Each Monday evening at 8PM EST, music teachers get together and share ideas about important topics within music education. It’s a great chance to interact directly with educators from all over the world and to get new tips and tricks to help you succeed in the classroom. The entire #musedchat discussion is organized and moderated by Joe Guarr.
A1 i have had the oleasure to teach many challenging Ss. Some it is not paying attention, outright defiance, anger issues n violent out ursts, indifference, i can usually build a positive relationship tho #MusEdchat
A1: Disengaged. Fixed mindset. Attention seeking. Provoking. (I will never forget my first year of teaching encountering a student who told me she was going to be deliberately rude to me as the 'new teacher'.) #musedchat
A2: the root could be anything from disinterest, to hunger, to a chemical imbalance. Whatever the root, I do my best to not make it personal. #musedchat
Not taking it personally is key. In the majority of cases, I don't think students actually want to cause us grief. But their actions can just manifest that way. #musedchat
A2: There's usually something deeper going on-- whether there is a larger need not being met, trust issues, low self-esteem/self-efficacy, or another deeper cause. #musedchat
A2 working in high needs areas, many times it is socioeconomic, sometimes cultural, sometimes it is because the Ss is just used to not trusting adults. Many different reasons, need to get to know n understand the Ss to understand behavior #MusEdchat
A2: In my 20 years I have learned that I am sometimes the “last drop in the cup” by asking something like “hey buddy, where is your instrument today?” The blow-up that follows is a sign of a hurting kid not a defiant one #musedchat
Q2: Sometimes ss feel as if they should know the answer b|c they were taught the answer but maybe they never understood it or retained the info. therefore they may have guilt and shame for not getting it #musedchat
A2: Lack of participation can often stem from a lack of confidence/fear of failure. Maybe a student isn't comfortable in their prior knowledge. #musedchat
A2.1 Sometimes (hard as it can be to admit), our class just isn't for everyone. If interests lie elsewhere, it can manifest with negative reactions. #musedchat
A1: Non-participation in the form of Ss who believe they are above an activity, but also Ss who don't have the self-confidence to try something and overcome failure. Music requires sustained focus, and Impulsive Ss have trouble with this. #musedchat
A2: Music is a vulnerable activity and Ss would rather avoid and activity than risk failing in front of their peers. It's imperative to build a respectful classroom environment that promotes healthy risk-taking. #musedchat
A3 i make sure the Ss know i care about them. Their behavior is not acceptable, but they r not their behavior. They r valued in the music room. Music becomes secondary for those Ss, being understood and cared about is primary #MusEdchat
A3: We are very lucky to have an amazing team of counselors, social workers, admin, and staff who are all very student-centered. Open lines of communication are also highly valued so that students are able to get the support they need. #musedchat
Hi five every day - every kid! Fresh start for everyone each day! Can be really hard but is also really important in dealing with difficult kids. Don’t forget that student is probably doing the very best he can at the time. #musedchat
A3.2: Along with all the school system supports, I work very hard to make sure my Ss know the band room is a safe place/my office door is always open. For Ss to really know it though, they need to see you do it: talking, asking, caring, trusting, all sincerely. #musedchat
A3: My school emphasizes working well with others and learning respectfully as two pillars of success. My school staff does a great job of elevating the voices of challenging Ss by empowering them to create their own action plans to use when experiencing frustration. #musedchat
A3: My middle school and the HS I'm interning at does Learning Communities. It allows ss to build relationships with teachers that are not their teachers and ss from a mixture of grade levels #musedchat
A4 all about building positive relationships. Sometimes Ss have struggled all day n the final straw is in my room. Ss know they can correct mistakes n if they need a minute, they can have it #MusEdchat
A4: I am the parent of a challenging child with a lot of his own issues. I want his teachers to love him and so I see him in every challenging student I teach. #musedchat
A4 A wise Ts once told me, if a kid knows they have at least one adult who has their back, they know they will b ok. I sometimes gotta remind myself to always have their back #MusEdchat
A4: Experience has taught me to step back. It's not about me; it's about them. Finding what it is that drives them, finding common ground, and taking the time to ask and learn about something they enjoy. #musedchat
Sports, art, theater, TV, movies, performing artists, books, anime, comics.... I've even connected over debating about DC versus Marvel before. Finding whatever it is that puts the light in their eyes is important. #musedchat
A4: I try to look past the behavior as best I can, & remember that, in most cases, the child is merely a product of his/her home environment. Finding a way to praise the child & build him/her up in class has softened those aggressive and/or negative behaviors in many. #musedchat