Good Morning, #sunchat! Susan from the Jersey Shore - Excited to find new ways to connect with the community. We need, more than ever, to show strength! #ittakesavillage#sunchat
@edu_match Hey, everyone! I'm a rookie in the midst of the pros this morning. Can I get some ideas for technology use in and around the classroom? What's your favorite teacher tech stuff?#sunchat
Welcome @Hmbs76. Joining any chat including #sunchat moved you from rookie status to @ least minor leagues :). What do you teach and what tech do you have access to?
@edu_match Hey, everyone! I'm a rookie in the midst of the pros this morning. Can I get some ideas for technology use in and around the classroom? What's your favorite teacher tech stuff?#sunchat
Good morning #sunchat, Michaele (Mike, not Michelle), kindergarten teacher in Kansas! Fortunate to work in a school & district with lots of family involvement and contact.
Community connections has grown for us the past few years. Senior government Ss are required to complete work in the community, and our student service organization is doing great work! #sunchat
Morning. Debbi from NJ snowed in in PA with family:)
I teach Technology & Business.
Our school tries to be involved in the community in many ways...
SO many opportunities for community connections for #musiced! Sometimes the struggle is finding which of the many opportunities to take advantage of. #sunchat
I'm actually a library branch manager working on Secondary English Education Bachelor online. I'm in an Educational Technology class that encouraged getting ideas through twitter. Just getting my feet wet. #sunchat
One easy way is to either invite the senior center members to a dress rehearsal for band or play, OR, take the kids on the road to them for a mini performance. Many may have grandkids in the school. Great connection made! #sunchat
Wow! There is a lot you can do. You will just have to think about your instructional goals. What do you are some concepts or skills do you want them to learn this week? #sunchat
One easy way is to either invite the senior center members to a dress rehearsal for band or play, OR, take the kids on the road to them for a mini performance. Many may have grandkids in the school. Great connection made! #sunchat
How are you getting the connections? Our academy’s in our building are doing that through their advisory boards. I think it should be school wide. We used to do a beautification day as well. #sunchat
Really. What are some of your ways? I think this is so vital. Not only for learning but also to help put an end on the assault on public education #sunchat
From my observations, I completely agree with your thought here. Tech simply for the sake of tech is a non-starter. I just want some examples and sources. Thanks for inspiration!#sunchat
#sunchat When my school transitioned away from busing students (we are a true neighborhood school within walking distance), that connection between families and staff grew. We see them at arrival, dismissal; they stay and chat on the playground, etc.
We are currently researching local overlooked (diverse) historical heroes, drawing comics, making teacher lessons, and sharing w/our elementary schools. HS creators will be going to the elem schools and giving them out - talking about them #sunchat
First thing we do in the school year is for Vet's day. We invites ALL Vets of the community to a dinner. Our Union pays and we volunteer to serve. What a great night!
Really. What are some of your ways? I think this is so vital. Not only for learning but also to help put an end on the assault on public education #sunchat
Hey Heather, one great way to start is using google drive/apps. This is a great place to start with secondary English education. For writing, students can share on google docs to collaborate and track changes! #sunchat
How cool! I love @kathyschrock as a resource for not only Ts but Media Specialist. Check out her website and you will be floored. She emphasizes purpose and then shares the tech. #sunchat
I do a non-fiction lesson on the Lindbergh Baby kidnapping from the 1930s. We read about it, then kids research to come up with their own theories. Local police come in to hear their theories, and talk to them about changes in forensics. Always a hit! #sunchat
Our schools realized the value of connecting with community. They were involved in setting goals for the kind of students they wanted to see in the workforce. #sunchat
Many of our students come from a neighboring district. Plus we are a pretty low SES area, getting our community involved is hard, siggestiins for an elementary? #sunchat
We also host a program for our most deserving elementary kids in a community building (THEIR) neighborhood and have HS teachers and students help tutor them and build community. I have been building an engaging library for the kids. #sunchat
My favorite ways to use tech are where students are creating something to show their understanding. Bonus points if they have choice in what they use to create (Google Apps, video creation, etc). Some ideas in this blog post:
Having a school twitter or FB account, where all the great school events and learning can be posted daily for followers to see, is a great way to build the connection with community. #sunchat But, admin must buy-in to the importance of it.
#sunchat Grade level programs, family nights, conferences, Open House, board meetings, even class parties see high attendance and volunteerism from families. Relationships grow from these interactions, helping us recognize if and when students and families need help.
A local (low SES area) school started holding a carnival on B2S night - if kids came & brought their parents, they got 10 tix (or something like that). Worked well for that one-time connection, at least! #sunchat
Many cultural contexts in play here, too. For many of our families, going to a school is uncomfortable. For us, going to their homes is uncomfortable. How can we meet each other where we are at? #sunchat
#sunchat Weekly emails from teachers, monthly newsletters from administrators and staff, staff web pages, phone calls home and teachers offering extended access/sharing via Twitter make it possible for parents to feel more connected even if they don't see us daily.
One way is connect the HS with the Elementary level. It's good for older kids to understand that they are role models for those younger, and build those relationships, which hopefully will carry forward. The idea of giving back... #sunchat@StephDill92
Many of our students come from a neighboring district. Plus we are a pretty low SES area, getting our community involved is hard, siggestiins for an elementary? #sunchat
Building relationships with community is a great way to promote educational equity! How can we ensure that all community members are involved? #equity#sunchat#education#community
Truth be told. Most of us is still figuring out chatting as well. LOL. I have lead and chatted for over 5 years. Learn something new every time #sunchat
We are able toi get parents in for B2S w/a BBQ we had a pancake breakfest this year, do trunk or treat & multi cultural night. But to support and get invovled w/academic learning is tricky. #sunchat
Sorry I’m late but sleep is important. Our school loves connecting to the community! Many students participate in job shadowing for a semester with local businesses and industries #sunchat
We require a community service project for graduation at the high school. Students choose their idea, pitch it, get a mentor, carry it out, then present about it in May #sunchat
Book buddies is not only a lot of fun for the younger students and valuable role-modeling for the older ones; it gives the older ones the experience of nurturing and supporting somone else, even--especially--if they struggle with their own learning. #sunchat
We also have various events that bring the community to our building and speak about what skills and education are necessary to be in their industries. Our last event of this type had over 20 different careers present in our rural school #sunchat
#sunchat Without a high school (we are elem/middle), and with high annual turnover (military post), community service isn't required, but often performed by students as military dependents anyway. Our students have many service opportunities with which they can participate.
Early apology for all of these questions: Is that through a class? How do you monitor it? How many seniors are you talking about? Do they get their own mentor you or does the school have a list? #sunchat
In reply to
@historycomics, @Ms_A_Yeh, @jbrennan62
Parent communication is always something I can do more of, and that’s been one of the best parts of using Twitter. Have also started sending out a newsletter. #sunchat
Members of the community are involved in presentations our seniors do where they present their post grad plans. I’m always impressed by the the young people our schools are turning out.#sunchat
I’m not positive but it might be two people. FYI our school is 300 kids 7-12 so it is manageable for one person to coordinate job shadow positions. This is mostly an opportunity for juniors and seniors. #sunchat
I work with some families and just struggle with what academic support really means. Parents don't have experience in formal education (came from a refugee camp). They want to support their kids, but don't know how. #sunchat
Every senior - they begin the process as juniors. They chose a mentor - doesn’t have to be a teacher in the building. We have three teachers in overall charge of the program - it is their duty - rather than study hall, lunch monitor, etc #sunchat
Sorry I’m late but sleep is important. Our school loves connecting to the community! Many students participate in job shadowing for a semester with local businesses and industries #sunchat
Thanks for the clarification. Our academy directors coordinates it for the academies. However, I think it is something all students should experience. #sunchat
similar to my school. many parents don't speak English and/or don't have formal schooling. Learn to say "hello" and "welcome" in several languages; it's a little thign that goes a long way. #sunchat
Love @aggiewifemomof2's #geniushour project, where Ss had to walk the school & find a "problem" in their community that they wanted to help solve. Great community perspective, could be extended beyond the school! #sunchat
Shadowing is also encouraged by our schools and businesses have been onboard. My doctors nurse practitioner just offered my 14 yr old the opportunity last week.#sunchat
Another way is through clubs. We have a Hope club that gleans local farms and coordinated getting the produce to local shelters to feed the hungry:)
I work at a great school!
#sunchat Connecting with community builds relationships, enabling all forms of communication (celebrations, questions, concerns); earlier awareness of potential problems, feedback as to how to improve, & a sense of school being a home away from home for students. Comfort=learning
Maybe bring them in one night for coffee and share ideas for how they can help their kids! Coffee is inexpensive, parents can connect with other parents - and have the kids present their ideas as well! #sunchat
Right now, I am mentoring three amazing Juniors in setting up a comic con at our HS - funds to be used for our pre-K early literacy program. We need to get books into the hands of all kids. #sunchat
Right now, I am mentoring three amazing Juniors in setting up a comic con at our HS - funds to be used for our pre-K early literacy program. We need to get books into the hands of all kids. #sunchat
Dedicating a day of school to unstructured play doesn’t have to only happen on the 1st Wednesday of February, but it’s cool to know that 100s of thousands of kids (& adults) are doing so in unison on Global School Play Day.
Our schools also have very well attended Showcases of Learning that are open to the community. It’s great for families that no longer have school age S’s to see where we are. #sunchat
My kids (MS and HS) both need to complete community service. Very flexible guidelines, and the community knows everyone needs to do it, so groups are always offering service hours. #sunchat
#sunchat Though I don't show their faces in tweets, my #kindergarten students tell me what they'd like to share on Twitter, dictating ideas, content, links, and what photos to take. Parents like knowing what their kids find engaging & enjoy the tweets.
Have leaders pulled in parents to determine what would create a better relationship? Open communication a little more? Doing a huddle with parents of the client may bridge a lot of gaps. #sunchat
We have one community service day each semester. Each homeroom picks a project and spends a day in the community giving back for all they do for our school district. Plus it’s good hands-on work and a day outside! #sunchat
You sure do! I used to think the problem was our faculty was too old (tired of doing it) but we have younger staff now and many don’t want to help either #sunchat
I was at a school that organized a "Day of Service" Every student worked on a project at school or went as a group to help somewhere. Tons to organize but great to see! #sunchat
Remember - not all parents can get to the school, shift work and young ones at home, no car, not all speak English, some have had bad experiences in the school as a student - all reasons why we have to go to the community - some are afraid of immigration, etc, #sunchat
I believe that teachers are the most powerful agents in school-community relationships, #sunchat friends. I decided to research teachers presenting on community engagement at SXSWedu 2018. I wrote about them here
It is a platform for social learning and, now, an integral part of culture- it will only grow- as you have mentioned your students at such a young age are requesting access to it in the classroom. #sunchat
I will say I think culture in the building has a lot to do with it. And we have a very supportive admin who treat us with respect and gratitude.
You sure do! I used to think the problem was our faculty was too old (tired of doing it) but we have younger staff now and many don’t want to help either #sunchat
Offer the kids an opportunity to attend a school board meeting to present something that they want changed, or a town council meeting to see government work in progress. They can speak when the public comments is open. Great to see it in action. #sunchat
Bringing in artists and writers I know and who the kids are reaching out to. But also comics from our students as well. Student run panels - I presented with some at Phila Wizard World - my own children as well #sunchat
I have a Q: With community service, what kind of techniques do people use to keep students and parents focused on service-- instead of on how to compile hours on time sheets? #sunchat
Our high school is also taking advantage of the many parents who work in STEM related fields. We're part of a committee that meets regularly to support clubs and activities, organize workplace visits, and promote STEM classes. #sunchat
My piece of advice to new teachers- be approachable, be coachable, be inspirable, show that "withitness" you have, be immersive in culture, be understanding, be accountable, be the change you want to be. #sunchat
Like many lessons, model the behavior first. I talk about what I do to volunteer and share what other teachers are doing to let the kids know.
I have a Q: With community service, what kind of techniques do people use to keep students and parents focused on service-- instead of on how to compile hours on time sheets? #sunchat
#sunchat Though community service isn't required @ my school, it's encouraged. Elem. student council examines & chooses projects each year; pop tabs, needy families, canned food drives, veteran support, etc. All students can participate.
Demand expectations, but be compassionate, know that academic success isn't the only success- be collaborative, responsive, and with-it- are all attributes that employers are looking for. Give them hope, by putting your hope into them, captivate inspiration. #sunchat
Staff vs. parents obstacle course for fun - provides plenty of opportunity for fun, and a little snack reception afterwards hosted by the kids will provide opportunity to connect and talk. #sunchat
Modeling is everything-- it isn't simply about "walking the walk." It's also showing some students (and sometimes their folks) a clear example of what it is to be curious, organized, and/or willing to fail, etc
#sunchat School and community connections are vital: they increase the likelihood that parents and families will be participatory in their students' learning instead of passive or reactionary, & make local resources available as partners in education.
What about student eportfolios of progress? Give parents the flexibility to communicate and share in the conversation on their time. Focus is the conversation. #sunchat
The school MUST be one of the most important community centers in its neighborhood. Investing in 1-2 events a year that are about community-- performances, food drive, veterans appreciation, student/family event night = foundation for community-school relationships #sunchat
WTF ? @RepMaxineWaters I am so sorry that these ridiculous MAGA racist homophobic anti Semitic idiots troll you. The good news is your constituents adore you and with a #BlueTsunami2018 they will crawl back into the rock they came from. Keep fighting for us !
So are senior citizens! Maybe have them book an appointment with a senior to read together. You can cozy up the library and offer the seniors tea and scones! They'd love a day out, and a young one to sit next to to read a book. #sunchat
In reply to
@PMcPeake1, @mistershayELA, @StephDill92
Day 10 ~ 30 Day Hook Challenge
✨Life Changing Lesson Hook✨
💜How can I use this lesson to deliver an inspirational message?💜
✨”The happiest people are the givers, not the takers.”✨