#BFC530 Archive
The Breakfast Club – #BFC530 – is a 15 minute, 1 question Twitter chat every weekday. We chat in 4 timezones Mon-Fri – 5:30am Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Times. The mission of BFC is to empower participants to make a difference in education by engaging in consistent reflective practice in a supportive community that inspires and challenges one another.
Wednesday April 27, 2016 5:30 AM EDT
Today's : Ss who choose paper over tech - When is it "differentiation" & when is it not ok? -
Good Morning Everyone! Is this week dragging or is it me?
Good morning, ! Cathy from NJ, checking in for the first time in a long time.
Good Hump Day morning to the best PLN around! Got in my walk, coffee is poured & Miles Davis on the playlist. Lets go!
oh my gosh - each period is flying by but the day as a whole is like molasses
Happy Hump Day, !
Missed you all these last couple weeks. Good to be back among great people!
Morning Manny! Great here, you?
Wow! that's great! https://t.co/LzEy29R7S4
Good Hump Day morning to the best PLN around! Got in my walk, coffee is poured & Miles Davis on the playlist. Lets go!
This is an important question to ask. Too often i hear teachers say they differentiate when they aren't.
hi Cathy - good to see you again
Good morning. Stacey from NJ. Happy Wednesday
Yes! I woke up thinking it was Thursday!
Good morning! Ben from NC. Physics & math T, trying his best to go paperless!
im getting there. took a while to fall asleep.
I am confused by this? Is the Q asking if using paper differentiation? https://t.co/mynMGCH3YD
Today's : Ss who choose paper over tech - When is it "differentiation" & when is it not ok? -
Hey Cathy! Will you be at ?
went to the public library last nite to pick up a book for a S - thought it was Wed late nite hrs
But u made it to ! So ur day is off to a good start!
hahaha but we both attended we are not that bad! lol
I have Ss who like to take notes w/pen and paper but each project requires some tech, it's the world we live in. Prepare them!
Morning friends! Long time, no see! Hope you are all well!
I think so, or as 1 form of differentiation
glad to hear it. Time is a great healer ! Hang in my friend ! https://t.co/pjM0rqG58Q
Morning, Eric! Doin' alright. Finally getting my head back together after a long coupe of weeks.
I went after that - you would have thought I could keep the days straight by 8p
Happy Wednesday to .
Brian, HS principal from Mass.
Those of us with younger Ss differentiate all day long! It is just what we do
that is hysterical! Great smile for my day!
Differentiation means meeting the needs of the students. Tech does not automatically mean differentiation.
Even though I'm full GC/paperless, I still give Ss option to do their work in whatever form they wish: paper, phone, Minecraft, etc.
Exactly, that is why I was getting confused.
Good Morning Everyone! Dave from MA waking up with a big cup of coffee!
I don't see paper & tech as either/or. It's integration, not differentiation. Research shows the imp. of the head-hand-writing cnxn.
Hi, Coach! Great to see you:)
yes but, I have most Ss still more comfortable on paper.( surprisingly)Want them to feel at ease to do work https://t.co/8R8fqIqymT
I have Ss who like to take notes w/pen and paper but each project requires some tech, it's the world we live in. Prepare them!
Great to see you, Allison!
Yes! One must have a strong culture of meeting the needs of each S - customized growth path. Tech enhances, not replaces.
Good Wednesday morning! Can't believe it's Wednesday. Where did this week, year go?
Good morning Slow start on a chilly morning...
I don't think the student is going to think it's as funny as we do - explain a senior moment to a senior in HS?
I think pencil paper can work for many things. I am a fan at times myself!
I see using tech for Ss who have a hard time writing a differentiation. Some do better when they use technology
Isn't the point of differentiation to help a S learn? So if paper/pencil help them learn why not? Don't eliminate the tech
I would like to think so! I would also like to think I do a good job being It's not just ab tech!
Content, process, product, & learning environment. These are the things that can be differentiated based on student need.
yes if the goal is for them to learn, what ever method works to get there I am OK with
Very nice! Good to see you.
Shouldn't learning have a lot to do with S choice and voice? Learning tools can enhance learning...they aren't the learning.
Awoken by dog bark. No coffee yet. Hello from snowy VT
that's why I prefer early childhood so much – it's all differentiation!
Indeed! Whatever tool enables that S to do his/her best work, while encouraging each to learn/grow.
I think its important to find the difference between student choice and differentiation. Both are good but one is not the other.
Cannot eliminate the tech tho. SBAC is taken with computer, need to know how to use it. But I do allow choice a lot of times
Note taking is individual choice. Let S decide.
never under estimate the power of the pencil and paper ...
Good point! Ss have to know how to use both, we can't let them shy away from either one. https://t.co/EgFb9g5Kfz
I don't see paper & tech as either/or. It's integration, not differentiation. Research shows the imp. of the head-hand-writing cnxn.
Bummed that the Indians blew another game to the lowly twins. You?
We are on the same page today! :)
Differentiation starts with formative assessment. Where are your students and what do they need to get to where you are going?
Snow?!? A dog? I was awoken by the battling roosters (not a fan at 4:30) and the tree frogs are singing their song.
I forgot it was Wednesday!!! Yay!
We shouldn't be in the business of eliminating tools from the toolbox, but rather making our toolbox bigger.
Snow if VT??? Keep that stuff up there!
good morning! How much snow do you have?
A. In high level Maths, pen, paper&a calculator may be needed.If Teaching Visual Arts, teach perspective via sketching b4 using Apps
Mets came back from 3-0 for the win !!! https://t.co/Q2ZN0KLnUa
Bummed that the Indians blew another game to the lowly twins. You?
Indeed! Where it starts! With that solid foundation of trust, you can encourage Ss to move from their comfort zone.
and important to note, recent study stating Ss retain more when they physically write rather than type.
Yes, I am not inviting the snow back.
Agreed. What ever is best for student learning, right?
Good morning! A little late to the party this morning! Anyone going to teachmeetNJ in August? I signed up
It's Case High Night this evening at Fenway Park. Great to be at a baseball game. Not so sure about seeing one 40 degree temps.
I'll take all the wild animals around here over roosters any day. Rough....
Yes but as we make the toolbox bigger we need to make sure each teacher understands what does what.
Differentiation means modifying to fit S. Student choice is picking from options. Pencils, computers, crayons part of both
Education may be the only business that gets rid of tools they think are "out-dated" ...
That's interesting.At my level it is still hard to type they have to really concentrate.
Never encountered this because technology is so rarely available so when kids do have access they use it.
Agreed, but can't we respond (differentiate) as Ts based on choices students make?
I think that when we off Ss choice, we should accept however they choose to show their understanding. High/low tech doesn't matter.
not surprised, but lets see how this plays out over time I think it will change with each class of Ss https://t.co/65NVX1rQmz
and important to note, recent study stating Ss retain more when they physically write rather than type.
Oh, man. We play you this season. Hope today's a good day for all our teams:)
The upside of tech like is that Ss don't lose the notes for when they need them (me too).
YES! You win the internet today, Dennis, with that quote! :)
Unless you teach earlier elementary. We don't get rid of anything..come see my basement.
May sound old school, when I work in the shop sometimes that old screwdriver works better than powered screw gun. right tool 4 job
& allow the professional judgment of which is the best tool to use
It all goes back to relationships, if we have trust, Ss will try new things! https://t.co/EGskvLXhF1
Indeed! Where it starts! With that solid foundation of trust, you can encourage Ss to move from their comfort zone.
i'll take baseball in any weather! Have a hotdog in adult beverage for me.
I am, . Our tech guy at - - runs it. Always a great day of learning!
That sounds like a great time, no matter the temp!
hahahahahah I love my friends here! Never fail to make me smile and laugh out loud!
Ts can also pair a pencil paper task with technology to teach the S 2 ways to complete the task rather than having only a single way
Human evolution happened with the hands. Being able to use them in certain ways, to build things etc, can't end.
Don't upper grades tend to be more ability grouped?
offering student choice and taking note of the choices to help you plan is good. Im sot sure its differentiation.
Meet the kid where they are. Im a creative techie. I get google & love Moleskines. I accept either from Ss. https://t.co/UOQ4f7TLsd
I am confused by this? Is the Q asking if using paper differentiation? https://t.co/mynMGCH3YD
Today's : Ss who choose paper over tech - When is it "differentiation" & when is it not ok? -
I often hear similar concerns about face2face vs online & it truly is about a balance of tech and making tech have creative purpose
so true! We need to use the tools that fit the student not the other way around.
exactly it's about their learning, not our lesson plan ! https://t.co/ayhPo0v2jo
Meet the kid where they are. Im a creative techie. I get google & love Moleskines. I accept either from Ss. https://t.co/UOQ4f7TLsd
I am confused by this? Is the Q asking if using paper differentiation? https://t.co/mynMGCH3YD
Today's : Ss who choose paper over tech - When is it "differentiation" & when is it not ok? -
I feel like it's a balancing act - each student needs both. Trying to find the right amount for each is the hard part
Yep! 5 yrs. in & I'm still cleaning out the Media Center! I found 4 old record players in the back area!
True but I'm now scanning hand written notes to keep copies. Tech complementing pencil.
Paper vs Tech is a fake issue. its about using whats best for the student at the time.
Morning Support Ss with whatever tool that helps them learn & succeed. Some prefer tech, others paper
For the most part yes, but Ss still learn differently.
It's impt to remem tech is merely a tool! I can use a flat head instead of a phillips-sometimes the tool doesn't matter.
Those would be good in a lol Always something new for something old!
I have Ss write drafts in pen/cil. When they are forced to go slower, they pay more attn, add details/ Revisions/edits are in DOCS
Indeed! When you have built that trust, the S is willing to move into the uncomfortable, try, fail, & try again.
I also encourage taking pics with phones as another way to save.
record players ROCK! You need to get some vinyl and play some music. Old school appreciation.
We don't want to completely eliminate either. Tech is necessary and beneficial but paper and pencil must serve if tech goes down.
Yes! Modeling for our Ss is the best way for them to get comfortable.
My students used to think they were really be CD's.
libraries can be like archeology sites - at 1st school, found cabinet w 10K transparencies
While we need to meet the students where they are, it is important to intro them to all these new methods.
Make sure that tech and/or paper has a purpose. Does it need to be completed w/tech? Or is it just as purposeful on paper?
A long time ago, paper and pencil were considered tech...
But can I not differentiate my support based on my analysis of what is needed following S choice?
I let them use notes on assessments. If they type notes, they cant easily access. If they don't print them, they may lose out. 😢
outdated does not = no longer useful for some ...
I think that would be really great for those Ss who have memry issues. The pic/muscle memry of drawing is helpful.
Have a great day, everyone!
Wednesday is Ellen's day...
Or showSs what an actual "album" is. Then play it. The sound is so different!
Definitely! They are like the dumping zone. I think ours has those overhead projectors.
. Yay! I signed up yesterday!
Tech? Going down? Neverrrrr !!! 😆
Whether it is tech or pen and paper, let's go make a difference today! Thanks for the motivation!
My father in law calls it poor mans fertilizer. Here's to a green lawn for you!
I happily use both tablet & lots of post-its, and model this for my Ss.
Well friends go enjoy your day and be awesome !
You guys rock! Thanks for the great conversations and the laughs! I hope I didn't wake up my husband!
Teaching from hard copy text & digital copy text book is still teaching from the text.Fact it's on a computer doesn't=differentiated
I usually think of differentiation from info access perspective - what does S need to answer their Qs, satisfy their inquiry?
Overheads ...the items that were replaced by video projectors and IWBs
I have some of those still being used! :)
Thought – just because it's new does not mean it's better. Should continue to intro/reintroduce all methods to students.
Best wishes to all for a great day ahead...off for a morning run. 😊
Thanks everyone! Have a great Wednesday! Remember it is National Office Professionals Day! Do something nice for ur office people!
*those* are great for makerspaces - hang on to at least one!
yes. They do learn differently.
agreed -as well as in conjunction with.
I remember filmstrip and film projectors. Damn I am old!
Thanks, Mark! You're rockin' also!
sometimes they are the right tool, as crazy as it may sound
Hey Jamie. I agree but what are your thoughts on teaching valuable tech skills? How do we find that balancing act?
don't forget the mimo graph ( I love that smell) https://t.co/a6zfO9OZrv
I remember filmstrip and film projectors. Damn I am old!
hit the nail on the head for entire discussion. Keyword: purposeful.
This! https://t.co/DH5WNE5hpn
Make sure that tech and/or paper has a purpose. Does it need to be completed w/tech? Or is it just as purposeful on paper?
some of those were made w cast iron - could break yr foot if you dropped it
amen https://t.co/G6xVn7cV8x
Thought – just because it's new does not mean it's better. Should continue to intro/reintroduce all methods to students.
I do this too - unless student has dysgraphia and paper gets in the way.
Experienced, not old...Experienced!
s/times "new" becomes just "one more thing to do", not a piece/tool to be truly integrated. Training + time needed.
I tend to think of differentiation as being rooted in some sort of student assessment.
tools don't matter- pedagogy & relationship matter
Tech enhances, not replaces.
Ss can take pics of notes using & search them electronically w title or hashtag. Great tool!
Yes! and they traveled on a rolling cart! The film projectors you didn't move!
1of2 tech skills very important. Our Ss have 2 yrs of Tech & 2 of Comp Ed. My classroom offers opportunity to
Everything that is old is new again!
use and/or try. Many 8th Ss trying Prezi for 1st time in my class! Exciting!
My Ss are writing their autobios in using both comp & paper Purposeful choices based on need/goal. https://t.co/lv9GaaUYmL
Make sure that tech and/or paper has a purpose. Does it need to be completed w/tech? Or is it just as purposeful on paper?
Take a look at the SAMR model for tech integration. Apply to differentiation as well. Move past Substitution https://t.co/3mJuNaAhO6
Rising Ss asked me if we did more paper assignments or tech...my answer was "yes." No needs to rule out either!
Interesting perspective...and I do agree...but I was thinking of responsiveness in terms of instruction based on need.
That's when we as Ts (often) make the choice for the S based on indiv needs. That's just smart instructional response.
I use Scanner Pro app. Ts come to my phone to scan sometimes.
I think our Ss appreciate being given that choice more than we know.
and how are you assessing that need?
Is there really a time that it is not ok? Muscle use = < memory. Better be high on SAMR to call a S out over paper.
Have to laugh. I hate Prezi for one reason only - makes me motion sick to bounce that much! But Ss like it.
they love it & assist each other when stuck. I haven't made one myself yet
Thanks for getting my brain going this morning. Such an interesting discussion with many diff. points of view.
oh no! the Twilight Zone of tech?! I love how it works!
Fill in the blank ''What makes me a good teacher is _________''
Who's going? Stop by to see me on Friday, 8:30 - Cracking the Code!
record players ROCK! You need to get some vinyl and play some music. Old school appreciation. | More: https://t.co/zSrfbAdn4d
record players ROCK! You need to get some vinyl and play some music. Old school appreciation. | More: https://t.co/PydULIBWPD
best practice as defined by who? Best pract is what works for best for the kids. Drum beats don't = playing the drums
that smell is probably why students behaved better and teachers weren't as stressed 'back in the day'
You might be on to something. Teachers little helper! !😉 https://t.co/P4OquPLkGF
that smell is probably why students behaved better and teachers weren't as stressed 'back in the day'
Ummm... Let's go Mets! Another win last night!
Today : Ss who choose paper over tech - When is it "differentiation" & when is it not ok? -
If the paper helps address learning style, ok for a while. If it holds them back..thinking big pic beyond HS, it's gotta go.
Intrigued to read through responses today. Wondering why it wouldn't be ok.
Is the paper helping address a need, or an excuse for not tackling something new? Gotta know your Ss.
Remember it is about the kids learning not how many bells and whistles you can attach to the assignment.
Great minds of the past didn't need today's tech. So why is it not ok to let Ss to use it if they choose?
You guys rock! Thanks for the great conversations and the laughs! I hope I didn't wake up my husband! | More: https://t.co/3QCob0DxUR
Paper v. tech: Ss can choose. Only not ok if learning goal is how to use tech? But even then drawing or writing could help.
it's an issue in that people make it an issue. Thoughtful application is tough for some.
GIVE students CHOICE!
Allow them to SHOW what they know by CREATING content in some way (digital or paper).
Topic: Ss who choose paper over tech - When is it "differentiation" & when is it not ok? -
The question to consider is what is best for that student?
Tech is another tool when used purposefully, so I don't see an issue w/Ss choosing paper, which is also a tool.
Also a good idea for student to analyze her purpose: which tool would server her purpose best? Teachable moments!
Good morning When students prefer pencil and paper, it's differentiation or choice as long as the objective can still be met.
yet we can still read and interact the same because it was posted. Images make paper more powerful after the fact
that smell is probably why students behaved better and teachers weren't as stressed 'back in the day' | More: https://t.co/PydULIBWPD
Paper/tech. Influence St to use tech. Hwvr, I still prefer paper calendar to my phone's, but I keep trying to wk with the app 🙃
that smell is probably why students behaved better and teachers weren't as stressed 'back in the day' | More: https://t.co/zSrfbAdn4d
Today - Ss who choose paper over tech - When is it "differentiation" & when is it not ok? -