#4thchat is a hashtag for teachers or anyone to talk about educational issues relating to 4th grade. Using #4thchat will create a network of 4th grade teachers or teachers working with 9-10 year olds across the world. We welcome anyone who 1. teaches 4th grade 2 .Works with 4th grade students and or 4th grade teachers 3. Likes 4th grade teachers (Groupies are encouraged).
Hey Jenn! It was not a bad Monday here! How about you? I am being observed tomorrow by a local magazine as a top local 10 finalist for teacher of the year! Yikes!
I had a great Monday - Got some 1st & 2nd grade students started with #codeweek . It was fun to listen to the littles being excited over their successes! #4thchat
I had a great Monday - Got some 1st & 2nd grade students started with #codeweek . It was fun to listen to the littles being excited over their successes! #4thchat
ahh! I love Green Screen videos! I just get goosebumps listening to my kiddos talk with each other! We are doing some green screen readers theater skits of Greek Mythology this week! #4thChat
We have our Green Screen hanging in our hallway outside my classroom door all the time. I am lucky and have an empty classroom next door so I get some extra wall space! We hang it on the wall instead of putting it on the holder. #4thChat
Overwhelming trying to keep up with Eureka math and build out a science curriculum. Had my state conference last week. How are things with you? Hope you are loving your position. #4thchat
At one school it's set up in the "Innovation Lab" at my other school it is set up ready to go - but we do move it occasionally. It was near the Teachers classroom so we moved it today! #4thchat It's so motivating to students.
A1: There are countless advantages! When Ss teach one another, you can see a deeper level of understanding. The best is when a S teaches another who may need it explained in a different way! #4thchat
Having a student explain a concept to another is a win:win. The one explaining gets to show "what he knows" and the other one gets needed help and maybe more understanding from being taught in a different way. #4thchat
A1 #4thchat Collaborative/cooperative learning is also important for our introverted Ss: Susan Cain: The power of introverts | TED Talk https://t.co/XkkC9b7SMs
I AM loving my position - it's something different everyday for sure. I've seen so much progress in just a short while. Proud of all the teachers & students! #4thchat
A2: The teacher needs to make sure the student explaining the concept truly has a grasp of it himself before trying to teach it to others. But other that that I can't think of any reason not to try it. #4thchat
#4thchat A2 Seems honest, advantages outweigh disadvantages, but this lists some: Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning - Teaching in the Fast Lane https://t.co/YfwbFA0hHZ
A1: "to teach is to learn twice" Joseph Joubert ... benefit when students are trying to explain to their peer - they are learning twice! #4thchat (assuming they are correct in their teaching - lol)
A3: my students work in peer-to-peer environments nearly every day and multiple times. I am always looking for ways for them to share with each other! It helps them learn so many skills! #4thChat
#4thchat A3 Daily in ever content area. We start the day with @responsiveclass morning meeting which is itself peer to peer learning in #SEL then move right into @numbertalks
A3: After watching my math videos for homework the first few minutes of class I had them teach and explain to me what they learned. Then they had some problems together where they helped each other peer-to-peer before they did their independent page. #4thchat
During our math block, we use it everyday. Students pair up or group up with others to work out problems. Lots of great math talk happening. And they are not struggling so much. #4thchat
#4thchat A3 I think the pacing and focus of lessons when the T is facilitating a discussion rather than directing the discussion is part art. Sometimes the Ss get engaged and it's a teachable moment. Too many teachable moments and you miss your lesson target though.
A3: Not nearly enough!! I've been starting to have Ss record their thinking with @screencastify and @flipgrid so Ss watch/learn from each other as well as give feedback to one another. #4thchat
Our helpful links for this Peer to Peer Teaching & Learning #4thchat Learning page https://t.co/q9Zvtc6LUo Work with your students and show them how to teach and learn with one another ant to give effective feedback. Feedback page https://t.co/ceQhat5vCN
#4thchat A3 The hardest shift for me when we started doing @numbertalks was that we still had the goal in this setting of sharing efficient strategies rather than sharing all strategies every number talk. Fun to see day to day engagement improve within a time constraint.
Our helpful links for this Peer to Peer Teaching & Learning #4thchat Learning page https://t.co/q9Zvtc6LUo Work with your students and show them how to teach and learn with one another ant to give effective feedback. Feedback page https://t.co/ceQhat5vCN
Cooperative Learning Strategies - Some of these could be used with students working with others: https://t.co/NBgfd4CEPQ#4thchat I often do the "Think/Pair/Share" I like the 3-Minute Review idea here. #4thchat
A3 In the classroom I did a lot of peer-to-peer feedback/reflection and now that I am out of the classroom I try to share different tools with teachers to help them promote peer-to-peer feedback and reflection such as @Screencastify@Flipgrid#4thChat
Hello #4thchat! Elisa, grade 5 T in Calgary. Writing report cards this week. Not my favorite T activity. Tonight’s topic really resonates w/me so I’m here to learn for a little while. Sorry to be late, I just got home.
#4thchat One of the books I purchased. Sounds like it's for adults, but it has teh same ideas we are talking about for Ss too. Energize Your Meetings! | Responsive Classroom https://t.co/92vb9KgEN3
A4: During cooperative learning, many roles take place and change throughout the conversation. Sometimes you are the leader, sometimes the listener. #4thchat
It is true @ncarroll24 kids don't know how to give feedback they need to be taught to do it properly and effectively. It is easy to just ask Ss - what do you think but they will only get a limited response. Discussions and examples about appropriate feedback is critcal #4thChat
I LOVE this idea of having students record their thinking. Because they are going on video - they really have to try and formulate their thoughts and answers so that it makes sense. Talk about reflective learning. #4thchat
In reply to
@rader5thgrade, @Screencastify, @Flipgrid
#4thchat A4 Two ways of looking at it. Some Ss are the last to turn and talk, the last to share, the last to be accountable. But--it's good formative info up front that they need support and structure. The basic cooperative learning strats need tweaking once you know this.
Agreed! I told my Ss today to comment on the content of the work primarily by giving a “glow and a grow”. Will check in tomorrow to see how it went. #4thchat
#4thchat One of the books I purchased. Sounds like it's for adults, but it has teh same ideas we are talking about for Ss too. Energize Your Meetings! | Responsive Classroom https://t.co/92vb9KgEN3
A5: Modeling of good peer instruction early on is great. Have kids role play so others can experience it. Then reminders as you send kids to help others. #4thchat
A4: During cooperative learning, many roles take place and change throughout the conversation. Sometimes you are the leader, sometimes the listener. #4thchat
A5: Before beginning, Ss need to know the objective - the WHY - to help them stay on track so that "teaching" doesn't turn into just "hanging out" #4thchat
I gave this lesson to a couple classes - they were learning how to make appropriate comments. Feel free to use it if you find it helpful: https://t.co/HYtP8Z8Ihd#4thchat
A5 #4thchat I have been working on being more clear about discussions--e.g. in shared reading do we raise our hands or just talk? Do we 'piggy back' on peer comments, is looking at the T every comment nec? There are several structures but switching means setting that up first.
I think both tools are perfect for feedback and reflection and they give time for the students to think about what they want to say without being face to face--safer. #4thChat
In reply to
@rader5thgrade, @Screencastify, @Flipgrid
A5 There needs to be a safe environment where Ss feel they can take risks and make mistakes w/out being ridiculed or shut down. So building community is an imp 1st step. #4thchat
A4: During cooperative learning, many roles take place and change throughout the conversation. Sometimes you are the leader, sometimes the listener. #4thchat
Exactly Mark! During Think/Pair/Share I would change it up and ask the "A" student to share first - Next time the "B" student would share first. Just a simple way to make all accountable. #4thchat
Mark, my school has used Kagan structures for many years and we love using them. Gets more students engaged a larger percentage of the class time best reason to use them. #4thchat
#4thchat A6 We are using @AdrienneGear "Reading Powers" (metacog strats) I have been checking out picture books from our library and Ss help me "sort" the books that are good for connect/question/visual/infer/transformmultiple Ss read each book to sort. Low tech-use post its.
Do you mean in general or on a particular occasion?# talks are powerful. I make it about sharing the strategy & at end of sharing period we discuss which strategy they thought was most efficient. I encourage them to use a new strategy when next multiplying or dividing. #4thchat
A6: Hi All...popping in for a minute...great topic tonight. We use @Seesaw & @Classkick to give students the opportunity to "teach" each other with tutorials and peer tutoring on slides.#4thchat
A7: So many great opportunities in math!! - sometimes we jigsaw, other times we pass the problem, Ss share strategies during IPS each day, put their thoughts on padlets, and communicate via Google Classroom #4thchat
A5 Clear guidance in how to offer feedback and reflection. Teaching the whole class, practicing with partners and then releasing the kids to try on their own. I Do, We Do, You Do #4thChat
Hello #4thchat Payton checking in from University of Wisconsin-Platteville. I plan to be an elementary teacher so I am happy to be a part of this chat today!
I meant in general. We had one afternoon of PD - wasn't every sure I was doing it correctly. Now that I've seen how other teachers are actually doing it - it makes more sense. #4thchat
Starting fraction @numbertalks Part of improving the learning culture is making disagreement and mistakes ok. One S and only one S thought all three answers showed 1/4. After the rest of the class tried to convince her she was wrong we found out she was correct @cquisley#4thchat
4th graders helping 2nd graders collaborate during a combined morning meeting #makerspace activity. How do groups work together on one project? What simple machines can the groups build? @lrhaney1
A7 One way is to create a list of experts in different math topics/skills/concepts (ask the kids to self-identify) then give the class opportunities to get coached by an expert as part of a small group or one-on-one. #4thchat
A7: I use peer tutors for a LOT of the math concepts… having students work one on one with a peer helps them feel more confident. #4thchat. They love using the white boards as well as tech tools like @seesaw & @Classkick#4thchat
I REALLY love the Jigsaw strategy as it creates Experts in different areas. Builds a sense of accomplishment and responsibility for each member of the group. #4thchat Love the tools you shared for this as well.
#4thchat We just started a few years ago. I have found that the metacognitive strategies were in our curriculum resources, but her books help you dig deeper with your students. Great T resources.
I think sometimes some of the best learning/teaching happens when kids are paired with students from upper/lower grade level. Fun to watch their interactions. (I actually had 1 4th gr student excited because he taught a 1st grader to read!) #4thchat (or so he thought!)
#4thchat We started Fraction @numbertalks last week. Also I told my student teacher I would put her Twitter name out to #4thchat so she could get expand her PLN, Follow her @AkkermanTrista
St T @AkkermanTrista leading a grand conversation during @numbertalks The best discussions come when many Ss make initial mistakes and have to really share and listen to strategies. Working through S assumptions/misconceptions is part of math talk.
I sometimes try 2 replicate a strategy exactly as it’s written or as I view it. I really own it when I adjust 2 fit my style & my Ss. I don’t know if I’m doing # Talks the right way or not. I think I am, but more importantly Ss are engaged & helps them develop # sense. #4thchat
#4thchat This is great. One advantage too is when we have our 4th/1st grade reading buddies, I tell my Ss that 1st graders are HONEST, if you aren't reading with your best fluency and expression everyone will know by looking at the 1st grader. Ups their 'game.'
Thanks so much to awesome comoderators, @ncarroll24 and @plnaugle- so glad we have each other. Thank you, Nancy for some awesome questions! And thank you to this awesome #4thchat tribe for being amazing!