#StuVoice Archive
"In May 2012, students around the world formed Student Voice with the creation of the #StuVoice Twitter chats. Soon, presidential candidates, the Secretary of Education, Fortune 100 companies, education corporations, reporters, teachers, parents and community members joined the conversation to discuss ways to make the the education system beneficial for all involved." --www.stuvoice.org/
Monday March 14, 2016 8:30 PM EDT
Happening now: join the conversation on at 5:30–6 pm PST with .
Hey : I think you'll appreciate the chat right now!
Tn's chat is w in honor of the college decisions released today. Introduce yourself & how you celebrated Pi day!
Hi, I'm Justin, and I'm an participant-- currently a HS public educator in PA.
Q1: What do you think IS the purpose of higher ed and what SHOULD it be?
Michael Crawford. PhD candidate in educational psychology. CAO at . Formerly at of
Max R student . I spent my day travelling back to DC...currently waiting for my next flight
Q1: What do you think the purpose of higher ed is and what should it be?
Hi all! Zak from ...I wouldn't know known it was Pi Day without my Twitter feed.
Merrit, HS senior here from SC. Im bitter bc I didn't get pie in school this year..
trying to solve Option C for 's Pi Day contest to get 3.14yrs free pizza
A1- Higher ed's purpose seems to be validator of future job skills, but it should be a place to further knowledge
HigherEd seems to be confused between churning out academics/those prepared for workforce. Workforce #1.
the purpose of higher Ed is to inspire young people to become agents of change in their passion
A1: depends and depends. Is: prep for the workforce, context for self-discovery. Should: whatever the Ss need and want it to be
should be finishing for well rounded foundation
I used to think that the purpose of college was career-prep. I’ve realized that it is so much more.
Is this the current role of higher ed, or what you perceive its purpose to be?
hi I'm Ben from SF. I unfortunately did not have any pi today.
A1: I don't think it shld have an a priori purpose, nor do I think it's worth striving for. Participants necessarily determine it
this is what I think it should be. Idk how much this is fulfilled.
If your goal is to be prepared for a career, college is probably the most time-inefficient and cost-ineffective way to do so.
Is: A 4-year holding ground Should be: Academic, experience, intellectual, and creative enrichment. https://t.co/yMHGmOvO5E
Q1: What do you think IS the purpose of higher ed and what SHOULD it be?
Unfortunately, I agree. Colleges seem to cater to other entities more than students at times.
and unfortunately, our culture has led us to believe that college is the best way to get a job.
Good point! But don't forget the hashtag :)
You save yourself with 'probably,' but that still seems bold. Mustn't it depend on the career?
It's unfortunate that society has determined so clearly what path success must follow...
A1: The thing Ss do before they get to do what they want to do. SHOULD be so much more.
However, where college excels is giving me a breadth of understanding and freedom to experiment.
Q2: How can you have choice or personalize the material you are learning or researching about in school?
A1: should allow you to discover and pursue passions
for some careers it’s necessary, even if it is still inefficient.
amateur hour over here -- my b my b
A1: Purpose of higher ed is to learn more about the world. The purpose of higher ed should be to question more about the world.
A2- LEARNERS must have some element of control over what and how they learn. How this occurs depends on many factors.
Q2: How can you choose or personalize the material you are learning or researching about in school?
Agreed. Real & diverse experiences complemented by immersion in theory is ideal.
Should efficiency always be sought?
A1 Am I hearing "a chance to pursue passions into professions" among the comments ?
A2: work with the resources that the school provides (advisors, professors, etc.)
I sure wish students in HIGH SCHOOL had this chance-- why should Ss have to pay more for this opportunity later?
it should always be sought toward the goals that one is maximizing for.
Partnership between students & educators. Educators provide options within structure. Students choose.
A2 Option always exists , isn't bigger question how to get credit for the choices students make? https://t.co/ecvnsWrNen
Q2: How can you have choice or personalize the material you are learning or researching about in school?
our should be so good = ready through internships, world travel,
college is not the most efficient job preparation, but it is unmatched for people who are doing research.
For what percent of students is college a wasted experience?
When we guide students in setting goals, they take ownership over their learning : https://t.co/U9IQRlnjRN
A6 - I set 2-5 goals for each student on their report card & then provide time for Ss to set additional goals in class.
A2: Lots of independent learning is tied to specific problems you want to solve. Find out what frustrates you about the world.
A2: If your Ts or school isn't enabling it intentionally, it requires u to take initiative, contract w/ your T cc
its hard to take that much control over your education b/c the curriculum. there are some electives
How do you define efficiency?
universities are home to research that is 10-15 years ahead of the industry.
we have tutorials where Ss co-design curriculum + capstone projects as well
Far too many , and from all across the academic spectrum. Compliance usually wins again. https://t.co/7zhEqY8fJe
For what percent of students is college a wasted experience?
It's sad to hear Ss are PAYING for something they have so little control over. https://t.co/BfTwUcvvhX
its hard to take that much control over your education b/c the curriculum. there are some electives
Q3: What are some of the ways students should be assessed in your school?
the path of least wasted energy and time to achieving a specific goal.
Q3: What are some ways students should be assessed in your school?
If Ss cannot create their learning path and identify success, how will Ss be successful outside ed? https://t.co/eCaKkR9kXJ
we have tutorials where Ss co-design curriculum + capstone projects as well
get in the drivers seat. .
I'm more interested in definitions of efficacy. Efficiency is about buying time, efficacy about creating it.
A3- Assessed by PEERS, learning stakeholders (not just Ts), and community of experts, just like my school https://t.co/x5GFdyQNsS
Q3: What are some ways students should be assessed in your school?
Personalizing comes from the roots of "why" you are learning it; when that foundation is est.,so will inspiration
right now, has so no choice for , employers ignore otherwise cc
their quality of meaningful work that have long term implications. .
No tests -- break the memorize/ regurgitate/ forget cycle, formative assessments + regular feedback
I’m impressed by because it seems to optimize for the learning aspect.
True, I guess I'd define "wasted" as measured by lost academic pursuits; money ill-spent for knowledge not gained.
A3- What if Ss "graduated" when the community saw them fit, NOT when they accumulated a set number of credits...
A3: Level of Integrity, Empathy, Creativity, Humility, Teamwork, Curiosity, Grit, Accountability, and Diligence. Maybe Grades too.
To what extent is the student responsible for learning/exploration/preparation relative to the institution? cc
students had to prove their graduation by the contribution they were now fit to make to society?
are they just two sides of the same coin?
Student is very responsible, but if institution doesn't offer the chance, Ss have little role. https://t.co/eJoZ3K7psf
To what extent is the student responsible for learning/exploration/preparation relative to the institution? cc
I am a big fan of portfolios, PBL, and self-assessment.
I like it, but what if students could add how they have found a fit in community as part of their credit? https://t.co/6vSFtrvv3h
A3- What if Ss "graduated" when the community saw them fit, NOT when they accumulated a set number of credits...
Efficacy seems to me to be nested within efficiency. That is, if it isn't efficacious, can it be efficient?
I believe college is valuable for every reason except the ones that most people claim it is valuable for.
Credits are a fake system originally designed to measure PROFESSOR TENURE. Never meant to measure Ss knowledge.
Can these "values" be gained without college though? What about spending two years backpacking/living abroad?
Ss may be successful according to society, but will they be happy? Who knows right?Seems Money=happy in our world?
Interesting question, not sure answer is so clear cut, or would fit in 140 characters
Q4: What does your ideal classroom look like? Lecture, Seminar etc.?
Q4: How does your ideal classroom look? (Lecture, Seminar, etc.)
Didn't mean "credit" that way. Meant credit in your sense of what we acknowledge in their accomplishment https://t.co/pwHYqMKij7
Credits are a fake system originally designed to measure PROFESSOR TENURE. Never meant to measure Ss knowledge.
not sure we’re talking about the same “values”. The social/life aspect of college is the most easily replaced.
An ideal classroom isn't classroom at all, but learning within community, with experts and hands-on skill https://t.co/1GdcZ8Ep12
Q4: What does your ideal classroom look like? Lecture, Seminar etc.?
Agreed. This is an imp thread. In gen, I am pro-efficiency. But I also think it's not universally ideal
enjoyed experiences at & with challenges, learn what's needed to solve
the value of college is in the depth of resources, knowledge, and research that few people need in their careers.
A4: 30% Lecture, 50% Experiential and Project Based Learning, 20% Independent Reading.
A4: In all honesty, it looks more like Kindergarten than University https://t.co/NTVS7fglZL
Q4: How does your ideal classroom look? (Lecture, Seminar, etc.)
free public college is essential to give everyone the option of going to college even if most people don’t need it.
If you want students to learn, it can't be a lecture hall active > passive learning
Is lecture that imp? If you want to know how something works (outside of school), how often do you attend a lecture?
haha research and tools are often decoupled in these situations.
Very much depends on what the goal is. Learning about animals, shall we go to a zoo?
And... talk to/skype with experts. Visit their labs. Read their scientific journal research... https://t.co/dZFlRphYJ6
Very much depends on what the goal is. Learning about animals, shall we go to a zoo?
can students learn what they need to know on their own and get things done?
Q5: Do you feel like you have a mentor who supports you at school?
How could skls provide more personalized help?
Yes, but not entirely. A good mentor relationship is still important, in some role.
With different stations to interact, play, & create toward commonly agreed objectives. i.e., a garden
Q5: Do you feel like you have a mentor who supports you at school?
How can schools provide more personalized help?
can schools facilitate this?
Some yes, some no, but they don't have to go alone, they just need input in the course of learning https://t.co/OpYUZk6Q0e
can students learn what they need to know on their own and get things done?
Personalized help? Make learning more personal & less standardized. Less abt money, more about learning. https://t.co/9zZGiBD8hv
Q5: Do you feel like you have a mentor who supports you at school?
How can schools provide more personalized help?
increasing autonomy & open ended challenges as progresses (need foundation though)
A5: At we have well over 100 mentors from our community who care about students and school https://t.co/8RzWkrmuUC
Q5: Do you feel like you have a mentor who supports you at school?
How can schools provide more personalized help?
yes. I also want to see a bigger emphasis (free) on “apprenticeship” programs for people whose sole goals are career.
I do still think lecture has a role, but more as mentor/mentee-- less as sage on the stage pontificating knowledge.
that way we can bring more people through the paths that are most appropriate for them.
they can. as , see , project based learning
Thanks to everyone who joined tonight's chat especially .
Despite unstructured will be the last thing automates, ergo
I did reach out for my support but I don't rep. all Ss, in fact earlier supp. cld def. be a life saver for some.
and on platforms as well as showcasing learning is so important!
Some will due to the strength of inspiration,others lack that strength; world would be so different if we all had it.