#mschat Archive
A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
Thursday April 7, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Hope you aren't too busy for tonight as we talk about HOW busy impacts education
Let's get our chat started right with introductions
I am Todd 6th grade Science teacher from Warren, MI; BUSY on spring break entertaining my Kids!
We will be using the Q1 ... A1 format tonight... Relax with a drink as we get chatting with questions rolling out in a few
Hi! Christie, MS math teacher & dept chair from suburban Chicago.
Good evening Christine glad you can join in tonight
Ellen from Painesville OH. BUSY waiting for my daughter to get here for a weekend visit
Graduate Student from Conway, AR. Studying to teach MS Math/Science
Sam 6-8 band in greenwood IN
Here is a blog post to read as the chat room slowly fills: Is busy killing learning? https://t.co/MjPjV0DlTV Tonight we tackle this
Glad you can join in Rachel
Yay! I've been a MS Math/Science teacher for many years. Best job in the world!
Busy is not only killing learning, it's killing us period!
Might be an accurate statement!
Q1: How does busy impact how educators teach?
Misty, Instructional Coach for ELA 6-8 in VA. Joining
A1: it can handicap the amount of processing time Ss and Ts need
A1) Being busy makes us do a lot of things that are urgent, but not necessarily important.
A1: It effects how much effort we put into preparation for lessons. If not so busy might add some extras to lesson
A1: not sure we really think about it as much as we should. Ts focus on getting "their" things done maybe not how busy Ss are
YES, Mike it takes the mindfulness out of teaching and makes it reactionary: Great Point!
A1: My schedule impacts how much I have time to prep for lessons. Differentiation, tech use, etc. Sad but true.
A1: busy makes it hard for both teachers and students to process, learn, and reflect
A1: Planning time is so busy doing other items that sometimes lessons are put together with minimal time.
it can clutter our minds and distract Ss
A1: Leads to reactionary teaching versus mindful teaching practices
A1. Busy can be a passion & innovation killer - we revert back to what is easy & what we know
A1: Lack of time can cause us to use a resource that was quick to find rather than the best one for the learning.
A1 We plan every min2 keep the Ss busy w/multiple experiences.It often consumes the time & doesn't allow for reflection and dialogue
Right, or to just do what we have done in the past because it's already made.
And that reflection and discussion time is when the Ss learn the most.
Because of this I throw out lesson plans that stunk so that I'm not tempted to use them again. :)
I love going back to what I have already made cus it saves time but you must tweak it for current needs.
YES we use busy as a classroom management tool: Lack of trust for idle hands
A1. Ts sometimes forego co-construction of Success Criteria with Ss and GIVE them SC to save time - no point
creating pressure on all sides
Don't want them stinking up the rest. And the Ss let you know when a lesson stinks too.
Very true: Differentiation needs time to be planned and carried out
forcing Ts to effectively prioritizing
Q2: How are students impacted by being constantly busy?
Hey it's Lori coming to class late, without a tardy pass!
A2: Students miss the purpose of activity just want to get done (no learning here)
and if we step away from innivation, it is hard to embrace it later
That is a biggie. Taking the time to place rigor and connections in a lesson plan that was created quickly.
A2 Business is just a distraction from the work we really want to do
Lucky for you no tardy pass needed you are always welcome here!!
A1 .And if too busy, then there's guilt that you didn't have the time to do your best. (That's what Ts tell us.)
A1)are "creativity" and "reflection" the opposite of busy? They may be but not necessarily. Sometimes "not busy" is not productive
A2: I have seen students that are too busy to make connections and just want to get done for a letter grade. Sad.
A2: Ss are busy on so many levels: Need classwork to make them pause and focus: must be meaningful to students
True: Too much going on at home and school no time to really be a student or a kid
A2: Ss become frustrated and essentially give up mentally because they feel like there is no real purpose to what they're doing
A2: Class should be a safe place to slow down and wonder, inquire, fail, and learn.
A2: Anxiety, depression, sleep issues, etc. Over scheduled kids are suffering.
A2: They are seriously stressed and feel too much pressure.
A2: Many Students today have little time to be a KID and explore and experience FUN in life schools need to allow this to happen
Many are the adult at home and take care of siblings. So much on their plate.
How can we as teacher take stress away from our students when we see it as an issue?
A2: Ss prioritize what to let slide and for how long. Often ECA takes priority over Edu. Is our work meaningful or just busywork?
A2) for too many kids completion and getting done quickly is the object of the game.
A2. Students learn that "busy"="productive". Not conducive for critical thinking in the classroom. Time/reflection are key for all.
A2 Busy Ss do not have time to think about what they are thinking. No metacognition, just a production line of work
Getting a late start, but I showed up. Jeremy from bitter cold Michigan. 7th/8th grade English.
I tell my Ss not to stress and that I'll help them however I can. They need a support system, just like we do when we are stressed.
Always welcome Jeremy: On Q2: How is busy impacting students learning?
one way is to not odd our stress in to them. ie Standardized tests - many kids feed off adult stress.
Personally, I am very mindful about homework amount. And never on weekends or holidays.
Good Point: I completely agree: Hard when teacher's jobs are based on results but great point
ONE reason I ditched homework a few years back
A2: I think it impacts kids negatively. We get caught up as Ts to get through curriculum. No in depth learning.
Question 3 coming up in a second!
Q3: How can Teachers reduce busy in their lives/classrooms to help student learning?
I only give HW that requires generation and original thought (today's: writing limericks). Usually they enjoy it.
Sounds like a great plan: My students ask me if they can do work as homework: answer is always yes for that
A3: STOP using busy activities as classroom management tools
A3: We can work in PLCs to divvy up assignment and assessment creation.
A3: focusing on power standards, choosing purposeful formative asses. To grade instead of all
A3: Allow the Ss to create text dependent questions and lead the discussions.
A3: Reduce the busy in our lives so we can focus on the important: say no to extras that don't impact our classroom that are busy
A3. Be organised, set goals, use . Make sure you priorities kids to be the centre of the universe
A3: Ditch the pacing guide and focus on the learning in classroom
focus on teaching routines instead!
A3 Mindful activities focus & center Ss. Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, the elephant walk
A3: Be flexible. Make time for meaningful questions or discussion instead of rushing through the lesson
reinforce S-centered learning !
Agreed. I only grade a small portion of what my Ss complete.
A3. Don't work in isolation, ask Ts for tips/tools, use timesaving --like our free https://t.co/D4RcWbo00B rubric maker :)
: Do cross curriculum projects. Reduce Homework. Try more blended learning.
taking time to add movement increases focus, engagement, & management
If you don't finish a lesson and the Ss are focused and engaged in learning, still a win & there is always tommorrow.
SO need to move towards complete blended programs and move out of the silos
A3 Busy is good. Busy conferring with the kids. Busy learning with the kids. Paperwork can wait. https://t.co/svb2eW4oT6
Q3: How can Teachers reduce busy in their lives/classrooms to help student learning?
and if they have mastered it, move on!
Grading is overrated, need to focus on quality Feedback for student growth
A3. Collaborate with other Ts for thematic units to save time and integrate learning. Zombies, time travel, fun stuff.
NOT all busy is good, Just busy with KIDS learning!!
I would say yes. Complete more in depth projects that will cover more standards for each teacher .
Yes! We need to focus on the learning!
A discussion w/ the S about his work can do so much more than giving a letter.
Also, I tend to do lots of informal pre-assessment to see what they already know and don't rehash it.
leave some work at work - work/life balance https://t.co/l093y7T8eW
A3: Reduce the busy in our lives so we can focus on the important: say no to extras that don't impact our classroom that are busy
A3 For Ts teaming is key to managing the mandates. A connected, collaborative group can share the responsibilites
A3: Loving Angela Watson's podcast Truth for Teachers. Here is one on working 40 hour week. https://t.co/iY5sCnucoT
That is a great one! We need to focus our practice so we can only work 40 hours per week not the 80 some are doing
Absolutely! Any kid time is preferable to being "busy" in meetings or with paperwork.
The Ts that I work with that lesson plan as a team have the best engaging lessons. Many hands make light work.
I have tried to make more KID time and less PAPER time in my practice and home life as well
Question 4 coming up in a minute
A3. My teacher partner had Ss preview upcoming learning & "need to knows". When lessons came up, they already had buy in.
My goal is to spend more time with kids during school than with adults. Is that wrong?
Often times it is a false sense of reward for many, busy doesn't always mean better for sure.
Finally, put the kids down for the night. Walt from Macomb, MI checking in for the rest of tonight's
NO way, and if you are spending time with kids you are seeing how they are learning and what jobs the adults are doing!
Q4: How can we reduce the busy in our students to allow for reflective learning?
Glad you could make it Walt!
Love this goal.
I may have to borrow it.
My goal is to spend more time with kids during school than with adults. Is that wrong?
A4: WE can quit giving them busy work to do and build in time for reflection in the lesson.
A4: Try to coordinate assignments in a grade level to NOT overload students
A4: Plan tests way in advance so not at same time as other tests
A4: Make learning FUN and Meaningful in our classrooms reducing busy work
A4: Only assign meaningful work. Communicate with other T's about big tests and project due dates.
A4: Have to be okay with "less is more". Quality questions & tasks have more value than quantity of either.
A4. Share rubrics w/Ss fm the start to reduce "busy" work. They'l know what expectations are and can plan accordingly. Or not.
A4 We regularly ask our kids to self-reflect. I also regularly make time for deep breathing and meditation.
Less is more when the questions are High quality and dig deep
A4: Stop rewarding for the first answer. Give 20 full seconds of think time. Make eye contact. Smile.
Regardless of subject.
Less is more when the questions are High quality and dig deep
We do this. Have a master test/quiz calendar.
A4: purposeful assignments and only giving the amount of practice needed
Wait time is key: I am starting to pose question then ask them to discuss with neighbor instead of raise hand
We used to, Seems we have gotten too busy to plan properly
A4 Less busy work (worksheets, homework, follow-the-directions projects) More discovery & discourse.
I like to make the Ss do a movement for 30 seconds before the answer
Question 5 is coming up and will be the last for this busy chat!
A4 Provide structured opportunities for reflection, sit down and speak with students face to face regularly. https://t.co/YuUOKjNRXG
Q4: How can we reduce the busy in our students to allow for reflective learning?
Q5: How can Teachers/administrators support each other from being too busy?
Borrow away! It's why we're all in education, right?
A5: listening and understanding
A5: Sharing ideas/planning 2 minds together conquer the task in 1/2 the time
A5: Collaboration! As said, "Borrow away!"
A5 Limit initiatives, focus on the kids, celebrate together. https://t.co/EabIJIlDtg
Q5: How can Teachers/administrators support each other from being too busy?
A5: Agree upon priorities & work to eliminate non-impactful initiatives.
Great point listening and understanding go hand in hand without busy occurs endlessly
A5: FOCUS on what is important: THE STUDENTS let the rest fall away
A5 Take time to build relationships, simple check-ins (how are you, what can I do for you), analyze practices & streamline
Encourage each other to leave at a reasonable hour at the end of the day -- Friday happy hour!
This works for Admin, Ts and Ss.
We used a Google doc for tests but Ts got busy/forgot to fill out-how about huge calendar so Ss can see too? https://t.co/hN5Qg2Tf3n
A4: Only assign meaningful work. Communicate with other T's about big tests and project due dates.
If something can be handled in an email, don't hold a useless meeting.
A5: Reduce meaningless small talk during meeting time to focus efforts on things that can be accomplished during meetings
To reduce some of the busy in all of our lives is stopping at 5 questions this week
Enjoy the extra few minutes, follow those that help you learn and grow!
Yes. And keep them short - or, perhaps, why not? go talk to someone. :-) https://t.co/wkJIJSu1LB
If something can be handled in an email, don't hold a useless meeting.
A5: 1 thing I try do as building leader is reduce # of emails. I don't want our teachers busy reading what does not pertain to them.
I can only imagine how much time we waste complaining verses having solution-based conversions about student learning.
Thank you This was a great chat! https://t.co/vJoudb4JAE
Enjoy the extra few minutes, follow those that help you learn and grow!
Next week we will discuss Assisting at Risk Kids in the middle with 8 pm ET
Thanks for a great chat my fellow MS Ts & TY Todd for moderating. https://t.co/XJGVzeJCQ1
Enjoy the extra few minutes, follow those that help you learn and grow!
Love the thought of this question ! Give permission to say, hey, we'll all work better with rest! https://t.co/sFNaVlw43J
Q5: How can Teachers/administrators support each other from being too busy?
Thanks for joining in ...
Thanks for all you do for "The Middle." Great job tonight!
A4: Allow think time. Don't accept right away answers. Allow for student to collaborate before answering. https://t.co/OXusZJTluD
Q4: How can we reduce the busy in our students to allow for reflective learning?
A5. Be brave about killing initiatives that aren't working. Don't be slave to toughing it out. Per Fullan's Leadership book.
A5: Delegating tasks that don't need to be all involved. Takes some of the busy off of the teacher's plates. https://t.co/caAUG8qOys
Q5: How can Teachers/administrators support each other from being too busy?