFerrera521
  • teripendley Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3 I try to make things fun by recognizing staff w/prizes, food, and of course dress down days. :) I don’t get bogged down in thinking if Im getting appreciated enough. That’s not why I do what I do. It’s not about me, it’s about the kids. A happy staff makes for happy kids #tlap
  • kjones_m Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: Hand written notes to staff and not forgetting what its like to be a teacher! #tlap
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3 #TLAP The most meaningful appreciation is consistent, mindful interactions. Greeting, smiling, intently listening, being respectful and through positive interactions helping reinforce a positive school culture. Squashing negativity with a positive spirit- lots of smiles
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Yes, Yes, YES! Random acts of kindness are so very important! And they don't have to cost a thing! Total morale booster! #tlap #talktome #passionforkindness
    In reply to @jasongriffinccs
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3 We feel appreciated when we're known #tlap
  • Ruby_SneakersRT Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A2. Remember that everyone has strengths. When you mirror the positive aspects in others and elevate their positivite actions, it strengths relationships which is the biggest motivator of all! #tlap #TalkToMe
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3 🗣️👇 TTY NOW...NOT TTYL! Show others that you appreciate them by giving them your time! It's that simple! It isn't about the things, it's about the relationships! Stop when you're doing, drop what you're doing, and give them your time NOW! ✨☠️ #TalkToMe #TLAP
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Lol. Food always works!! #tlap
    In reply to @diane_mackinnon
  • mospillman Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    So right! It’s not about me. #tlap #talktome
    In reply to @specialtechie
  • McEnglish101 Jul 16 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A2: It can be aided by focusing on the issue at hand (vs the communicator) & questioning if we are being influenced by a preceding bias or history w/ the person- asking ourselves would our understanding & response be the same w/ someone else. #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3: It's important to celebrate and recognize those who do the work and put in the effort. I shout them out on the loud speaker, in meetings, and whenever I can. Your school can't be great until you talk about your school and staff as great #tlap
  • jmartinez727 Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    I try to be humble, acknowledge others frequently, say thank you, and "notice" positive things about others. #YouMatter #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • Willmdunn Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3) Perhaps I’m not good at that. I shake their hands, and publicly praise when it’s appropriate. Something must work. I’ve had enough find me in their weakest moments for support. That’s how I l know I’m appreciated. #tlap
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3b: Every Friday is Free-Write Fri-YAY!! The students get a handwritten response from me to their free-write on their desk every Monday morning! It’s a SUPER way to MOTIVATE writers and BUILD RELATIONSHIPS! #TLAP #TalkToMe @kimbearden
  • McEnglish101 Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A2: It can be aided by focusing on the issue at hand (vs the communicator) & questioning if we are being influenced by a preceding bias or history w/ the person- asking ourselves would our understanding & response be the same w/ someone else. #TLAP
  • MrCoachEli Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3 This is one of my favorite parts of my job as a principal. I love doing random appreciations for staff as well as the predictable ones, Good News Call of the Day, assemblies, etc. Parents are an area I need to work to improve #TLAP
  • DesrosiersEryka Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A1: Try to start by showing them I understand their struggle. After I try to bring the S to find solutions to give him ownership or offer specific help to P or coworker instead of asking how I can help. Otherwise asking them to come up w/ solution doubles their work! #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:07 PM EDT
      What are some factors that you take into consideration when communicating with a struggling student, parent, or coworker? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • nmtond98 Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3 2nd part of Q...take time to appreciate yourself. Stand back and appreciate the culture and community you are building #tlap
  • TeacherWinters Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    You have to. Students need that kind of informal kindness and affirmation. I wouldn't want to be around a teacher that did not smile. #tlap
    In reply to @craigklement, @kimbearden
  • ShenaIBlcps Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    How they feel about themselves... #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • noel_hoffmann Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    Everyone loves food. #TLAP
    In reply to @diane_mackinnon
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    Ha! Love this! ✨☠️ #TalkToMe #TLAP
    In reply to @SteinbrinkLaura
  • jamesvarlack Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3 Remember names and always be courteous when you see them outside of school...don't avoid them, engage them #TLAP
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3c - I try to concern myself with students. If they appreciate my positivity and kindness, most other stuff is easily dealt with. Even if a student doesn’t appreciate me, I try to help them and maintain the good attitude. #TLAP
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    when you find out they still have them years later #tlap
    • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:25 PM EDT
      Yes, and the idea that those are handwritten notes means a lot. Much more intimate than emails. Good on ya, Tamara! #tlap
      In reply to @tamaraletter
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    Love it!! Those phone calls feel incredible for all those involved!! #tlap
    In reply to @iluveducating, @tamaraletter
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3: Part 2: I would love to learn (more) about what some of my co-workers do and celebrate their creativity as well as their innovative mindset. I love how my teaching partner was the first to incorporate escape rooms. I love how she took a huge step a few years ago. #tlap
  • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    I feel validated when students write me notes or emails thanking me for a lesson they enjoyed. It lets me know that they see that I am working hard to make learning meaningful and engaging #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    oh I love this! And Love Languages can totally change! Mine has!!! #tlap
    In reply to @specialtechie
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3: I not only tell them but more importantly show them. It’s the small things, genuine kind gestures that go a LONG way. People will always remember how you made them feel, so make it positive! I remain positive by knowing what’s in my heart & that my intentions are good #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    I love receiving handwritten notes! They mean SO much, especially this day and age! #tlap #passionforkindness
    In reply to @DrLMNelson
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    It still hurts sometimes though. We are human. ;) #tlap
    In reply to @mospillman
  • LeaLoves2Teach Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    I have to fall back on the Golden Rule: Do to the other guy what you would want done to you if you were in their shoes...I always have to think about this before I say something when I'm feeling negative. Reminds me that it's not all about me. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • Mrs_Gilchrist Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3: Say thanks and show thanks. Let them know that I see them and they matter. Greet them when passing, ask how they are doing, and REALLY listen to their replies. Offer support. #tlap
  • jamesvarlack Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • jordanhohm Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3. If you aren't feeling appreciated, I guarantee you there are others in your building feeling the same way. Go out of your way to recognize others and say thanks and you'll forget pretty quickly the way you were feeling! #tlap #talktome
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A4 Remember your why you do what you do and what sparked your interest into education. Lead, guide, model, and be proactive everyday. #talktome #tlap
  • BonKramer Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3. Engage them in conversations about things outside of school so they know I appreciate them as people and not just at school. #TLAP
  • am_vargas Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Hi! I’m late but so excited to join! #tlap #talktome
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • tikaee Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3a I ❤️ when my Ss show their appreciation for each other with shout outs. #TALKTOME #TLAP
  • AKReinking Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3: surprise letters, surprise Starbucks cards, a thank you, and for my college students a random surprise night off. #surprisesareworthit #TLAP
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Or coffee. Or gift cards for food or coffee!! #tlap
    In reply to @daleyscience, @diane_mackinnon
  • burgessdave - Moderator Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Q4 is here!!! Join #tlap and @kimbearden right now!!! #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    I printed out positive note paper and write each students name on a sheet. Every day I send 1-2 positive notes home to parents. This keeps me accountable for sending one about each student at least once a month and keeps the positivity in my classroom! #tlap #lulearns
    In reply to @k_callahan4
  • TracyMailloux Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3: What Kimm said! 🙌 #tlap
    • kmurfitt1 Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
      A3: First of all, leadership of any kind, is about service to others. And the best types of leadership are the ones without an “official” title. Appreciation is shown when you keep showing up and keep your commitments to those you’re serving. #tlap
      • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
        How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • nankr1120 Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    In reply to @diane_mackinnon
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    So true #TLAP I like that. I also like to say- thank you for the momentum- class was very energetic today due to your insight & support
    In reply to @_on11
  • kjones_m Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3: When I call parents for Positive Office Refereals, I like to make sure I tell them how special their kid is, thank them for teaching them respect at home and that I’m so blessed they are at our school. #tlap
  • rcollins_edu Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3) This past school year I did a mid year and end of the year survey. A "teacher report card" of sorts, if you want to call it that. My intent was to show appreciation of student voice and their input on my practice and planning. #tlap
  • specialtechie Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    Is there a love language for teachers? If not, we need to write that one! @burgessdave #TLAP
    In reply to @iluveducating, @burgessdave
  • HowardKiyuna Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A2: Motives are either Self or Others. Why am I doing/asking/requiring/ disciplining? A3: Appreciations - Create momentous memories: My BDay I serve them lunch "every" yr. #tlap
  • AKReinking Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3: stay focused on my goal and make the goal and reaching a goal the way I show myself appreciation #TLAP
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3 I love leaving Anchors of Appreciation-- an idea inspired by @burgess_shelley & @BethHouf! #tlap #TalkToMe Wrote about it here...https://t.co/R8nemEZqY4
  • happyteacherguy Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3: Handwritten notes. Say thanks in person. #tlap
  • franziski123 Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3 Part 2 - PIZZA PARTIES! #tlap
  • Jonesa7Jones Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    #tlap A3 Even the smallest gestures deserve a ty. When a child brings you a tattered teddy bear...it may be their most treasured possession. #ElonEd #MED523
  • TeachDMD Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4. I feel most validated when Ss quietly tell me that they learned something or loved a lesson or just thank me for the year. Handwritten notes at the end of the year are my favorites examples. #tlap
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    I love to say "acts of kindness" take out the random, they acts should be whatever the opposite of random is! 😉 #tlap
    In reply to @tamaraletter, @jasongriffinccs
  • ASMILEwithAnna Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3: Via email, hand-written note, or in-person chat, I acknowledge their contribution to the solution. Next year, I will invite coworkers to go for free with me to the San Diego Zoo as a gesture of appreciation. #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • EllenJacobsen9 Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    Smile files rock! definitely helps on those super hard days! #tlap #lulearns
    In reply to @tamaraletter
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3: Part 3: My parents... I think it's important how I ask them to tell me about their sons or daughters at the beginning of the school year. I contact them regularly and always do my best to tell them about their kids' positive attributes. #tlap
  • batool_attiya Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3: It can bring you down a little when you feel your interactions are misunderstood/not appreciated. However, at the end it's not about you. It's about all of us working together as a unit. I don't need a badge of honor for every single good thing I do for my peeps. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • JoveStickel Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4 I feel validated when my peers and our staff and students tell me I have done a good job or tell me they appreciate me. I also feel validated when they ask for my opinion #TLAP
  • WallerALPHApack Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3: Face to face compliments, expressions of thanks, phone calls, and verbal praise are effective - even more than an electronic message. Handwritten notes and posting amazing work products are visual displays of praise. I am always happier to give than to receive! #tlap
  • SteinbrinkLaura Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    Well, you know. :) #tlap There are just some questions we can't really respond to with the truth.
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass
  • k_callahan4 Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4: I’ve had many times this year when I’ve spent hours on something, lost sleep, just been exhausted...@me1odystacy @kim_laughlin know I appreciate Words of Affirmation and will stop to tell me I’m appreciated and valued. Know the Love Language of others around you. #TLAP
  • DFerrera521 Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4: I try and always follow through on what I say I am going to do and give it my best. My hard work and my word is how I show appreciation with my own children, my Ss, coworkers, Ps, friends and family. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:21 PM EDT
      How do you show appreciation to your students, coworkers, or parents? How do you remain appreciative when you don’t feel like they appreciate you? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • kmurfitt1 Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    The greatest validation I have ever received has always been from students. To see them create actions for change...to make a difference for others—well there’s no words to describe that. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4: Attention to detail, checking in with specific questions about what's going on in your world, true appreciation shared for work on a project... these are small ways to make hearts soar! #tlap #talktome
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • PreK33 Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4: "I'm sorry you don't feel like I pay attention to what's happening in your class. I should do better. It's just that I trust you and know you're doing wht's best for kids." #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • GuysBride Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4- specific praise for legit hard work! Don’t fluff my feathers I don’t need it! @bmilla84 is amazing at leaving notes with specific praise for me! She is a strong encourager! #tlap #TALKTOME
  • Auen_Ed_Tech Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3: I write a negative sandwich down. 1 thing that frustrates me about said person, then something good, then something frustrating. Then rewrite the good thing and burn (rip up if you're not a chemist) the old one to let the frustrating ones go away. Give them the 2nd one. #tlap
  • ItsAMrY Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    #tlap *DISCLAIMER* As a Stats teacher, I have to say that there is no such thing as a "random" act of kindness. No coin was flipped, no random number generator was used. The acts are deliberately calculated and chosen, although surprising to the recipient. Ok, rant over.
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4: From the #nccatgenz game group in NC... Mr. Rogers - always Mr. Rogers... #tlap
  • heywaysELA Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: Just a simple thank you. A note or post it is always appreciated and easy to do. Bringing snacks or food. Giving a helping hand. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • GreatWeissOne Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: Graduation. When I watch my Ss walk across the stage w/ their diploma I know that our time together in HS was worth every minute. That's when I know our work is complete. #tlap #talktome
  • AKReinking Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A3: ask about things outside of school that show you listen, care, and want to know them outside of the professional world. #caring #TLAP
  • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: @Flood1Tracy and @dsimpsonsimmons were specific in their compliments. Instead of giving a dismissive, "Nice," I heard exactly how I had helped make their lives a little easier. When we are specific with our praise, we are more likely to have repeat performances. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • gdorn1 Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A3. Welcoming Ss, P, T in, smile, sharing what Ss are working on, thank them for coming, listen to their stories, share stories! Remind myself who your doing it for, the Ss! #tlap
  • kubteach Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4. I have had the most generous human beings as my students. They have sent emails, written me letters, hug me, and use beautiful words. I try to do the same for them. Everyone should feel like someone cares and is willing to show it! #tlap #talktome
  • Hahne_Elyse Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4b When I see those smiles and notes, my heart bursts. My students are my why and I want them to feel valued and loved daily. #talktome #tlap
  • mospillman Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    • educatorTHR Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
      A3: Call parents to share something positive - building + relationships #ltap #TalkToMe
      In reply to @mospillman, @burgessdave
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: When students and parents come back to thank you and when they talk about you outside of school in a positive way then I feel validated. Here is one blog that validates what we do: https://t.co/QIAwhBslxR #tlap
  • ChouinardJahant Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A3 #TLAP Positive postcards home- different students every week. I love when the receive them and then come in the next day beaming 💥
  • HillaryRB Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: I feel validated when a parent or student recognizes my efforts both inside and outside the classroom to encourage student success. As a parent, I try to send text messages, emails, and notes to my children’s Ts when I see them going above and beyond. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • craigklement Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: when I won employee of the year this school year. It was voted on by the entire staff. I can help others feel validated by honoring them in word and deed. Cover a duty or write a quick thank you letter #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4 We must encourage everyone to tell their story. When we make space for people to tell their stories, they know they are valued. #tlap
  • ShenaIBlcps Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    Q2. Continue to be positive with them. Let them know you knowledge their positive impact. #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    There's a love language for the workplace but I think you should write a book especially for teachers! :) #tlap
    In reply to @specialtechie, @iluveducating, @burgessdave
  • CoraBoucher Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4 We have PRIDE write ups that the staff fills out for Ss. Our principal comes in and announces the recipients each Friday... one day one was announced for me that a Student wrote up. Was great validation! It started a new trend too. #tlap
  • L3Hess Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    When I combined classes with other teachers/job coaches and they looked at me as a leader and were very receptive to my ideas. Acknowledging ideas/effort before shooting things down, and learning to brainstorm and combine instead of choosing only one idea. #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • klubkraker Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A3 Positive notes, being fully present making them feel valued. It is not about me it is about them. #TLAP
  • Ryan7Read Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: It's giving compliments to a job well done. Even a small learning step. A fist bump can go a long way. #tlap
  • TeacherWinters Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4 - It was unexpectedly being asked to do more by my superior. I just wanted to do a good job and I got more opportunity. I think the same applies to our students. If teachers reward students for their good work with more opportunities rather a gold star, change happens. #tlap
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    Cleaver idea! A4 #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:30 PM EDT
      Ooo! Videos! That is clever! :)
      In reply to @teachlikeaninja
  • CRCarter313 Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: Validated. An E-Mail from a past second grade student this summer! #TLAP #TALKTOME @kimbearden
  • mospillman Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    • educatorTHR Jul 16 @ 9:26 PM EDT
      Place anonymous positive comment on classroom doors, notes/treats in mailboxes, pride cards sent to home address #lap #talktome
      In reply to @burgessdave, @kimbearden
  • DrLMNelson Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    I do, too! Some of the greatest gifts that I have ever received were hand written cards from my students! #TLAP
    In reply to @tamaraletter
  • nmtond98 Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4 a few years back I had a S (at 8th her graduation) tell me thank you for not giving up on me. Talk about feeling beyond validated. #tlap
  • MarciaMentor Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A3: when I host a PD I always provide coffee, water & snacks & when possible provide a special lunch, a quality guest speaker like @alicekeeler & of course #dbc books. When I don’t feel appreciated, I smile & do my best to model professionalism #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden, @alicekeeler
  • TheAshleyWarren Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4: we can take risks on people....follow their dreams with them and allow them to fly or fail. Either way you’re on a learning journey together so there’s no way to lose!! #TLAP
  • Willmdunn Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A3) I’ve never felt I wasn’t their teacher just because the bell rang that ended class. Similarly, even if you’re not on my roster- I still think I’m your teacher. I hope they know it’s because I value them enough to stop engaging with that relationship with them. #tlap
  • docvs1 Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    someone saying good job, thanking me for the extra time and hard work, acknowledging it #tlap
  • KristenDolen Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4a: When I have former Ss come see me, write to me, or send me a message; that’s pretty validating! A4b: We can validate others by supporting them and advocating for them. #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    That takes a LOT of courage, Rachel. I know I have done that in the past and it was with a ton of trepidation. Need to take a deep breath and do it!! #tlap
    In reply to @rcollins_edu
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A3: I think another thing is how at the end of the school year, I put together a 45-minute slideshow of memories and photos and do quite a bit for my Tech Club students by coming up with an amazing overnight trip as well as a competition where they showcase their talents. #tlap
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    Love it A4 #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:29 PM EDT
      In reply to @iluveducating, @tamaraletter
  • thoughtsinflow Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A3b: This past year for Thanksgiving week. I hand wrote a thank you to each staff member. It was restorative for my heart to reflect on the good in each of them. #tlap
  • am_vargas Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    Q4: A parent came to visit the last day of school. She came to tearfully thank me for the progress her son had demonstrated throughout the year. It brought tears to my eyes. #tlap #talktome
  • Mrs_Gilchrist Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4: I talked about this in A3, too. We validate others by seeing them, hearing them, respecting them, and lifting up their awesomeness. #tlap
  • perrymanclass Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    When people see the work and content behind our room transformations. Yes they are big and fun but more importantly they are rigorous and require student cooperation and higher thinking. #tlap
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4 - This past year I was awarded most inspiring teacher by our 12th grade students. While it felt good, it was even better to make them happy. #TLAP
  • _on11 Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    YES! Love graduation. Love getting to share one last nugget of wisdom with our 8th Graders before they "leave the nest" and head to high school. #tlap
    In reply to @GreatWeissOne
  • bmilla84 Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4: I received a very sweet letter from a P on the last day of school. It was very heartfelt & reflective. It gave me such validation & reaffirmed me belief in what I’m doing. We need to take moments to let others know we believe in them & their work! #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • TaraMartinEDU Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    Q4 is up and ready to rock! #tlap #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • jenchitmon Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A2 It takes a concerted effort to focus on positives, esp if it hasn’t been habit. It’s easy to focus on negativity, & social media makes this harder b/c we tend to only see snapshots of “perfect” lives. We must keep perspective & find our marigolds to support us. #TLAP #TalkToMe
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • iluveducating Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4: In all seriousness, when someone verbalizes their validation, it means so much to me. I'd rather that be one-on-one than in a group though. Validation in groups makes me uncomfortable. If I'm doing something right, tell me. I will want to keep doing it. #tlap
  • PrincipalKrantz Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A3 I have my staff fill out a survey with their favorite soft drink and candy bar and keep a stash so that I can give them a cold one or a treat to say thanks or as a pick me up. #TLAP
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • sandeeteach Jul 16 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A4 UNPLUG and FOCUS on the person! Have a real conversation without interruptions and make the time about the other person. #tlap
  • Adam_Johnson07 Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: I feel validated when my principal or district RTs my students work. They are very busy people and to know they take the time and appreciate my students hard work is validation enough. Your students hard work is a reflection of you and how you teach. #TLAP
  • jillmclean27 Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: It's kind of crazy how an email from a former student saying they appreciated me or still think about our class can keep me floating for weeks. #tlap
  • MrCoachEli Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4 For me it was simply verbal praise or validation from people I respect. I try to be very intentional about being impeccable with my word because words are so powerful. I try to be intentional and consistent w/ recognition and praise #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • SawickisSupers1 Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: I feel validated when parents or students send notes or emails thanking me for something I have done. Words of affirmation go a long way for both students and teachers. #tlap #LULearns
  • kescalante_edu Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A3: Show appreciation by including (teachers, parents, students) in the excitement of learning! Our outcomes improve when we include all stakeholders #tlap
  • DesrosiersEryka Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A2: Once problem is defined, focus on solutions rather than let the problem look bigger than it is by going on and on about it. However, must remain positive in word choice and nonjudgmental: so how can we change the situation...? NOT don’t do that anymore... #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:14 PM EDT
      There are positive and negative motivators behind our everyday interactions. What are some ways to keep focus on the positive motivators while communicating with others? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • AKReinking Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: support in front of higher ups. Ask to collaborate, encourage by providing materials if needed #TLAP
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: When Students, teachers and families are running into school instead of out. When smile abound and you can feel the joy - validation #tlap
  • nankr1120 Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: To me the strongest factor in validating is truly listening and engaging in what matters to others. To sit on your own thoughts and allow that moment to be gifted. That moment of full attention and meaningful eye to eye contact is priceless! #tlap #TalkToMe
  • tamaraletter Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    I like a mix of both! Sometimes my acts of kindness are very deliberate and other times they just happen in the moment! It’s a happy mix of joy either way! #tlap
    In reply to @daleyscience, @jasongriffinccs
  • apadalino Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    All a part of building those crucial relationships. #tlap.
    In reply to @mrsjeagon
  • L3Hess Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    You're the queen of validation! Any comment or message I've sent you, you've responded, which is special because you are one busy lady. #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • noel_hoffmann Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4. When someone uses your work in their classroom, it is the nicest feeling. I love it when people want to incorporate one of my ideas. I always try to tell the person whose idea I am using. It is nice to know that you have been helpful. #TLAP
  • walkchrysj Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4 Ways we make our team members feel validated is by recognizing them with specificity, finding out if they like to be recognized publicly or privately, and how they like to be recognized. Shows that we value their contribution to the team & remembered their preference #tlap
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • cheryljglasser Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: The best validations for me are those that specifically state what actions I took that made a difference. Anyone can say "You're great". It's better to say the reasons why. #tlap
  • LKapuchuck Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4:When I became principal, I got a hand written letter from a student that made me cry. She wrote abt the monthly read alouds I do in classrooms & the special lunches we had- w/ music of course! All in everyday for my Ss & school & the kids know it! #tlap #talktome
  • Ruby_SneakersRT Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A3. A true act of kindness is done when nothing is expected in return. By spreading kindness two people benefit, the one receiving & the one giving it! Appreciate the gift you’ve given yourself. Face to face compliments is my personal favorite way to show appreciation! #tlap
    In reply to @kimbearden
  • mellomama6 Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: It has to be genuine. I don't like public praise. #bereal #tlap
  • teripendley Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4 So this happened today. A teacher was working in her room & came by the office to talk. She said she wanted to give me a hug. She was excited about where our school was headed & wanted to thank me. That felt pretty good. A great reminder for me to do the same for others. #TLAP
  • CristinaDajero Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    In reply to @k_callahan4
  • jenny_rathjen Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: Last week I wrote a proposal for FLEX camp @elonuniversity @Elon_Ed I put in many hours and felt really good when my professor gave me feedback! #ElonEd #MED523 #tlap #talktome @aprilpatton257 @Jonesa7Jones @boggess_carol @scomorrison
  • teachermike72 Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: I got a written message from a kid that was clearly not perfunctory or one she had sent to just any old teacher. The kid had had a terrible semester that included testifying in court in a molestation case. I didn't think I did anything special...:) #tlap
  • swebsterteach Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: Working with Ss is the validation everyday in teaching. Seeing Ss sense of accomplishment, and letting hem own their own learning is a great validation too. #TLAP
  • Jonesa7Jones Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    #tlap A4. Validation can come in as simple as a smile or short email. I try to lift my colleagues as often as I can! #ElonEd #MED523
  • daleyscience Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4 Agreed. Validation does go far, but people need to be careful, because actions speak louder than words. I'm not a fan of people who validate your thoughts and say you have great ideas, but then do the complete opposite, like they didn't even listen. #PetPeeve #tlap
  • KimSnodgrass Jul 16 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4 💙💖💚💛 This quote by @smgaillard in #ThePepperEffect says it all... L I S T E N We all feel validated when someone truly listens to us, especially when they L.I.S.T.E.N. 👇✨☠️ #TalkToMe #TLAP
  • Mrjonresendez Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4: Appreciation is about you. Validation is about them. To validate, you have to know what they are passionately striving for and acknowledge, understand and celebrate it systematically. #tlap
  • tikaee Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4 I received this email a week ago from a Ss I taught in 1999 and 2001 (2nd &4th grade). I will keep it forever! #Appreciation #TLAP #TALKTOME
  • AnnickRauch Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4 I feel validated when colleagues or members of my PLN say “tell me more about...”. When people notice the good that I’ve done or the risks I’ve taken, it fills my soul and grows the fire within me to keep going! #tlap
  • SawickisSupers1 Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    Love this! Students make the best storytellers. #tlap #LULearns
    • paul_emerich Jul 16 @ 9:31 PM EDT
      A4 We must encourage everyone to tell their story. When we make space for people to tell their stories, they know they are valued. #tlap
  • MrMarshsClass Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    I was chosen as beginning teacher of the year at the first high school I taught at. I was selected by the administration and my peers. That year was my hardest year of teaching by far and it was beyond awesome to be validated by those around me #tlap
  • jordanhohm Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    The word validation comes from Latin, the root word also is used for: I am healthy, I am strong, I am worthy Take that into consideration when building others up -- you're making them feel healthy, strong, worthy. #tlap #talktome
  • Shapiro_WTHS Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4b - Spread love, respect and a willingness to make each person’s day better. #TLAP
  • MsGarlisi204 Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4: I have been lucky this year with many positive moments of feeling validated and appreciated. This wasn't always my work experience and having had the opportunity to move into a positive culture situation is what propels me to make sure others feel the same way. #TLAP
    • kimbearden Jul 16 @ 9:28 PM EDT
      Think about a time you felt validated for the work you do. What happened that made you feel this way? How can we make others feel this way? #TLAP #TalkToMe
  • 2ndGradeMama Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A3: SAY~ THANK YOU for specific reasons and SAY I appreciate ___ I show appreciation: Ts ➡️Random Act of Kindness (notes/gifts/emails) Ss ➡️ brag 📝 , + office referrals, 1:1 conference, ☎️ 🏠 Ps ➡️ ☎️ 🏠, thank you letter, notes, newsletter #TalkToMe #tlap
  • love5thgrade Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4: I felt validated when my sensational scientists from last year came in on a Saturday to celebrate science and review our standards from over the course of the year. I love how my school let me make this a possibility-- and how they had faith in me. #tlap
  • JayBilly2 Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4: When parents, students and teachers stand up at board meetings to share the story of your school = validations #tlap
  • mrsjeagon Jul 16 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4: Relationships with students (when they thank you for being there every day), with teachers (when you just have dinner together and share life both schools and personal), and parents (when you go over our conference time just talking about what’s new with them) #tlap