Good evening! We will be following Q1/A1 format tonight and make sure you include #formativechat in your responses. Introduce yourself by sharing your name, where and what you teach and your favorite subject as a student.
Good evening, #formativechat! Lauren from New York, currently on leave from teaching 6th grade English to write about integrating #SEL into academics, so tonight’s topic is close to my heart. 😊❤️
Hello everyone. Luis in Rhode Island. I work with the ELL students in my HS. Just finished the mandated state testing. We all need a break. #formativechat
A1: In core classes, Ts are always having conversation w/Ss to set goals for MAP. They have to have an action plan and details how they will achieve desired targets. Since testing is seasonal, they need to actively monitor their choices to hit the next target. #formativechat
A2: As an instructional leader, I am working to inform and support a change with a focus on the student and away from assessment penalties that don't connect to knowledge of content or progress towards assessment #formativechat
It’s left up to the teacher. My policy is I take all formative materials pretty much with a 2 week window. I’m not assessing their time management on daily tasks. Long term tasks I do assess time/work with standards #formativechat
A1 We can measure WHAT students do (read, write, think, solve problems) separately from HOW they do it (productively, efficiently, thoroughly, creatively, compassionately). Let’s guide them to choose how—according to their values. #formativechat
Hi all! Sorry I’m late! I don’t have a good reason today. 😂 I teach 6th grade science in PA, and we don’t have school tomorrow already... #formativechat
A1 - I try my best to separate the learning from the habits as much as possible. I try to keep this in mind at all I assessing learning or and I looking for obedience? I choose learning. #formativechat
A1: look at the same piece of work over time - how have they used your feedback? Give Ss strategies and have them develop #metacognition through self-reflection #formativechat
A1: I have been batting this one around with my teammates, because I want to make sure I am grading content, not timeliness or neatness. I am constantly asking myself if what I am assessing is a reflection of the standard. #FormativeChat
A1: Most of my assessments are 1:1, which helps keep kids focused on the task at hand. With other kids, knowing my students well meant that I knew who I might need to make modifications for when it came to assessment #formativechat
A1: In a perfect world part of our PLC work is intended to share, callibrate an plan. Sometimes this happens other times, not :( So routine look at this is done with each teacher. #formativechat.
A1: Work habits are a skill held in high regard in our district. We have a division-wide policy for late assignments. Our students take great pride in their work, formative or not :) #formativechat
Not really. I see it more with teachers who have worked a lot with collaborative students since the focus is more on learning/growth #formativechat it’s easier to do in ELA than math
A1: Assessment - 1:1 is preferred but also like the info. I get from RazKids comprehension assessments and blended learning apps like Squiggle Park and HappyNumbers that show progress over time. #formativechat
A1 - I try to focus on the learning and separate the two. Feel that is a district goal as well. But many Ts tied to the behavior / conformity mindset and tie assessment to the way they feel things should be done rather than where the S is at. #formativechat
A1: I use Seesaw to share results of data dashboards, writing, etc. with students and parents to collaborate on celebration of growth and to set goals. #formativechat
a1 #formativechat I'd love to be able to always retest but of you have 300 students a week, this isn't always practical. So I try to make sure that they have a range of opportunities. One bad day does not make up their world.
A1: "due dates" should be flexible - even though we want Ss to learn time management, we still need to practice #equity and provide Ss with they need to be successful, whether in assessment or instruction #formativechat
This is an interesting take on the conversation. Totally agree on avoiding obedience. With that said and if using a habit as a guiding path, it can lead to great growth. Likewise, growth is a great goal, but without a path it's tough to achieve. #formativechat
A1: I want quality work not on time work. Want to see what ss know, not what they know at specific time. I don’t take late points away-that doesn’t measure learning. I model and have the practice communicating with me. Why isn’t it done? When do you think you can? #formativechat
Yup. I gave students descriptive feedback on their first draft and had them take the feedback to improve on their next draft - they had to write a one paragraph reflection (or tell me) how they improved based on the feedback. #formativechat
Just because a student does what we ask them when we ask them (correct or incorrect response is overlooked most of the time) it does not mean that student has learned anything. Obedience does not mean learning. #formativechat
On our current essay I told my Ss that the due date was Friday for final draft. I knew they wouldn’t be done. In MY head the real due date final is tomorrow. #formativechat
A1 Our district does not allow zeroes. We try to provide time before, during, and after school to allow Ss to take care of work not turned in. We try to hold Ss accountable for their work habits. #formativechat
A2 There is a spot on report cards for work habits, but I don't think that is the best way to relay that information. Ongoing feedback that is kind, specific, and helpful is much more beneficial. #formativechat
A2 - Two different parts of the conversation or different convos all together. Some Ss don't need to do all the practice while others need to do more than what is being assigned. All feedback needs to be specific to the student, not generic. #formativechat
a1 #formativechat continues.. I'm sure we've all had a bad day but we continue. If they constantly flunking then they aren't ready for the next level and that's ok too. The race of life is not linear.
A2: need to do better with this. When ss or parents ask, I tell them to use me as a resource. Ask for help. The ones who don’t ask for help don’t benefit from my help.I do walk around and assist everyone, but those who ask get my help more often and quality help. #formativechat
I’m trying a reflection component this time. Students will write about what went wrong or what went right with the assignment. This will also allow me to reflect on the process #formativechat
A2: separate by success criteria (SC) and task requirements (TR) - you don't grade/evaluate the TR but you do with the SC - they are two different things. You can still provide feedback on TR but they are not part of final grade. #formativechat
A2 - #2 We have the luxury of reporting on grades and habits separately on our report cards. We are working on improving our reporting on habits and I am excited to see this in action. #formativechat
I love the thought that one bad day does not make or break a child. The more Ss you have the harder it becomes to provide individual feedback. Do you have any tips? #formativechat
A2: "Work study" shows up on report cards as "effort." I feel like in Kindergarten I do the support work in how I structure the activities to keep my little people busy and engaged. I always ask myself "what can I do to make this more engaging?" #formativechat
Ya. Most convinced that they are doing Ss a favour, preparing for real world, preparing for University. It like the only way they feel can get desired outcome they are looking for. I don’t think it’s a power thing. Just way they were taught and worked for them. #formativechat
A2: When I taught Math, work study habits were those skills we taught “on the side.” We provided support and organization assistance as needed. Some students needed more help than others. The district eventually adopted the AVID program which worked well for some. #FormativeChat
I am out tomorrow the day the essay is due! I had students sign an accountability contract to note what they’ve done, the help I’ve offered and what help they’ve used #formativechat
A2: you have to provide FB on BOTH success criteria and task requirements. Ss need to use FB from both categories to develop their hard and soft skills #formativechat
A2.1 Even more important than “doing well” by my standards is learning to make their work meaningful. Why would they develop “good work habits” if that work doesn’t matter? #formativechat
A2: My schoolmaster a 28 minute time slot built into our day for RTI, but we also use it to assist Ss needing additional time /support on assignments. #formativechat
Not just the WHY but WHAT are we assessing. Just because I write an assessment it doesn't mean that it is a quality/accurate assessment. All learning targets should be identified for every assessment item. No "I gotcha" moments allowed! #formativechat
A2: I provide feedback to the students and parents using rubrics, and I have been implementing self-assessments, as well. In regards to study habits, I like to have conversations with the students to address these concerns. #formativechat
A2: Keep feedback purposeful and targeted to the objectives for learning. As far as parents, we have a separate SEL & exec functioning section on report cards (homework is not included) that is not connected to academics. #FormativeChat
A2 I'm constantly making connections of the work habits in school to the eventual work habits in the work force. Some of my students have started working after school so they are also making the connections. Constant reminding of all our obligations. #formativechat
A2: Work study can be tricky if we honor various learning styles. I encourage quality vs. quantity and adjust based on the learner. I have a student who gets nervous if rushed, l let her work at her pace and focus on whether the work she provide shows learning #formativechat
I can see what you are saying but many times we give more "credit" to Ss that are always engaged in the conversation, always do their HW, etc. but that does not mean they have learned what was being assessed. #formativechat
Exactly! The assessment has to be valid! Students should know what they are being assessed on, and if we are grading it that material needed to be taught to them. An unfocused and unaligned assessment helps no one! #formativechat
A2: Work study can be tricky, esp. if we honor personal learning style. I have a Ss who shuts down if rushed. I let them work at their own pace focus on quality vs. quantity - look for evidence of learning. #formativechat
I have seen a problem when Ts don't hold that lens that grades are only for the standards. I have seen grades deducted and bonus points awarded for effort, timeliness, neatness. What do you feel about this? #formativechat
No "I gotcha" moments allowed in ANY assessments. Stop trying to trick students and actually assess them on what you have taught them. Period. #formativechat
Exactly! The assessment has to be valid! Students should know what they are being assessed on, and if we are grading it that material needed to be taught to them. An unfocused and unaligned assessment helps no one! #formativechat
Oh, absolutely on the same page with you! Encourage the behavior that leads to success. Participation doesn't matter, it's good participation. I remember a professor that gave +1 point for good participation, and -1 point for wanting to hear your own voice. #formativechat
A2 - Start the class by setting the ground work for relationships with Ss. Most of the time when you concentrate on the the learner and provide supports positive habits will develop and grow. Have to model, nurture, and have expectations #formativechat
The littles are so open & honest about their work ~ the great, the bumps & they are always spot on w/areas they need dev in ~ reflection, ownership in learning starts young and needs to be interwoven in the daily learning experiences 😊 #formativechat
A3: A lot of coaching and reteaching, sometimes 1:1 sometimes in the small groups where the skill needs to be practiced. The "soft skills" are the foundation of all the learning that happens. #formativechat
A3: We have to not only encourage use of "soft skills", but we have to make time for those skills to be practiced. Beyond this, we have to model these skills for our Ss to see. If we use them when interacting with other Ss and staff, we can make connections. #formativechat
A2: its important that the Ss leads feedback on study habits. Ss need to feel like it's ok to be honest but as parents & Ts be ready to not belittle the lack of a habit but help them find a way to understand their shortcomings in their own way that impacts them
Those are all task requirements that should not be graded - where in the curriculum does it say that neatness is an expectation?? I have a real issue with this :) #formativechat
A2: At the end of our Personal Narrative - I had students pick a favorite piece, then grade it based on a rubric. Then I gave my responses and often saw they were harder on themselves than I was. #formativechat
A3: I think one of the benefits of not assigning soft skills with a numerical grade is that the pressure is not there. WE can each be working to grow without comparing them to others. #FormativeChat
A3 Making time for conversations, so important to talk with our Ss, build relationships and keep the communication open, build confidence by providing the right support #formativechat
A3 One of the key soft-skills is situational problem solving. Give students printed instructions for tasks, then let them follow independently. Assess how well they follow instructions, then introduce some choice into instructions when they can follow them. #formativechat
A3 - Best thing I did was take all grades/marks off all Formative Assessments, only give feedback.
For all Summative Assessments, when I give back the assessment the first time it only has feedback, NO GRADES. Focus on the learning, not the end mark/grade. #formativechat
Those expectations are really more for the Ts benefit. It is easier to grade and give feedback when all the Ss papers/assignments are in at the same time. It is easier to grade when Ss work is llegible. It shouldn't be about the T, but the Ss learning! #formativechat
In reply to
@raspberryberet3, @jchandlerteach, @SteinbrinkLaura
1. bring these employers in to talk to Ss
2. develop these skills through #inquiry and service projects
3. focus on descriptive feedback over grades - don't give grade until the end & then negotiate a grade w/ S based on their work over the semester/term
~soft skills are imho lifelong skills that need to be modeled, practiced & tweaked according to the needs of the Ss & needs to be an integral part of all we do ~ no add on PART OF
A3 We are encouraging older students to build relationships with younger students. This helps them with collaboration with someone that isn't on the same level, with older students practicing patience and the younger practicing communication skills. #formativechat
#formativechat a3 TAG feedback strategy is helpful in that it's building 21c skills. Student feedback for and by their peers. I also like @LaurenPorosoff's ideas.
A3: Feedback on soft skills. I think we provide feedback to each other via community meetings and LOTS of opportunity to work together (small group learning, teaching Ss how to coach each other, how to resolve conflict, how to listen, give and take critique, etc.)#formativechat
A3: we should not be assigning grades to these soft skills - it's not in the curriculum - instead focus on developing these skills through FB, practice, conversations, & community projects w/ Ss #formativechat
This is excellent. I had trouble time managing getting two rounds out (feedback only, then the score), but I love that you made it work! #formativechat
A3: what are soft skills, why they are important, and how they are going to be assessed. It shouldn't be a got you type of thing but an on going process in which Ss reflect on where they are at and how they can show growth and/or mastery.
I don’t do that. School policy provides Ss be allowed to turn in work up to 1 week late & for no more than 20% deduction. Ts are allowed to give more time/deduct fewer points, but can’t deduct more. Can extend time to turn it in but not demand sooner. #formativechat
Exactly! I have my Ss self-assess, reflect, and set goals for themselves after every summative assessment. This has been a game changer! If you have not done it yet, do it now! #formativechat
A3: Soft skills are embedded into EVERYTHING that I do. I model eye contact. I explicitly teach how to give a proper handshake. I teach how to give feedback, with a compliment always taking the lead. I model forgiveness, grace, and LISTENING. #FormativeChat
A3: give them time to practice these skills. As I crutch around and meet with them individually, I model and discuss these skills. Would love to have a.l checklist to mark off individual strength and weaknesses in these areas. 🤔🤔🤔 #formativechat
A3: I can't say enough about #metacognition in development of these skills - Ss getting to know each other and ensuring Ss work w/ diff Ss w/ diff strengths. #formativechat
A3 Soft skills development is being reinforced throught group projects and peer mentoring. The students who have been in the country the longest help the newer arrivals. They build collaborative skills and learn to communicate through different ways. #formativechat
I have seen this work extremely well in multiple settings! You can also build core focuses on the program to nudge the discussions and therefore the skills used in certain directions too. Different skills practiced at appropriate ages. #formativechat
it's also about #equity and #UDL; Ss need to be provided w/ the supports and accommodations they need - if it's not neat, yes it might be harder to grade but neatness itself should not be part of a Ss grade. #formativechat
In reply to
@Isham_Literacy, @jchandlerteach, @SteinbrinkLaura
A3: Even doing little things daily like practicing eye contact, firm handshakes, and such can really help build those soft skills. Can also spend a few minutes daily on organization. #formativechat
As Ss get older I feel that it works better when we incorporate the soft skills into all their learning. I teach Kinder so much of our instruction is direct instruction following by support during practice. #formativechat
It def is an issue and I'm working hard to have these convos w/ teachers..many are coming around = just like the fact that not all assessments have to be written - why not assess Ss orally? #formativechat
Thank you all for joining in another amazing chat this week! And thank you again to @Rdene915 and @EMercedLearning for being such great leaders! #formativechat
Not often enough probably. I don’t see any but my own child’s. If an assignment is overdue, I personally add a note. Not many do is my guess. #formativechat
A3: Oh -- modeling is another way to show soft skills. Ask kids to give the T feedback. Really interesting. Show students we are human and share the same struggles they do. #formativechat
Yes! I agree! That is #equity and #UDL - let them type it out, use Google R&W, have a conversation with you, do a poster, brochure etc..give them choice! #formativechat
In reply to
@msyoung114, @Isham_Literacy, @jchandlerteach, @SteinbrinkLaura
A3 - Create and work on a positive classroom where Ss can not only learn content but also on the learning process. Formative assessment is crucial. Work on self and peer assessment as well. #formativechat
We have started cross grade level work @GlenwoodES . My littles have fourth grade buddies and I even have one being mentored by a fourth grader. #formativechat
YES!!! YES!!! YES!! It's time that we started looking at assessments differently. If we can accept that students learn differently, certainly they should be able to show what they have learned in different formats. #FormativeChat
It def is an issue and I'm working hard to have these convos w/ teachers..many are coming around = just like the fact that not all assessments have to be written - why not assess Ss orally? #formativechat
A3: what are soft skills, why they are important now & into the future, and what does mastery look like. Model them and make them habits. I do, we do, and you do.
Thanks, after 20 years in the classroom I do not see where a single grade defines ANYTHING any student has or will ever do. Sorry. I cannot wait for the day we abolish all grades and move toward comments about progress made toward mastery. #formativechat
I find open-ended questioning is the best way to develop these “soft skills.” Students need to reflect about their learning beyond the content. (How can you use what you have learned today to apply to other content/learning?) @jehaws#FormativeChat
I utilize Google forms and a document merger. If you are interested, message me and I can send you my form. I would love to see how you would use it in your classroom. #formativechat
A1: Much of my assessment is done through observation and discussions In 1:1 conversation we talk about progress on tasks and challenges or distractions that might be interfering with tasks. #formativechat
A3: We have meaningful conversations about what I am doing when I am modeling listening skills, forgiveness, and speaking up "loud and proud." When students learn how to speak in front of their peers, they come to me timid, and leave bold and empowered. #formativechat
Yes! He should be able to demonstrate his learning in other ways - graphics, text to speech, oral assessments, needs to change! #formativechat
In reply to
@msyoung114, @Isham_Literacy, @jchandlerteach, @SteinbrinkLaura
@goformative A1: In my district, we do standards based grading. Productivity & work habits are given their own grades under "Learning Behavior Characteristics". We can truly track if a student is meeting, approaching or just beginning to understand standards! #formativechat
A3: Many of my students are in our space to develop these soft skills necessary for success. Discussion, modeling & setting goal help keep us all of on track. Soft skills are a critical part of independence, community contribution, as well as necessary job skills #formativechat
@goformative A2:When giving feedback to students, we highlight students' mistakes, so we can see if they are able to correct it on their own.This shows us if the students made a silly mistake/really do "meet" standards.Then able to give them productivity under LBCs #formativechat
@goformative A3: The learning behavior characteristics in standards based grading highlight productivity, participation, homework, and preparedness. These are the "soft skills" and we are able to give specific feedback directly related to each of these categories. #formativechat
@leadlearnerfeed I agree with you that discussion modeling and goal setting would be the best way to teach students "soft skills" for success in the real world. #formativechat