#NVedchat Archive
#NVedchat is dedicated to increasing communication and collaboration of education related topics in the State of Nevada. Originally, created by Mr. Snehal Bhakta.
Monday February 1, 2016 11:00 PM EST
Welcome to . Tonight’s topic is FAIL = First Attempt In Learning.
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For tonight’s chat, we will use Q1, Q2… format for Questions. Please use A1, A2… format for answers & include
Let’s start by giving a S/O to another educator(s) using their twitter handle & the hashtag to join us tonight!
Let's talk about First Attempt In Learning (FAIL) right now!
Share your favorite quote that relates to Failing. Bonus points if you include a picture.
Let's represent CA educators tonight in . Topic: FAIL - 1st attempt in learning
Looking forward to tonight's discussion
Q1-Why do we consider an “F” grade or failing as being bad or not good?
A1: Letter grades imply finality rather than a building block
A1-Probably because we've always done it that way. Unfortunately, I don't think it is right. Time to ...
A1: It's been that way forever, old habits die hard
A1-I believe it's nature of grading. Wouldn't it be nice if we could do overall as opposed to individual assignments
A1 - left over thought from that ABCDF scale I’ve never liked. Too much emphasis on what’s wrong rather than what’s right
A1: it's all about the traditional point/grade scale.Interesting that there's 59% of F but only 9-10% b/w all the other letters.
A1 - One more prime example of what is wrong with grading as a whole. Reporting in btw!
A1: It has to do with our perception of what grades are. We use them as a final judgment
Love that! I never thought of it that way, but that’s exactly what they do (or don’t do) https://t.co/sdkqV6R3Ev
A1: Letter grades imply finality rather than a building block
Q2: When a student, teacher, administrator, or anyone fails at something, what would you say to them & why?
That's why the minimum F exists, right? Hard to come back from a 25%
A1- an F isn't bad as you're learning. It's the lack of effort in bringing it up/turning it around that makes it negative.
A2 - Good job, let's go again.
A2: It's about picking yourself up and getting back to it. If you "fail" and just stop, what else are you going to quit at?
A1: any system where a 59% and a 1% are essentially the same is messed up
A2: I always try to look at what was done right. You may have gotten 55% wrong, but you still got 45% right
A2 I always tell them do it again. Who cares if you failed? I care that you keep trying
A2-Time to start to look at it differently or a different direction...try something new.
A2-failure is just a first attempt. What could we do to change that fail?
A2: Give feedback as to what can be done to be better next time if you are in position to do so
A2: "What else can we try?" "How can we did it differently?" "Let's step back and look at what has been done."
A2: when I fail at something, there's an immediate expectation that I will redo it and continue to do so until I get it right
Build on the success, be positive. Love it! https://t.co/PDL6gK3ysG
A2: I always try to look at what was done right. You may have gotten 55% wrong, but you still got 45% right
A2- ask where it went wrong & encourage her/him to make improvements and try again. It never hurts to re-do & try again.
I'm with you. Persistence can be a game changer
Exactly. What does failure have to be a finality? https://t.co/q3yG9dLNgH
A2: when I fail at something, there's an immediate expectation that I will redo it and continue to do so until I get it right
A2, I've been using this word YET, Ss understand the growth mindset behind it.
Q3: Can you learn or succeed without failing? Why or Why not?
A3: Absolutely! Some people have a natural gift for certain things and can pick it up right away
A3-You may not have failed, but someone did...so success does have to come from failure or at least trying...
A3: Somethings come naturally. No shame in that either. We have to recognize that we won't necessarily struggle with everything
Join us in the going on with now
A3 sure! some things come naturally. But failure is also a chance to learn
A3: Don't think u have 2 fail 2 learn. I don't think we learn from the failure itself. I think we learn from the iteration process
A3: I picked up skiing very quickly, hit my first black diamond on my second time out; gift + risk = learning/success w/o failure
A-3-Yes. There are some who are natural talents. I think people need that success to deal with the failures as well
are you following tonight?
A3: Yes! Sometimes you get lucky and things come naturally. Some of us have to fail to learn or succeed and that is okay too!
A3 - Personally, I'm not sure I ever learned much from something I immediately succeeded at. Failure = learning IMO
A3 Our work is never done to measure success, but I do know I enjoy spending time on reflection to go over the ups & downs
A3: it's about balance & learning to cope/celebrate. Failure/success need each other.
Yin yang. Not sure you can understand success w/out failure.
Q4: Have you ever failed at something and explain how did you dealt with it?
A3- sure you can. But most learning happens in the revision process when you force yourself to do improve.
A3: Yes, but when u process/solve something multiple ways & look @ things from multiple perspectives, u gain deeper understanding
Maybe feeling success makes you want it when you fail. You try to get back to success.
A4: I continuously fail at executing a good slap shot, but it doesn't stop me from trying, eventually it will become 2nd nature
A4: I could write a book- hah! After the initial let down, most times I've sought out people to help me
A4: Failed at EVERY sport I tried. Practice didn't make perfect & sometimes you have to let go. Other times you keep going
A4 every freaking day! Sometimes I take it personal and it stops me. Others I SMH and try again
A4-My first semester exam I gave in ed I failed at getting students to master the content. They could not think critically
A4: Yes...often...and when I do, I continue to work at it to get better!
A4 - CUE conference presentation a few weeks ago. Regrouped and retooled, came up with a plan for next time.
Ditto, my dad wanted an athlete, he got a nerd instead.
A4:How much time do you have?Risk-takers fail&learn to be resilient.Failing sucks&hurts but succeeding later is so much sweeter.
Ditto! I had to realize I’m just not a sports person and let it go. I’m good at other stuff tho https://t.co/0aqWRE0EmY
A4: Failed at EVERY sport I tried. Practice didn't make perfect & sometimes you have to let go. Other times you keep going
Q5: What or does anything come before failure and why?
A5 the try. Without that there is neither success or failure
but will it ever surpass ? I have doubts
A5: Tons of things on both ends of the spectrum: uneasiness and confidence, hard work and unpreparedness, etc.
A4 Is it cheating by saying I always give it my all, so have I really "failed"
A5-Not being afraid to try comes before failure. Cause failure isn't that scary if you think...hey I just tried, not bad!
I get to that point after failure when I reflect
I agree and disagree, it depends on what you are failing at, can't say hey I tried if you fail as a father
A5 - Effort, work, investment. So is it really failure? Or just part of the process?
I get you, but I think most who actually "fail" as fathers never even realize they did
A4- I failed geometry & my math proficiency 3 times! I worked w/ my mom every night & told myself I'd get it before I succeeded
I completely agree. I do my best reflecting when I am sleeping...weird, but it's part of my process
Thank you for joining tonight’s on FAIL = First Attempt In Learning.
A5 How above the zone proximal level, the sweet spot were you need to face a challenge that's within reach
A5: When I see or hear about others trying and failing, I know it's okay to take the risk. Perseverance https://t.co/Lfg77NvhnB
Continue the conversation by using the hashtag all week long! See you next Monday @ 8pm PST.
Meditation, another thing I fail at all the time!
A5- two things can proceed failure: fear or lack of effort. You can move past fear but laziness is the hardest to overcome.
Great chat tonight! Glad I stopped by!!!
Thanks for the chat peeps! Have a good night!
I wish my daughter would get over her Frozen and Peppa Pig kick and start watching that one again!
My daughter does too, but she has gone right back to Frozen... doesn't help that her name is Elsa
A4 tonight during I made brownies. Kids: what’s that smell? Me: eat it anyway https://t.co/LvfRrZDrYj
Q4: Have you ever failed at something and explain how did you dealt with it?