Teachers interested in Personalized Learning join us for our first-ever #edcamp in Dallas ISD Saturday, September 8th from 8:30AM-12PM. Learn more + register at https://t.co/xM21eBovn8 . #personalizedallasisd
#Edcamp is "an event that puts educators in charge of their own professional learning and development." Why is it a wonderful PD opportunity? Read: Participating in an Un-conference: My Experiences at @Edcampkansai
by @scottroydouglashttps://t.co/314I7UFaOj
Aprende a implementar de manera correcta y ágil la programación orientado a componentes en tus proyectos de desarrollo web, haciendo uso de frameworks y librerías modernas (React, Vue, Angular).
Inscribete en el #EDcamp: https://t.co/i3tbIq5xwR
@EdWeekTeacher hi! Would you be willing to donate a premium year subscription to our EdCamp Coastal VA raffle? We are piloting the #edcamp district initiative in @nnschools and would love to have you as a sponsor! #edcampcova
That’s great that you are doing T-led PD!
I hope it continues and grows for you.
After organizing our 9-12 HS-wide #edcamp last year during an inservice day, we received the green light to run K-12 district-wide #EdCampHatters the 1st back next week!
No more Sit & Get 1st day!