#EduColor Archive
#EduColor was created both as a resource for intersectional discussions of race and education and as a safe space. Therefore, even though hashtags are open to the public, those of us who started it reserve the right to push back and challenge tweets we see as leading the discussion astray (see “derailing” for more details). This includes using #educolor on bios, blog titles, and paraphernalia.
Tuesday July 19, 2016 8:30 PM EDT
I’m not calling it edchat, because it ain’t mine. I’ll call it because that’s mine. First:
Q1: What led you to this on race? Hint: We never talk about it unless someone from does.
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
Q4: Parents of color often feel ignored. How can we cultivate community relationships with our most disenfranchised members?
A1: Because I will never know what it means to be a true minority and I educate mostly white kids, I need to understand more
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
Schools of edu are also complicit not addressing racism. How do we push Ts/T educators *before* entering classroom?
A1: The hope people will really take information and check their privilege at the door. Really cause change in schools
A2: 1st step is clearing the denial hurdle that tends to trip and hang a lot of ppl up.
A2: Listen to multiple perspectives, read, learn, be reflective....Repeat.
A2: Listen to multiple perspectives, read, learn, be reflective....Repeat.
If you're still on this, move over to
Q6: Our Native American / 1st Nations children rarely have a voice in ed policy. Who can we highlight that can help us get better?
I can't wait to read an learn. I can't participate right now but will reflect later this evening. Thank you
A4: Open your doors. Show you sincerely care of the success of their child. Drop your biases about Ps based on race/poverty
Are teachers in your community marching, standing w/? If not, why not?
A4: Start viewing families and communities as partners. Invite collaborative conversations.
A4: Start viewing families and communities as partners. Invite collaborative conversations.
A1: I wanted to see white folks talking abt race in a meaningful way
A5: There has to be a willingness on their part. Desire to really change. They can invite more POC to the table to make decisions
A1: I came over to today to see how other folks besides discuss race. Honestly, the conversation felt lacking.
A1: The fates of twitter led me to tonight. But I frequently follow the hashtag.
A2: had a convo this morning on this: I recognize my racial biases and prejudices and have to work hard actively address to them
folks, please feel free to hop on the led chat on race. Will be informative and helpful, requiring you to think.
A1: I do not trust that left to their own devices W Ts will address the problems of systemic racism
A1: I asked for convos on race from and when the opportunity finally happened, I wanted to show up and not stay silent.
A1: curious, more than anything. seems it is a space for a lot of talk + little action - we need to move to action.
A1 because inequities & injustices in the education system that diminish our students need to be addressed on here
Ashleigh from MD, jumping in
agree, but it's important that this convo moves to places outside of We need to show this is core.
Q7: What is the difference between grit and self-determination? What are the implications of this for our most marginalized youth?
I was really really grateful for your voice tonight and for everything you shared.
I stopped following a long while ago. What did it lack tonight? Truly asking. I am interested.
This is not just a hashtag or hour convo for some. Just trying to figure out who is REAL. helps
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
Impromptu chat happening. Check 's TL for questions. EduColor leading the way. Q1/A1. Real talk. Let's go.
Jumping in at Q7…but I will definitely attempt to catch up!
so has taken matters into his own hands and is leading a bonus chat now on race.
A6: the awesome folks can help connect educators to policy opportunities https://t.co/yYvuUkSt6w
Q6: Our Native American / 1st Nations children rarely have a voice in ed policy. Who can we highlight that can help us get better?
A2: .. the problem is if we don't recognize and admit the prejudices we learned from society, we become ignorant to our own racism
Late to the convo, but deeply interested. 9th and 12th grade ELA teacher from PA
A5: We invest when Ss = our kids. That happens w going to games, performances, mosque/church/synagogue stuff, community investment
Missed out or felt no clarity from the chats on race today...hop on the bonus chat now led by
is a challenge bc the conversation and it's impact was blunted by the format. Your thoughts?
A7: I’ve seen grit utilized as a weapon against Ss. Anytime something new is introduced…support is mandatory.
This. Something I grapple with constantly. https://t.co/PaZLQbB7sV
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
A7: Grit and self-determination dependent upon a feeling of empowerment. Do our marginalized youth feel.that in our schools??
that's what I'm learning about myself, reading more, taking bias test, taking critical eye to my past pedagogy
Please follow 's response to tonight's on race. On-point questions w/ hashtag. https://t.co/ThJjvPptSZ
I’m not calling it edchat, because it ain’t mine. I’ll call it because that’s mine. First:
A2: Bias is everywhere. It's impossible to live in our society and not be influenced. Step 1 - be aware.
A5 continued: & going to funerals, shows, bringing food, eating what is served.
A4: be in the community beyond 9am-3pm. Like discusses in his book, see Ss in their communities & be a part of it all.
A8 - Systemic racism in my school is black Ss hanging w/ the black Ss, whites w/whites and no one knowing how/why to address it.
A2: We must self reflect on our actions & thoughts when dealing with Ss who are not like us. Concentrated effort to be better
it's been hard for me even until now ... and it's an active thing I have to do, even as a PoC
please come to . More structure. Less clutter. https://t.co/eZkLfUVosp
folks, please feel free to hop on the led chat on race. Will be informative and helpful, requiring you to think.
If it matters to you is happening now
(and continues to happen on last thursday as scheduled, as well) https://t.co/nY6EuXRBbr
so has taken matters into his own hands and is leading a bonus chat now on race.
A7 grit comes across as rebounding after being crushed. Self determination sounds empowering
I agree. I think first steps is to become vocal. Get ready to feel uncomfortable. Challenge people.
Ohhh no, don't be drawin' me in here w/ the problem w/ TPrep Progs, esp. in predominantly W communities... lol
A8: Systemic racism is in the mostly white school I teach in, in the mostly white district with mostly white teachers.
if your Ss asked, what would you say is the benefit of changing that dynamic?
A8: it looks like codes of conduct that dictate "discipline" w/o including student voice or opinion. also very punitive.
A2: And be aware that bias isn't just race….I’ve been so disappointed by Ts who refuse to understand Ss of poverty.
Come on in. Make yourself at home.
A2: don't be afraid to acknowledge when you've made a mistake. apologize, commit to doing better, then do https://t.co/wvLsAZJFLM
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
A8 Systematic racism is purposefuly excluding groups of people..men promoted faster https://t.co/JresiQh4D3
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
Was not following@NCAI1944 . I am now. thanks for sharing!
Hopping on because I am seriously intrigued by this discussion.
A2: practice. talk to ppl who will challenge you & be grateful for their persp (not entitled/dismissive) https://t.co/wvLsAZJFLM
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
A8:SOC getting penalized harshly for offenses white Ss don't. As a TOC I'm looked upon to "discipline" the SOC. Less SOC in gifted
format is weak, but Qs aren't the only thing that make effective. Ts have to be willing to be vulnerable
Hacking Diversity Voxer friends led me to the chat
A2: I notice and reflect on my initial judgements of people. I question why they formed and push myself to do better.
A8+1 Looking around the room during a conversation discussing the needs of ALL students and missing stakeholders incl Ps & Ss
Learning from each other. Understanding that your reality isn't the ONLY 1 so we can really see how our actions matter
A2: get 2nd opinions. then 3rd opinions. say "i'm thinking about it this way; do you see it differently?" https://t.co/wvLsAZJFLM
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
Didnt evn know abt this impromptu chat, ate dinner, played a game,happened to check out TweetDeck....But after lackluster convo...
A3: The refusal to recognize our bias & build relationships w/our Ss. Also, making a true effort to understand the movement.
DMs, Voxer conversations, reading tweeps blogs and books, has kept me engaged.
By the way, Lib Perry, Indiana, was secondary ELA, now data/literacy coach for elementary.
For those who left disappointed by - come for the real thing at ! Happening now (and always), at an internet near you!
is seriously happening after that mess of an hop on if you'd like to hear some thoughts on discussing race in education.
so much of this! Encountered this today from a non PoC... wouldn't own to the mistake because of privilege to do so
If Ts are just showing up for the chat, then they are not ready to go deeper yet, or worse it's just promotional
A3: what says ab pedagogy as state-sanctioned violence. are we affirming or controlling? https://t.co/ClIoJCFGeQ
Q3: , so how do we make that matter in our pedagogy? What are our contributions to the school to prison pipeline?
A6 in CA a HS student, Dahkota Kicking Bear Brown led latest (successful!) effort to eliminate r*dskins as a school mascot
A8: Same faces that don't reflect my student body leading my Ss from district offices. In edtech POC are not considered "experts"
A2: I widen circle of people I'm learning from. I read & listen to the stories of others and accept their truth even when it hurts
and apparently laptop couldn't handle your awesomeness, resetting laptop
A8: Systemic racism looks like buying curriculum,mandating programs which are not equitable and implicitly perpetuate sys racism.
that's something I constantly have to do too. Realizing our own biases helps to really dig deep into how we can change.
A2: Be vulnerable. Ask questions. Apologize if I did something offensive, even if I didn't mean to. Learn. Share.
All that! We have to be willing to have those convos even if…ESPECIALLY if it makes us uncomfortable.
Even in my PWI, I've seen ToC take the lead on these convos, it's an unfair expectation imo
A3 I moved away from asking for permission. Everything I teach is trying to move my kids closer to their own version of freedom
A8 check out school's discipline records. Who gets written up/suspended/expelled, who gets multiple passes?
Kinder classes in Title1 schools only had to get rid of their kitchen sets and sensory tables. https://t.co/ZEMbCM8KTy
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
"Accept their truth." I think thats a powerful statement. Realizing that our reality isn't the only one is vital.
Well, because we are parents of color, I think it’s impt to create schools that welcome us, don’t chastise us.
Why only Title I schools? Ludicrous!
best thing I can do, is move the convo forward in my own sphere of influence, not duck responsibility
that's one of the things I learned. It's okay to mess up and apologizing never hurts.
I wouldn't call it impromptu, because this is what we do (scroll back)...challenge and change.
A8: Let's acknowledge the truth and boldness of this question - "in your homes"
A4: Floored that something so simple seems 2 be so difficult. It’s imperative that we build relationships with Ss and Ps. (cont)
Having biases doesn't mean I'm an awful person, but refusing to acknowledge & work to change them, that's a problem
A2: I think we have to educate our own selves and be aware. Acting blind is no longer acceptable.
but anyway, if a TPrep is primarily staffed w/ majority W Ts, is there likelihood of cultural comp methods?
Q4: If we actually listen to them, & understand that they are the expert on their child. If we talk to them, not at them.
haha I didn't read the lunchtime one but tonight's was pretty aweful.
I sure hope so. Yes. I suspect some of us hop on twitter for validation
A2 is hard to get out of ones experience. Listen a lot, believe when people tell their experience.
A5: SO IMPORTANT. Use your privilege for solidarity. Show up to actions *if you can* put your bodies out, follow groups like SURJ.
but just validation, isn't the same as doing the work especially for white Ts
A8 district is separated into "Upper County" and "Down County" schools in DC (mine) get everything last
Staying only where it is comfortable has gotten us into such a mess!
A3: show our Black students we see them & love them. talk to White/NBPoC students about anti-Blackness https://t.co/ClIoJCFGeQ
Q3: , so how do we make that matter in our pedagogy? What are our contributions to the school to prison pipeline?
A8 Lottery system gives preferences to siblings, advantages Latino families while disadvantaging black families
it starts with dignity and respect for all in all situations. Give Ss and parents a voice. It's their education & future. Ask&hear
A4.2: Have real conversations with your Ss & Ps. Get over yo’ self! You shld KNOW as much as you can - they shld KNOW you care!
absolutely, I would + learning empathy helps make you a better problem solver, critical thinker, all around human
more to the point, TPreps SHOULD seek diverse environments for field exp, felt like my prep program only had to,when I asked
Q2: We need to and not rely of PoC to do it for us. Read, talk, listen. https://t.co/dhsK1WPb7m
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
A4: demonstrate humility rather than assumptions about their parenting and comfort w school https://t.co/ot984fk0yz
Q4: Parents of color often feel ignored. How can we cultivate community relationships with our most disenfranchised members?
If you care enough to do it, go all in.
This is the biggest thing I'd love everyone to recognize and work through to come out so much stronger https://t.co/1m3QHh6Z3h
Having biases doesn't mean I'm an awful person, but refusing to acknowledge & work to change them, that's a problem
A3 Failing to act/speak up. I've felt the heat from being "that' teacher and have felt like a lone voice...like I was going crazy
A4: ask about, listen to, and validate their knowledge of their child. invite. don't point fingers. https://t.co/ot984fk0yz
Q4: Parents of color often feel ignored. How can we cultivate community relationships with our most disenfranchised members?
wish I could hop in now, but so cool that is holding space for the community right now. Props to all.
exactly! We all have our biases, it's important to recognize them & not be in denial.
tho I'd feel more comfortable sharing my thoughts when I have my 1st classes into program, so I'll talk more abt it come Fall...
I think everything starts here. We all have biases, ignoring them does no good. Space for honest reflection/discussion.
Be willing to speak up, take chance we will be told we messed up, listen, apologize and do better.
A4: Parents are doing the best they can. Different than what you would do isn't wrong. Listen, don't blame.
Yes! My Ss read "Ballad of Birmingham" this year. I had no idea whatFirst Sunday was. I was thoroughly educated.
Agreed. But I have been surprised lately by how many people seem to lack that, believe their view is the only one.
Q9: How does your classroom discuss religions? How does your school welcome religious diversity? Does it?
A8: I have personal reflections on this q that I will share w Ss & talk about w fam, but can't begin here. Very important ask.
A4 Invite them into conversation AND listen.People only use voices when they know they're being heard https://t.co/8AP0Re8jeL
Q4: Parents of color often feel ignored. How can we cultivate community relationships with our most disenfranchised members?
It's taken me a while to get there and now I want to help my mostly white Ss to understand this.
I can assure u tho, giving me textbook misspelling a dialect from my native country ain't good 1st impression lol
For me, it's the problem with teaching a "colorblind" or "race doesn't matter" approach+
. Are there cons with that as well? Like what happened tonight when white educators didn’t want to be challenged?
so much of our schooling promotes that single view of history/of people
Yes. Or like hitting the reset button (via ). https://t.co/LqEkxLEPZb
I'm calling it the bonus round that's usually when you win or leave with more stuff right? :)
A9 please remember that race is not only a black & white issue. Think about intersectionality & how it impacts all your students.
yes!!!! 🙌🏼 + not trying to be "perfect." only stifles true convo. reflect, apologize for mistakes, LEARN.
A9: Unfortunately brushed under the rug. Being in the Bible belt there is only one religion. That's a privilege I'm fixing
Had a similar experience this year. Ss did report on the "Negro Wall Street" bombing. I had never heard of it before.
Ive always wanted to discuss this, how to do so w/o seeming like pushing agenda? Or futile effort? Some1 will see it as ^
A9 Acknowledge & respect Ss individual practices.Allow them to share if/when they would like. https://t.co/qg6SnGX6UK
Q9: How does your classroom discuss religions? How does your school welcome religious diversity? Does it?
It robs kids of a chance to confront their own biases & learn how to break them down and do better.
A4: respect. Respect. Respect. I cannot emphasize that enough. Work with them, not against them. Listen to them.
We don't give them a chance to reflect on the messages they have been surrounded by and how to work against them.
this space has been great to learn from and engage with others who are equally passionate.
I haven't heard that one. I'll have to add it to my unit.
A5: Open and honest conversation. Looking at and discussing the data. Referrals, parent contacts (pos. & neg), incentives, etc.
thinking white ppl can start in more established spaces (undoing racism, SURJ), & share out to other spaces
I'd 100% also say it's something for PoC to recognize as well. I had / have my own biases still. It's hard
Unsure what happened with tonight, but this chat is amazing! Join the convo!
Translating items into their home language. It makes an enormous impact when parents can understand. https://t.co/ek79YMEsWA
Q4: Parents of color often feel ignored. How can we cultivate community relationships with our most disenfranchised members?
Exactly. Don’t ASSUME you know them. Let them tell you….let them show you.
This thread. 🙌🏼 So grateful when calls out the real questions about racism in schools. https://t.co/259uFEgSB3
I’m not calling it edchat, because it ain’t mine. I’ll call it because that’s mine. First:
Taking on the perspective of others to see how it informs their thinking/behavior so hard but it can be done
Thank you all for this honest, grown-up conversation.
That’s right. We have to be willing to get a little uncomfortable.
Grateful to and for making it happen. For always making it happen.
A5: ask: do you really want to exist in a system designed to be unjust, bc you're on the easy side now? https://t.co/bUFo1TH8dq
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
Companies make a lot of money off edu but don't play a role in finding solutions for web access for all. https://t.co/5NG99XLqkX
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
yeah, if I was one of the runners, I'd invite some of the peeps who led convo tonight to moderate next week
A8: traditional school structures best serve book loving, rule following, native English-speaking middle class children.
A5: do you really want to perpetuate by ignoring it and what it's doing to your fellow humans? https://t.co/bUFo1TH8dq
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
Here's the wikipedia link: https://t.co/S0cJjtzVOO obviously, you'd want more solid research - but its shocking, sad.
I will say this, tho, the TPrep Im going into had LOTS move behind scenes Im unaware of, during their changes
sorry to jump out (both parents bday today!) but will check back. I ❤️ , the people, and the work.
A9: I incorporate all religions through use of art & literature. I have a history degree & art degree which is helpful.
So key. A lot of Ts fear losing their authority by admitting uncertainty. It can increase it thru trust. https://t.co/3PK8ntF0el
A2: don't be afraid to acknowledge when you've made a mistake. apologize, commit to doing better, then do https://t.co/wvLsAZJFLM
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
This is very powerful. Reminds me of "Equality only feels like oppression when you've been privileged."
A5: white educators, recognize your voices can be heard in places where ours can't/won't. take advantage https://t.co/bUFo1TH8dq
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
A9: Addressing religion in any contexts implies an understanding, an embracing of tolerance. Ss learn that from us too:)
but whether or not I played a HUGE part in some changes, I dunno,but safe bet I played some part.Some CHallenge
don't forget white, male, hetero, cis-gendered, abled
A7: Okay friends... have I enticed you to come to the dark side? ➡transition from to for resources https://t.co/5VRcWVS41j
Q7: What is the difference between grit and self-determination? What are the implications of this for our most marginalized youth?
And when I ask about their product in other languages I'm often met with "no one has ever asked us that."
A8: Opportunity….in so many places. Low-income/High SoC population get drill and kill. Others get critical thinking activities.
Yikes! Watered down convo?
Morning Meeting! safe place for Ss to share abt church, temple, fasting, etc. 2 Ss shared everyday during Eid
A9: We realized this year that two of our schoolwide rewards were not things Muslim students could participate in (dance/swim)
2 more! Q10: Given the inequity in social media for edus of color, how can we deconstruct SM norms to be more racially inclusive?
when you name all the bias in status-quo it's shockingly narrow
Um, which should have happened to begin with. Perfect example of privilege?!
Me. The only elem.TOC being asked to do all the work around race.
and data of Ss taking and being successful in advanced classes
A4 learning basic Spanish helped w establishing/maintaining communication. Still need interpreter, but shows effort to communicate
A7: Folk bastardize the concept of grit. Getting to school on a daily basis for some Ss exemplifies grit. But do we acknowledge?
A5: white educators, pls listen, learn, ask Qs to clarify if you don't understand, also do your own work https://t.co/bUFo1TH8dq
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
A5: white folks need to move past fragility: can be a shock to experience 2nd hand racism when u speak up https://t.co/96PLUC9cbe
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
Not done on purpose just out of lack of understanding other cultures and religions or not thinking deeply https://t.co/dEMN4BLESY
A9: We realized this year that two of our schoolwide rewards were not things Muslim students could participate in (dance/swim)
I mean as opposed to the same people, leading the same conversations. No, don't water nothing down.
A5: Help us see it when we don't. Be patient, even when you're fed up. We often don't know what we can do.
A8.2: How we treat them. Same behavior…different consequences. Little to no tolerance.Low expectations Non rigorous instruction.
A2: know that we never get our Woke badge and get to move on. Checking our biases is a forever commitment. https://t.co/v9czHRtgNY
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
A7: When we get past our own bias to identify the grit Ss exhibit, we can help them build skills 2 actualize self-determination
oh snap.Showed my bias. I was shocked that I had pro christian bias on implicit test and I'm atheist.
A4 Ps need to feel OWNERSHIP of the schl house. PTO/As make a world of difference. Parents want to be activated by schl commty
A10 be bold and relentless like and call things out when you see them. Make your PLN aware https://t.co/gFgy6Pblkd
2 more! Q10: Given the inequity in social media for edus of color, how can we deconstruct SM norms to be more racially inclusive?
A8: Friend this could be it's own chat 💅 https://t.co/ruW4viiDO6
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
thank you! My kids did a lot of research that quarter. We learned so much.
If you're not following right now, you are missing an amazing chat. Jump in!
Thing is, it *has been* for us. It’s a common thread.
Q5. I brought them along to and asked them to witness what happens when we do ABAR well. Pulled them in.
oh, I believe it. I have friends in other places and they are appalled and what goes on. Some have even left bc of it.
Colourblindness hurts everyone. You diminish people's identities when you tell them they don't exist. https://t.co/hwA4o3BEZq
education can fix this mess. No such thing as race in science. DNA test all 4th graders. Publish results.
Just came back to Twitter to see an chat going on. folks who wanted something else from their convo tonight: go there.
👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 https://t.co/bJmC9inFHN
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
A7: grit is marketed as sthg some kids have, some kids need. self-det has long tradition of inspiration https://t.co/4yCaUilxXt
Q7: What is the difference between grit and self-determination? What are the implications of this for our most marginalized youth?
for 12 years, in the same school...
A4: White Ts: you are in a system with a problematic & racist history. You have to *earn* PoCs' trust. https://t.co/0lwlUfpSHD
Q4: Parents of color often feel ignored. How can we cultivate community relationships with our most disenfranchised members?
A8: I'll bite though. Systemic racism in schools looks like returning in Sept. to no critical dialogue abt this summer's events
Last one: Q11: Given historic negligence, how can ed chat moderators be more responsive to questions of race, class, and gender?
I so get that. My own son struggles but can code and work the computer like no tomorrow. Most, if not all, kids can.
A7: grit often sold as a way for kids to better fit existing system. self-det about being more fully human https://t.co/4yCaUilxXt
Q7: What is the difference between grit and self-determination? What are the implications of this for our most marginalized youth?
Extend welcome to all, comm in ways that connect w all parents, empathize with individuals https://t.co/yr0cvFQiyN
Q4: Parents of color often feel ignored. How can we cultivate community relationships with our most disenfranchised members?
A10 Push through & into places where we don't have a voice. Pave the way for younger edus of color. https://t.co/CIBzE4nA1z
2 more! Q10: Given the inequity in social media for edus of color, how can we deconstruct SM norms to be more racially inclusive?
A8: Systemic racism looks like white Ss being blocked from exploring their many intersections by limiting text to the canon
Very powerful questions and discussions happening through the hashtag on race, privilege and education. The questions though ... 🔥
co-sign https://t.co/xXCKNGTHkf
Colourblindness hurts everyone. You diminish people's identities when you tell them they don't exist. https://t.co/hwA4o3BEZq
education can fix this mess. No such thing as race in science. DNA test all 4th graders. Publish results.
Okay, folks - I'm out. Need to finish some work and eat some dinner. You all keep raising a ruckus as needed!
Ive been seeing tweets abt returning&discussing the events, this has help diminish my fear of doing the same
All kids deserve the chance at those opportunities! I taught the bottom 25% the last three years. They were amazing!
we will when we can (& are also doing own learning & are also tired). pls don't blame us when we can't https://t.co/wXqQH9a1A8
A5: Help us see it when we don't. Be patient, even when you're fed up. We often don't know what we can do.
Yes! has worked hard to make things easier for those who will come behind her. https://t.co/iRC0j2A4bO
A10 be bold and relentless like and call things out when you see them. Make your PLN aware https://t.co/gFgy6Pblkd
2 more! Q10: Given the inequity in social media for edus of color, how can we deconstruct SM norms to be more racially inclusive?
example of our whiteness at work, mods suggest its meritocracy, anyone can chime in, but result is unfair
A10: I think should certify all women of color. Certification makes it easier to control trolls, and WOC get the worst.
A8: Systemic racism in schools looks like implementing "education reforms" w/o asking community if they were ever interested
A5 I have high standards for T who have the priv of teaching SoC esp Blk kids. The work we do w/SoC is liberatory so act like it!
A11: Do it for real….not that fakey stuff from today. Stop being afraid….be open 2 the challenges that will come.Get uncomfortable
A11: Part of it is keeping it on the table. Not something to be discussed once in a while. Incorporate in what we DO...
And as well. I've learned so much from both of the.
A8: Systemic racism in schools looks like failing to ammend the US Constitution to ensure every citizen is enfranchised
Q11: Always incl experts when discussing things you don't know about...or when unsure of how/what to say https://t.co/2S58saSveB
Last one: Q11: Given historic negligence, how can ed chat moderators be more responsive to questions of race, class, and gender?
A8: business as usual. new ideas/voices seen as disruptive or bothersome. willful ignorance. https://t.co/jPgpGLoCS6
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
A11: engage. intentionally expand your PLN. be curious and ask questions of themselves and others https://t.co/CKPo8nrkbX
Last one: Q11: Given historic negligence, how can ed chat moderators be more responsive to questions of race, class, and gender?
Challenge all to learning more about racism. Be willing to be challenged. Share exp & strengths. https://t.co/V6RYohoHHH
Q5: How can we move white educators from just being allies to co-conspirators in breaking down systemic racism in our schools?
A11: It's time to invite guest mods, apply established community norms, push back on memes/spam responses w/out substance
A8: placing greater burden of proof on PoC to substantiate their ideas and experiences https://t.co/jPgpGLoCS6
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
Agreed. I can't imagine the weariness of this struggle I'm trying to learn and listen as much as I can.
A8: Systemic racism in schools looks access to computing coursework in middle school being unavailable to most Ss of color
Yes! Call them on the inequity and make our faces and voices known.
A11: well, could start by not thinking these topics are a bandwagon to jump on bcs of current headlines.
A11+1 Be courageous enough to acknowledge own feelings & find answers to things you don't know/understand
A11: Admit when you're not the best/most qualified person to lead a chat and reach out to others for advice/support.
YESSSS Students should be empowered/supported to do the work of changing policy https://t.co/RLeLgOTPO1
A6 in CA a HS student, Dahkota Kicking Bear Brown led latest (successful!) effort to eliminate r*dskins as a school mascot
A8: Systemic racism in schools looks like funding schools through antiquated and racist tax based formulas
. also, helps if you (not YOU you, general you 😉) have more than one PoC friend/colleague to turn to
my first year teaching was when Michael Brown was killed. I learned SO MUCH from my kids cause I let
A11 How about not having it merely as a result of poll? Doesnt show willingness to engage convos abt race
A11: Have only POC/W/LGBTQ+ people moderate until equality is achieved, and then some.
A9: No longer in the school house and signal boosting for others to tap into here https://t.co/Vftl94S4ZR
Q9: How does your classroom discuss religions? How does your school welcome religious diversity? Does it?
A10: SM Norm for white teachers should be to we need to collect and call in our peeps who are lost, not PoC job
them teach me. I'm so glad I did. It led me 2 change a lot of my curriculum. Esp in Civil rights unit.
for me tho, difficult bc its in suburban environment,I tend to have most info,w/ only 10 mins alloted
apparently, because started a new chat with engaging convo because of the misstep
A10: Well friend... It wld seem we need to dismantle the inequity in voices of color IRL to move us there https://t.co/FVxRcrbVgb
2 more! Q10: Given the inequity in social media for edus of color, how can we deconstruct SM norms to be more racially inclusive?
Good question. Listening for more ideas. https://t.co/Dr7vZfO6IO
Q6: Our Native American / 1st Nations children rarely have a voice in ed policy. Who can we highlight that can help us get better?
A10: think about who you RT. person you heard it from 1st? or loudest? person from community? or educeleb? https://t.co/pEiOmJvdpR
2 more! Q10: Given the inequity in social media for edus of color, how can we deconstruct SM norms to be more racially inclusive?
By actually being responsive!
Do better . Our students need you to!
a breath of fresh air and so good for my soul
A10b: Addressing racism should extend to other chats and spaces, esp for white/cis/male Ts can't wait for PoC to carry the work
Agreed! A challenge in many districts, which is why these forums are so desperately needed!
It's often women and PoC who get abuse on SM, so how can I, a white/male stay silent and wait for other to speak up
Thanks for introducing us. I'm following them NOW.
it's not everything, certainly, but i think there's a lot of power, too. case in point: this > transition.
go to the chat now and see how the dialogue is, compared to notice a difference?
So true...it is a journey. https://t.co/NP2kE8oCZw
A2: know that we never get our Woke badge and get to move on. Checking our biases is a forever commitment. https://t.co/v9czHRtgNY
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
*opens up powerpoint*
*passes out handouts*
*steps up to podium*
*takes a sip of tea*
Since you asked... https://t.co/Vj9yyBrhqh
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
. which raises Qs to be asked of admins: why do we have so few ToCs in our district? recruitment? retention?
Makes me appreciate my district even more...1st STEM district in the state....and majority POC. Knocking down barriers for S/TOC
A1: Opened Twitter for -educator-activist ideas to bring to where I work —saw this. ✊🏼 https://t.co/ZTXVks8Pnf
Q1: What led you to this on race? Hint: We never talk about it unless someone from does.
This. https://t.co/FYXMHIMzPY
A2: know that we never get our Woke badge and get to move on. Checking our biases is a forever commitment. https://t.co/v9czHRtgNY
Q2: How can we recognize our personal biases? Esp because we are a predominantly white teaching force w/ majority SoC in schools?
What do you teach? Civil rights can/should be taught outside of a unit. Some live it every day. https://t.co/TEvnYjql05
them teach me. I'm so glad I did. It led me 2 change a lot of my curriculum. Esp in Civil rights unit.
you know thinking is deep, b/c you don't get 'certified' in it.
Q5: Systemic racism as evident to Ss as it is Ts-exclusive opportunities, books without adequate representation or experiences
A8 It's so insidious. 98% black student body and no black school leaders. Arduous parent volunteer process. Raceblind curriculum
A11: ask about race/class/gender in *every* chat, not just segregated ones https://t.co/qM6MiYFTjE
Last one: Q11: Given historic negligence, how can ed chat moderators be more responsive to questions of race, class, and gender?
And how far "backwards" do we need to look. Do we "teach" our SsoC that teaching isn't for them? We must do better.
Oh yes, I gladly undertake that challenge, bc DO need to hear it,even w/relatively diverse classroom,many dont knw
Thank you all for joining in this impromptu chat. Tonight, I had to break the cycle. We got a critical mass. Let’s move, my ppl.
I call on Day 1, when possible. If not, get in touch w/ parent / community coordinator or admin.
A11: ask for help. if you're rebuffed, take a step back & think about why. then try again, doing better. https://t.co/qM6MiYFTjE
Last one: Q11: Given historic negligence, how can ed chat moderators be more responsive to questions of race, class, and gender?
esp.when white S spoke up,despite being uncomfortable, recognizing its necessity, to continue such convos
Feel like I was a tiny witness to something important tonight. Inspired. Thank you. https://t.co/24YXNfZdKO
Thank you all for joining in this impromptu chat. Tonight, I had to break the cycle. We got a critical mass. Let’s move, my ppl.
I encourage to also adopt an assets-based approach. Your Ss also probably have history of great achievement
Thank you for calling an audible and getting some real work and dialogue done! Bonus chat for the win!
Yes, I think this also means supporting pre-service Ts.
A8 My schl has a "no outside food" policy. I had 3 Ss who were underfed. You better believe I'm giving my babies some granola
A7/A8: Looks like the status quo and blaming students for underperformance by not trying hard enough
Seemingly impenetrable belief sys around S achievement/behavior; ignoring Ss/Ps/Ts bc monoculture. https://t.co/FHUVWosQ0N
Q8: What does systemic racism look like in your schools? In your district? In your homes?
Thank you! You were prepared with the quickness! And, tomorrow, we do this work again.
A8 Admin says, well they can bring a snack if they're hungry. Bitch, if they could bring a snack then they wldnt be underfed
Mentoring programs? More discussion about the need for diversity of voices? experiences? More voices heard.
A2: Try 2 realize when expectations of how class should b r based on my white-centered schooling instead of my kids' needs
Yes. Also give Ss positive T role models,ppl emulate who they admire after all
Glad I could be of service. Thank you for joining in.
Beyond that. Teach abt inventors, literary leaders, business people. Have them map assets in their hood https://t.co/NRENCv0lYx
ok. So I've heard asset based thinking, but what specifically do you mean by assets based approach? Like recognizing good in Ss?
Thank you, ! Let's do this! https://t.co/iRNuKIaJjo
Thank you all for joining in this impromptu chat. Tonight, I had to break the cycle. We got a critical mass. Let’s move, my ppl.
A3: B ready 2 discuss police violence, legacy of racism in all public institutions. Don't avoid topics bc they r difficult
One of the most enlightening education chats I've taken part in.
became T bc of numerous good T rolemodels,as well as volunteering in Schls,saw good Ts do
When I'm feeling cynical or frustrated, spending time on the hashtag brings hope. Thank you, all, for what you do.
. beyond that... Google... I've got lots more but I'm sleepy and it's your classroom. Sounds like your on right path
A2: How lack of culturally relevant knowledge among Ts can lead to misunderstanding/misclassification of SoC
Q11: race, class and gender aren't mere issues for occasional address but integrally important to the work we do. And it is work!
Most definitely...so glad these questions were asked! Am bringing them to my transformation team meeting tomorrow.
Nice to see this here. Sorry I missed it. always makes me uncomfortable and that's a good thing. Will check the feed.
I am better in my doing after chat. Clarifies the important stuff and pushes towards it, too.
. oh wait, wasn't there a question about how systemic racism manifests? this is it. needs work everywhere
Thank you! Our next one is coming up not *this* Thursday, but next. 7/28 at 730pm ET. https://t.co/gJlgG2abbb
One of the most enlightening education chats I've taken part in.
A3: Give opp for over-disciplined kids 2 shine, show them respect & care. Try 2 reconnect & show humanity after discipline
. Just keeping it 💯 Justice work ain't easy friends... Have the fortitude to keep pressing
. yep. i've heard so many S saying "never had a ToC before. this changes everything!"
A5: Publicly interrogate my own whiteness, discuss it openly w/ other white Ts.
Fair... Let's start with disabusing ourselves of that "minority" word. Next, we shift content focus https://t.co/rmg8FZzsbK
I struggle w this. Models of minority success used to argue against reality of
agreed! This sudden chat is just what I needed this evening. Thanks 👏🏼
I’m tired, but I’m more tired of being tired. https://t.co/Am9wkj7L3X
thank you for reminding us how it's done and what we can do together, rather than just sitting back and side-eyeing. https://t.co/Py3FNKTTij
Thank you all for joining in this impromptu chat. Tonight, I had to break the cycle. We got a critical mass. Let’s move, my ppl.
Ive had less ToCs than W Ts,then again, veeerrryyy code-switched,but W Ts were open
There's more invaluable questions/responses https://t.co/RIxW827bR6
Q9: How does your classroom discuss religions? How does your school welcome religious diversity? Does it?