Would love to work with you on creating custom skins for NPC, building off of the villager texture! Could come up with some pretty cool stuff I bet! #MinecraftEDU
In reply to
@EduElfie, @PlayCraftLearn, @BenSpieldenner
Hey I’m here from NYC, but I’m pulling multiple duties-happy to join the special needs edition of #MinecraftEdu as I teach in #District75 -the largest special education district
And you are an amazing teacher-leader in that district! Glad to have you in the chat tonight Sean and hear the amazzing work you are doing with Students. #MinecraftEDU
Q1: What is your experience working with or interacting with children and students on the autistic spectrum, and are you on the spectrum yourself? #MinecraftEDU
Q1: What is your experience working with or interacting with children and students on the autistic spectrum, and are you on the spectrum yourself? #MinecraftEDU
🙏 Love to give credit. I use it all the time. in my workshops I open with Richard Riley: "We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist using technologies that haven’t been invented in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet #MinecraftEDU
Thanks @EduElfie for this AWESOME tutorial. Player skins are so important to students. You can learn a lot about them by the skins they design for themselves. #MinecraftEDU
for player skins, yes, not for NPCs (yet) working on that soonish... I have some other things to test before I go live with that tutorial. https://t.co/kZjzTTCYmZ
In reply to
@supervxn, @MGrundel, @PlayCraftLearn, @BenSpieldenner
A1: On the spectrum myself, took a Spec Ed placement as my final practicum block in Teacher's College, and see special needs often in classes coming through the museum. #minecraftedu
Welcome Ginny! Yes, and working with the brilliant kids at shows like @minefaire we have encountered many children on the spectrum who are doing remarkable things! #MinecraftEDU
A1: My cousin is on the spectrum. I'm not his teacher. My aunt and uncle did an AMAZING job and got him the best treatment. Now he goes to the university. #minecraftedu
A1: My experience is somewhat limited and having gone into this work without formal training, it was something I was quite worried about. at first. Teaching, in general, was new to me. But now its something I am quite proud of. I'm personally not on the spectrum. #MinecraftEDU
A2: Potential benefits include increased engagement, feeling in control of their world and a potential pathway towards improved social skills. Challenges include distinguishing between reality and virtual and unhealthy addiction and obsession. #MinecraftEDU
A2: #MinecraftEDU offers an immediate feedback system in a safe and almost tangible way. Allows to work collaboratively, but communicate asynchronously. Challenge: Time. 30-40 min is not enough! #MinecraftEDU
A2: Most Ss with ASD don’t learn well through traditional models. I’ve seen #GBL improve social interactions outside the game and perseverance through the work #MinecraftEDU
Absolutely, games certainy create that risk-free environment, both in learning and in social experiences. Kids who may not generally work together often collaborate well in game. #MinecraftEDU
A2: I have only seen benefits! The playing field is leveled because all the students are working on a project that interests them and that they can be successful in. Builds community. No one excluded. #MinecraftEDU
A2: ADHD hyperfocus is like a superpower in Minecraft. Allows s's to build understanding using manipulatives and roleplay to build context. Challenges: Time! (Also school board firewalls.) #minecraftedu
While I do believe the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, I have seen a few. However, all of those can be turned into teachable moments! One challenge is teaching to respect each others work in a shared world. That should be taught prior to gameplay starting. #MinecraftEDU
Luckily for me, the ASD students I've had have been fairly familiar with Minecraft/#MinecraftEDU and Minecraft is a perfect environment for them! Freedom to experiment and learn in a controlled way, especially one that allows the Ss to follow their passions and interests!
I have found that many of my students with #ASD have a strong understanding and familiarity with #MinecraftEDU and are very comfortable in it. #MinecraftEDU
Luckily for me, the ASD students I've had have been fairly familiar with Minecraft/#MinecraftEDU and Minecraft is a perfect environment for them! Freedom to experiment and learn in a controlled way, especially one that allows the Ss to follow their passions and interests!
Totally! I think that is definitely a good sign that #GBL and #MinecraftEDU is becoming more common in teaching strategies for ASD students! I'm not totally familiar with what goes on in schools so that is good to hear!
A3: We can give ASD students safe places to play and be themselves like @AutCraft, and from there they may well naturally want to socialise. If they're into Minecraft we can differentiate learning for them through playing to their in-game strengths #MinecraftEDU.
A3:differentiation is built-in to #MinecraftEDU since it’s open ended, but I try to have partial builds ready for struggling students. I also have advanced students create worlds for others to explore instructionally-they explore other worlds promoting socialization #MinecraftEdu
It's the wired connections, too! Because the museum's on an external server, the schools' IT people don't have the authority to whitelist, and tracking down the person who DOES feels like an NPC quest sometimes.
Yes and differentiation can be enhanced through game difficulty, game mode, and then setting our own parameters, such as limits on time, resources, items, etc. #MinecraftEDU
A3: There are so many different roles to play, it lets students self-select for their strengths, which is a big confidence-booster. Can also build side quests to occupy students who are already adept & let students who aren't as far along stick with the main task. #minecraftedu
I've had a kid on the spectrum coming to my programs for 2 years now, and his excitement and energy towards everything was one of my favorite things. Superpowers are a great way to put it! Not only that though, his mom taught me so much great info #minecraftedu
A3: Building relationships to any degree in #minecraftedu classes happens so naturally. In the game, natural or spontaneous collaboration and teamwork build friendships and bonds extremely well regardless of any barriers that may exist outside of the game.
Sorry, I am having major issues with my computer, I recently downloaded MCEdit2 and it is causing my computer to lag terribly, even when it is not running. #MinecraftEDU
From my own experience, it is world-altering when someone sees something you've been repeatedly criticized for (eg. hyperfocusing on interests, such as Minecraft) as an asset. #MinecraftEdu
A4: One small step at a time usually. For some it might be their trigger to open up more, for others it might take time and small steps. If they struggle with social interaction for example yet their typing messages in-game, simulate that in the real world next #MinecraftEdu
Currently, both using curriculum knowledge to unlock side quests and puzzles (eg. the button corresponding to the mineral in this pile of rocks will open the door) on a small scale... #MinecraftEDU
A4: By utilizing in game tools like book&quill and camera/portfolio to have ingame and post game reflection. Be sure to debreif and discuss after lesson/learning in game. #MinecraftEDU
Very nice. You could have them travel to various coordinates all to determine the correct structure or rock. Could also use NPCs as famous scientists/geologists. #MinecraftEDU
...and by using the overarcing quest to create a scenario they can use to empathize with and understand bigger issues (eg. how did you respond when the other village had resource x and you didn't? What was your strategy to obtain it? How did they feel? etc.) #MinecraftEDU
After 136 hours of building...and rebuilding...Animal Farm in @PlayCraftLearn is almost done! Soon teachers will be able to use this dystopian farm (built by students) for a multitude of lessons. #MinecraftEdu#games4ed#engchat
A4: Depends on the skills, but I have students record their walkthroughs discussing their internal thought process and then we practice them verbalizing that discussion IRW #minecraftedu
Awesome! I have had kids create video walkthroughs outside of class and then bring in to class to present! Love this strategy Sean. #MinecraftEDUhttps://t.co/yqkekJurW5
OMG, I would love to do something like that! That looks amazing! If anyone ever wants a building buddy for something like this for sure let me know! #MinecraftEDU
In reply to
@magistravill, @BenSpieldenner, @PlayCraftLearn
A4: Using in-game events as starting points to discuss social issues, so s's have a personal understanding of how stakeholders feel. Eg. Why do you think people fight over limited resources in the real world? How did you solve conflicts in the game? etc. #minecraftedu
These are amazing starting points for sparking conversations and curiousity. I did something similar with my Upcycling Green Garden Lesson. #MinecraftEDUhttps://t.co/RzOq2ZbBnL
A5: I have had a few students who I have built up good relationships with through talking about the game and relating it to work, using that to my advantage as a teacher. At events like @IGFestUK@ImmersiveMinds I have looked after some of the kids with SEN #MinecraftEDU.
If you want, on the education site, I have a Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Limited Resource lesson that I did about 2 years ago with my 5th graders. #MinecraftEDUhttps://t.co/ji6TeWWXEg
A5: I brought many students with me to @minefaire in Philly to present and discuss their success with #MinecraftEDU. Some also presented at a faculty inservice day (sorry for the bad video footage). Many are on the spectrum . https://t.co/cIgvIGhcxb
A5: Not a super-specific success, but I heard more than once that it was my Minecraft club that kept several students coming to school. Connections made! #MinecraftEDU
That is a huge success. If you can create an environment that reduces absences or tardies, than you are successful. Many of those children probably did not feel safe or comfortable in school and you provided that for them! #MinecraftEDU
A5: Pretty much everything I’ve done with @PlayCraftLearn - It was a student with ASD who first inquired about using Minecraft as a learning tool & I had to go learn about it #MinecraftEDU
I couldn't think of a specific example until you said this, but I had a super similar response to my club! A lot of parents were super excited to see their kids comfortably willingly pushing themselves at something educational! #MinecraftEDU
Outro: Thank You for joining the conversation. Please reiterate your: Name, Role, Location, and share your most significant learning or favorite tweet of the #MinecraftEDU Chat.
Outro: Thank you for joining the conversation. Please reiterate your name, role, location and share your most significant learning or favourite tweet of the #MinecraftEDU chat.
A5: No stories yet since we're heading into the pilot next week (!!!), but in terms of #ADHD teacher success stories, being able to combine my teaching, storytelling, fiddly hyperfocus, and computer geekery on this project has been really empowering. #minecraftedu