Has pogut iniciar un procés de transformació 🔁 d'un espai educatiu 🏫 i vols compartir 👥 la teva experiència? O en tens ganes i no saps com fer-ho?
📢 L'1 DE DESEMBRE celebrem a La Model i l' @EXirinacs l'#EDCAMP d'#ESPAISEDUCATIUS, l'@edEspaisedu!
✍️ https://t.co/XEwZQXtLtW
One of the greatest privileges I have had is connecting with my friend @SuleJacobs from Nigeria. #WorldsofMaking is a proud sponsor of the first @EdcampNigeria, which he is helping to organize. Read about his passion for his country and education here: https://t.co/y3cIpQgCIR