A chat for Mexican educators teaching English to speakers of other languages. #eap #esp #clil #siop #tefl #tesol; Collection: https://goo.gl/Y11R1m; History http://benjaminleestewart.blogspot.mx/search/label/twitter
Sunday May 15, 2016
9:00 AM EDT
Welcome to this week's slow chat!
First question, coming up!
Q: When teaching English to speakers of other languages, how do you determine what vocabulary to emphasize in class?
Sorry, reposting first question...
Q1: When teaching English to speakers of other languages, how do you determine what vocabulary to emphasize in class?
A1: Depending on the context, I will have a general idea of key vocabulary, but will emphasize lexicon through the experience.
A1: Typically new lexicon needed to converse in the classroom is both intentional and incidental.
Q2: As to how vocabulary is emphasized in the classroom, what specifically do you, as an educator, do to facilitate this process?
Q3: As to how vocabulary is emphasized in the classroom, what specifically do your students do to facilitate this process?
Three questions pertaining to emphasizing vocabulary in the ELT classroom have been posted... https://t.co/zxfOPPEd5Y
Three questions pertaining to emphasizing vocabulary in the ELT classroom have been posted... https://t.co/WrkQX2XM54
Look forward to hearing responses this week!