#K12talent Archive
#K12Talent chat is for K-12 HR professionals or any school leader interested in learning more about human capital leadership. Topics include: rewards/recognition, recruiting, hiring, interviewing, difficult employees.
Tuesday November 13, 2018
9:00 PM EST
Welcome to ! This chat does not serve as legal advice. If you have legal questions, call your district legal counsel for advice.
Today we are talking about !
Don’t forget to respond to our Q's by using A: and !
Q1: Welcome! Thanks for joining us tonight. Please introduce yourself along with your position and location.
A1 Kelly here joining you from what an amazing group of
Q2: Are you currently using in your district/state and for how long? Do you believe this has impacted your educator pipeline?
I am with a bunch of leaders in say hi.
Q3: What changes did you have to make to incorporate into your district and why?
A2: my friends say it certainly has helped with the pipeline but it has become a bit of a roadblock in many district to requiring the right talent to approve student achievement
A3: again from my we developed a prep program for schools district to meet the same standard as colleges to address primarily sped shortages.
Q4: How long did it take for your district to embrace an program and see the benefits and What was the public perception?
A4: about one year from - perception is positive because it is an approved program by the state
Q5: Is your process different for teachers? What are the differences?
A5: no difference in onboarding but we do have a boot camp on essentials of teaching run in the summer as well as mentors for the duration of the program 1 to 2 years.
Q6: What are your struggles as a leader with regards to vs. traditional certification teachers?
Q7: Is your district noticing any difference in student achievement with alternative certified teachers vs. traditional certified teachers?
TwitterChat intermission with a bit of piano man with thank you Scott MacDonald
A7 says student improvement is better with but it totally depends on the prep program
Q8: What resources do you offer your teachers when it comes to professional growth?
A8: any program has to include a mentor growth program
Q9. What resources can you share or any final words of wisdom you’d like to provide on today’s topic.
Thank you chat participants! See you on the next on November 27!