The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Hi, I'm Nancy, from Iowa. I am a K-2 instructional coach. My success story -- one of our kdgn T's sought me out and observed me doing an intervention lesson. #educoach
I'm Kathy, co-moderator of #educoach. A success was finalizing plans for a #CoachApproach workshop next Tuesday in Crystal Lake, IL hosted by @ILASCD Can't wait!
Hi! I'm Jennifer, a math coach in Oregon. I led a session on productive struggle yesterday using a video of an ignite talk by @robertkaplinsky - #eduwin! Following #educoach from my phone tonight waiting for swim practice to end...
Good Evening, Rachel from OKC, elementary instructional coach. My success this week was using what I recently learned from The Art of Coaching Teams by @brightmorningtm to help a group of my teachers start team building and forming a shared purpose #educoach
A1 We will be taking our winter screening window data in Iowa soon. Good data to check in on progress but we have to be mindful to use our ongoing progress monitoring data as well. #educoach
A1 We are currently assessing student reading levels with a benchmark reading record. We will also be collecting data from a ELA and Math comprehensive benchmark in Feb. #educoach
Hey #educoach - also checking in late. Katie from IL, instructional coach. #eduwin of the week is learning from/with @jimknight99 during the @ECN_NU coaching network workshops
We are also using benchmark reading records with our 1st and 2nd grade students. Kdgn has formative data on letter sounds, letter names, number ID, counting, etc. #educoach
A1: Our teachers all gather formative data and anecdotal notes through conferring, and observing Ss. We use a universal reading screener again in January/Feb. #educoach
We are also using benchmark reading records with our 1st and 2nd grade students. Kdgn has formative data on letter sounds, letter names, number ID, counting, etc. #educoach
A1- Ts give 2nd round of MAP for reading/math, use AIMSWeb to assess fluency, plus any classroom based data; SIP team has been doing some walk throughout as well #educoach
A2 Ideally I'd want teachers to analyze the data and look for trends, make adjustments. We had success with grade level team data digs. Rotating subs so Ts, Coach and Principal could analyze data. #educoach
A2: Our grade level teams are looking at mid-year data during grade level PD sessions this month. IC and AEA consultant help them look for trends, if needed. #educoach
A2: We have a centralized data collection, and then as coaches and team leaders/plcs are able to access the disaggregated data from standards, MAP, other school and district based assessments #educoach
A3: As the coach, I use the data trends to help me determine areas of focus in my work with teachers. Target support via 1:1, small group, and/or school-wide professional learning. #educoach
A3: Our IC's and our principal usually have "data huddles" to go over universal screener data and formative data -- at least 3 times per year. P shares with Ts and we also try to dive deeper in PD sessions. #educoach
A3 We often use 4 simple but powerful questions when analyzing data. I learned them from our Statewide Reading Team years ago. 1. What do you notice about the data? 2. What questions do you have about the data? to be continued. #educoach
A3: we just put together a student work analysis protocol to help us/Ts look through formative assessments, identify trends&patterns, determine needs, &develop action plan/goal - haven’t launched w Ts fully yet though #educoach
We do that too, once the data day has wrapped. We break it down on individual levels as teachers/plcs determine the types of goals they want to pursue #educoach
3. What do teachers and staff need to work on because of the data? 4. What implications does the data have for our school/district. (Typing from memory .. I may have botched them.) #educoach I'm guessing I have a blog post with them. I'll look later.
A3 We often use 4 simple but powerful questions when analyzing data. I learned them from our Statewide Reading Team years ago. 1. What do you notice about the data? 2. What questions do you have about the data? to be continued. #educoach
In Iowa we had a K-3 law passed that requires progress monitoring (in literacy) if students are below benchmarks for two consecutive screening. PM is done weekly. #educoach
A4: ideally trends/patterns across building are identified for school improvement focus areas; aligning language, strategies, & practice can lead to student improvement #educoach
A4: The hardest thing about trying to improve learning, is the encouraging a growth mindset & being a reflective person without taking things personally. We all know we can always do better, but that's not always the message received. #educoach
The law has helped move schools into treating it as best practice. Data isn't always everyone's friend, but once schools start making decisions based on data they see the benefits. #educoach
In reply to
@TheEdNarrative, @RachelLeForce, @jkjohnsonbell
Q5 How do you assist teachers in analyzing student data and to re-analyze goals midyear? #educoach
We've already had some responses to this topic - but throwing the question out for others. :)
A5: I work in secondary, and what I find is that there is precious few assessments for any given area. But, what we do is design assessments so we can look for trends within the unit, quarter, etc.
A5: Don’t do it FOR them, but support them in the process. It’s more meaningful if the data analysis and goal setting comes from them. Follow up regularly to ensure the continual focus on the goal. Again, this is why a TRUE PLC is critical. #educoach
Thanks for making me think #educoach! As usual...
I'm going to look for more ways to engage with teachers and admin with data.
My swimmer is done. See you later!
A5: During a grade level PD we look at the Ss data points on their progress monitoring graphs (this is Iowa). Ask: is the intervention working? Does it need to be changed or intensified? #educoach
A5 part 2: We have discussed ways to intensify interventions, and how to know if a Ss needs less or no intervention. We also are using the MTSS model, and talk about the classroom T's role. #educoach
A5: During a grade level PD we look at the Ss data points on their progress monitoring graphs (this is Iowa). Ask: is the intervention working? Does it need to be changed or intensified? #educoach
We've had great training with @AAISconsultants using the TFU cycle. I also use @brightmorningtm Art of Coaching tools, but I always love hearing what works for others. #educoach I'll check it out!
In reply to
@KathyPerret, @LitCoachJackieW, @SolutionTree, @AAISconsultants, @brightmorningtm
A7: Yes! This is critical for a coach. My fellow coaching colleague @1DuckyMathCoach created a great google form that tracks how we’re spending our time, levels and content areas we work with, etc. The data is a great way to determine coaching strength areas and gaps. #educoach
Yes, that is a tough situation. Could you use exit tickets for formative data? Student drops a sticky note in box as they leave.
Boxes are labeled similar to "I got it"," I need some more time", "I do not understand."#educoach
A7 Coaching clients of mine have used a variety of things. They've tracked their time, video taped themselves in coaching conversations, and used a variety of other tools. Goals are set by the coach. #educoach
#educoach I think that the problem with me is that so much of the data has gone through two steps before it gets registered. Coach->Teacher->Student. It's hard to gauge influence. Then with design, there's no ethical way to really consider a control.
A8: Again, an Iowa thing -- the platform we use for weekly progress monitoring has a graph to display of Ss data points. Most Ts share the graph with the Ss, even our littles, to celebrate growth, or discuss a goal. #educoach