Welcome #G2Great friends!
We are so excited to have so many folks here to chat with
@KellyGToGo and @pennykittle
Responsive Teaching.
Engaging & Empowering Ss.
Generative Writing!
Hi everyone, Andy from mid-Michigan here. Very excited to learn with #G2Great peeps @DrMaryHoward@franmcveigh and @hayhurst3 about 180 DAYS! HUGE thank you to @pennykittle and @KellyGToGo who embraced vulnerability and let us into their classrooms. Your risk helps us grow.
I'm excited to talk to somebody beside @KellyGToGo about this book!
Seriously. We know what we think. We're looking forward to what you all think.
Paul W. Hankins from southern Indiana. Tonight, I'm excited for the chat and equally excited to see @wc_schools colleagues in the mix. Hello, @MrTravisDrake! Hello, @Profesora0626! We are reading and reflecting on 180 DAYS together as a study group. #g2great
A1 I love the profound simplicity of this question. Time is finite so we have a professional responsibility to expend each minute in the best possible ways. #G2Great
A1: My "Why" is always in view. Followed closely by "How" and, then, "What." The answer to "why" depends on the needs of students.
@simonsinek@TEDTalks "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" offers depth to this idea: https://t.co/M3oSoVMiXA#g2great
A1- My 'Why?' is born from a sense of urgency; it's knowing that my students and I won't have this day again so how are we going to remember it? How will we make it meaningful? #g2great
Isn't it amazing to connect with teachers from so many places in one conversation? I'm grateful for my Twitter community. Thanks, @DrMaryHoward for creating #g2great and inviting us to join you.
It IS amazing! I just finished chapter one, and my Flair pens are almost dried out from all the underling, notes, celebrations, and screaming agreements in the margins! 🙌🏻 #180Days is THAT must-read book! #G2Great
A1: By constantly examining our beliefs and our philosophies. WHY are we teaching students? WHY should they read *these* texts? WHY should they complete *this* writing assignment? Starting with our “why” should come first. Are we teaching students or curriculum? #g2great
A1: I teach Junior High. Limited time with my kids means what is valuable gets my time. The why for things is easy when the answer is because my kids love it. If they are not into something we stop reflect and act if needed #g2great
A1: I think about all Ss w/ my own 2 kids in mind-I want them to read widely for pleasure & explore their interests & write to share their passions. If what I’m planning for Ss doesn’t grow those things, it’s prob not worth their time. #authenticexperiences#G2Great
A1 I always think about what each individual student needs as I plan and prepare for each unit and lesson. If it's not going to help my students develop a love and passion for reading and learning then the answer is probably NO. #g2great
A1: I look at the objectives/standards...but focus on the child...How will this moment in teaching positively impact this learner? That’s my WHY #G2great
A1 WHY distinguishes compliant dissemination & responsive decision making. The choices we make give us space to say YES or NO in the kids’ best interest #G2Great
A1: Time is one of our most precious resources. Thinking about WHY we are
asking students to complete a task helps us plan engaging and thought-provoking learning experiences #G2great
A1: I struggle with this one. We do a lot of collaboration at my school so there are times where the "why" is more because we've done it in the past or what comes from above. We are making some exciting changes though so we are getting there #G2Great
We always need to think about the "why" to make sure what we do is purposeful. Everything we do should make our students better readers, writers, speakers, and listeners. #G2Great
A1: Time is one of our most precious resources. Thinking about WHY we are
asking students to complete a task helps us plan engaging and thought-provoking learning experiences #G2great
Isn't it amazing to connect with teachers from so many places in one conversation? I'm grateful for my Twitter community. Thanks, @DrMaryHoward for creating #g2great and inviting us to join you.
A1: Most teachers start with "what?"---What am I going to teach. We have to remember that we are not just teaching stuff---we are teaching kids #g2great
A1: this is our struggle, to keep the WHY in front of our thinking, reading, writing and teaching. COLLABORATION IS KEY: we need colleagues who will ask this question WITH us, to prompt conversations about what we do and why we do it. Change is slow, hard, but worth it. #g2great
A1: I think about all Ss w/ my own 2 kids in mind-I want them to read widely for pleasure & explore their interests & write to share their passions. If what I’m planning for Ss doesn’t grow those things, it’s prob not worth their time. #authenticexperiences#G2Great
Agreed that the pressure to follow curriculum that others have designed is real. We live in that tension as well. But there is only so much time, and I can't waste any of it. #G2great
A1 I always keep students’ needs at center and goals of loving to read as my WHY. Lots of self-selected independent reading and in middle school choice with instructional reading. #g2great
A1 At the root of my planning, I remember that my job is to help mold my gr 4 Ss into responsible citizens. Showing them & encouraging them to read widely and write regularly in meaningful ways is part of that plan. #G2great
A1: why is at the center: it is the one-minute lesson plan. If I can't define why- then why do it? It must make them better at something: reading, writing, speaking. #G2Great
Q1 was . . .
Q1 Kelly and Penny write, ”All planning now starts with this essential question: Is this worth the time?” How do you keep “WHY” at the center of professional decision-making?
A1: When I hear "Why," I see "Y." Where "X" is our subject, ELA, and "Y" is the components of its instruction. Our "Z" here would be the argument we present in light of X +Y. I know, complicated, but it leads to a sort of "Belief Thesis" and essentially drives practice. #g2great
A1: Most teachers start with "what?"---What am I going to teach. We have to remember that we are not just teaching stuff---we are teaching kids #g2great
A1: Most teachers start with "what?"---What am I going to teach. We have to remember that we are not just teaching stuff---we are teaching kids #g2great
A1 Thinking about what Ss need to engage in authentic reading/writing/speaking drives planning. Love the question, "Is It Worth the Time?" I'd add to that, "Is this authentic work that mirrors reading/writing/speaking in their adult lives?" #g2great
A1 Why is what is most important to the students. Building relationships with the students allows you to figure out the why. Time is limited, so every moment matters. #G2Great
A1: Sometimes I wonder if that can be a team struggle - the why can vary among a team and there isn't always quality time to collaborate on shared vision #G2Great
#G2great We've been talking a lot as a district abt the need for a mindset chg. It's a whole lot easier when Ts team up to embrace new thoughts/strategies. Hard to be swimming up river alone!
A1: At it’s core, what we do is about the student. If it helps then academically, socially, and emotionally, it is worth the time. Everything is seen and planned with this in mind. #G2Great
When we ask ourselves WHY, it allows us to say "Why NOT?" a lot more easily when Ss come up w/ alternative ideas to what we'd planned! #G2Great#Flexibility
It is hard to let go of units and books we've taught in the past. Everything seems valuable. Everything seems important. But the habit of disengagement is a real problem. #G2great
A1 Basals and scripted programs have once again gained a stranglehold I our schools. This makes asking, “Is it worth the time?” even more crucial s. #G2Great
#g2great A1 The way we spend our time matters, it sends a message to our students about what we value. We are not promised a tomorrow, we must make today count as though it were our last opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives our students. We must be intentional.
A1b - we also do this by using these professional chats to spark our inspiration! If I can't challenge the WHY at school, I can do so here @pennykittle@KellyGToGo@ncte#g2great
A1: At its core, what we do is about the student. If it helps then academically, socially, and emotionally, it is worth the time. Everything is seen and planned with this in mind. #G2Great
A1 I always keep students’ needs at center and goals of loving to read as my WHY. Lots of self-selected independent reading and in middle school choice with instructional reading. #g2great
A1: I’ve had to rethink everything about my WHY this year, and it has caused me to change everything up. I now start with backwards design - what do I want Ss to know at the end of this? Is what I’m doing now supporting that? Or am I doing it because I always have? #G2Great
A1: I keep the"why" at the forefront by being responsive to students' needs. I have a daily end of day meeting with my colleagues before planning for the next day. #G2Great#STEM@SaundersOne#tvdsb
A1: Sometimes I wonder if that can be a team struggle - the why can vary among a team and there isn't always quality time to collaborate on shared vision #G2Great
So glad I could join in for awhile. Faige sub teacher in Los Angeles. Today in 1st grade and we were learning about time. Kids were restless & I mentioned we can’t take back time. Seems to fit into some tweets. Chose to spend time wisely! #g2great
A1: At it’s core, what we do is about the student. If it helps them academically, socially, and emotionally, it’s worth the time. Everything is seen and planned with this in mind. #G2Great
I think the work is finding our own voices within the frame of curriculum and standards. I just hosted in-house professional learning where I was able to celebrate teacher voice and choice within the workshop. #amazing#g2great
A2. Missing Standards:
1. Joy
2. Relevance
3. Lifelong Readers and Writers
4. Fewer Mandated Assignments
5. Less Grading and More Conferencing/Talk with T or Peers
IS THIS something I REALLY do in life?
A1: At its core, what we do is about the student. If it helps them academically, socially, and emotionally, it is worth the time. Everything is seen and planned with this in mind. #G2Great
A1 "Is it worth THEIR time?" Sometimes the tasks I see Ss required to engage in are downright disrespectful of their time. It's no wonder that kids find it difficult to engage when there is little to no relevance (which, BTW, causes engagement to die a slow death). #g2great
Watching MOONSTRUCK tonight for date night but have permission to check in on the chat at intervals because my husband knows Kittle is my hero.#G2Great
I taught a first/second multiage for 13 years and started each back to school night with these words...”Multiage classrooms allow the gift of time...” We worked toward goals but set paces that reflected the needs of each learner #G2great
A2 Increasing reading/writing volume with joy always in our sights is way at the top of my list. Joyful engagement is the fuel that will drive kids AND Ts forward! #G2Great
A2: Embracing vulnerability, intellectual risk-taking, and stepping outside of comfort zones.
Students chatted with me today about those as common threads running through my courses. They recognized the growth they achieved because of it. #G2Great
And there are so many units that we need to reflect on exactly why we hold them dear and cannot let them go. So many things I wish I could do over with more sense of purpose and less about duty. #G2Great
It is hard to let go of units and books we've taught in the past. Everything seems valuable. Everything seems important. But the habit of disengagement is a real problem. #G2great
A1:The key word is”worth,” so I have to evaluate if a lesson moves my kids forward in their literacy development. If it doesn’t then it’s not worth the time investment. #g2great
A1 Basals and scripted programs have once again gained a stranglehold I our schools. This makes asking, “Is it worth the time?” even more crucial s. #G2Great
A1: The “why” is important for every aspect of the planning process. What you are teaching will only be learned if you share the “why.” I always crafted teaching points by including, “The WHAT, the BY and the WHY” #g2great
#G2great is trending already. It always makes me so proud that you come week after week to engage in conversation around this beautiful profession! So grateful
Denise in Seattle. Great to be a part of this community. Having another family dinner right now but will sneak a peek every chance I get. I so want to be with you all for the entire hour. #G2Great
A1: I’ve had to rethink everything about my WHY this year, and it has caused me to change everything up. I now start with backwards design and with evaluating whether or not it will help my Ss become passionate learners. If not, it’s not worth the time. #G2Great
A2: Compassion & human connection-I see the narrative/literature & Speaking & Listening standards as vehicles for teaching these “missing standards” #humantohuman#empathy#affectivenetwork#G2Great
Denise in Seattle. Great to be a part of this community. Having another family dinner right now but will sneak a peek every chance I get. I so want to be with you all for the entire hour. #G2Great
A2: If we teach students to read but they don’t develop a passion for reading, what have we accomplished? We want individuals who can pursue their passions - loving to read gets them there. #G2great
A1: I believe that we cannot begin to consider "Why" until we have a pretty good grasp of "Who?" To have our lessons mapped out before we have even met our students creates a condition we might call, "My Why" vs. "Our Why." Students should not be silent part of "why." #g2great
Wonder the same thing often. I feel like some just crave negativity and so I know for my own sanity I have to pull away from those people. They are in every school. #g2great
A1: In my classroom, the missing standard I see over and over again, is the need for a constant positive role model. Someone there to model what it means to be a reader, writer, thinker, and supportive human being. #G2Great
YES!! I tell my students that our grade 12 year has the underlying theme of You being You. Discovering the writing and reading that works for you. Lots of choice. #G2great
A2: If we teach students to read but they don’t develop a passion for reading, what have we accomplished? We want individuals who can pursue their passions - loving to read gets them there. #G2great
Well yes, and - "they" may think that the why is "college and career" ready when not everyone has a shared idea of what that means (and who it's for) #g2great
A2: In my classroom, the missing standard I see over and over again, is the need for a constant positive role model. Someone there to model what it means to be a reader, writer, thinker, and supportive human being. #G2Great
A2: I am concerned that the standards favor certain reading skills/behaviors over others. Where is the standard that asks kids to hold onto thinking over 300 pages? #g2great
Without a love for reading, OUR KIDS WON'T READ! They will just fake it or avoid it. We need book talks and read alouds to show students the great diverse titles available to them. #G2Great
A2 Respectful collaborative conversations are a major missing standard. Purposeful talk lifts reading/writing higher & offers assessment that informs. #G2Great
A1 Basals and scripted programs have once again gained a stranglehold I our schools. This makes asking, “Is it worth the time?” even more crucial s. #G2Great
A2: My focus this year was helping Ss rediscover a joy of reading. I let that drive every decision I made, because I am convinced that is the only way to dig ourselves out of the educational rut we have created. Next year, I’m doubling down on writing, too. #g2great
When we read a lot, we can learn to read like writers. We imitate what we see great writers do. It helps students learn, and gives them a starting point. #G2Great
A2 #G2great Ss need to be kids first, students second. When planning, I try to look at activities from Ss perspective - it really is a game changer. 4th gr is a pivotal yr - expectations increase, yet Ss are only 9 or 10. They need to have fun while taking on more responsibility.
Book reading (as opposed to "click and go" reading) is critical in a time of distraction addiction. Shouldn't students have goals of how many books they might read? #g2great
A2: I have tried to find and codify what I really mean as the "Four Corners." Where Laughing, Loving, Living, and Learning intersect. Being aware of our cornering Ls is as important as recognizing how our Ys split into paths of possibility. #g2great
A2: This Q is really thought provoking...I think missing standards are those tied to character...”How do positive character traits & service learning experiences affect learners as human beings?” #G2great
A2 Connecting authentic writing to their reading. Kids getting ready to move on, read alouds address this. Then kids wrote what they would want to know. (A beginning letter from this 1st grader) #g2great
Every single time we make space for THEIR interpretations we make an impact on their identities. Ownerhip begins there and that that is where we need to meet them. #G2Great
A2 Student-centered responsive instruction can get the short end of the stick if we have a a ‘program’ mentality. We must ensure this won’t happen in practice. #G2Great
A2 Teaching Ss about their world. The actual world and not just their small town here in rural Ohio. I’ve traveled and I want to bring that to my Ss. #G2Great
A2: in NY we have the chance to focus on these "missing standards" right now, by moving away from curriculum organized around whole-class novels to more independent reading, choice and lit circle models. Ss can't grow to love reading without ACTUALLY reading. #booklove#g2great
A2 Missing standards: safety, respect, risk. Students need to feel safe and be able to take risks all while being respectful to those who are trying to learn also. #g2great
For that to happen we have to model that we TRUST the to take control of their own learning too Lisa. It’s not the "gradual release” unless we actually release control to kids but that’s often the forgotten part of the process. #G2great
A2: Student talk is critical. “Turn and talk” has made such a difference. I’m so thankful for Peter Johnston’s Choice Words and @Stephharvey49 for raising my consciousness about student voices! #G2great
A3. Planning Unit of Study =
Setting up a Framework that is flexible so it meets current needs of Ss in front of me and then closes the gap with end goals.
Not arbitrary but with Ss in mind!
A2: a few of my standards --become a curious student of life; ---develop a love of reading;--develop a love of learning; --finding who you are as a student/rdr/writer. #g2great
A 2 If Ss discuss their reading, if teachers read aloud every day, think aloud to model responding to stories, if Ss do informal writing about reading, most standards are met. Teaching standards doesn’t grow book love ❤️. Always in context if great books. #g2great
A2 Missing standards are our kids... identity, interest, engagement, inquiry, and students' voices to advocate for issues that matter to THEM. #g2great
Good thing I’m a fast typist - but still struggling. I feel like I’m just grabbing what I can and watching the rest whiz past me. So much passion tonight Andy! #G2great
A2: Feeling empowered to effect change in the world is a "missing standard" that project-based learning and the Global Competencies can help elicit in students. #g2great#TVDSBGlobal#STEM@SaundersOne@tvdsb
A2: I want students to find joy in reading; engagement with writing; confidence in communicating; and a willingness to make mistakes and take big risks. #g2great
A2: We value original thinking and writing that makes us pay attention to the message, yet students are often given assignments to write that have no relevance to them. They disengage and do as little as possible. We miss their brilliance. Their power. #g2great
A2: Helping kids stoke their imaginations during reading time and then helping them translate their imaginative thoughts on paper is an important standard. #g2great
A3 Thoughtful professional dialogue. As a reading coach, conversation with kids at the center inspire. We need time to verbalize thinking w/a supportive listening ear. #G2Great
I’d say that’s true for students AND for teachers. We can’t do this beautiful work if we aren’t filled with curiosity for teaching AND learning Laurie. #G2great
This is why @Twitter is so important for teachers we bgin a professional dialouge about the work. A small conversation may begin a movement for a better way. Yes, reading is complex and our thinking around how to teach must be as well. #G2Great
A2: I am concerned that the standards favor certain reading skills/behaviors over others. Where is the standard that asks kids to hold onto thinking over 300 pages? #g2great
A2: In NYS the Next Generation Standards for ELA include Lifelong Practices of Readers & Writers. That represents a very meaningful addition to our standards & aligns well with the practices in the Next Gen Math, the Social Studies Standards and Next Gen Science #G2Great
A2: the missing standard is confirmation that a student plugged into a literacy experience, which comes in the form of, “Miss, can I borrow your book.” #g2great
#G2great We are trying the 40 book challenge. Many Ss will come close; however, after receiving letters from some Ss this week, others suggest we lower amt to 20 or 30 so that all Ss feel good abt their reading! Hard to know which way to go on this one!
A2- Missing standards: cultivating a sense of wonder; finding beauty in the world and those who live in it; learning how to stand up for/with those who need support. #g2great
I noticed on our state testing this year, that Ss just can't sit, read and stay focused for long periods of time. I think this is due to that "click and go" mentality and teaching practices. #g2great
Book reading (as opposed to "click and go" reading) is critical in a time of distraction addiction. Shouldn't students have goals of how many books they might read? #g2great
A3: start with the finish line in mind. What do we want these readers, writers, speakers, and listeners to be able to demonstrate after a year in our care? #g2great
A2: We value original thinking and writing that makes us pay attention to the message, yet students are often given assignments to write that have no relevance to them. They disengage and do as little as possible. We miss their brilliance. Their power. #g2great
A3: curriculum first but not like a barricade, more a diving board. Jump off from there into a sea of possibility I want my students taking part in planning. #G2great
A3 I start with my students' personalities and what drives them to think and engage. Then I wrap what I want them to know and apply around them. #g2great
A2 Missing Standards--
Authentic student choice (not just lip-service)
Room for kids to abandon texts
Plenty of opportunity to "try on" issues they'll face in adulthood (in a safe, open-minded, respectful community) #g2great
And their work has helped us to understanding the power of being present in those learning moments as we’re willing to assume the role of expert kid watcher Judy (welcome friend) #G2great
A2: Student talk is critical. “Turn and talk” has made such a difference. I’m so thankful for Peter Johnston’s Choice Words and @Stephharvey49 for raising my consciousness about student voices! #G2great
A3: What guides me is knowing I want my students to be confident in themselves as thinkers, learners, and explorers. I want them to be empowered human beings who are passionate and compassionate. Every decision I make has this in mind. #G2Great
I agree! I love the addition of PRACTICES being accounted for and assessed in reading, writing, math, social studies and science...a key shift in thinking for teachers & students! #G2great
Intermission... do you know how small my town is? The local postman just showed up at my house (mid-Twitter chat) to load a summer Book Love book club shipment into his car to ship to Canada tomorrow. #g2great
A3: Connectivity of text or what @ProfessorNana calls "ladders." I want our texts to "click" together to create a big picture. It takes time and patience on everyone's part in the room to build this composite. Brick by brick. Book by film by article by TED talk by. . . #g2great
A3: start with the finish line in mind. What do we want these readers, writers, speakers, and listeners to be able to demonstrate after a year in our care? #g2great
A2: In NYS the Next Generation Standards for ELA include Lifelong Practices of Readers & Writers. That represents a very meaningful addition to our standards & aligns well with the practices in the Next Gen Math, the Social Studies Standards and Next Gen Science #G2Great
I find that quite often the reading on standardized testing isn't all that engaging, though. A difficult metric for sit, read, and stay. Stamina needs development, but that starts with engagement
No we can’t, even when it seems there isn’t a book that will resonate with the heart of every reader. We press on. We keep trying. Eventually, a spark will ignite. #G2Great
A 3 Supporting students is at the center. Needs change all year and that drives decisions. Need skilled teachers who know their Ss. Programs don’t teach children. How can they—they don’t know your Ss. #g2great
Intermission... do you know how small my town is? The local postman just showed up at my house (mid-Twitter chat) to load a summer Book Love book club shipment into his car to ship to Canada tomorrow. #g2great
A3: If we think about what we want students to be able to do independently it helps us choose fewer learning goals. Fewer learning goals + knowing our students = engaged and passionate learners. #G2great
I find that quite often the reading on standardized testing isn't all that engaging, though. A difficult metric for sit, read, and stay. Stamina needs development, but that starts with engagement
A3: I plan in the NOW by choosing texts that match my students and that address the current struggle of reality; controversy speaks and students engage. #g2great
A3 #1 we must actually KNOW those students –not just as data on a spreadsheet but as learners actively engaged in the process on a day to day basis. #G2Great
Q3: I set up the end product first that can demonstrate multiple skills. Then I plan back to scaffold steps to help students practice; get feedback and improve before a final summative. #g2great
A3 Teaching in the Fast Lane helped me find the beauty of a concept map. Showing students the exact direction and end result made me think it all through before sharing it with them. #G2Great
A3 Ss must guide all we do. We have to know them. We have to meet them where they are in order to support them in getting where they need/want to go. #g2great
A3: Definitely knowing my students and their interests, strengths, and struggles. Also keeping in mind the “why” and what I hope students get out of each thing we’re learning #g2great
I asked my students what their favorite thing was this year, and the overwhelming response was the conversations we had about topics without judgment. This is important for me. #g2great
A3: I think of my 11th-12th grade students and what they need to be literate adults who can think critically, question purposefully, and read passionately. Does the work I ask them to do go beyond task completion to build these habits? #g2great
A3 #G2great I try to think abt the whole academic picture in snapshots. If our shared read aloud is about redwood trees, then we read about them, write about them, and talk about them. If possible, we tie in applicable SS and any landforms/science.
A3: This is everything. I have to know their stories. Their fears. Their hopes. I have to see them as capable and powerful and then help them realize that power. #G2great
A3 #1 we must actually KNOW those students –not just as data on a spreadsheet but as learners actively engaged in the process on a day to day basis. #G2Great
A3 My ss guide me as I plan teaching. I have to really know my them so that I know how to engage them in relevant work that will help them discover the true meaning of becoming a lifelong learner. It starts & ends with knowng them & letting them direct their own learning #g2great
A3: a combination of intuition, experience and the standards at hand...it’s the balance that brings it altogether...in many ways I see teaching as a sixth sense #G2great
#g2great A3 Start with the end in mind; big picture planning=cohesion, coherence, & connections but remain flexible so that you are able to adjust the needs observed in the moment. Students over curriculum coverage. Less is more. Deep vs. shallow. Start w/ strengths.
A3 We must know where we want our teaching to lead us (GPS) but leave room for the instructional recalculations that inevitably occur when we teach FOR kids! #G2Great
A3 1. Articulate what I am going to teach. 2. Articulate how it will help them now and forever. 3. Teach it quick and get out, let them practice. #g2great
A3: You know. . .it strikes me. . .in order to get that "bulbs" to "light," we must be sure that we are threading these into sockets. Perhaps there is too much theory coming from on high that has us attempting to screw good ideas into standards. And the room's still dim. #g2great
A3 I'm constantly reminding myself that the people in the classroom doing the most learning are the ones doing the work, so who is doing the most reading, writing, talking, speaking? #G2Great
Building reading stamina is key. We have to help students become voracious readers. The only way to do that is to give them choice and lots of time . #G2great
A3: my students guide me - ALWAYS. Their interests, their strengths, their next steps. Then I match the outcomes to them. This keeps my focus on the most important thing - them - and I still meet the required outcomes. #g2great
A4. Reading Identity Matters
Writing Identity Matters
Models are Important
Choice is Important for Engagement & Empowerment
Talk Matters
Collaboration, collaboration, Collaboration
Students Deserve Conferences
A3: Knowing my students interests and keeping the end goal in mind. Planning long term is something I’m still working on as a new-ish teacher! #G2great
A3: If we think about what we want students to be able to do independently it helps us choose fewer learning goals. Fewer learning goals + knowing our students = engaged and passionate learners. #G2great
A3: I plan for joyful, sustained engagement. I watch for it. I watch for persistence even in a struggle. I celebrate students who take risks to do great work, and challenge myself to find that sweet spot for every student. #g2great
A4 Every child has a right to Ts who meet them with a commitment to next step possibilities. We owe this respectful view to all kids no matter where they are. #G2Great
A3 I'm always mindful of ways T planning can support synthesis. As an adult, I read variety of texts, listen to podcasts/news/TedTalks, write for lots of reasons and I'm constantly fusing all that together to make sense and create new thinking. Must model that for Ss #g2great
A4: Every student has the ability, right, AND desire to learn. Some Ss just need more time to believe this themselves. #patience#growthmindset#UDL#G2Great
A4 I believe that every child comes with the desire to be connected with...which opens them up to learning and growing. Once that connection is made, the readiness to know exists. #g2great
A3: I plan for joyful, sustained engagement. I watch for it. I watch for persistence even in a struggle. I celebrate students who take risks to do great work, and challenge myself to find that sweet spot for every student. #g2great
My students love a similar assignment we do called: conversation pieces. They choose a text to inspire a conversation with the peers; design questions and the lead the discussion. They love it. #g2great
I asked my students what their favorite thing was this year, and the overwhelming response was the conversations we had about topics without judgment. This is important for me. #g2great
A4: Students must be at the center of our classrooms. Their voices matter and must be respected and listened to. It is not “my” classroom, it’s our classroom! #g2great
A4: Teachers matter and kids count! Our next instructional steps come from listening, watching and noticing to what are students say, do and think. #G2great
A4: That I am there because the students are, not the opposite. I am there to work with and help them. Told my students this year that the only thing that bothered me was the idea that they were bothering me. #G2great
A3: This is everything. I have to know their stories. Their fears. Their hopes. I have to see them as capable and powerful and then help them realize that power. #G2great
A3 #1 we must actually KNOW those students –not just as data on a spreadsheet but as learners actively engaged in the process on a day to day basis. #G2Great
#G2great Still have a S that I have not been able to reach...thought I had her this week and then she abandoned the book. I will keep trying until last day!
A4. If our goal is
Engage and Empower
we must look at
in the elementary.
The first half of this applies to decision-making PK-12.
Values + Priorities = JOYFUL students with Time and Choice of what to read.
A4 We MUST start w/ourselves! We need excellent SCHOOLS vs pockets of excellence. No child should have to take the luck of the instructional draw. #G2Great
A4: Text matters. Access is key. Classroom libraries matter and we make classroom libraries matter by growing readers through book talks and literary gossip (Atwell) #G2great
A4: Teachers matter, and kids count! Our next instructional steps come from listening, watching and noticing what our students say, do and think. #G2great
A3 Big part of planning is also thinking of unique student needs and fashioning the learning so it connects for all kids. Our newcomers or our more fragile Ss (for whatever reason) deserve thoughtful, intentional planning for their learning, too. #g2great
A4: The core belief at the center of my practice as an educator is that reading and writing SAVES. I was saved by books and by words from a family of violence and drugs. I was saved from a life many in my family didn’t escape from. I’ve seen it save many of my Ss, too. #G2Great
I have incorporated more play into my K classroom - and the writing has exploded! AND they still want Writers Workshop. Choice and time - incredibly empowering for all! #g2great
A4: I’ve been thinking a lot about engagement the last few years. How do I engage the heart AND mind? That guides many instructional choices I make. What will intrigue them and make them curious? What will get them thinking, writing, and reading even more? #g2great
A4 We MUST start w/ourselves! We need excellent SCHOOLS vs pockets of excellence. No child should have to take the luck of the instructional draw. #G2Great
Q4: Belief in pausing to reflect on growth territories. Students who take time for metacognative reflection see their own growth come alive. Without reflection we are just doing “stuff.” #g2great
A4 We MUST start w/ourselves! We need excellent SCHOOLS vs pockets of excellence. No child should have to take the luck of the instructional draw. #G2Great
A4 Teaching is a calling, and every child deserves teachers who burn with the passion of that calling. My learning must continue in order to feed that fire. #g2great
Oh, yes. Well said, Leah. We are telling a story with our curriculum and it tells students who is included and who isn't. Who is seen and who isn't. #G2great
This and modelling are my goals next year. I have a handle on the reading volume and some effective practices; more work needed on the writing piece. #G2great
A4: Keeping students at the center All decisions made to support their learning, not my likes, or dislikes or preferences. It is about KIDS and how they learn #G2Great
A4 Regardless of happens around me or my situation, at the end of the day I am the one who must look into my professional mirror. I take that very seriously. #G2Great
A4: @MisterMinor once said that the first thing people will try to take away as a form of oppression is literacy. We must believe that literacy is meant to empower thought for ALL our students. #G2Great
A4: The origins of "belief" include the notion that this "faith" or "conviction" is coupled with a knowledge to which we have come. For me, this is: "The point is not the points, the point is the. . .(whatever we are trying to do together in the room at that moment)." #g2great
So glad to see you, Jennifer!
Q4. Kelly and Penny share ten core beliefs (p 9-22), emphasizing that we must identify what we believe about teaching and learning. What is one core belief that guides your practices?
A3: My essential questions for my course are What does it mean to be American? and Who gets to be American? So everything has to help them build layers to the American experience. #G2Great
A4: Excitement!!! Bringing excitement to a classroom shows Ss that Ts truly care about their learning. It also rubs off to both Ts and Ss around. #g2great
A5. Set expectations.
Honor them.
Live them.
Read every day.
Write every day.
Ts share own Reading and Writing Lives.
Ss have Choice.
A4: All students can and should lead independent reading and writing lives. If they don't have that when I meet them, I need to make it happen before they leave me. #g2great
A4 Every child has a right to Ts who meet them with a commitment to next step possibilities. We owe this respectful view to all kids no matter where they are. #G2Great
A4: I also plan around what flattens me... the poem that I can't walk away from. A photograph that leads me to deep thinking. Our enthusiasm for writing is contagious. We show students why anyone would write when you don't have to. #g2great
A4 #G2great Proud to say that this year, a huge addition to my core beliefs & the most influential, non-negotiable one is choice across the board. It really has transformed my teaching & the culture of our classroom starting frm moment Ss walk in and weaving its way thru our day.
A4: @MisterMinor once said that the first thing people will try to take away as a form of oppression is literacy. We must believe that literacy is meant to empower thought for ALL our students. #G2Great
A5 We stand at the door to welcome kids at the start of every day & model in every possible way that we are genuinely grateful that they are in our classrooms. #G2Great
A3: I have the privilege of working with the same kids for five consecutive years. I think about where they were last and what we can build to next. #g2great
A4: Penny and I had the fortune of visiting Nancie Atwell's school. Favorite Atwell quote of the day: "Why are American schools so opposed to enjoyment?" #g2great
A5: I didn’t do it well this year. I think I’ll have reflective writing and I’ll read FOR EVERYONE by @JasonReynolds83 to them. And again on the last day❤️ #G2Great
A4: students first-always. How can I help each of my students become positive life-long learners/readers/contributers in their communities & be the best people they can be? #g2great
A4: Penny and I had the fortune of visiting Nancie Atwell's school. Favorite Atwell quote of the day: "Why are American schools so opposed to enjoyment?" #g2great
A4: Deep down, every human being wants to feel good about themselves, to feel valued, and to be valuable. Peer bonding, teacher - student connections, and suspension of judgement matters. Interconnection. #G2Great
A3: Backward planning + know my Ss (their interests,motivators & needs) so I can tailor the next steps to meet them where they are and guide them to successfully reach their goals. #G2GREAT
A5: I don't know everything--and I don't pretend to. I treat each school year as a journey that I am lucky enough to be a part of...with the best companions and unlimited possibility. But I am not the wisest one--not always leading--I make room for students to rise. #g2great
A5: Help each student find their voice.
Help each student find a story to connect with.
Make a connection with each student.
Bring back joy in the classroom. #G2Great
A5 I know that excitement about learning is contagious, more so than the flu! I demonstrate my love for learning with authenticity every minute of every day! #g2great
A5: I don't know everything--and I don't pretend to. I treat each school year as a journey that I am lucky enough to be a part of...with the best companions and unlimited possibility. But I am not the wisest one--not always leading--I make room for students to rise. #g2great
A4: all Ss deserve to see themselves as readers, writers, thinkers, and explorers of ideas. All Ss have experiences worth sharing, respecting and learning from. All Ss are capable of love, empathy and beauty. And all Ss have something to teach me. #g2great
A5: Making Reading and writing the focus of the first day communicates to students that this is a classroom where literacy is valued. Giving them a chance to socialize around books shows them community. Together, we read, write, and talk. #G2great
A5: I don't know everything--and I don't pretend to. I treat each school year as a journey that I am lucky enough to be a part of...with the best companions and unlimited possibility. But I am not the wisest one--not always leading--I make room for students to rise. #g2great
YES, standards are BASICS. There's much more to authentic learning. Read a book from beginning to end, let's say, AND discuss characters, theme, etc. over the time of the reading. #g2great
A5: Okay...I love these questions...Who are you as a reader? Who are you as a writer? So POWERFUL & affirming ✨ They beautifully meld with my typical conferring questions...What are you working on as a reader/writer today? #G2great
A5: I follow @donalynbooks ‘s example and live with BOOKS in those first few days. We explore them. Open them. Examine them. Stack them. Unstack them. Ask questions about them. Read excerpts from them....all to show that books are at the center of our class. #G2Great
A5: Give Ss time to reflect all year - Let them talk, write, and draw how they have grown as readers and writers. We need to celebrate the small accomplishments because they grow into big accomplishments #G2great
A5 #G2great I love the way we started this year on 1st day! We had a celebration w/Kool & Gang playing while Ss recd wrapped WNB w/personalized notes frm me on 1st pg. We also read Fantastic Flying Books & discussed imptce of being readers. Such a fun day!
A5 Books! Books! More books! from day 1 & each day thereafter. And we uses books to become intentional kidwatchers who truly know kids as readers. #G2Great
Can a S name their favorite book, and tell WHY it's the favorite? THAT should be a standard. OOH, you're getting me started on my "Mary rant" now. #g2great
One of my favorite performance artists, @PennyArcadeNYC has extolled the importance of pleasure being seen as a value. I would say enjoyment in learning is a value too. #G2Great
A4: My core belief that guides my practice is the children always come first. When they know they are respected, trusted, and loved, they will blossom. #g2great
A5: We dive in on the first day! We talk about books we love; we speed date books and get books in hands and start reading. We write in our Writer's Notebooks. NO course outlines/rules/ugggh. #g2great
#g2great a5: the tone is reciprocity; we have to give and receive, be vulnerable, respect vulnerability, share and ask for stories...So on day one, we practice bearing witness to one another's lives
A5 we get to know each other as readers and writers. I ask them what questions they might ask to help them write. We all write in our notebooks. Students can share parts or all of their entries. We reread twice during year and add , adjust, share. #g2great
A5: I start with a handshake, introduce myself as Andy, turn out the lights, and share “Remember How We Forgot” by @Koyczan. The tone is set for deep learning, caring, understanding, and growth. https://t.co/z0WebXLzVc#G2great
A5: we write letters about ourselves to each other. I read mine to the class and they write back to me. I also ask them to share what they want to learn or feel they need to learn and we write it on a big post-it that stays up all year. Their objectives matter. #G2Great
A5 Share our personal reading w/them. Sometimes they need to see us pet a favorite book as we talk about it. Or hear us vent frustrations w/an author/character/plot. #g2great
A5: We set the tone by putting our rough-draft-notebook-writing before the students to show them how we persist when it is hard, how we find ideas we want to pursue, and how we learn to write better by practicing it. How we find joy in the work itself. #g2great
A5 It starts before they walk through the door. On my entrance it says, "In this classroom, everyone is a teacher and a student." I let them know from day 1 that I expect to learn as much from them as they will learn from me, and you know as a teacher how true that is. #G2Great
#g2great A6 My years in the classroom always started with the book: You are Special and How We Are Smart as well as I'm an Expert presentations, all for sending the message that each student would be celebrated for who they are but had something valuable to contribute.
A5 We can’t just say that we want to know kids as readers/writers… we have to show that we take what we are learning into account by our daily actions. #G2Great
A5: Each of my students write to me (next year going to play with genre they can use) on those topics, goals ans expects for me. I write a letter back to every single student. #g2great
Discovered once again this evening as the 5th grader next door brought the books she’d purchased at her book fair to share and the poetry book she’d written how social reading and writing are. #G2great
A5: I start the conversation by asking Ss what elements should make up the ultimate school environment and why. We then move on to school culture which helps build our classroom community. #g2great
A5: Students write Excellence Essays after hearing my expectations (pursue excellence, be responsible, control the controllable, improve every day) and analyze how they will be excellent during the year. We refer to these often #G2great
A5: I talk to my students about doing life together for 180 days. When we do life together every day, we will have up and downs but we have to care for each other. Also, READ EVERY DAY!#G2GREAT
A5: We set the tone by putting our rough-draft-notebook-writing before the students to show them how we persist when it is hard, how we find ideas we want to pursue, and how we learn to write better by practicing it. How we find joy in the work itself. #g2great
A5 Developing relationships with Ss is diff with each sS, so I like to use different prompts for different Ss. One of my favorites what's one thing you would love to try this year (can be academic or non academic) & what's 1 problem you would love to solve in this world #g2great
A4: Be real. Too many Ts focus on the rules of doing school, but I try to focus on my Ss and what they need most. Some need love, some a good talking to about not taking their BS. All of them need to know I believe in them NO MATTER WHAT. I love my kids! Every one! #g2great
A5 I loved that part in the book. I want to also periodically ask kids to reflect on their continued growth as readers and writers. Several times in the year I want to hear how Ss think they are continuing to evolve as readers and writers. Reflection holds so much power. #g2great
A6. Time is limited.
Set priorities and monitor.
RE: If you have a goal to increase S volume in R or W and don't provide time . . . what's the likelihood of meeting that goal?
A5: we set the tone by making the reading we do be for pleasure, conversation, and community - not about reading quizzes, gotcha tasks, and punitive grading practices. No love there. #g2great
A5: You never get a second first day! Tell ss about my reading, favorites, and a story from the summer that is personal-let them know I am a real person and want them to be too #g2great
A6. I wonder if secondary
"dormant readers"
ae the result of toooooo many Ss who do NOT have real choice in the elem?
Choice may only be the library books.?
Beautiful way to encourage reflection and understanding in students’ writing and reading lives. Will be taking this one to heart, @LRobbTeacher. Then again, I always glean wisdom from you. #G2Great
A6 I love the idea of finding a balance (albeit a flexible one based on those kids) that makes room for what we value in EVERY day. That’s true commitment #G2Great
A6: moving toward @pennykittle and @KellyGToGo breakdown-ss did a lot more ind reading this year and the # of books read skyrocketed from previous years #g2great
"...lucky to be a part of with the best companions." This is the delight of every school year for me. It's the people that I learn alongside--brilliant, funny, insightful kids teach me so much. Kids = treasures. #g2great
Q6: For me, the most difficult balancing act of all is trying to find the "sweet spot" within a class that is AP/Dual Credit wherein students are still earning an English 11 credit. I can feel the shifts all year long. And we lose kids along the way for the leveling. #g2great
A6: moving toward @pennykittle and @KellyGToGo breakdown-ss did a lot more ind reading this year and the # of books read skyrocketed from previous years #g2great
So thrilled you’re here tonight Colleen… and love that beautiful message. So important that we have limited time and we use it wisely and for all the right reason! #G2great
A4: All students can and should lead independent reading and writing lives. If they don't have that when I meet them, I need to make it happen before they leave me. #g2great
A6: Thinking in those percentages makes perfect sense. Making conferring a focus in independent reading allows us to gain insights about students and their reading strengths. #G2great
A6 It depends on the needs of my students. Every year it's a little different, but it always begins with developing deeply meaningful relationships with my Ss and giving them ample time to discover who they are as learners #g2great
YES! Interest & excitement in what you’re doing as you share, inspires them. Today I watched 1st graders write until it was time to move into reading. Then they read till it was time for lunch. And then in quiet time they went back to writing/reading. Joyful #g2great
A6 Must work on this. Spending greatest time getting kids to become readers; not enough time developing their writing lives. Perhaps because I'm so unsure of my own writing. #g2great
A6: Everyday starts with a poem. Then M,W,F 15 mins of independent reading (S choice). T and R 15 mins choice creative writing with mini lessons from @amylvpoemfarm POEMS ARE TEACHERS. Finally Main lesson and workshop time. #G2Great
We form connections with our writing. I write to share, to be heard, and so do my students. We have to honor their ways of knowing and being in the world. #g2great
Discovered once again this evening as the 5th grader next door brought the books she’d purchased at her book fair to share and the poetry book she’d written how social reading and writing are. #G2great
A6: With only 16 weeks, I do independent reading all 16 weeks. We also read 6 core texts (mix or essay, nonfiction, fiction) and documentaries. I’ve moved a way from nightly reading and assign chunks weekly—helps Ss balance time. #G2Great
A6: I try to plan this way, attended PD with @KellyGToGo and learned it there. As an elementary T I dove into PBL to maximize LA time. In JH I cut the crap and do what matters to find balance. #G2GREAT
A6 I LOVE the 50-25-25 balance as 75% keeps kids in the learning driver’s seat. This highlights that Ts must relinquish control & let Sts to assume ownership. #G2Great
Makes me think of an analogy I read once abt teaching writing-we wouldn't take piano lessons from someone who didn't play the piano so we cannot be Ts of writing unless we are writing. I think Ts need help finding the joy for themselves again too! #G2Great
Q6: this is our goal for next year! More lit circles / book clubs organized around themes, time to read in class, celebratory talk & activities, inquiry work inspired by Ss reading selections. Eng11 = immigrant narratives, indigenous voices, protest & dissent, etc... #g2great
A6: Had a LOT of these conversations with academic coaches and teaching partners... in the end, if it doesn’t add to their reading, writing, thinking, or speaking lives, it doesn’t make the cut. For everything that does, it gets divided by class and student needs. #G2Great
Love all of the ideas and discussion around reflection. Can anyone suggest research related to reflection and identity development? I need to start digging into a lit review on this topic and thought the wonderful #G2Great group may have some insight to get me started! :)
A6: I’m lucky to have a schedule that supports what’s most important...2 and 1/2 hours of consecutive literacy time daily...including read aloud, workshop, 25 min of independent reading, 25 minutes of independent writing & close reading #G2Great
A6: Still working on this one. Our schedule went from 62 min/day to 63 min every other day. Prioritizing 17% of my time for choice reading was the start. The rest was added in order of importance after that. But always reading. That was sacred. Next year, writing too. #G2Great
A6: with writing (again—only 16 weeks) we study mentor texts every week and students produce a draft a week and then everyb3 weeks pick a draft to revise as eggy build their final portfolio. #G2Great
Yes to this. When I was a young teacher I wanted to be the expert and show the kids what a great writer I was (to inspire them), now I know that being a co-learner with them and struggling alongside them is so much more powerful. #G2Great
A5: I don't know everything--and I don't pretend to. I treat each school year as a journey that I am lucky enough to be a part of...with the best companions and unlimited possibility. But I am not the wisest one--not always leading--I make room for students to rise. #g2great
A6: My balance is the same. I can't help them become lifelong readers if they have less than 50% for IR. But shared reading is important too. Choice with Book Clubs (25%) and whole class (25%) #G2Great
#g2great A5 In terms of literacy, the messages and tone that set from day one is words are powerful and transforming, that everyone has a story to tell, and that we often find ourselves inside the pages of a book.
A6 If we want transfer of learning then we must transfer ownership to who should be doing the bulk of thinking work. This handover from teacher to Sts is critical. #G2Great
#g2great A6: choice reading is a priority, so we start every quarter with a week of planning to-read lists, then we blend shared reading. Love teacher-for-a-day pedagogy to blend in Mini lessons and poetry with students as teachers.
A6: I ask myself regularly if students are actively engaged in meaningful work. Are they creating and searching, or have I fallen into that trap of trying to give them the answers? #g2great
A6: One of my seniors told me this week that the book club he was in with Kelly's students this fall was his most important learning of the school year. Book clubs deserve a primary place in our classrooms. Students lead. We listen. #g2great
A6: Making sure students are reading, debating, and collaborating. Making sure I’m not doing most of the talking, and am there to coach and support students when needed #g2great
#G2Great a6. That’s my goal for next year. Testing season threw me off and I’ve lost our ten minutes a day for reading. This was year 1 for me and I made it 29/36 weeks 😭
A7. Love the idea of grading laps 1-4 at 20, 50, 100, 200. Final work should be more cumulative.
Finding time to grade "process" and NOT just final product is IMPORTANT.
NOT counting off for every convention miss-take!
Also MORE conferences!
A5: Share voices, create community. We Stand, Round robin read “Do Not Go Gentle” in diff tones, talk about why I’d do that, then line up to meet & greet & practice handshakes. Sustain a convo for more than 2 min with a semi-stranger. Value voice & new friends. #g2great
A6: As a K teacher, I greatly value oral language/vocabulary development. I use read aloud and play to develop these areas; I have an extensive UN-levelled classroom library that all my littles use daily. We read and talk together constantly. #G2Great
I agree. I think it’s so important for students to reflect and share with us their learning journey. That powerful message that you care, they matter and you are there for them. #G2Great
Absolutely. In the end it's not about us at all - it's about us making them realize it's about them finding their voices as we grow their identities. Writing is the pathway to discovery. #G2Great
A6: My “balance” was worse last year: 25% IR, 10% BC, and 65% common texts, but this year I shifted to 65% IR and 35% common texts—my goal for next year is to add 1-2 book clubs per class! With 6 preps, I have to be strategic. #g2great
A6 #G2great Reading allotment is very schedule dependent. It varies yr to yr. I would like to see ind rdg increase beyond our non-negotiable 15 mins; however, we do a nice job w/book clubs and shared reading. Ss can always read first thing if they choose that for a soft start.
A7 In an age where numerical scores are ever present, we risk usurping precious instructional time. We must marry assessment/instruction wherever we can. #G2Great
Always am reminded of Don Holdaway’s words...we learn from people we love. We will each find ways of making kids feel as though “we see them.”’ #G2great
A6: We must make time to read in class an every day priority. Students who don't read in school rarely read outside of school--instead they skim or take other shortcuts. Let them read. Please. #g2great
#g2great A6 balance may not be possible all in one day but can be accomplished across time with intentional planning and the assurance of full gradual release, all contexts are equally important, removing one removes a students opportunity to learn and participate
A6- I work with elementary and middle school so my balance is 50%-50% independent and club reading. With 'core' texts being the texts I read aloud. #g2great
#G2great I have actually started sitting on the outside of the horseshoe table during book club mtgs so Ss are not looking at me when discussing their bks. Itś not uncommon for me to get up and circle the room during this time either!
A7: I love @DrMaryHoward ‘s outlook she shared on Teach Me, Teacher: “For every data point you have on a student, I want you to tell me 2 things you know about them.” —it’s essential because we never want to forget they are PEOPLE. #G2Great
A6: I teach preservice teachers in a writing course. We do WW each week in class. Because I believe you can’t teach writing if you don’t write yourself, I make time for it. What we value deserves time. #G2Great
A7: I have found grading doesn’t help build any intrinsic motivation. Kids need to find the value in working for themselves and I can’t do that through grading. #G2GREAT
Could not agree more, Mary. Every real reading activity is an opportunity to assess. Every opportunity to assess is a chance to extend learning. A virtuous cycle. #G2great
A7 In an age where numerical scores are ever present, we risk usurping precious instructional time. We must marry assessment/instruction wherever we can. #G2Great
A7: I don’t “grade” and I work hard to set up a@space for my Ss to be able to asses their work-I provide feedback on drafts and Ss revise and they evaluate their own final portfolio and provide a reflection and rationale. I evaluate their revisions and their self-grading #G2Great
A7 As they mention in the book, it must become part your routine and you must keep the momentum going. Zig Ziggler always talked about priming a water pump...it's hard at first, but once the water starts flowing, it keeps flowing. #g2great
A7: Assessing everything creates few low-stake opportunities. Offering feedback, conferring, and encouraging intelligent chatter helps kids take risks. They learn the play that often gets lost in learning. #g2great
A7: Sitting beside readers and writers to listen is essential teacher work. Not enough classrooms make time to confer every day--but I couldn't teach without it. #g2great
A7: The more we collect data as we teach, the more assessment fuels tomorrow’s instruction - assessing means watching, listening, and noticing #G2great
#g2great A7 process over product, using learning progressions and goal setting is so much more meaningful and individualized, its the small steps that add up to big gains
A4: I believe confidence is key with our Ss. Build up their self- confidence, Help develop confidence in knowing their class community & teacher value them, support them & they are safe and free to take risks, explore, try, mess up, share and soar. #g2great
A7: As @KellyGToGo always says, we don't want to suck-punch our Ss by just giving final grades. Feedback along the way is the best thing for our students #G2Great
My students made new friendships in book clubs; learned things about new readers-- simply because they had both been drawn to a title! Book clubs are authentic talk about our reading and it offers us windows and mirrors to the world. #g2great
A6: One of my seniors told me this week that the book club he was in with Kelly's students this fall was his most important learning of the school year. Book clubs deserve a primary place in our classrooms. Students lead. We listen. #g2great
A7 Grades don’t tell us who students are as learnings who engage in the thinking learning process. Feedback within the process informs AND teachers. #G2Great
A7: Conferring and anecdotal notes are my go-to...I balance those with our expected assessments, but the heart of teaching is in the give and take of feedback & self-reflection #G2great
A7: Assess daily; formative, which means "along the way." Grading is for final projects/proof on the report card. Sadly, many grades do not reflect learning. This has to change in ALL grade levels and schools. #g2great
A7: This is a work in progress for me & a HUGE lrng curve for my Ss. I assign way more than I grade & what I do give feedback on I make sure it is meaningful feedback & I Conference with each Ss about it. #g2great
#G2great I have noted the teacher-for-a-day concept and need to find ways to sprinkle this in to my teaching. @Jess5th does a beautiful job of this regularly!
A7: I hate grading. I've never moved a student through a grade. I have seen students destroyed through them. Conferences and other forms of feedback are the keys to growth #g2great
A7: the STRUGGLE IS REAL. The same issue as before- "because we've always done it this way" is unacceptable pedagogy. We have to involve Ss in the evaluation and feedback process. Also, stop letting our gradebooks make decisions for us #justpractices#g2great
A7: Sitting beside readers and writers to listen is essential teacher work. Not enough classrooms make time to confer every day--but I couldn't teach without it. #g2great
A7: Feedback encourages conversation (questioning, reflection) and leads to authentic learning, as well as meaningful relationships. Those are the ingredients for transformative experiences for Ss and Ts. #G2Great
#G2Great q7. Feedback is the heart of my practice, our practice. Students learn to give feedback and are my partners in feedback and assessment. Self and peer assessment. Evaluation comes at the end of the term and is a conferences.
A7: Grades do not give any real feedback for students. A number will never celebrate what readers or writers are doing well, or give them the next steps for improvement #g2great
A7 We have to build time into our day to give feedback and to teach ss how to peer review. Feedback is crucial to growth but we have to learn how to give it appropriately. All too often teachers give glows and grows and this doesn't really help Ss achieve their goals #g2great
A7 Being a grad student has opened my teacher eyes to assessment and feedback. Timeliness and feedback that helps me as a student is everything. #g2great
A7: Conferring and anecdotal notes are my go-to...I balance those with our expected assessments, but the heart of teaching is in the give and take of feedback & self-reflection #G2great
A6: I teach preservice teachers in a writing course. We do WW each week in class. Because I believe you can’t teach writing if you don’t write yourself, I make time for it. What we value deserves time. #G2Great
A7: Feedback shows we value process. Understand that revision matters and really changes things. Revision is ultimately up to student, not wielded only to get the right grade. Feedback says I am giving you TIME to work it out and create, not whambamgivememygradenow. #g2great
A7 When we “assess” for the purpose of understanding we seek to know kids from all sides of the learning process - & thus make instructional choices grounded in deeper knowledge #G2Great
A7: If we keep in mind assessment means to “sit beside,” we will find we’ll know what our students need. Let’s not forget we can ask them what they need from us next. #G2great
#G2great I sat w/a parent on way to field trip and she said her son says he does not understand why he has to read every night b/c he knows how to read. He has been hooked on #rebound and #trackseries. Funny how it can still be a struggle even after helping them navigate books.
A7: Descriptive feedback that focuses on strengths & next steps, that is developed with and understood by Ss will provide more - & more accurate- reflection of growth and learning. Evaluations have their place - but they do little to propel growth, esp w striving Ss. #G2Great
A8. There's a difference between "rigidity" - timer goes off and move on and
"flexibility" - "Do you need 1 more minute or two?"
When you want Ss to be engaged in their R or W, you cannot turn it on and off on demand on exact # of seconds!
I always thought 50% of time was spent on summative assessments, formative assessments, and standardized testing. This is why our 180 days are so time crunched. What really matters again? #g2great
A7: giving small risk opportunities to learn and stretch and grow where students can master their skills with lots of conferencing, small group work, and discussion #G2great
Absolutely: grades stop the learning. Students need to be able to make mistakes and take risks while writing. They need direct, helpful and pointed feedback- not grades to help them develop as writers. 70% doesn't tell me what is good or what needs to be revised. #G2Great
A7 Balance is the key always in literacy classrm. Grading Less & Assessing More are necessary if we want to be true facilitators/guides & help Ss own their learning. #g2great
A8 Flexibility of purpose acknowledges not only that Sts are uniquely different as learners but that they are likely to respond to unique experiences in unique ways #G2Great
A7: I know my balance of feedback to evaluation is working when students are growing and they don't ask about grades. The schools I know that have dropped or reduced grading to give more regular feedback and progress reports say it has been transformational #g2great
A7 Ss need to get feedback immediately so they can improve on next opportunity. A big chg for me this yr is to encourage messy writing drafts and lots of sticky notes for reading. Neither process is neat & orderly. We need to give Ss permission to take detours along way.#G2great
A lot of my students don't read every night, but they read every day in my class. I ask them to read 2 hours each week--so they can find the time to sit for longer stretches when they can.
But always, it is the book that keeps them reading. #g2great
A7: Grades do not give any real feedback for students. A number will never celebrate what readers or writers are doing well, or give them the next steps for improvement #g2great
A8: For students to become self-directed they need opportunities to plan how they will use their time. These third graders planned their own book clubs. They set their own meeting dates and decided how much they should read @natickps#g2great
A8: Being flexible shows kids your care more about them and their learning than “covering it all.” You are teaching the learners not the curriculum. #G2GREAT
A8 Malleable time frames allow us hold tight to what we value so nothing can stand in the way. Putting this in writing creates a visible reference of professional MUSTS #G2Great
Accept that you can't get to everyone, but you will help 4-5 understand more, think more, and grow as readers and writers. Just sit and watch how well the rest of the class works without you. ;) #g2great
A8: We need the opportunity to allow learning to take us where it will sometimes. We need to be open to following current events or passions. Learning is fluid, so we must be flexible. #G2Great
How do we increase a love for reading without applying the same reading practices each day? Does anyone feel that these practices, such as book talks and pages per week charts, feel too repetitive or dry every day on a 5 day/week schedule for 180 days? #g2great
I like that idea. I have started providing the focus of instruction on their progress reports so parents know what they can do at home as well. #g2great It is a collaborative process between home and school as well.
A8: Being flexible shows kids your care more about them and their learning than “covering it all.” You are teaching the learners not the curriculum. #G2GREAT
A8: Just as formula restricts writers but structure supports, the way we use time can either become restrictive or offer our students flexible but supportive structure. #g2great
A8: Flexibility is crucial bc I’ve already thought deeply about my curriculum. Class time is their time. What would I move at MY pace instead of theirs? #g2great
A8 #G2great Flexible frames go back to initial purpose of our teaching - the WHY and the Ss in front of us. We cannot predict where Ss will shine & likewise where they will struggle until we know them & work to identify gaps.
A7: Conferring, assessing, and providing feedback should happen every day, throughout the day. Informal. Not "graded". Ss and Ts are works in progress. These are practices that move us forward. #g2great
A8 It’s easy to say Sts WON the bulk of learning but a written time frame ensures that we hold true to that commitment. It’s a promise we make to our students. #G2Great
A8 limit teacher talk to read aloud and short mini-lesson. Most of workshop: read, write, student talk, conferring—student-student & teacher-student. Keep students at center and always adjust to respond to their needs. Negotiate & be an active listener.#g2great
Some words to keep you thinking after the chat has ended. Thank you all for a great chat tonight at #G2Great Special thanks to our guest hosts Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle
Please join #G2Great next week as we discuss how to prevent summer slide. Let’s make sure our kids continue to FLEX their summer literacy muscles. @franmcveigh@hayhurst3@brennanamy
Agreed. I loved how Kelly seized the opportunity this winter to take current events into his classroom and students read, wrote, and thought deeply about gun rights. You can see what he did each day at https://t.co/IwSwK845uG. #g2great
A8: We need the opportunity to allow learning to take us where it will sometimes. We need to be open to following current events or passions. Learning is fluid, so we must be flexible. #G2Great
A8: With every ss being unique, every students needs to figure out what works for them so flexibility is the only way to escape one size fits all #g2great
A8: Having that flexible time allows for the most learning to occur. If we let them, our students will show us the way! It's hard to let go, but I've found it's SO worth it, and you end up beyond where you thought you would go. #g2great
A8: Flexibility with time is key to a student centered classroom. How can we show them that we care about their learning if we are just pushing them to get it done with no regards for their progress? #g2great
180 Days Quote that keeps rattling around in my head: "...conferences are the least efficient but most effective b/c they meet writers exactly where they are...Mini lessons are the most efficient but least effective..." (Pg.92)🤯#G2Great
A8: Flexibility is crucial bc I’ve already thought deeply about my curriculum. Class time is their time. Why would I move at MY pace instead of theirs? #g2great