#PatinsIcam Archive

A weekly half hour chat focused on improving access to education for PK-12 students through the use of Accessible Educational Materials (AEM), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Assistive Technology (AT).

Tuesday October 16, 2018
8:30 PM EDT

  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    Hellooo! Welcome to our @PATINSPROJECT chat! We truly value this time. IN educator? PGP cert link will be tweeted at end! #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    As always, we are super excited about tonight's topic.. But first... #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:31 PM EDT
    Tell us who u are and in the spirit of fall season share ur wannabe Halloween costume 4 u or ur pet with a GIF Be sure to model accessibility by adding GIF description! Don't forget to use the hashtag 4 each tweet! #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    Hi. Kelil in Indiana, a @PATINSPROJECT Specialist in ASD,SLD, Chrome Accessibility, AEM, AT Integration and ur moderator! If I had this dog the wannabe pet costume: [GIF: dog wearing unicorn costume] #PatinsIcam
  • BevSharritt Oct 16 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    hello! Bev Sharritt, specialist for Blind/Low Vision for PATINS #PatinsIcam I am knitting a cactus hat for my 2 month old grandaughter--if you watch The Good Place you will understand.
  • jconradslp Oct 16 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    Hi, Jessica, SLP + PATINS Specialist and Disney Nerd, so this Halloween I'm going to be a character from Disney's Wreck-It Ralph [gif: Taffyta Muttonfudge licking a lollipop, looking unimpressed] #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    Awe! Can't wait to see THAT! #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @BevSharritt
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    I am Julie Kuhn, PATINS Specialist for Orthopedic Access to the Curriculum, AAC, AT Team Development. Feeling a Halloween Ninja thing going on. #PatinsIcam
  • punkspeced Oct 16 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    I’m Jenna Ferguson and I wanna be Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter with my snake Mosby. My gif is Myrtle descending into the toilet #PatinsIcam
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:34 PM EDT
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    Tonight we are discussing the AEM Quality Indicators https://t.co/WtfDTgw0Ze ! Be ready to share and ask questions! #PatinsIcam
  • BevSharritt Oct 16 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    how do you copy/paste a gif in Twitter? #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    We will post questions as Q1, Q2, etc. Pls tweet your response with A1, A2, etc. Don't forget to add the hashtag to each tweet! #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    Search for the GIF in your Tweet box! #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @BevSharritt
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    Q1 We're talking about Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) Quality Indicators! Why are these important? #PatinsIcam
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    A1: A1: it provides a solid standard of operations. #PatinsIcam
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    A1: I think of the QI's as the force that informs our service. Also, as a scoop, that rakes in those students w/print disabilities and no IEP. #patinsicam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    A1: They aren't just important, AEM is essential 4 Ss with SLD. If we truly want 2 what our Ss know, feel, think- specialized formats r imperative to their learning. Ss NEED 2 know and feel they r worth it. Invest in them #PatinsIcam
  • punkspeced Oct 16 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    A1 They give you the blueprints to make sure your students and your district are giving out what is needed as far as accessibility #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    Q2: Every year schools are purchasing materials- how do we ensure they are accessible? #PatinsIcam
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    A2: Make sure the textbook adoption committees request accessible formats be sent to the NIMAC.#PatinsIcam
  • jconradslp Oct 16 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A2: Write it in the contract language! ICAM has samples https://t.co/uWU4QduP1E #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A2: Make sure textbook committees r having those conversations w companies and KNOW what to ask. U dont know what u dont know. Resource: https://t.co/uF4ofWhTEr Sample language ex: https://t.co/AlsoccTJf0 #PatinsIcam
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A1: Absolutely, Kelli. And they help us by giving the guide for planning, implementing, evaluating how to do that. #patinsicam
  • BevSharritt Oct 16 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A2: Make sure whomever signs the contract for the materials knows to include language that ensures accessibility #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A2: Q's to ask textbook adopt: Is it real text? Can it be highlighted and read by a screen reader? If it has a screen reader built in, does it highlight text, can it be adjusted and manipulated. How easy is it to utilize? #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A2: More Q's to ask textbook adopt: Can it be changed with regard to color, size, background? Can outside AT be used with it or is it locked down? Are any included videos captioned? Can someone using a screen reader like JAWS navigate the material easily? #PatinsIcam
  • jconradslp Oct 16 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A2: taking some of the materials for a test drive with a student might be helpful too. It might meet the letter of the contract, but IT and Ts might need to plan some more #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A2: Some more Q's 2 ask textbook adopt: If responses from Ss are required as part of the material being purchased, does it allow for multiple ways to respond? Outside Speech To Text Software, alternate keyboards, joysticks, etc? #PatinsIcam
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A2: For students who are chafee qualified, use the contract language on the ICAM web site.#patinsicam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A2: If materials will be used on multiple types of devices, ask for it to be demonstrated on all of them when considering adoption of materials. #PatinsIcam
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:42 PM EDT
    A2: We need to make sure non-textbook materials, such as teacher-or district-generated curriculum are accessible as well by district policy. #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:42 PM EDT
    Q3: "Timely Manner" means at the same time as every other student. How can we ensure AEM is provided in a timely manner? #PatinsIcam
  • jconti281 Oct 16 @ 8:42 PM EDT
    Jen Conti Data & Outreach + SLP wannabe costume is idk!! Last year I was popcorn though #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    How fun is THAT? ha #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @jconti281
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A4: We need to make sure we consider the need well in advance and provide accurate order information #PatinsIcam
  • punkspeced Oct 16 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A3 By making sure large print materials are ordered in April before that school year begins in August #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A3: Having a sustainable, fluid system built within the district so Ts know they how, what and way. Training each yr on that system and how to access contacts #PatinsIcam
  • jconti281 Oct 16 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A3: notify the ICAM ASAP #PatinsIcam
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    Q3: I tell DRMs and teachers, Plan Ahead. If you wait until the school year begins, there goes "timely manner." Particularly for hard copy braille and LP.#patinsicam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    Yes! https://t.co/xtEH5ItVwu #PatinsIcam
  • jconradslp Oct 16 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    A3: check in, keep the lines of communication open. Have a well designed process that includes ALL students, share widely, ensure everyone (including students) understand what it is and take data #PatinsIcam
  • BevSharritt Oct 16 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    A3: for Braille, it means early ordering so that it can be produced in time--but also having a plan B because creative teachers should be allowed to change plans/materials last minute--so a transcribing staff/plan and embosser #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:45 PM EDT
    Thanks for bringing that up! This is such an important point. Preplanning without a doubt! #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @punkspeced
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:45 PM EDT
    Q4: How do you provide assistance for staff to use AEM? #PatinsIcam
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    A4: The ICAM team has written a document explaining all things ICAM. Please share this liberallly.#patinsicam
  • jconti281 Oct 16 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    Here's the link to the contract language. #PatinsIcam https://t.co/WbgFU01PfG
    • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:41 PM EDT
      A2: For students who are chafee qualified, use the contract language on the ICAM web site.#patinsicam
  • jconradslp Oct 16 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    A3: for students that don't qualify for ICAM services, making sure that students aren't stuck with shoddy bandaid solutions. Free apps and cheap extensions for AEM is nice, but not FAPE when it doesn't work with 1/2 of your math and science books. #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    A4: Providing a lot of training about accommodations and the WHY. It's not about us as Ts, it's about our Ss. #PatinsIcam
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A4: Design a nifty flowchart? #PatinsIcam
  • punkspeced Oct 16 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A4 Make sure staff is trained and comfortable with the materials. Training and making sure there’s a document out that everyone knows about and can access. #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    We have seen this work in action and if created, ALL staff need to know about it and how to find it! #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @JulieHKuhn
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    Q5: How do you provide assistance to students/families to use AEM? #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    A5: Helping Ss figure out how they learn best. Ss often do not know and r NEVER asked. We take the time to ASK them. Our Ss success starts with support and they deserve that & so do their parents. #PatinsIcam
  • jconradslp Oct 16 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    A5: I love hearing about our AEMing for Achievement Grant teams utilizing student "ambassadors" to train fellow students, parents (and staff) So awesome! #PatinsIcam
  • punkspeced Oct 16 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    A5 you simply put in the work to work with them and answer all questions big or small! #PatinsIcam
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    A5: Share ways to access materials in different manners. i.e. Auditory, digital and get a list of where to find this in the community, such as the library. #PatinsIcam
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    A5: Make sure the teachers you work with know and understand AEM. So they can share with parents.#patinsicam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    Q6: How can we evaluate that AEM is being provided and provided well? #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    I agree. This is a bridge that needs to be built! #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @mwhammond1
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    A6: Let's look at student engagement, increased skills, improved test scores. #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    A6: Ss needs to play a role in their OWN learning and know how to self advocate 4 themselves. Empower them by discovering WITH them as 2 how they learn best and teach them the tools 4 access #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    Q7: What resources are needed to provide AEM? #PatinsIcam
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    A6: And use those QI's! I'm a one-note banjo on this. #patinsicam
  • JulieHKuhn Oct 16 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    good point! The Quality Indicators guide these considerations and discussions. #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @mwhammond1
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    You play it beautifully! #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @mwhammond1
  • BevSharritt Oct 16 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A7: Good evaluations that include lots of involvement and communication with the student, their setting, and the tasks they'll need to complete with materials #PatinsIcam
  • jconradslp Oct 16 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A7: money. training. technology. people. understanding. TIME. Plan for that need, demonstrate its effect on student outcomes, be prepared to educate, explain, and defend #PatinsIcam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    Well said. Always know what the goals are. #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @BevSharritt
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    Q8: How do we ensure those resources are provided for years to come? #PatinsIcam
  • BevSharritt Oct 16 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    data to demonstrate and defend #PatinsIcam
    In reply to @jconradslp
  • mwhammond1 Oct 16 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    A8: Here I go again. But leaning on those QI's consistently, the whole AEM/AT scene falls into place. The whole point, I guess.#patinsicam
  • ksuding Oct 16 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    A8: Again, making sure there is a sustainable, workable system with updates and built-in training awareness of the how what and why #PatinsIcam
  • BevSharritt Oct 16 @ 8:59 PM EDT
    A8: build self-advocacy skills #PatinsIcam