#formativechat Archive
Discuss the implementation, impact of Formative and formative assessment.
Monday May 9, 2016
7:00 PM EDT
Today we will be using the Q1,A1,Q2,A2... format! Make sure to include in your answers!
Please start by introducing yourself and your role in education!
Hi, I'm Ylonka from Dominican Republic, work at secondary
Hey Ylonka, welcome! What do you do at your secondary school?
Hi friends! Rizza here k-3 T from Philippines first time to join this chat
Hey Rizza! Welcome! What inspired you to join today?
Hello! :) I'm a 6th grade math teacher in NJ.
Silvina 2nd Grade Teacher!
Can't participate tonight, but I look forward to catching up later!
Hey Annette, welcome! I used to teach 6th grade math in NY! Sorta similar!
Wlecome Silvina! Great to have you with us!
Hey, Rachelle from Pittsburgh, Span & French T, recent grad :) masters in IT now, finally!
Haley, instructional coach at public Montessori in Waco Texas
Woohoo! Welcome Rachelle and congratulations!!
Middle School Religion Teacher
A1: I'm looking at what the S is already doing and where S needs to go next. How did they arrive at answer?
Let's get started with Q1!
Sorry my wifi's acting up
Q1: When you review student responses to a formative assessment, how do you mentally organize them? Why?
Welcome Mark! First time?
learn more about the role of formative assessment in our lessons
A1: mentally look for understanding Checking for how they arrived to the answer Placing them in mental intervention groups
definitely did this too! Asking myself, what strategies are Ss using and how can I help expand their toolbox
A1: I ussually look at what they got wrong..to improve what I do..."If the student hasn't learned, the teacher hasn't t
How do you decide the intervention groups? Based on the kinds of mistakes they made?
Exactly. Students may have "wrong answer" but for different reasons and need different things.
A1: I often find it helpful to categorize responses into "got it", "kinda got it", and "don't got it"
A1 by checking Ss responses I can quickly know where to go next, I can plan mini lessons or entrance slips
What's best is having a S just explain work & find own mistake! Sometimes just talking it out is all needed.
based on common misconceptions, performance, ability, train of thought
Definitely that too. I'd ask myself is it a computational error or deeper misconception
Yes! Very different needs there. I often have Ss analyze their errors and the type of error made.
great things to look at, I'd also add that group dynamics also played a role for me!
What are entrance slips? ...I know about exit tickets.
you are right, when you don't grade Ss work and let them figure out mistakes it's more powerful
great idea! Dynamics make up 90% of understanding in a small group setting! (My thought)
true+spotting trends in Ss misconceptions can help you decide between whole-class vs. individual intervention
Sim. to exit tix, but given at beginning of class. Great after a flipped lesson or on pre-req.
Great conversation about embracing mistakes in ! Let's keep it going!
A1 look for trends see what was strength/ weak area, revisit my plans, look for ways to help
I use them often to form groups and check in. Can also be used on previous day's work.
Q2:What are ways you can implement mistakes into class activities so that all Ss (regardless of performance),learn from them?
Hey peeps! Shai, HS Math T from PA here. Not sure how long I can stay. Grad work is calling. Rather be with y'all.
A2: 1/2 Error analysis is great for this. Present a problem and a "solution". Find what the S did incorrectly,
A1: I like to mentally organize by responses, who get's it, who is missing a small piece, who needs me.
A2: 2/2 explain misunderstanding, and explain/show what should do.
A2: We look for bear traps-answers we fall into if we aren't careful. We write descriptions of ways ppl can make mistakes
and with this, I would take a role as a partner in problem solving rather than judge
A2:I again look at where I need to reteach,..usually working with a group of students and then extend to the whole class
A2: Sometimes we discuss possible errors Ss may make BEFORE tackling problem. Makes good discussion, too.
Q1 I like to preface the review with: Here is some things many of us need to work on
I often tell the kids to find their mistake and then explain to me what it was and why it was wrong.
agree, this is almost like triage except Ss who get it need their extensions too(if that makes sense)
what are ways you can take mistakes from a group and turn them into learning opps. for whole class?
A2 use mistakes to help clarify material for all,reinforce,then build on it/create new application
Have s find solutions to common misconceptions Explain their thinking. Make mistakes on purpose. Class discussion.
Absolutely. Those Ss are asked follow up questions, asked to help those that don't get it, or thrown a curveball.
Always more powerful for S and T!
Mistakes help us improve. Change your words change your mindset.
yes...sorry for the delay of response
Are the Ss running the error analysis or are you?
interesting, what does writing descriptions look like? do Ss annotate samples?
A2: I do things like "get the goof". Ss have to figure out what I did wrong, explain why it was wrong, and then fix it.
They are. They discuss with partner and discuss. Share out later.
1/2 Sometimes it's a problem presented to them I've created with common error often made.
2/2 Sometimes it's their own data presented. Look and discuss where errors may be.
Cool idea! If you naturally make mistakes too and have Ss find them, you are modeling that mistakes are learning exps.
Me? Make mistakes? Ha! JK. I made 2 mistakes in my video lecture today. Ss called me on it.
set up good old fashioned co-operative learning groups? with a team activity/review like jeopardy or Kahoot?
A1 Sort into understanding lvl & then think what can I provide 2 find out more about what the ones who got it know
Sorry - forgot to intro - Olwen here from Laos, 3rd grade T & year level coordinator
I think anything that allows Ss to clearly rep. thinking, that can be shared/projected helps!
Have to leave chat early. Thank you for the chat! Have a great rest of the night!
show example done wrong and Ss write why and how it was done incorrectly.
Q3: What are diff. msgs you can send when you numerically score Ss Rs? What msgs do you want to send? How can you send them?
For Q3, msgs=messages and Rs=responses!
Is there an advantage to having them write rather than talk about it? Perhaps for sharing out?
keep it positive include verbal and written feedback with each score I like s to understand that it's okay to not get it YET.
A3: I don't numerically score anything that isn't a SA. I just give feedback! Things like, "where did the 3 come from?"
A3: Students take numbers to heart. I want students to improve. 60% is the Lowest grade I give even if they have scored below
A3when Ss see a number they stop trying, we want Ss to know there is always room for growth
Who are the numbers for? If it is about understanding of concepts then explain what is demonstrated and what is not
On everything, or just certain tasks? Why a 60%? Why not an excused until they get it?
A3 show score but want them to know why answer is that answer, focus on growth. Understanding and applying
You send the msg by giving positive, detailed and specific feedback, Ss need to understand there is always room for growth
writing makes Ss formulate their ideas more conceptually and holds them more accountable for understanding
we share out first then follow up with writing
Sometimes I do a "check" for completion. An excused is a good Idea, but sadly, usually I need numbers
A3: I think by deducting points, it's almost like we are framing it to be a decay of mastery
A3 you send the msg by giving positive detailed and specific feedback
A3: When in fact, awarding points aligns with the message that Ss are working towards mastery, more of what I want
I have used it with students lots of messages in it
Q3b: What do you guys think about taking off points every time a Ss makes it repeatedly?
what about a student who has all correct - how can they go forward - does 100% mean done?
makes the mistake repeatedly?
A3b: No! Figure out whether it is a understanding error, or computational error 1st. Set rubric accordingly.
enrichment! I make my 100% ss teach a lesson on the topic. Maybe I am the problem and the ss will learn more from a peer
so how do you change S perspective re numbers if 100% mean perfect?
what do you do for them to take understanding of a concept further once they have consolidated
A3: on one hand, points are just a form of fast feedback but tracking standards-based growth requires dynamic points systems
usually real life application project. Teach a buddy. Choice board based on standard for fluency.
So, a Ss that gets a 100% gets more work? 100% might be enough based on what standard you are accessing right?
A3: on one hand, points are just a form of fast feedback but tracking standards-based growth requires dynamic points systems
Great idea Silvana! While they might have shown their prof. they can learn a lot from looking at other Ss work
My Ss do that before any assess is given. My Ss are daily teaching each other. With my , I have time.
Q4: What strategies can you use to ensure that individual Ss follow up on what they need to work on after they get feedback?
yes making connections & developing deeper conceptual understandings 2take learning further 100% not an end point
Make them post their next steps to the Google Classroom stream after doing a check for understanding
A4: if Ss can track their own learning, then they are aware. at that point, its about building intrinsic motivation to learn
A4: I use as a way. Ss work on the formative until they get it. Often Ss that need extra, ask for studying ideas
logging out..i have to go "rough-house" with my son. Good Night and Joy be to You All!
I like this idea for Q4, having Ss keep a record https://t.co/pAEcbKc5oP
Make them post their next steps to the Google Classroom stream after doing a check for understanding
Fun! I remember those days. Mine is 20 now! Have a great night rough housing.
A4 you give time to Ss to read feedback in class, you conference with them
have a great evening Mark!
big focus at my school right now
A4: I also give required, and optional practice. If you get it, don't do the optional. If you don't, do these. Their decision
This was fun peeps. Switching over to . Can you say, "avoidance of grad work!" Have a great night, all!
agree self monitoring empowers S ownership of learning
A4: Make feedback a Q or step, whether they have addressed it should be nat. part of the learning activity
Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed this chat. Have a great night
readinga-z is a great resource to differentiate based on practice needed resources