We're glad you're joining #octmchat... take a minute to introduce yourself... and tonight we're sharing a word or GIF that comes to mind when you hear the word "Assessment" @ohioctm#bettertogether@mlipnos
Tonight's #OCTMchat will follow at Q1/A1 format (more details on the slide below).
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Hi, everyone! Jodie Bailey - math coach @HilliardSchools & honored to serve as President of @ohioctm I think of assessment as an opportunity to observe and explore student thinking #OCTMCHAT
Q1: @JohnSanGiovanni talks about how sometimes students get the "right answer for the wrong reason."
Take a look at the slide below and share a reason students might get this answer correct for the wrong reason.
Begin your response with A1 and include #octmchat
Hi! I'm Christina... one of the Math Consultants/Coaches @HamiltonCoESC in Cincinnati... and the Past-President @ohioctm... when I hear "assessment" I think... #octmchat
A1: Sometimes not attending to precision can work out for the best :) seeing the 4 & 3 can make the brain instantly think of 7 w/o seeing oper sign. #octmchat
A1: students can get lost in the minutae of symbols with mathematics - I would rather them use words like "3 groups of 3" plus "3 groups of 4" "#octmchat
Q1: @JohnSanGiovanni talks about how sometimes students get the "right answer for the wrong reason."
Take a look at the slide below and share a reason students might get this answer correct for the wrong reason.
Begin your response with A1 and include #octmchat
Q2 (see slide for prompt)
@NCTM defined assessment as "the process of gathering evidence about a student's knowledge of, ability to use, and disposition toward, mathematics and of making inferences from that evidence for a variety of purposes" (1995, p. 3). #octmchat@ohioctm
A2: The example doesn’t give us a window into the Ss thinking. I would want to see some evidence of WHY they believe the expressions are equivalent. Debates are my favorite - conversation is crucial! #OCTMCHAT
A2: I've been seeing many 3rd graders using arrays to help them find equivalent expressions... I'm so visual that I would probably start with something like this...
Q1: @JohnSanGiovanni talks about how sometimes students get the "right answer for the wrong reason."
Take a look at the slide below and share a reason students might get this answer correct for the wrong reason.
Begin your response with A1 and include #octmchat
Amen on visual representations! I think it’s important to connect the representations. Where can I find pieces of my thinking within your representation? #OCTMCHAT
A2: stressing multiplication as repeated addition allows for students to explain equivalent expressions in terms of groups - this translates to better conceptual understandings of expressions in algebra down the road (5x = 2x + 3x) #octmchat
Q3: Let's hear about some of your favorite resources for assessment tasks #octmchat
Be sure to begin your response with A3 and include #octmchat to keep our conversation connect #bettertogether
Does this idea of repeated addition ever interfere with understanding of multiplication as scaling? I always wonder what misconceptions we might unintentionally foster in elementary school. #octmchat
For a problem like this one, unfortunately my son would probably do it in his head. This makes opportunities for students to share their reasoning with each other critical. Otherwise we, and their peers, might never know what their reasoning was! #OCTMchat
A3 the best resource is the teacher truly being content expert. They why young people are not performing. Not simply that they are not. Knowing how young people think. You have to hear the young people. #OCTMchat
A3 also not a fan of assessment. I like evidence better. I collect evidence of what my young people know and how I’m going to help them advance. CGI and CBA MR and young people have given me what I need to understand their thinking. #octmchat
I don't think so if you make it a point of emphasis in linear algebra to discuss patterns in ordered pairs of lines that go through the origin v. those that don't. I understand your point though. #octmchat#nopunintended
Q3: Let's hear about some of your favorite resources for assessment tasks #octmchat
Be sure to begin your response with A3 and include #octmchat to keep our conversation connect #bettertogether