#akedchat Archive
#akedchat is a great way for Alaska-based educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Monday May 9, 2016
11:00 PM EDT
Good evening ! Nice to be talking with my home even though I'm in the lower 48 now. And thanks to for inviting me!
starts now, let’s welcome
thanks so much for volunteering, I’m hoping to have you on more than once. You have a lot to share.
Thanks Damon. It's always fun to talk about digital learning, iPads and collaborating across states and districts.
Melissa Haffeman, Director of Instructional Technology, Bethel School District in WA. In the middle of a 21,000 iPad rollout.
Hello , I'm Damon Hargraves, Asst. Principal at Kodiak Middle School
Advantages: increased engagement, attendance - both students and teachers, opportunity for personalized learning, and much more.
Hi all. Tom McKenna. Principal. Harborview Elementary. Juneau.
Good Evening! Nathan Pitt. Principal Tri-Valley School, Healy.
Nathan Adams, Juneau School District, Sped teacher joining
A1 learning is always mobile so our tech should be too!
A1 Advantages to mobile learning include increased opportunity for personalization
I'm in the middle of a 21,000 iPad roll out for K-12.
It's been a wild ride and we are excited about the improvements with iOS 9.3 and Managed Apple ID's for students.
A2 For tablets, the Juneau School District only purchases iPads, but also purchases chromebooks, macs and windows based PCs.
A2 We utilize some iPads at and at . We are 1-1 with teachers, but not students. Encourage personal device usage.
A2 1to1 school and district. Tri-Valley 165 students/devices K-12. iPads K-5, laptops 6-12.
as an Android user, I'll say, "about time"
How do the kids work amongst those different environments?
Good to see you and , welcome to
Question three is coming up.
Good to see you former host and regular at
Easily, kids are more flexible than the adults in charge. ChromeOS, iOS, macOS and windowsOS are merging of features
Q3. What model of integration do you value? Blended learning, flipped classroom or digital learning? https://t.co/xqXQhOMs30
yeah, I forgot the last two weeks.
A2 btw I'm currently using my own iPad Pro! Just purchased a couple weeks ago and now is seriously my primary computer, no kidding
"Kids are more flexible than adults in charge.” Yes. So often! https://t.co/fMj8bUNSkS
Easily, kids are more flexible than the adults in charge. ChromeOS, iOS, macOS and windowsOS are merging of features
I'll need operational definitions before I can answer that.
I agree with you! love my iPad Pro.
A3 we utilize blended learning, encourage flipping when appropriate, and frequently access digital resources.
A3. Blended - small group instruction with stations of iPads. Flipped -offloading some tasks and focusing on face to face
That's a good balance. https://t.co/hzqiJU2Lpl
A3 we utilize blended learning, encourage flipping when appropriate, and frequently access digital resources.
How do you define digital learning in this sense?
That's simplistic...but working examples for this chat. We focus on digital learning to focus on curriculuar integration
Hi all. Chiming in late on a dance recital practice night!
Digital learning - focus on the four c's and engagement with a foundation of SAMR.
Question four is nearing the bend.
A3 as a method to reach diverse learners, including SES I recommend digital learning in the classroom
A3 Mostly blended, some light flipping, but really just another classroom tool.
I agree. Digital Learning is a great entry point for most but also for focusing on full integration: creativity and more
A3 one of the issues with flipping is that some students don't have access to internet at home & other similar issues as homework
whoa! That's got to have some intense processes to be successful!
A4 iPads clearly better for younger, primary students, I am not sure the extra cost of a iPad v. Chromebook wins for secondary
So many moving parts and at such a fast pace. We have great partners who help us learn and make the right moves.
A4. iPads are increasingly becoming the device of choice in the work place and can serve the needs K-12.
Yep, or, don't have the home support for web based homework v. games on the xbox. https://t.co/dgCAF1NVYR
A3 one of the issues with flipping is that some students don't have access to internet at home & other similar issues as homework
A4 iPads because we were already a 1to1 “Mac” district when they debuted. So the underlying answer is the ecosystem, I suppose.
A4 The iPad has more apps and is a mobile device. Instant on, batter life ALLLLL day, full browser for webapps, multitasking
forgot the hashtag. Principals... lead them to water... https://t.co/CyDjBUIe6D
I tend to distinguish using dig tools to make meaning with others, vs. consume content directly. I usually favor former
I think there is some value in different devices for different use cases. esp. With cloud storage being readily available
A4. The Apple ecosystem of support now with Apple Classroom is going to be a game changer for integrating iPads.
Next question - number five in one minute.
interesting. Are 6 graders excited for laptops or let down?
Yes, well, Apple wants you into the apple ecosystem, windows into windows, and google into google. flexibility is key
I agree on the different use cases it's a tradeoff of exposure to one seamless environment that is honed and efficent
A4 iPads are durable, long device usefulness (I still use my first iPad on a regular basis), students like them, multiple cameras
so true. Kids are quite flexible. kids react to their teachers attitudes too! Change-usually exciting 4 kids
To sweeten the question - anyone have a guess on ROI for a chromebook vs an iPad?
somewhat true, but I got to say that the Microsoft iOS apps are some of the best out there. I look for healthy ecosystems
A5. Ok, since no one is biting I'll share. Average ROI for an iPad around $160.
Next up - question number six in one minute.
I have not used microsoft iOS apps but they only started developing those after a clear failure of windows mobile
what about ChormeOS and who is this measured by and how?
Chromebooks around a -$60 for replacement of parts. Measured by a reseller. Part of research for 1:1 iPad and why.
is multiplatform, not iOS/tablet specific, but they might be the best known management app
A6 Student ethnographers documenting behaviors, transitions, conversations with camera.
Great answer for A6. We are just starting to move into this by combining PBIS and digital citizenship.
How much is the device worth at the end of three years. So you can resell and use money to buy new.
I'd like to see your resources because JSD is favoring chromebooks and I want to make sure we're making good decisions
A6. Apple Classroom is a phenomenal tool for classroom management. Think old Apple Remote Desktop.
A5 interested to see how that is measured. My daughter still uses my 1st Gen iPad regularly (bought it on day 1) so I'll say high
I want to know more about this
sorry! I'm behind. But I responded before I read the answer!
Next up - question number seven in one minute.
Do you mean know more about digital citizenship and PBIS with an iPad? Would be happy to share more.
thought about this today. Failure=preparation for success Microsoft is great on iOS bc of lessons learned
A6 CHAMPS to set expectations for behavior and clear objectives. Apps can help, but won't solve behavior issues
A6 digital badge systems (not iOS specific, but could be) might be able to use motion coprocessor to help kids get steps in.
No, not iPad specific, I've just never read/researched the intersection of PBIS and digital citizenship
A7. Purchasing apps through the volume purchase program drops the price and ensures district ownership of purchased apps.
are there management options if you have a byod model for mobile
have you used it yet? Our MDM isn't ready for it yet.
A7. additionally, a MDM like JAMF makes deploying devices and managing them an efficient and manageble process. Game changer
Hi Wade. Not that I know of for BYOD. We use JAMF - it's Apple only.
that's perhaps because we are just getting started combining PBIS, Digi Cit. - happy to share our work with you.
We haven't yet either - will be ready for us late Aug. Excited though!
Next up - question number eight in one minute.
A6 I need to learn more about that. Just ran into issue TODAY where I discovered apps were not purchased because no one knows how!
MDM = a software solution that manages Apple devices. Necessary for successful roll-outs and for paid app distribution.
Welcome to robotics master, my fellow board member, only one I know still rocking a 17" MacBook Pro!
A7 we use Jamf as a district and it works, but is not usually an instructional tool
That's an easy solution. You need volume purchase program, device enrollment program, and MDM Sounds hard but is easy
it's how you control who has what apps on their device Really powerful for helping manage everything from IT perspective
Final two questions - been a GREAT conversation with you all so far!
tonight is really making me miss EdTech!
I think also has a 17 inch MacBook Pro.
I miss going to ASTE and hanging out with all the ed tech folks in AK!
Yeah, but I'm not missing working with iTunes with this management talk, what a disaster.
A9. First thing we put in place was Canvas for LMS. It took off grassroots style and is driven by our students asking for it!
A9 It's time to move beyond 1:1 it's not making sure each S has a device but each S has what they need in the moment, incl, lunch
Last question for the evening.
BTW You're a great group of people. This has been fun!
Q9 LMS is not critical, because it depends on your environment. Evernote, Basecamp, Airdrop, Wordpress etc can be more appropriate
I need to leave to go load my old dishwasher in a friend's truck for a dump run. Thanks
A9 very important as you need a place-not email-to keep all the work. We have been using (not an LMS, but a great tool)
Glad to have talked - thanks for sharing the ideas. We'll follow up.
A10 Can and the string… connecting learners (young and old) across distance
A9. Canvas was instrumental for us. Central hub and efficiencies esp. on grading for teachers. Gave them an entry point
A9 - teachers getting on board with Google Classroom because they want coordinated way to interact with students and each other
A10 For me Twitter and my podcast have helped me get personalized, just-in-time PD geared towards exactly what I need. Amazing.
Bedtime for the littles! Thanks for an oasis during Manic May! Goodnight!
A10. Seeing the quality of work that can come from students when they are empowered with the tech they need to express themselves.
Thanks for hosting a great chat