#TLAP Archive
#TLAP is a weekly chat for educators who embrace author, keynote speaker, and moderator David Burgess' approach of teaching like a pirate. Burgess is author of Teach Like A PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator and co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators.
Monday August 22, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Welcome to !!!
I'm Steve, author of The Writing on the Classroom Wall.
Tonight's topic: What's on Your Wall? https://t.co/AgFPo2GJh5
Please take a moment to introduce yourself. (name, role, location)
good evening, - michael from columbus, OH - middle division teacher - so excited to hang with !
Hello Everyone! Steven, a Middle School Assistant Principal from Missouri
Ben, AP in Forsyth County, GA
Hi ! Looking forward to this chat. Kristin from Lansing, MI 6th grade ELA and SS!
Exciting day! Thanks for coming!
Tom Loud, 1st grade teacher from East Tennessee
Good evening. Tara from Kansas :)
Hi ! Lisa, K-6 teacher librarian in PA. Multi-tasking tonight as I get ready for 1st T day tomorrow!
Jill from Nova Scotia. New to Math Intervention. No Ss of my own. Small group instruction all day.
Hi, Tom! It's still light here in Oregon!
Hello Pirate friends - Jay, elementary principal from New Jersey setting sail with the best PLN
Rachel from Texas, HS librarian
from one Steve to another, Thanks for leading our chat tonight!
Thanks for jumping into tonight Tara!
Emily from CT, teaching first grade!
Margie from PA K-12 Math Coach
Kathy looking forward to this chat
Hi everyone, ESL/ISSP teacher and Lit Coach
Hello! BoardOnTrack here. We work to help reform charter school boards - we have worked with over 500 in the USA!
Hi Jay Hope all is well 😊
I can't keep up with all of you, but I am glad you are here!
It's going to be a great chat!
wish you were at my school!
Hey ! Mackenzie, 6th math teacher gearing up for my favorite night of the week!
Hi!Rachael Wenskay - Title I Reading teacher with ESL emphasis, MI
Hello Spiri- Good to see you. Things are great. Getting ready to start the year. How's it going there? https://t.co/g0827iedyx
Hi Jay Hope all is well 😊
Welcome! Thanks for jumping in.
Excited to join tonight! Not a chat I usually am available for but couldn't pass up tonight's awesome questions!
Hello friends. Thanks for being here. Super excited to have author hosting tonight!!
Hi -Kristin from MA 7th science.
I'm glad you made it. Thanks so much for joining!
Oops, realized I tweeted from school account. Still Rachel from Texas, HS librarian
Greetings! Marla, K-5 librarian from Montana. I've been doing the Qs with Steve Wyborney on .
Hey, hey crew! Beth from MO checking in!
Hi, everyone!
I'm Lee, an instructional coach and tech integrationist from NY.
A1) I deeply believe that all Ss can not only learn, but thrive in the classroom, discover their passions and become leaders
begins in less than one hour! Share how you make meaningful connections with your students!
Greetings crew
5th grade teacher from CA
A1: we have to teach to the whole child, not optional
Hi everyone! I'm Chuck and a MS Principal in Atlanta
A1 Education is a powerful force that changes lives, impacts futures, and unites us all as we share with one another.
A1: I believe that education has the power to change the lives of every Ss our school helps, and that all Ss can succeed
If school were a choice, would you be teaching to an empty room? Or would your class be so engaging students would run to your class?
Hi! Melissa from Mississippi here! Instructional Tech for Lamar County School District.
A1: Ss deserve 2 feel valued & accepted. That Ss need to see learning as valuable & achievable. It is our job 2 make that happen
Can't chat tonight I've got archers of homework
A1: That every student comes to us a vulnerable soul, interested inherently in learning. We have make it relevant to them
A1: I believe that Ss are more than a number. They have dreams & passions that we need to find and help them take action on.
Erin from Missouri 5th/6th homeroom and LA, 3rd-8th science
Hi Denis Good to see you here 😊
A1 education is not "one size fits all" Ts need to learn about their Ss and proceed accordingly. https://t.co/afx9BiqfBN
A1: I believe that learning never stops and education has the power to change the world. Education makes us better people
A1) I feel that teachers should be passionate about teaching children.
A1: that every child and every staff member have talents, gifts, and genius inside of them- even if they don't know it. Recognize it!
Yes, what Jay said https://t.co/XbHap75leA
A1: I believe that learning never stops and education has the power to change the world. Education makes us better people
A1: That it has to be personal and relevant in order for it to happen!
A1Teaching should inspire students to learn!
A1 Learning should be fun. And there are so many ways to make it fun.
A1: Ed is bringing out that which is within. Our job is to lead Ss to discover & mold their passions. and to help them learn with it
Got your gif game going? I've got my alliteration ready
A4. Structure building in teams. Blocks, paper etc. Some way to solve a problem eh tallest or strongest
A1: That is is the responsibility of every human to develop our future -so connections and relationships come first.
Absolutely! And the students inspire me all the time! https://t.co/CI304JXQj0
A1Teaching should inspire students to learn!
a1: all students want to do well. all students want to learn. it's your job to enable this
Hi I have to work on a big assignment tonight but I promise to check on later and participate:)
A1: love. It all starts and ends with love.
Great answer, Denis! https://t.co/fo8K5TRdJC
A1: That every student comes to us a vulnerable soul, interested inherently in learning. We have make it relevant to them
A1: ALL Ss can learn and SHOULD learn in different ways. Education is the key to everything and should continue as adults!
A1. That although all students can learn, not enough T's don't do anything when they don't. This must change!
A1 Learning should be active, hands on, experiential, sometimes messy, and always meaningful!
A1: That every student, regardless of background, socioeconomic status, race, etc., deserves a quality education.
A1: Education has the power to transform lives and the ability to bring peace and justice through compassion and mercy
A1 seriously, that there's so much we don't know and the best we can do is to trust the learner, know the learner, follow their lead
A1: Students need to be trusted and guided to take control of their learning by giving them all relevant learning activities
I am better at alliteration than gifs.
A1: The responsibility of educators is to foster the curiosity and growth of the whole child, not just the academic mind
A1: that every child wants a positive relationship with their teacher and that having that relationship will make them grow.
Nicely said. Love the combination. Messy learning is powerful learning. https://t.co/KVHMTGp4Gs
A1 Learning should be active, hands on, experiential, sometimes messy, and always meaningful!
A1: Also, we believe that students of all backgrounds are capable of extensive learning and growing. That's why ed. quality is key.
A1I passionately believe EVERY students deserves my best everything & AWESOME, relevant opportunities to learn
I passionate believe that the purpose of school is not to prepare kids to be successful in school
A1 What do I passionately, deeply believe about learning & education? It should be engaging (fun?) in way that hard work brings joy..
That all Ss and staff deserve to be valued and empowered to be lifelong learners & innovators! It's up to us to keep the spark alive.
Well stated! https://t.co/BmhLrOfRXC
A1I passionately believe EVERY students deserves my best everything & AWESOME, relevant opportunities to learn
Does anyone else run a Samsung tablet a and ? My streams won't update routinely. Big problem with & !
A1: We need to take the bull by the horns and change education. Make it about the kids and about growth. We must lead the way
It seems like some want to leave that out of the equation
A1 Although learning may seem like receiving, it is truly an act of producing, creating, and sharing our thoughts to understand more.
Good evening friends! Todd from NY joining late after a great evening working with students! https://t.co/gQiz5aWcue
Evening Meredith joining from SW FL.
A1. That although all students can learn, too many T's dont do anything about it when they don't. This must change!
A1: Making connections with Ss is the only way to make a difference. Meeting emotional needs is necessary for success in the classroom
Spot on . https://t.co/BiaWTJqwFz
A1: I believe that learning never stops and education has the power to change the world. Education makes us better people
Hmmm! I bet would like to see that "relevant" word in there!
A1b A corollary is learning is something that should be experienced rather than listened to, in the way a story invites emotion..
I love the passion in this feed!
I'm honored to be here learning!
And Ss will love learning BECAUSE of her work.
A1 The pursuit of growth is invigorating. Without it we stagnate and reach exhaustion. Push the boundaries! https://t.co/glT1AWcbYF
A1: I believe deeply that as an admin, I do best by Ss by supporting and inspiring Ts.
Not too bad, heading out to Harrisburg tomorrow, I'm presenting PD, learners arrive Sept 6th
yes - love that you include staff - such a crucial and often overlooked component
Oh yeah...Adam, 5/6 social studies, Brooklyn, OH...I'll be in and out!
A1: I believe that teachers should model for their students and constantly seek opportunities to learn
Learners produce learning, produce thinking, refine their thinking. Great point, Urbie! https://t.co/6gEuEPRMv6
A1b A corollary is learning is something that should be experienced rather than listened to, in the way a story invites emotion..
yeah sorry I just finished and I'm just burnt out and on 4 hours of sleep.
Running late but I'm here ready to learn!!!
I would add "nor on some standardized test" https://t.co/vyAhyRmF7s
I passionate believe that the purpose of school is not to prepare kids to be successful in school
A1 I believe we can help our students reach that aha moment when they know they can do it - whether "it" is a task or life decision
How you doing, Urbie! Good to see you in tonight!
A1 All children deserve the best education, therefore we must bring the best of ourselves
A1. Kids don't learn from adults they don't like!
A1 relationships and culture, making sure positivity is flowing out of the building
You are speaking my language, friend!! https://t.co/e4RAqNaJKk
A1: I believe deeply that as an admin, I do best by Ss by supporting and inspiring Ts.
A1 - I believe the job of the Principal is to be the Chief Inspiration Officer so that teachers inspire kids
A1: Before diving into curriculum, building relationships and remember the “human side” of learning is key.
Katie from IL, Student Support Coordinator.
A1. Believe that educators create magical experiences for learners every day just behind the classroom door. https://t.co/LHSxTgrB30
That is very true!
It's very, very important to make connections. https://t.co/GABCqLzaNB
A1. Kids don't learn from adults they don't like!
Hello from Atl! I see some of my pals here tonight!
Q2 How does the learning journey of the teacher impact the learning journeys of the students? https://t.co/g4LR1qA5T2
Understanding this is vital...
A1 relationships and culture, making sure positivity is flowing out of the building
Greg, HS ELA teacher from central Kansas joining late. Anxious for my first chat tonight.
I’m doing swell. I’m in St. Louis trying to get others to sip the kool-aid It’s great to be here w/the crew..
A1. EQ is equally important to IQ.
Little late to the party. Bob Abrams, HS AP. moderator. Thrilled to be back learning with the
maybe not from ones they don't respect?
I agree, how about start h with the way we grade students, it should accurately reflect there 'effort' as well https://t.co/u597WQqZcF
A1: We need to take the bull by the horns and change education. Make it about the kids and about growth. We must lead the way
A2 A teacher who is personally ignited by the power of reflection will crave and provide deep reflection opportunities for students.
Hi, Greg! I'm glad you are hear. Just answer the Qs as you like, and remember to use the hashtag. Welcome!
A2: They are parallel and they are perpendicular. We learn with our students and our learning intersects with their needs
A2 Learner's journey is hero's journey. Called by curiosity, into the dark (ignorance is faced) relationships = enlight./learning
Don't mess with Spiri with gifs!! She will bury you!
Going to follow chat tonight. I'm Princess and I teach second grade in North Texas.
A2: Just because it worked for “us” doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll work for Ss. Our pedagogy needs to continue developing.
A2 I am ever learning and evolving. Ss should be permitted and encouraged to do the same. https://t.co/eq6FjrM3ER
Q2 How does the learning journey of the teacher impact the learning journeys of the students? https://t.co/g4LR1qA5T2
A2: When Ss see we are learning & trying new ideas on their behalf, they are more likely to do the same
Hi, Princess! I'm glad you are here!
A2 I want my students to see me asking how I can risk and grow... and risk again from a new place of growth.
A2 if teacher is not enthusiastic about learning Ss will recognize immediately, there is no hiding lack of passion from the young ones
Q2: T helps to model what it means to be a lifelong learner. It gives the opportunity for everyone to share reflections & learnings.
A2 As teachers we are models so it's important to share our learning process & passion for education https://t.co/ZjQfLHP67f
A2: Ts and Ss learn from each other. Innovation can come from collaboration.
This is so true! And just because it worked last year doesn't mean it will work this year. https://t.co/uP5QRn5L8M
A2: Just because it worked for “us” doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll work for Ss. Our pedagogy needs to continue developing.
A2:Ts need to always be on a journey of discovery to new and innovative ways to T,if not our Ss will be learning from when we stopped
A2 the journey isn't easy. Ss need to see us struggle, take risks, and hear us think outloud.
A2) The teacher needs to model for the students. Both should be constantly learning with each other.
A2 When Ts are open-minded, risk takers and learners we show Ss that learning is wide open for them
A2) As teachers learn more/do better, our Ss benefit!
Grades should reflect growth toward a goal. https://t.co/Yw56H7Qlf1
I agree, how about start h with the way we grade students, it should accurately reflect there 'effort' as well https://t.co/u597WQqZcF
A1: We need to take the bull by the horns and change education. Make it about the kids and about growth. We must lead the way
A2) Learning journey of T propels T, inspires T, shapes the T. Ts then enthusiastically inspire Ss & Ss find passions
A2 Answering this Q differently since I have been on Twitter. Learning nee strategies from others breathes new life into EVERYTHING.
A2: Ss think creatively and teachers - and admin - can take that creativity and use it to better their school's education.
So true. https://t.co/KzpwL79oTZ
A2 if teacher is not enthusiastic about learning Ss will recognize immediately, there is no hiding lack of passion from the young ones
A2: When we share our learning journey, our goals, failures, reflections, we model for Ss the scope of true learning.
Q2 How does the learning journey of the teacher impact the learning journeys of the students? https://t.co/W3IjFNhcdn
A2: Ts model the way and sometimes, for example, when learning to drive is your mindset, being a passenger is powerful!
A2: the more I learn and grow the better I can be for my students also models life long learning always room to grow
A2: Teachers who model risk taking will foster an environment where Ss take risks. Walk the Talk. Model. https://t.co/nbmihCDx1O
Q2 How does the learning journey of the teacher impact the learning journeys of the students? https://t.co/g4LR1qA5T2
a2: students need to know that not all Ts were straight A students that LOVED school. in fact many were not
A2: The learning journey for the teacher should be parallel to that of the students. Everyone should be learning all the time!
A2 Great teachers are comfortable when students pose questions even they don't have the answer to because they model risk taking
A2: my journey was one of twists & turns...every S is going to face challenges and obstacles. Show you'll walk with them, not against!
A2 The T should be a model for what they expect out of Ss. We are all teachers. We are all learners. https://t.co/Wk2gw93Bq8
A2: If we learn along with our Ss, their understanding will become so much deeper. Collective discovery.
A2: When Ts show learning never ends, Ss will be inspired as well. Risk-taking and problem-solving happen together.
A2-if teacher isn't curious, how can they expect kids to be?
A2: If I'm going to ask Ss to care about what I'm teaching, I need to show them that I care about what I'm being taught
A1 As we learn things in our "journey" we'll have stories to tell and souvenirs to share...problems come when Ts stop their journey.
A1 - I believe the job of the Principal is to be the Chief Inspiration Officer so that teachers inspire kids
A1 "Teach 1 to think intensively & critically. Intelligence + character that's the goal of true education" MLK https://t.co/OvP2S38xT1
A2 HUGE impact! A teacher passionate about learning new things is contagious. Their enthusiasm bleeds over to the Ss and staff!
A1 every student is gifted, teachers have the opportunity to kindle the spark or suffocate it
A2. The main reason other teachers achieve and reach those that their colleagues don't is because of what they know. End of story.
A2: When the l.j. of the T deepens, S engagement and empowerment increases! Relevance! S Perspective! Inquiry! https://t.co/eOPln3ZPiN
Q2 How does the learning journey of the teacher impact the learning journeys of the students? https://t.co/g4LR1qA5T2
Sometimes we forget that the journey isn't easy. A great reminder... https://t.co/cJFpDKWoox
A2 the journey isn't easy. Ss need to see us struggle, take risks, and hear us think outloud.
A1) You have to find a way to connect w/ learners that helps them figure out an amazing part of themselves
A2: We all bring our own fears and doubts but also our joys and confidences. Perspective is wonderful and complex and beautiful.
A2 The journey should provided a model for students to follow: constent, imperfect but alway getting better.
A2: Teacher's life-long learning can be a model to students that "learning" follows indiv curiosity and not relegated to "school"
A2: If we're excited about learning, they'll be excited about learning. We have to model learning experiences.
Many opportunities for this arise daily. Important to model how you are a risk taker and a critical thinker. https://t.co/5vvUNvX5To
A2: When Ts show learning never ends, Ss will be inspired as well. Risk-taking and problem-solving happen together.
A2 When Ss can see the T as a fellow learner, honest conversations can occur and risk can be mitigated
A2: Have to show students what we enjoy learning about. Our journey helps show that we are human. Both of these things help connect
A2. To reach all students in an individualized learning environment takes crazy, crazy skill and knowledge. It is possible though.
A2 As we learn things in our "journey" we'll have stories to tell and souvenirs to share...problems come when Ts stop their journey.
A2 We will all struggle at some point. That is a powerful opportunity - for us and for our students. https://t.co/5hhoHeOM1I
I'm Victoria, a TL from Nebraska. Coming in late but loving what I'm reading here.
A2: The learning journey of the T directly impacts the learning journey of Ss...could be a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.
A2: By modeling the learning journey, we make it real!
A2.Both educator and learner need to ask themselves, "If not now, when?" Model what you hope to see in others. https://t.co/xI9YeDhoPw
A2 T does not know all but is curious about all--disciplinary walls are artificial. evrythng connected to evrythng else Connect=learn
A2: Ss can tell when tcher is genuinely interested in learning and growing, and they reflect that back. Good ques lead to better ques
A2: if we learn WITH then as opposed to teaching AT them, we are collaborative learners on a journey together
"This classroom has everything, checkers, pixie stix, wire cutters,a walrus tooth, and if that's not enough for you..."
Hi Frm Pittsburgh, A1 That is starts w/ building relatshps, knowing Ss and each othr, Ts have to include Ss in discusn
A2 need 2 b forever learners as r role is forever changing,this also needs to be imparted 2 Ss as their roles in life will also change
Not really lurking just joining in silently. Missed so will read tweets later. Faige retired kinder teacher in Los Angeles
A2: Ts and Ss are on a learning journey. So in that way, they run parallel but the Ss really lead the journey
A2 Given we’re all unique individuals, one path doesn’t fit all.. https://t.co/aOjAihuRsT Ss should be free to see/do it their way
You just say the best things! Very insightful. https://t.co/G7dBVsWzqj
A2: if we learn WITH then as opposed to teaching AT them, we are collaborative learners on a journey together
A2: Need 2 work harder on things that we don’t “like. I wasn’t a great math stud. Need 2 make sure my bias doesn’t affect my teaching.
A2b some of the best "journeys" have been with students as the guide! You can learn a lot w/Ss as your "travel" companion.
"Spotify Your Classroom" Sounds like a winner
Checking in for a brief moment
A1: that all Ss can learn and that all Ts can reach Ss. That growth is something we all must aspire towards every day.
have to be in & out😞 A2 to me our own learning journey is everything- what we can give r Ss from our own experiences is invaluable.
Yes! Encourage our students to seek good questions... and then even better ones. https://t.co/sbc4UhurP3
A2: Ss can tell when tcher is genuinely interested in learning and growing, and they reflect that back. Good ques lead to better ques
A2. Our commitment to grow as educators comes as an outpouring of our commitment to reach the needs of the great kids in our care!
A2: important to share our exp w Ss - let them know we're human. We made mistakes and had triumphs too when we were the Ss
A2: Ss should be able to feed enthusiasm off the teacher. Ss should hear our own thoughts&that we don't know everything
A2 A journey is rarely taken alone.
A2: as a librarian, I love showing Ss that I don't HAVE all the answers - but love finding out and showing them how to do so!
Latoya, transformational leader in SC checking in for a few
You are so sweet. Thank you!
should take place in every part of an organization - Ss, teachers, board members, EDs, CEOs, etc. https://t.co/StYTIaQcdk
A2: By modeling the learning journey, we make it real!
With and FROM each other! https://t.co/zbEg6FdazS
A2) The teacher needs to model for the students. Both should be constantly learning with each other.
Important to show them how to find the answer
A2: as a librarian, I love showing Ss that I don't HAVE all the answers - but love finding out and showing them how to do so!
A2 Ts who continue to seek new exper, take risks provide model for ongoing learning in Ss,open to their ideas
A2 Ts learning journey needs to be transparent and shared with Ss. Model model model
So true. And to think I had more spaces too.
Thanks for the assist. https://t.co/u49ZKP1YE6
With and FROM each other! https://t.co/zbEg6FdazS
A2) The teacher needs to model for the students. Both should be constantly learning with each other.
A1:Best learning..keen observation, experimentation, immersion, freedom, participation, where distinction between work&play disappears.
A2 - one example: Ss help me all the time! I tch many apps. but am digitl immgrnt! They help me over the bumps! we all learn!
Hi, Rachelle! Welcome!
Agree. Start with the relationships!
Hi Frm Pittsburgh, A1 That is starts w/ building relatshps, knowing Ss and each othr, Ts have to include Ss in discusn
A2: learning journey needs to be shared at all levels! Model your love for learning!
A2: I explain my journey...I let them know it wasn't smooth, but I use it as a guide. Show them that I had support. They have it too.
Every class should function like this. Ss don't need to know it all, but they do need to know how to find it https://t.co/ZD3ZwqDb1O
A2: as a librarian, I love showing Ss that I don't HAVE all the answers - but love finding out and showing them how to do so!
one of my favorite quotes - something like:Google can give you 1,000 answers - a librarian can help you get the right one!
Absolutely Ss should see the passion in their Ts eyes for content and learning. That will be contagious!
RT : Yes! Encourage our students to seek good questions... and then even better ones. https://t.co/VjSfE1u0Ah
A2: Ss can tell when tcher is genuinely interested in learning and growing, and they reflect that back. Good ques lead to better ques
A2 When Ts struggle, fall & get up.Ss see they can. -it's not supposed to be easy.It's supposed to be worth it. https://t.co/eTVa3027Ex
Q2 How does the learning journey of the teacher impact the learning journeys of the students? https://t.co/W3IjFNhcdn
A2: part 2 - be authentic share your struggles as a learner w your Ss - relating builds trust
An LL reference! You are rapidly rising in street cred and esteem!
A3 Begin by telling our students, "I am here to learn." Then live it out...
Right in front of them.
A3: Acknowledge when we have failures (humility), model how we get ourselves up (resilience), and learn from them (reflective)
A2: Best learning journeys are experienced together...Ts and Ss!!! 😊
A2: that as a T learns along their journey that they can share their successes and shortcomings w/Ss, model perseverance and grit.
totally agree - isn't that what we've learned about ed? Not teach them all but how to constantly learn and find out?
I may need an ice cream pail of glitter too😆.
A2. The learning curve of students will always match the learning curve of teachers-Roland Barth. It goes hand in hand or not at all.
A3 jumping in late. I share my lsn plans through Google calendar, discuss unit structure, let as know they are my guinea pigs!
A3 talk about it. Share the books we read, the courses we take, the new ideas we're exploring. https://t.co/sxbj1xJZw7
A3: storytelling! Seems we often forget or underestimate the power of storytelling - great way to connect, teach, and learn
nothing like diving in with the kids! I have done my best learning and they have done their best teaching! 😊
A3: Admit when we are wrong, need help or make a mistake.
A2: Ts should always, always be students. Stress the importance of the educational journey by modeling it to our Ss.
A3. Our smile and positive attitudes are pretty good reflections of this isn't it?
A3: tell your students "We're trying something new." "I'm doing it to see if it helps improve our classroom." Be transparent
Yes, don't be wary of showing failures...
But do go on to show how we respond to them. https://t.co/zgbG7tG4R1
A3: Acknowledge when we have failures (humility), model how we get ourselves up (resilience), and learn from them (reflective)
A3: By using our learning experiences as part of the conversations that happen in class.
A3 Share what we are reading. Work WITH Ss. Keep a journal and share with students and have them share with you
Perfect reminder Latoya!
A2. The learning curve of students will always match the learning curve of teachers-Roland Barth. It goes hand in hand or not at all.
A3) Share our own learning goals; reading goals; writing goals; then, regularly talk about how they are going, how your persevere
A2 we learn from eachother so as we take the journey they learn from me as I learn from them... Sorry I'm late!
A3: Begin by telling Ss every day that you enjoy learning from them and with them. Share your your wonder of learning daily
A3 Openly share w/Ss our exper & struggles we face as learners, connect w/their role as Ss b/c we are also Ss
A3:share honestly, I talk about writing my dissertation and how hard it is for me, say to S I'm trying a new app, can you show me....
not familiar! Do you have a link?
A3 when students ask great questions we research the answers together and I tell them I don't know let's find out
A2 I would say to Ks You show me so we'll both learn together. Wide eyed they wondered "was she 4real" I was and they did & we learned
A3. Share w/ learners about choices you have made & how they shaped the person you are now and hope to become. https://t.co/yTXjIjFsGU
A3 Talk about our learning, exhibit curiosity, and be willing to learn and explore w/Ss.
A3: Sometimes they make themselves apparent always honest w/ my Ss let me know when things are out of place
A2: Too often the learning process is hidden on the teacher and student side. Make it transparent and both will learn about learning.
A3: by being intentional about our own learning, talking about it with them so they learning as ongoing and rejuvenating...
A3 Stop trying to look like a genius in front of Ss. Talk about what you don't know. Ask them for help and listen to their ideas.
It's great if T can share the projects that they are working on and even more powerful with the Ss. It's good not to have all answers.
A3: This is the heart of Instant Relevance. Share your life, interests conXns you see to make content matter https://t.co/93CpMNmbbS
A3: When I don't know something, I Google it in front of Ss. We all learn something new and I've modeled how to seek out answers.
A3. We must verbally communicate to our students that we too learn so much from their thinking and feedback!
A3: Keep Ss in the loop. Show them what I’m reading,ask if they mind if we try a few new ideas & then ask for feedback. Ss luv it
A3 Sometimes you gotta just plop yourself on a desk and chat with them. Tell them where and how you learned something.
A3: I'm always asking for feedback from the students. What worked well, what didn't? It really boosts buy in.
A3: don't be afraid to make mistakes. We aren't perfect...we need to show that to Ss if we want them to do the same! It's ok!
A3:Bring your passion for learning to your Ss and share what your are currently learning about
A3 Overtly sharing the process-from hurdles, to snags, to huge successes.It's the process over the product that helps others connect.
just commented on that love it!!!
Yes, they should know it's ok and normal https://t.co/QYuoKMheDK
A3: Admit when we are wrong, need help or make a mistake.
so true! I read on a beam of light to 8th gr. They were spellbound!
Woohoo my favorite bedtime story!!
A3 --show your thinking visually. Map out the "moves" your thinking makes; have them do same. "Lstn to ur Thoughts
A3: By sharing it - good, bad, innovative or ugly. We must find the power in sharing.
I always make sure to point out in our learning when we discover something I never knew before
and when we talk about our learning, pay attention to our own excitement
just what we want our Ss to have. https://t.co/uQIZ0kw172
A3 talk about it. Share the books we read, the courses we take, the new ideas we're exploring. https://t.co/sxbj1xJZw7
A3: show them that you have to provide evidence to be evaluated too. Here's my professional portfolio https://t.co/1SRjRQ4RxM
You can't give what you don't have. Hopefully teachers can model, curiosity, vulnerability, and perseverance. https://t.co/ejeNAfe2ab
A3 Show our
drafts, mistakes, journeys, blunders, reflections, and risks
both the ones that didn't pay off and the ones that did.
A3 - Learn something new and scary and talk to your students about it. Take music lessons, start a blog, take up a new sport, etc
A3 Share how you have made mistakes along the way. What did you learn from them. How did they redirect you?
A3) Lead them to our blog. Show them our twitter feed where we're continually learning and sharing
A3 65 Ss 65 Ts I, too, am here to learn. You, too, are here to teach. https://t.co/aiR2wQoWiI
A3 Begin by telling our students, "I am here to learn." Then live it out...
Right in front of them.
A3: Let's build relationships and model empathy by talking w/ our Ss. Learn together, admit mistakes, plan! https://t.co/KkgF9ZyDHj
A3 We can talk to them , share the work, the resources, our struggles , how we grapple, persevere, ask for help
A3: storytelling, Ss love to hear about us (esp when we were their age)
A3. We ought to explicitly share our learning with students. It's good for them to know learning does not end at grade 12.
Excellent point! There is POWER in story.
It connects us personally. Remember to tell stories!
A3: storytelling! Seems we often forget or underestimate the power of storytelling - great way to connect, teach, and learn
A3: communicate learning to ALL! Communicate to parents, students, colleagues, & grow PLN! Be vulnerable. https://t.co/v9JAuncXy7
Q3 Try new this with them, fail...revamp and try it again the next! And the next if needed...
A3 -- tell stories of your best/worst learning experiences. Write letter to person you learned from (need not be + exp.
a3: I'm very open and honest about my difficulties in school and life, and tools that help me
A3 do your own genius hour project with them and alongside them. Include their ideas in your work
A great idea to share what we have in common. Building bridges to the struggles of students! https://t.co/nHoS7wEWZz
A3: show them that you have to provide evidence to be evaluated too. Here's my professional portfolio https://t.co/1SRjRQ4RxM
growth mindset all the way!! It shows that it's ok to try at any age
This is great! Online tools are becoming more and more prevalent; using them to show how we learn is a wonderful idea.
A3: Let them see you have fun learning. Let them see your mistakes and have them help you find your way. Growth and collaboratin
yes students giving feedback to teachers what a novel concept!
A2: Modelling. Modelling. Modelling. Can't expect them to be lifelong learners, if we won't be... https://t.co/mX9TGSa8ss
Q2 How does the learning journey of the teacher impact the learning journeys of the students? https://t.co/g4LR1qA5T2
A3 Usually when a lesson fails miserably I share that with them & try to figure out why & how it can b improved,we reboot & try again
I think it is important for our Ss to see us as learners, by the books we are reading or the classes we take. https://t.co/IZZkvPjyPS
I posted my summer reading goals on website & updated every few weeks. Kept me accountable. https://t.co/8Ie0myxLFQ
A3) Share our own learning goals; reading goals; writing goals; then, regularly talk about how they are going, how your persevere
It often amazes them to hear the stories. I think sometimes they hear their story within ours.
A3: Explain actually what happens at staff meetings! Ss have NO clue what we’re doing & why we’re there (lol sometimes, neither do I)
Feedback from Ss is GOLD. https://t.co/XIa7YLjgaK
A3: I'm always asking for feedback from the students. What worked well, what didn't? It really boosts buy in.
A3: Learn about our Ss by building relationships. When they know you genuinely listenand learn who they are, anything is possible.
A3: We need to make sure we show the good, the bad, & the ugly parts of our learning experiences. We can't just show the pretty parts.
That's exactly where it begins.
A3. Make a habit of using the phrase, "I wonder" more than "I know" !!
A3: I ask for S feedback, listen, make changes. I share shortcomings and current projects. I'm not perfect...but I'm working on it ;)
Great idea! I plan to write blogs and do book teasers on my own books I'm reading as I ask Ss to do!
A3: the Ss are a part of the learning journey. Ask them ?'s about the journey. What am I doing that's working for them?
Do you have any books to recommend?
I do that as well, along with the parents too...transparency, right https://t.co/5o9y5y6dxj
A3) Lead them to our blog. Show them our twitter feed where we're continually learning and sharing
- showing respect to Ss that THEY can teach us! https://t.co/ZbAMYhjkWT
A3. We must verbally communicate to our students that we too learn so much from their thinking and feedback!
A3: I'm always telling stories -connections I made, things I've learned here or at conferences. Ss need to see me as a learner too!
Agreed, just finished masters in IT in May, had lots of proj & shared w/them, asked for input, great exper w them
A3 I share everything-when I tweet, go to a conference, read a book, write a post my Ss know-it's cool to learn-I want to spread that
Utilize Remind, Google classroom, https://t.co/R5A0Nx7tOZ , brand your school. Celebrate and advertise using FB, Twitter and website!
A3: Bring in passions into classroom. Show what we are reading and learning about ourselves. Create a poster about past learning
A3. Learners often automatically compare their journey to that of others - encourage independence https://t.co/lJmMJnNQeD
A3: Show our students that we are learners who make mistakes (and grow), embrace change and welcome new challenges...it rubs off! 😊
A3 My kinders learned I blogged & the ups & downs & fears & triumphs of the process.
I really like how the power of story is emerging in this chat!
We have to be sure we conceptualize learning as an ongoing exercise. Much like improvement, it's continuous!
A3 Methinks it’s in how we present. Perspective is everything. So what we present has to be rich enough for Ss to hook where they can.
If we want them to do the same. That's it right here! The reason I am a dream catcher. Pursuit must be modeled!
Totally agree! And when you implement change based on their feedback, it builds that learning relationship even more.
Excellent choice! She's great and has so much to offer
A3 being very transparent with students can help the journey and build a great relationship between u and ur students
hey girl! Great ideas! I'm not surprised
Nice point. Our level of passion, excitement shines right through. What do the students detect?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! Did I mention LOVE?
YAY! Fulton is representing tonight!
A3. Admit when things don't go as planned. Educators are human and life happens. That fire drill might lead to a teachable moment
A4) Want Ss to learn about growth mindset & habits of success b/c these help Ss be in control of how they respond to life's challenges
A4 Learning takes place all the time. Mistakes are learning opportunities. Show up. Be Present.
I would recommend any of the books published by 's publishing co! https://t.co/y66SFVPbYt
Do you have any books to recommend?
A4: First and foremost I want them to learn empathy and kindness. I want them understand they have the power to change the world
A4) I want students to discover what they are passionate about. I want them to ask questions and to be thinkers.
if we don't model then we are setting them up for settling...Ss shouldn't settle but strive for greater! Help them get there!
A4: When you have a question, or an interest, no matter how small or unrelated...follow it. I'll help. That's what I want Ss to know
A4: they are loved and cared about (by ME)
A4: everyone matters! Kindness is important, work to make the world a better place
A4: I worry about them and want the best for them.
Does come back to those relationships. https://t.co/CwvKj4O1e8
A4: First and foremost I want them to learn empathy and kindness. I want them understand they have the power to change the world
A4: Words are powerful. We need Ss to understand that words can empower AND also crush people. Use words wisely!
A4 Failing is ok, but trying again best!
Yes, and discovering passions requires dabbling with many options. Let's keep space to dabble available. https://t.co/950PcXzPds
A4) I want students to discover what they are passionate about. I want them to ask questions and to be thinkers.
Yes!!! Agree my friend! https://t.co/LcC5tELjQT
A4: First and foremost I want them to learn empathy and kindness. I want them understand they have the power to change the world
A4: Ss should learn that they all deserve the best. Also- accountability. Innovation. Inspiration. All comes from school leaders.
Yes! Sometimes the "journey" that led us to teaching isn't because we lived school. Honesty=connections https://t.co/4X9DqTY0vN
A4 Always ask for evidence - how do you know that?
A3. And....we need to share with students when something is difficult for us. They need to see us struggle, persevere, and succeed!
A4. Being proud of themselves. Knowing this can radiate them to new experiences throughout their lives. https://t.co/m6JNlRSOMO
A4 That failure puts you one step closer to success, to embrace learning, be curious, and to expect the best. https://t.co/ReF4dGaDhq
A4: That they are loved. That they can make a difference. That life is about relationships and service and kindness; not about stuff.
A4: They all have a place in this world.
A4 I want students to learn how to tap into their own & feel free to visually express themselves! https://t.co/2yby32ZwTx
A3: I want them to know that they're capable of doing great things, both in school and in the world beyond.
A4: I want my Ss to know they are worthwhile ppl. They matter. They're successful & they're ready for whatever the world throws @ them
I want students be able to empathize with a person who has a problem & collaboratively develop/test solutions
A4: Critical Thinking, Resiliency, and Reflection... Learn that and you might not need me anymore... https://t.co/vjaU0jBhSE
A4: I want students to understand the value of curiosity. It's the foundation of meaningful education.
A4 Thnkng not enuf/doing not enuf/must cre8 only that is ?ing, thinking, doing that leads to human BEING. We are all makers
Be sure to share the results https://t.co/6WRjjzPIO6
I'm excited about it. Bulletin Board showing famous people and their epic fails before success.
A4: That I want to learn about them. That I care and want what's best for them.
So many powerful, powerful ideas! https://t.co/eAXtPD94AQ
A3: I want them to know that they're capable of doing great things, both in school and in the world beyond.
I want Ss to know they are not alone.
A4 2 b curious so their creativity can bring solutions to real problems, be passionate, kind, the power of yet https://t.co/1WnuwNCUno
A4: The creative process is about thinking exploration and experimentation & art is the cultural social & content connector
30 minutes! & host chat! Start your year with inspiration and intrigue!! 8pmMST
A4: how to make the world a better place… better than when they got it. Inspire good!!
A4: To be empowered. To know their value is not defined by the opinions of others. To understand they ALL have a purpose in this life.
A4 My goal is for students to discover their passions, learn to cooperate and collaborate, and find the joy in learning.
a4: many things in life are difficult -but you can do it. It isn't magic, it's a skill. it takes practice
Just started reading based on recs. So true!
A4: It's not "All about the test, 'bout the test, 'bout the test." My daughter tries 2 give answers that she thinks I want 2 hear.
A4: Your circumstances don't define you. It's your reaction to them that matters
You have a say
You deserve happiness & success
That the person they become will be influenced the greatest from the books they read and the people they meet!
A4 I just want my students to learn to be good people and to always remember they have a voice and to use it
Very true statement. https://t.co/VJEAyJGRYY
A4: Your circumstances don't define you. It's your reaction to them that matters
You have a say
You deserve happiness & success
A4: That they hold power, and we need to help them find it so they can share it with the world. The world needs them.
A4: they may go through difficult times, but they are strong enough to get through them
A4: Confidence in themselves! Know thay they have the power to learn anything they want inside. Manners.
A4:Learn creativity, grit, perseverence and a growth mindset. No matter level of skill want students to strive to get better
Was thinking of something like this for Open House....bucket list style. Might have some experts among us. https://t.co/wncaDmlm1f
Great quote, Chris. When we are wrong, we are well-poised to learn, and are ready to risk being wrong again. https://t.co/vaLLUa1SLF
A4: we just talked about a few tonight with Ss...caring, compassion and empathy. I would add perseverance and humility too.😊
School should teach students how they learn so they can continue for the rest of life
A4: They don't have to wait until they finish school to matter...to make a difference.
We read it for our Admin book study and is doing our Opening to school https://t.co/IO3ritkuwg
Just started reading based on recs. So true!
A4: Their voice matters. And so does everyone else's.
A4: Growth mindset, to often our Ss are defeated before they even start with a fixed mindset
I want to be in your class.
A4: don't stop because someone said to. You know your limits better than anyone else...do what you believe you can do!
A4. That the person they become will be influenced the greatest from the books they read and the people they meet!
A4. Enter to better yourself. Depart to better the world. That was my middle school's motto! and I believe it!
Yes, two important concepts to include. Thank you for bringing these up!
I am loving these A4 answers - I just want to copy all of them! Amazing educators on this chat!
A4 There’s objectives/standards. Right up there too is application into their life journey.. what calls entrepreneurship
Q4: How to think more deeply; how to inquire about the things that matter to them and find the answers or solutions.
A4: going through difficult times will make them stronger
A4: I want my students to know that it is ok to fail. Battle through and keep moving forward. It's all about the process/improvement
A4: It is OK to make a mistake. Grit makes a difference. YET is a BIG word! These things build character! https://t.co/Rf2UghJdxl
Agreed , you are the answer to someone's prob.
A4 I want all my Ss to know it's okay to take a chance and mess something up. Don't be afraid to take risks. https://t.co/7awhGZ7e9N
A4 - Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. Edgar Degas
It’s the title of my forthcoming blog post. :-)
I want them to know they were born for something and inspire them to find it
A4 Every moment matters. Every person matters empathy and empowerment become natural side effects https://t.co/pEbMcW6E3M
I am hoping to convince Ts to do for our bookclub next time! Maybe after that!
Speaks to the heart ❤️❤️ What a powerful message! https://t.co/UzzTPQS0hP
A4: Your circumstances don't define you. It's your reaction to them that matters
You have a say
You deserve happiness & success
A4 - Dig dig dig for the facts! I want Ss to make a lifelong habit of challenging the conventional wisdom.
I know! The passion is oozing! I'm so inspired! I want a copy, too! https://t.co/sExealkQRY
I am loving these A4 answers - I just want to copy all of them! Amazing educators on this chat!
A4: nobody has the power to take away their identity unless they let them
A3: My students challenged me to read 50 books of various genres this summer. I reach my goal and kids also upped their reading
A4 Well done is better than well said.
Everyone you meet knows something you don't.
A4. Persist, persist, though you grow weary and tired. Keep going because everything you need to succeed you already have!
A5 reflection is important to help students learn and absorb what is happening around them to create something even better
A4: I want Ss to learn that they each have something to contribute & their ideas are valuable. Don't be afraid to try!
You can overcome anything if you aren't afraid to fail a few times. So important to emphasize this. https://t.co/gugonhjQ27
A4: I want my students to know that it is ok to fail. Battle through and keep moving forward. It's all about the process/improvement
Fulton, MO is representing tonight!
A4) Their purpose, want them to believe in themselves, like I believe in them, I know & believe ea. learner will do great things
If there is something you deeply believe is important, I challenge you to post it on your wall.
A4 That being kind being aware of the words they say & choices they make, does matter. That kid not included could be them some day.
A4: I want them to love reading and learning. I want them to take chances with their learning and not be afraid. I want them to trust
These A4 answers are making me tear up! Such a passion of mine!
A4 In my own life journey I more or less stopped entrepreneuring for some 30 years.. this is bad. Ss need to learn to seek, seek, seek
Let's keep it going for F-Town!!!!
Sometimes, posting our beliefs on the wall feels like a risk...
It's a powerful, powerful opportunity for our students.
- Grit! We can and must teach them to persevere.
A4: Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse. Winston Churchill
Why is reflection so important, and how can we increase opportunities for our students to reflect? https://t.co/6mmKTVyjl6
yes - keywords we must help them understand!
A5) Reflection is not necessarily a natural activity;must learn w/T's own role modeling and practice https://t.co/u3tgjXRPah
A6 connections with others and connections from everything you've previously learned to tackle something you've never seen before
A4. Fear is an illusion. Often it is disguised as something that looks very comfortable. Always do what you are afraid to do!
Gotta pull it back together for next question! LOL
A4: I want all of my Ss to know that they are leaders, and they ARE making an impact on the world. They get to choose the how and why.
I think you should post this on your wall, Jennifer! https://t.co/zNzcQ2ysMn
A4 Relationships matter, mistakes are part of the process, we all learn differently, sometimes it's all about perspectives
A5: Ask Ss how did that lesson go? Ss can tell you what worked and didn't
A4 That they matter and they have choices. That their choices can impact others and that is powerful
A5 We should never avoid reflection because we feel it is time-consuming.
Reflection is clarifying and adds value to our time.
A5: Reflecting is the only way to grow. All experiences are null unless you can reflect on them.
A5: YES!!! Reflection is huge for being about to critique constructively & grow must be real about instructional practice
I completely agree!!! https://t.co/qkiMbWzffO
A4 - Dig dig dig for the facts! I want Ss to make a lifelong habit of challenging the conventional wisdom.
A5: Reflection is where all learning occurs.If we don't reflect how can we move forward. Must build reflection into our lessons for Ss
A5 - We must build in and allow time for reflection even when we think there isn't any. It's that important.
A4 4get partial quotients & the US regions. I want them to know THEY matter...empowered and loved. Evry single day! That's wht matters
definitely something they need to think about. A more compassionate citizen is something all should strive for.
A5: Build time in the day for it and model it.
A5: it allows us to look at what we set out to do and where we ended up. It is part of the plan-act-reflect model.
A5: Reflection leads to productive change. No reflection leads to being stagnant. We want Ss to grow, so we need to grow.
A4) I want all students to know they are loved. From there all things can grow. Love is safe and trusting. It is unconditional.
A5 Reflection is most important part of lesson. Ss learn from one another and Ts learn about their Ss. https://t.co/4XhJLFG5ZB
Why is reflection so important, and how can we increase opportunities for our students to reflect? https://t.co/6mmKTVyjl6
Another great idea to post on the wall and teach to our students...
A5: Reflection is where all learning occurs.If we don't reflect how can we move forward. Must build reflection into our lessons for Ss
A5: reflect with them, model process, life long skill
I hope all Ss make the connection between classroom and real world learning - and then share these connections and experiences
A5. As the wonderful world of education keeps evolving I believe reflection will grow and grow in importance.
a5: reflection tells Ss what they learned instead of what was taught - build it into the lesson not "ok I guess since we have 5 mins"
A5. Reflection is the meta cognition super power to improvement. It is the tool that that allows one to master themselves!
A5: if we don't reflect we forget what made us who we are. We need to encourage Ss to record their risks through journaling/reflection
A6: reflection is where students learn more than just content. They learn about themselves. https://t.co/4JmYsCqm1l
A5: Focus less on "correct answers" and more on process. "Good process" wins in the end.
Love this! It bespeaks passion!
A5.1for Ss, build in reflection at the end of a piece of learning,a class or better yet, when they feel they need to check themselves.
A5: w/o reflection we don't learn from our mistakes. What a lost opportunity that would be!
Why is reflection so important, and how can we increase opportunities for our students to reflect? https://t.co/ERY86aIqvs
Yes! Precisely! It is absolutely that important. https://t.co/tBeaPaVZxy
A5 - We must build in and allow time for reflection even when we think there isn't any. It's that important.
A5 reflection can be as easy as Stop Drop and Write. Can be a 2 minute or 2 sentence summary of what they have experienced.
A5: Reflection is how we grow. Set aside time for students to conference or journal about their learning and embrace it.
pretty much 100% this :) https://t.co/zhqHIAwBpE
A5: w/o reflection we don't learn from our mistakes. What a lost opportunity that would be!
Q5 Reflection, ... perpetuates learning.
A5: Reflection allows us to digest what is new, learn from mistakes, seek and find new learning pathways, appreciate/celebrate success.
A3: Let Ss in our learning, esp in their interests like , books. Never stop wondering!
A5: When something is not working, I need time to reflect & consider what it is about it that's not, or is working for me to adjust.
Reflection requires one look in the mirror to improve instead of the telescope. Focus on what and how you can do better!
A5 is fundamental in learning- we need to reflect on ourselves & our history to move forward! https://t.co/A2kg4JWMAz
5) I put reflection at the top of my own revised Blooms. Evaluating a creation you made that you thought u did well. That's deep.
A5 growth mindset. There's room for improvement. Model how to celebrate failures and learn from mistakes
A5: Reflection helps them make sense of their learning. Make reflection part of the assessment and journal https://t.co/jKKQbVy3Nc
Why is reflection so important, and how can we increase opportunities for our students to reflect? https://t.co/6mmKTVyjl6
Any experience or advice with teaching Ss how to do a newscast? Programs? Outlines?
A7 be. I teach 7th grade and sometimes I have to stop and remind them to just be in the moment. Sometimes we all need that remjnder
A5: Reflection teaches you to look back at what went wrong and adjust your approach to do better and achieve more in the future.
A5 Problem solving & critical thinking.. post-experience ask “How might we improve?” Best done in collaboration with others (diverse)
Stop... and add reflective writing opportunities.
It's simple and powerful. https://t.co/BLwqY8BxBb
A5 reflection can be as easy as Stop Drop and Write. Can be a 2 minute or 2 sentence summary of what they have experienced.
taking chances in their learning is something we must model.Only when they trust will they model what we do. Good points!
There's always reflection. We might not think so but that's why we need to give time for the group to reflect.
ck out he's an expert on this
It's surprising that we sometimes rush so much that we don't have time to reflect.
A5: park phones sometimes and eye to eye talk. Space to think sans screens,
A5: Growth comes from reflection, working with students on creating academic portfolio's they keep improving each year from MS-HS
A5 Reflection is the key to making us all better people. Modeling reflection is impt. I also like writing it down -helps me.
A5: student reflections are where I learn about my teaching. What worked, what to change, what else could I do https://t.co/zEB3aw5YDv
A5 We can all increase reflection opportunities instantly by adding 1-2 minutes of reflective writing in the middle of instruction.
A5: We don't know what we know and what we still need to find out/ learn until we reflect
Excellently worded! Thank you. https://t.co/6TAaOaj5de
A5: Reflection allows us to digest what is new, learn from mistakes, seek and find new learning pathways, appreciate/celebrate success.
A5 When we start learning for learnings sake, for meaningful outcomes...reflection becomes a natural part of the conversation.
A5 Learning comes from consideration of experience. I have Ss record their thinkaloud while revisiting process https://t.co/kvhkVWuMTK
A5) Reflecting is part of learning. Students reflect as part of being a learner. May include reflecting and learning from mistake
There is great opportunity in simple pencil and paper. Scratching ideas onto paper and seeing them staring at us.
A5: Build in think time, exit tickets...but always model 'how to', as this just doesn't come naturally for all.
. Had Joan Didion quote "We tell ourselves stories in order to live" posted in old library.
A5: We set goals, we reflect. We learn, we reflect. We share, we reflect. We breathe, we reflect. Self-reflection is a superpower.
Yes! Such a small amount of time, but so powerful in its potential for improving.
knee to knee discussion & critique for those that struggle with writing - progress critiques in art
A5b Without reflection their is no real growth, fewer connections made...learning is about more than making a grade or passing a test.
A5.2: making reflection an explicit part of the learning process is key. Ss need to see that it's not just learn and move on.
must build reflection in throughout all times of the day, not just at the end of the lesson or end of the day
A5: Reflection's necessary for it all to sink in...Things we learned, things we question, the action plan 2 take learning further.
What a great way to think about it!
A5 in a fast fast world, reflection = slow down. Thinking fast and slow--different, necessary types (Rumination of the human kind)
A5: Reflection is critical to the learning process because how will we know we have learned if we don't take time to reflect?
ugh, work emails and texts and am falling asleep - , I'm going to head out early tonight. Will go back another time and read the rest!
Need 2 cut out but want 2 thank 4 moderating & all the passionate educators Have a wonderful night. Your work inspires
Must take puppy out. Great learning tonight! Thanks
Thanks all!
A5 Thinking about your thinking! No substitute. Increase by valuing it w time, attention, affirmation. Model! https://t.co/zG7AQkCu8w
Why is reflection so important, and how can we increase opportunities for our students to reflect? https://t.co/6mmKTVyjl6
A5 provide rubrics to help Ss reflect throughout a unit. Think about what I know, and where I need to go
probably the most important piece of any day, students must reflect to know the next path they will take
It's so important. To achieve more learning, sometimes the best speed is to slow down. https://t.co/kMTZEULog4
A5: Reflection's necessary for it all to sink in...Things we learned, things we question, the action plan 2 take learning further.
So many in tonight! Looking forward to following all of you for continued learning.
still have a couple of days that need a quote and reflective question if you want to send me one
A5: Reading & writing conferences with students help them learn to reflect!
Love this...always reflecting...always growing! https://t.co/512daahs7f
A5: We set goals, we reflect. We learn, we reflect. We share, we reflect. We breathe, we reflect. Self-reflection is a superpower.
A5:Only by reflection do we learn the good, bad, & ugly.By making it part of their everyday practice, they will see the amazing value.
A4 Each afternoon, my students write a reflection of our learning in a home school journal. This gives parents a window into our day!
A5 Relection is a growth mindset, learning from perceived successes & perceived failures & ones response to both
Probably the hardest part - the realization that just because something is done doesn't mean you move on. https://t.co/Z39fYY64wI
A5 in a fast fast world, reflection = slow down. Thinking fast and slow--different, necessary types (Rumination of the human kind)
First day of school? Do something fun! Play with play doh!
A5 Reflection=best when viewed from all angles. It's vital for Ts&admins to provide multiple "mirror" opportunities for Ss and staff.
Yes, it is such an important part of the day. We need to value it highly. https://t.co/uEXkBBw0r4
probably the most important piece of any day, students must reflect to know the next path they will take
A5: Important to build in reflection for adult learning too. Often it's the part that gets cut.
A5: If we don't reflect on our learning, our decisions, our actions, etc we do not grow. Get it into your lesson plan any way you can.
Oh yeah .. I think a lot about reflection and how we can help it evolve as we move forward. https://t.co/1awKDBlyPF
A6: I'm surprised we haven't talked more. Your first big idea is my whole book. connect people, ideas, lives = learning
A5: Ss need to take pictures, go on gallery walks, create edits to plans etc for reflection, have Ss think when would be a good time
A6: This is the whole thing. This lead and can be involved in all learning. When I read the book, I tied it to everything
A5: Reflection is when real learning happens. It's when synthesis and feelings come together to make meaning.
most of the time Ts neglect b/c they don't think worthwhile or not enough time, buy time when reflecting
Or create action figures!
This discussion tonight is really inspiring me to purchase a copy of TLAP and read it! 😊😊😊. I've heard it's amazing!
A5 Reflection as part of the process gives Ss & Ts permission to hit the pause button. What worked? Didn't? How can you move forward?
Very true. Often we need to think of it this way...
Reflection IS the end game.
most of the time Ts neglect b/c they don't think worthwhile or not enough time, buy time when reflecting
One of the greatest coaching moves is to slow down the conversation to allow the learner time to reflect. https://t.co/sGJ8C9nur6
It's so important. To achieve more learning, sometimes the best speed is to slow down. https://t.co/kMTZEULog4
A5: Reflection's necessary for it all to sink in...Things we learned, things we question, the action plan 2 take learning further.
A6: It means make connections with the material and with life. Also with each other. Through connections, a school will succeed.
Yup metacognition. without it work becomes an end game instead of forward moving
A6: you can easily memorize content. But can you connect it to the world outside these 4 walls? How does it connect to your life?
A6 Connects=relationships, neural connections, prof. connections (hello twitter), learning=celebration of connections "Ah Ha!"
A6: Personal connections drive students more than anything else. Make that connection and you can teach them anything.
A6: coonnections are everything! (connections to teacher, peers, content, life, etc, etc, etc)
A6: Learning is complex. Connections bring new meaning to what one may have perceived different.
A6: It's not just about making content-related connections, it's also about making human connections.
A6a Learning on my own is a one-shot thing repeated over n over. Making connections (synapses or networking w/others) leverages scale+
A6: Learned this during - The more connections, the more powerful the learning experience!
A6: We belong to each other. Learning helps us be part of something bigger than ourselves. Creates awareness, empathy, passion
yes! It is the part that gets cut and that is why we tend to move away from our vision.
This is very important to understand...
A6: It's not just about making content-related connections, it's also about making human connections.
A6: connect content to Ss real life...and the connections we personally make with Ss. Teach Ss first..content second! Connect w/ them.
when Ss feel open to reflect, open to feedback, open to lifelong learning!
A6:Connections are the key to all learning and to all life.It's about taking the next step, gaining an foothold, & then stepping again
A2 modeling acknowledging mistakes, risk taking and reflection will result in students doing the same https://t.co/YW4NoKaGF9
Q2 How does the learning journey of the teacher impact the learning journeys of the students? https://t.co/g4LR1qA5T2
A6: Ss connect to Ts. In a board members should connect. CEOs, principals. All connections increase learning potential.
A6 From a science perspective we are part of the natural world. Making connections to it helps us understand it.
A6 Learning is connected to life, each subject is connected to the other...ed should help Ss make sense of the world & see connections
Do either of you have strategies that help you to reflect?
Then they will remember it too!
A6 Connections make things relatable. What do you know about this that gives you a foothold to understanding. https://t.co/7NNcBoOsgo
I'd love to do a gallery walk of your classroom! :)
A6b It’s perspectives again.. others perceive differently than me.. so I can learn from others’ perception & learning becomes holistic
A6: Finally, it means connecting with each other. We learn through experience, talking. That's why Twitter chats are so great!
A6 if you can't connect your learning then it's thought to hang on to. Ss need to anchor new to known https://t.co/dc1quuV0q5
A6: connections with the learning are important to build interest, connections between Ss builds a learning community.
Hmmm... maybe you just brought us to a new term.
Digital Gallery Walk.
Connections are everything. T & S, S & S, S & content, S & world. Meaning and community is found in the connections made.
A5 Reflection is a powerful time of getting honest about where we've been, how we've been changed, and where we need to go next.
wow! This is about the 3rd time I have heard about the OODA loop in the past week! I think I need to pay attention!
A6: Learning is about making sense of the world around us ... about understanding how one thing is connected to another.
A6 not necessarily academic connections...
We've used and Twitter chats as staff. Good old journaling too.
A6:making connections means building relationships with Ss, helping them see what they are learning is relevant to their "real lives."
A5: Reflection creates connection, context, understanding. Stop and jot, turn and talk with purpose, WRITING!
A6. Connections help to make ideas, dreams and perceptions a reality. Learning, and LIFE, itself is all about making connections.
A6 b connecting students to what they already know, what they like, what leads to THEIR passions
A6: Connections make "it" matter!
Exactly https://t.co/gKxhSfi6HP
A6. Connections help to make ideas, dreams and perceptions a reality. Learning, and LIFE, itself is all about making connections.
with those anchor charts? YUP!
A6.Learning is connecting old knowledge to new information to create new knowledge. Connections are insights, enlightenments, etc.
A6) I think it means making a connection with our students by understanding what they are passionate about.
I like the all the options. I love the good old journaling myself, too.
A6: "Just Like Me" awesome game for connections between students. Super easy and lasts for months! https://t.co/qrtUXaCyoT
A6: "Just Like Me" awesome game for connections between students. Super easy and lasts for months! https://t.co/CaRAAWnTPs
A6: "Don't expect kids to follow you, if they can't connect your lesson to something tangible that they know" https://t.co/DjS4g5tLuK
This is really important! Always keep the relationships front and center.
A6: Learning doesn't happen in isolation...connect with people, ideas, places, dreams, mistakes...and learn deeply.
Hey Pirates. Matt from the STL, teach MS. Sorry for long absence. Parenting a 5 year old. 'teasy
As we move into the last Q... there have been SO MANY powerful message tonight!
A6: Project Based Learning is perfect for students to make broader connections between classes. Helps create deeper learning
A6 Gr8 points on connections. My out of the box thought "connections 2the inner you& where you go with that" We can make a difference
Checking out a few minutes early! Great chat tonight!!
That's true. Are there any specific projects that you find to be really good?
I know! I need a class from Teresa on how to do this. So amazing!
A7: We're a family and we're here for each other. Let's do this!
A7) The message that I'd write is Always learning
a7: I would ask students about passions, write words DREAM BIG put passions around it Create, Innovate, Design https://t.co/blbiC0Y3Oq
A7: if I can't make it matter to you. It doesn't matter.
A6.“When you live on a round planet, there’s no choosing sides.” ~Wayne Dyer Connections should be modeled. https://t.co/mrJTaLs18Z
Love it! I think you should post it on your wall! https://t.co/98396x7TOy
A7: We're a family and we're here for each other. Let's do this!
Enjoyed the chat. Must make an early exit!
The message on my wall is "Find your passion and ACT on it!" Because passion without action is just a dream.
A6 2 fold -relationship level- w/out trust meaningful learning can not occur & content level all subjs are connected