We invite all educators to contribute to the conversation of preparing preservice teachers as well as practicing teachers for the realities of the 21st-century classroom. This includes principals, in-service teachers, university supervisors of student teachers, education professors, higher education administration, instructional technology specialists, and so on. Anyone with a vested interest in supporting our teachers in preparation for teaching the diverse K-12 student population is invited to participate.
I’m tonight's guest #teacheredchat moderator & work at @millsapscollege in Jackson, MS. Questions driving my research & teaching: What does it mean to become a (science) teacher? For Whom? Under what conditions? & For what purposes?
A1: def agree with @cherisemcb. There is an idea of what a teacher should be, often driven by their own schooling experiences and savior media representations #teacheredchat
A1. So many! Def. those that @cherisemcb named & immigration histories, sometimes histories from 1st careers, a diverse range of political ideologies & goals for students as well as experiences w/ diverse students #Teacheredchat
A1.2: In our program there are also many 1st college students so they bring the experiences of navigating institutional systems at multiple levels #TeacherEdChat
A1: Like @Tim_Monreal mentions the very notion of 'teacher' maintains an ideological lineage of 'knower'/'known'/knowledge/'unknower/known. TEs must explore these in depth.
A2. We do a cross-curricular #linkedlearning (college/ career readiness) assessment project & the ways my candidates tie in content w/ career prep in rigorous & engaging ways in just a couple weeks is AMAZING #TeacherEdChat
A1: Teachers benefit students through storytelling! It becomes so real when you, as a student, hear something that resonates with you. That captures your interest in learning and are eager to explore more. @inquiryfive#teacheredchat
A2: When they raise, grapple, & critical examine dynamic questions around the notion of what it means to become educated. Ts like @kasi_mae (& other @majorseducate Ss) wow me every time! #teacheredchat
A2.1 - My teachers are really wow me with their flexibility & adaptability, their willingness to consider the power of digital pedagogies & innovation & when they realize how #literacies are powerful in every classroom #Teacheredchat
A2.1 - My teachers also really wow me with their flexibility & adaptability, their willingness to consider the power of digital pedagogies & innovation & when they realize how #literacies are powerful in every classroom #Teacheredchat
A2: Students were absolutely shocked to learn about the lasting segregation of schooling in U.S. (also mechanisms for its perpetuation) - unpacking this led to a lot of reflection for students #teacheredchat
YES! I find holding space & providing opportunities to engage w/ innovation (sometimes more guided, sometimes less) allows the brilliance of teacher candidates to shine. They always impress me #teacheredchat
A2 the TED candidates I've worked w/ bring diverse skill sets to the pgm! When we put together our end of yr tech publication & showcase they show up & show OUT w/graphic design, event planning, marketing. In ADDITION to outstanding content! s/o to #MUSEdigped! #teacheredchat
Great Q, @Tim_Monreal! For me the desire to have Ts 'know proper content knowledge,' also reproduces the historical lineages of tradition for the discipline (e.g. science). Thus --'knowing science' is also about performing historical norms of 'good scientist'. #teacheredchat
A3. We anchor all my TED courses in personal & professional histories by beginning w/ an intros discussion board & in my #edse457 (#literacies) course, we bring histories/ identities into our visual narrative assignment #Teacheredchat
Great Q, @Tim_Monreal! For me the desire to have Ts 'know proper content knowledge,' also reproduces the historical lineages of tradition for the discipline (e.g. science). Thus --'knowing science' is also about performing historical norms of 'good scientist'. #teacheredchat
A3.1 - I also am reading student exit slips & open to responding to concerns they bring (personal/ professional) to the classroom bc the goal is not to indoctrinate w/ my views, but to grow collectively through their diverse knowledge & perspectives #Teacheredchat
A1 - the same ones that teacher educators should be preparing them to encounter, empower, cherish, and sometimes disrupt in their future #k12 classrooms #teacherEdChat#edchat
A3. We anchor all my TED courses in personal & professional histories by beginning w/ an intros discussion board & in my #edse457 (#literacies) course, we bring histories/ identities into our visual narrative assignment #Teacheredchat
A3 I seek to honor TED candidates' position as learners. Recognize that they bring much w/them, yet still deserve flexibility to grow. Informed by Kris Gutierrez @krisgu's "repertoires of practice"--expansive undstng of learning in cultural historical context #teacheredchat
A4. Explicitly teaching asset framing & drawing from frameworks like Yosso's Community Cultural Wealth & Moll et al.'s Funds of Knowledge (at the preservice level) help us to see the brilliance of our teacher candidates. Not just true at K-12 #Teacheredchat
Haha..And of course historical norms of 'good scientist' (along w/most content) are ripe with vectors of power (@MarcRHiggins) be it patriarchy, sexism, ableism, racism, colonialism.... #teacheredchat.
A4.2: We also can't draw from the abundance our candidates bring if we don't know who we are. Teacher Educators have to practice what we preach about knowing our students & supporting them as individuals w/ diverse histories & experiences #Teacheredchat
A4: As someone who just finished teaching undergrads for first time seeing their passion, joy, and excitement was refreshing. I can learn from that. How can we sustain this in tough teaching realities? It is easy for us doing critical work to lose sight of this. #teacheredchat
Agreed. I think we have to focus on the moments of joy. When my candidates reflect on all they're taking with them from my courses into their future classrooms (and how often it reinforces & deepens their previous perspectives), it reminds me why I do this work #TeacherEdChat
Haha..And of course historical norms of 'good scientist' (along w/most content) are ripe with vectors of power (@MarcRHiggins) be it patriarchy, sexism, ableism, racism, colonialism.... #teacheredchat.
Yes, because 'content knowledge' is perceived a safe, neutral, and fixed. So TE might try to rattle Ts images of content with care. The conversations can either empower or further (oppress) Ts practice. #teacheredchat
A4: As someone who just finished teaching undergrads for first time seeing their passion, joy, and excitement was refreshing. I can learn from that. How can we sustain this in tough teaching realities? It is easy for us doing critical work to lose sight of this. #teacheredchat
A4 While we all know we have a lot to teach/offer, we must also affirm what students are already bringing with them. Which req's us to learn/listen to the texture of that. Can't know what we don't take the time to learn #teacheredchat
Whew this #teacheredchat is always the fastest 30 mins! Thanks to everyone who chimed in tonight. I really enjoyed hearing about the specific work you are doing for Ts.
A5 I think this is one of the most important partnerships in any school - between ESL and special ed tchrs-but if that’s true, why don’t those departments collaborate at teacher preparation colleges? College should model interdisciplinary collab! #ELLCHAT#spedchat#TeacherEdChat