#FollettBookClub Archive
In collaboration with Penguin Young Readers, we hope to provide a roadmap to educators on how their own school book club can provide students with a protocol to build both understanding and empathy.
Thursday April 19, 2018
3:00 PM EDT
Post 1 by provides students with the opportunity to learn about health conditions and disorders. In some cases, the disorder is directly identified. In other cases it is merely symptomatic.
Post 2 How do these conditions influence relationships, both for those characters who are afflicted and their friends and family members?
Post 3 What are the differences between those disorders that readily apparent and those that are more subtly revealed through interactions between characters over longer periods of time?
Post 4 When you learn more about a disorder or disability from outside sources, how does it influence your thinking and feeling about the characters and those with whom they interact?
Post 5 Wondering what to read in addition to ? Additional books for consideration in your school book club are: Althea & Oliver, Five Flavors of Dumb, Jerk California. Find them on https://t.co/jgOB5YI1de today!
Post 6 Make your school book club a success! Enter to win a set of Penguin Young Readers book from Follett at https://t.co/JgHX4IhEAF.