Welcome to tonight’s #MakeItReal chat. It is based on ideas from Daniel Pink’s book WHEN: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Thank you for joining us tonight, please introduce yourself, where you are from and what you do! Don’t forget the hashtag #MakeItReal
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Welcome to #CelebratED!
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that shows how you have #CelebratED! 🎉⭕️🎉
Curt Slater Proud Principal of the @Jrwildcatsroar in MN! Excited to have students part of the teacher interview process on Friday! #studentVoice#MakeItReal
Welcome to tonight’s #MakeItReal chat. It is based on ideas from Daniel Pink’s book WHEN: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Thank you for joining us tonight, please introduce yourself, where you are from and what you do! Don’t forget the hashtag #MakeItReal
Q1: Pink’s research shows that time of day and breaks can increase in school test scores and sttudent performance. Since we know this, how can we better scheduleto include breaks for students and staff and look at schedule for analytical thinking subjects? #MakeItReal
Welcome to tonight’s #MakeItReal chat. It is based on ideas from Daniel Pink’s book WHEN: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Thank you for joining us tonight, please introduce yourself, where you are from and what you do! Don’t forget the hashtag #MakeItReal
A1: Scheduling is always difficult because you have to use the whole day, even though we know certain times are better. Try scheduling math early in the day and if you can't, then after a break. #MakeItReal
A1: I plan little breaks after about every 15 min in my room. Some are longer but some are simple brain breaks to play a little game or sing a song. It’s crucial because no kid can stay on task for 20, 30, 40 minutes #makeitreal
Q1: Pink’s research shows that time of day and breaks can increase in school test scores and sttudent performance. Since we know this, how can we better scheduleto include breaks for students and staff and look at schedule for analytical thinking subjects? #MakeItReal
A1: Sometimes scheduling may require thinking outside the box. We Ts can schedule short breaks between activities if the actual schedule isn't so flexible. #MakeItReal
A1: When listening to Pink at #NAESP18, I immediately texted our Math Sup about the importance of having math in the AM. Currently our K-2 classes have math in the afternoon. We may need to make some changes to see how our students respond. #MakeItReal
A1 Scheduling needs to be flexible to fit the needs of the Ss on any given day. Some things will need to have a given time, but the rest should be allowed to fit the needs of the class. #MakeItReal
Q1: Pink’s research shows that time of day and breaks can increase in school test scores and sttudent performance. Since we know this, how can we better scheduleto include breaks for students and staff and look at schedule for analytical thinking subjects? #MakeItReal
When I had Kinder, we did perceptual motor skills every morning. Our school has 2 hours PE & sport per week as per curriculum. We use lots of get up & go dances, singing & @GoNoodle . More staff breaks needed. How many PD do you go to & no brainbreak #MakeItReal
Q1: Pink’s research shows that time of day and breaks can increase in school test scores and sttudent performance. Since we know this, how can we better scheduleto include breaks for students and staff and look at schedule for analytical thinking subjects? #MakeItReal
A1: I plan little breaks after about every 15 min in my room. Some are longer but some are simple brain breaks to play a little game or sing a song. It’s crucial because no kid can stay on task for 20, 30, 40 minutes #makeitreal
Q1: Pink’s research shows that time of day and breaks can increase in school test scores and sttudent performance. Since we know this, how can we better scheduleto include breaks for students and staff and look at schedule for analytical thinking subjects? #MakeItReal
A1: In the early grades we have a morning recess and lunch recess scheduled into the day, but it is important to try and add more movement breaks in between lessons. I also try to schedule assessments in the morning and incorporate physical activity prior to testing #MakeItReal
Q1: Pink’s research shows that time of day and breaks can increase in school test scores and sttudent performance. Since we know this, how can we better scheduleto include breaks for students and staff and look at schedule for analytical thinking subjects? #MakeItReal
A1- We began scheduling 2 separate recesses a day for all students last year, one in the AM and one in the PM. Students need the opportunity to be social, communicate, and unplug which can lead to higher academic achievement #MakeItReal
When I had Kinder, we did perceptual motor skills every morning. Our school has 2 hours PE & sport per week as per curriculum. We use lots of get up & go dances, singing & @GoNoodle . More staff breaks needed. How many PD do you go to & no brainbreak #MakeItReal
Q1: Pink’s research shows that time of day and breaks can increase in school test scores and sttudent performance. Since we know this, how can we better scheduleto include breaks for students and staff and look at schedule for analytical thinking subjects? #MakeItReal
A1. We need to get the information to the teachers so we can build a schedule that will support the time and breaks into the whole process. If we build it, it will happen. #MakeItReal
A1- this is always a difficult one, especially when trying to make decisions for kids, always try for the morning, if not, try and provide a break or coordinate breaks with other teachers prior to your class and then test! #MakeItReal
A1. We need to get the information to the teachers so we can build a schedule that will support the time and breaks into the whole process. If we build it, it will happen. #MakeItReal
A1:This year, almost everyone has math early in the day. Also- after reading @DanielPink When, I’m working with teachers to schedule two recess breaks/brain breaks. This is so important! 15-20 mins/day is never enough for elementary Ss! #MakeItReal
A1: Every year brings a different set of challenges and dynamics. Being open and flexible to working out a schedule that is beneficial for both students and staff is key. I do agree that the pre-lunch classes seem to be more productive. #makeitreal
A1 I'm so looking forward to the day my students don't start at 7:30! We have a block period so we take breaks an hour into our 2-hr class. It helps keep us focused, motivated, distractions are minimal, and we enjoy the time together! #makeitreal
A1 While I get that master scheduling in the elem schools can be tough & classes in secondary can’t only happen in the AM, I do think being intentional to schedule breaks is a MUST!
We must make time for them. Not just for performance but Ss social emotional health. #MakeItReal
A1: Movement breaks are vital for Ss & Ts! Sometimes those breaks can be built into the strategies used in the classroom! I try to get Ts thinking about how they can build active learning strategies into their lessons so students are switching up what they are doing. #MakeItReal
A1: We just need to be intentional about making it happen. If we are asking kids to sit for 65 minutes with little movement, we are asking for trouble. I get squirrely after 10 minutes. We need to build in movement breaks and allow them time to have conversations. #makeitreal
Q1: Pink’s research shows that time of day and breaks can increase in school test scores and sttudent performance. Since we know this, how can we better scheduleto include breaks for students and staff and look at schedule for analytical thinking subjects? #MakeItReal
A1:This year, almost everyone has math early in the day. Also- after reading @DanielPink When, I’m working with teachers to schedule two recess breaks/brain breaks. This is so important! 15-20 mins/day is never enough for elementary Ss! #MakeItReal
A1b: It isn't always easy at the HS level to schedule math in the AM. We have Ss in vocational school who don't arrive back to our school until lunch. Their math has to be in the afternoon. #MakeItReal
A1: At the MS/HS level, making sure students understand procedure when they enter a classroom is important. That can make or break your entire day (or year...) if it's mass chaos. #makeitreal
A1. Scheduling for breaks is difficult in a HS setting. The logistical hurdles of the traditional model like the bell schedule places challenges on real, authentic learning. Ss need time to process. Brain breaks are a great tool to give Ss time. #makeitreal
Q2: How can we make sure to incorporate movement into our student’s day? Share ideas. How do we make sure that we, the adults, move too, because we know that it will increase creativity and motivation? #MakeItReal
A1: Creating opportunities in the schedules for teachers to meet in PLC and grade level to plan awesome lessons for kids is important Building schedules designed for student success is critical. Encouraging mindfulness practices in classes fosters positive results. #makeitreal
A1b: It isn't always easy at the HS level to schedule math in the AM. We have Ss in vocational school who don't arrive back to our school until lunch. Their math has to be in the afternoon. #MakeItReal
A2: First of all there is technology to help. For kids, there are things like @GoNoodle but you can also set your watch or fitbit to vibrate every 10-15 minutes to remind you to get up and move #MakeItReal
A2 Flexible seating helps since my students can move around at anytime. When in stations, we switch every 30 minutes. I'm all over the place; you have to find me if you come visit! (And you should come visit!) #MakeItReal
A1 cont. Breaks are not a Ts plan bell. Potentially incorporating an advisory period where Ts and Ss can build connections with one another and build community #makeitreal
A2: Engaging lessons, especially in a flipped-classroom at MS/HS level provide for opportunities for movement. MS students are often fidgety, so integrating elements in the lesson what allows for integrating the body/movement is beneficial. #makeitreal
A2 I like using the 4 corners activity where Ss get up and move to a corner that represents what they think the answer is. I also ask them to defend their answer! #MakeItReal
Q2: How can we make sure to incorporate movement into our student’s day? Share ideas. How do we make sure that we, the adults, move too, because we know that it will increase creativity and motivation? #MakeItReal
A2: As a mover myself, I’m very aware that my kids need to move...a lot! I set my room up for movement!and it’s incorporated into every activity we do. I even have kids doing push-ups and jumping jacks in between task cards! 😂#makeitreal
A2: We get up and move quite a bit, using gonoodle, etc. A non-tech favorite of my class this was a "sports break". We would chose 5-6 sports and act them out for 20-30sec each. Then we would do a quick breathing exercise and transition to our next academic task. #MakeItReal
Q2: How can we make sure to incorporate movement into our student’s day? Share ideas. How do we make sure that we, the adults, move too, because we know that it will increase creativity and motivation? #MakeItReal
A2: Consistent movement breaks is something we will be discussing during pre-service. Today I sat in an all-day inservice meeting and I kept thinking about being in the trough and my lack of engagement. Adults and Ss need regular and consistent movement breaks. #MakeItReal
Try to incorporate activities into lessons that require Ss to move- include Manipulates- hands on . If a class is doing a brain break- so should you #MakeItReal
Q2: How can we make sure to incorporate movement into our student’s day? Share ideas. How do we make sure that we, the adults, move too, because we know that it will increase creativity and motivation? #MakeItReal
A2: Stage the class period or time slotted for a subject if elem into segments (ex: vocab mini lesson, grammar mini lesson, main lesson) & intentionally require movement in between or during. There's some great #tlap hooks for this! #MakeItReal
A2: We use mindfulness activities, classroom yoga, @GoNoodle is a great site for movement breaks, switching up activities and seating. And embedding active learning into the lesson itself. Here are some strategies I get my Ts to use: #MakeItReal
#MakeItReal I used to do yoga with my class and we would also push the walls it's a great sensory break. My son's teacher did it for him too. It would help him calm himself #autism
A2: Build in breaks for movement, but also movement throughout lessons; stop as needed when S get wiggly; collaboration & cooperative learning a must #MakeItReal
It is very hard! We can do some in the AM for sure, but it also depends on what each S needs to graduate and what conflicts with their math on the schedule, etc. Very hard. #MakeItReal
A2- flexible seating classrooms provide options of balls, standing desks, etc. allowing teachers to teach lessons in places where it’ll be most effective...who says you can’t teach math outside, in the gym, or ina hallway with scooter boards! #MakeItReal
A2. Flexible seating has been a huge help in mobilizing Ss and Ts. Stand-up desks, yoga balls, etc. there are more ways to add in movement from this aspect alone. Additionally, changing the way we see “best practices” requires us to rethink how Ss should and do learn #makeitreal
A2 Songs, Dance (D. Pink also praises choral singing & choreography)!
Mindfulness poses, yoga, alpha waves & intentional breathing strategies.
Get outside.
Walk & Talk (around building) about the math concept (Ss) or (Ts) idea just shared in the staff meeting. #MakeItReal
A2: I encourage staff to use parts of preps/lunch mindfulness whether it is walking, meditation, quiet reflection. We take students out during lunch. You may find me playing football with the kids or running around too! I also have wellness faculty meetings! #makeitreal
A2: Build in breaks for movement, but also movement throughout lessons; stop as needed when S get wiggly; collaboration & cooperative learning a must #MakeItReal
A2: I forget which book from the @burgessdaveit is, but the author wrote, "teach from your feet, not from your seat." I've used that simple quote to motive and encourage teachers to move around while teaching. (...even if students are on Chromebooks...) #makeitreal
A2 You have to have several dance parties during the day! Off the bus and Recess is a MUST. Just bought a standing desk for my office and hallway. #MakeItReal
A2:A lot of my Ts make up songs, chants&movements for the content Ss are learning.This gets Ts &Ss up &moving!Also-Ts are acting as facilitators rather than direct instructors so they are all over the room questioning&facilitating learning!No time for being at a desk! #MakeItReal
A2b- as for me...I love my mobile desk so I’m always on the go...Muscle Monday, work out Wednesday, fitness Frenzy Friday to start the day for my staff...#MakeItReal
A2. Flexible seating has been a huge help in mobilizing Ss and Ts. Stand-up desks, yoga balls, etc. there are more ways to add in movement from this aspect alone. Additionally, changing the way we see “best practices” requires us to rethink how Ss should and do learn #makeitreal
A2 cont. Ss need collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication and these skills are not acquired through rote or lecture learning. Authentic, hands-on learning experiences must be the new best practice. #makeitreal
Q2-teachers, staff, admin should be modeling those movement breaks. When the kiddos do Go Noodle, the staff does Go Noodle, when the kiddos go to recess, the staff plays with them, when the kiddos do mindful breathing breaks, the staff does them too! #MakeItReal
A2: Movement can be used as an awesome instructional strategy. Saw a powerful activity the other week Agree, Disagree or Neutral. Several would answer why they were at that area. It was an activity to help with the writing process. #MakeItReal
A2: @KalchbrennerELA is such a star with this. She has a rule that after every 10 minutes of discussion, the kids have to be up and moving - think, pair, share; physical demonstration of concepts. Hard to fall asleep or be disengaged in her environment. #makeitreal
Q2: How can we make sure to incorporate movement into our student’s day? Share ideas. How do we make sure that we, the adults, move too, because we know that it will increase creativity and motivation? #MakeItReal
Q2-teachers, staff, admin should be modeling those movement breaks. When the kiddos do Go Noodle, the staff does Go Noodle, when the kiddos go to recess, the staff plays with them, when the kiddos do mindful breathing breaks, the staff does them too! #MakeItReal
Q3: Pink’s research shows that we should look at timing more as a science instead of haphazardly. How can we use hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? How can we make time our ally and an ally for our students?
Q2: During homecoming week, we have color wars during the week between the 7-12 grade classes and the students love when we play dance music on the intercom between challenges and games. Gets everyone up and moving. #MakeItReal
A2b: #FlexibleSeating in my room helps too, because I make myself use #flexiblethinking so that if a kid needs to walk around during the lesson, it's OK. As long as the S is productive & not disruptive, it is OK to move. #MakeItReal
A3: First we must gain an understanding of our own patterns and those of our students and then we can use them to help our students overcome the lulls and use the peaks to create optimal learning opportunities #MakeItReal
A2: I love to use kagan structures to increase movement while learning, reviewing or building relationships in the classroom. Ideas QQT, line ups, inside/outside circle, 4 corners, gallery walk @kathleenagnello#MakeItReal
A3 I start the day with discussions to wake us up, before we get to any text. I plan several things for the 2-hr period to keep us moving along. I ask students about tentative due dates and adjust for everyone's benefit. We are ALL busy and my students are slammed! #MakeItReal
A3. Give students the ownership to build their day. A student who is ready to take a writing assessment and can’t because there are 5 minutes before the bell rings does not do justice for the learner. #makeitreal
A3: I feel like we need to completely restructure the day and the school year to align to what research and practice shows is best for Ss. #boldmoves#MakeItReal
A3: Be intentional and analyze times such as lunch, recess, after special classes, etc. Looking at your schedule and knowing your kids can help plan accordingly. #MakeItReal
A3: This is a good question... We do it for individual students who are struggling and might need a tweaked schedule to be successful. Looking at general patterns in timing would be an interesting study for the school in general though. #MakeItReal
Q3: Pink’s research shows that we should look at timing more as a science instead of haphazardly. How can we use hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? How can we make time our ally and an ally for our students?
A3: I feel like we need to completely restructure the day and the school year to align to what research and practice shows is best for Ss. #boldmoves#MakeItReal
Q3 Look at doing a time study several times during the year and report the findings to the staff. Sometimes we are not aware of our own habits and routines. Just think if you had a GO PRO on your head to watch at the end of the day. What would you Learn from it? #MakeItReal
First We need routines. Ss energy levels fluctuate. Math & literacy need to be earlier in the day. Following lunch- recess Ss may need some ref regulating time #makeitreal
Q3: Pink’s research shows that we should look at timing more as a science instead of haphazardly. How can we use hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? How can we make time our ally and an ally for our students?
A3b I'll outline my goals for the class period and ask what order the students prefer. I respect how they're feeling and want them to know it; that we're in this together everyday! #MakeItReal
A3: I am loving the idea of having a morning and afternoon recess! We need to closely monitor our students' responses/reactions to our schedules and make adjustments accordingly. #MakeItReal
A3- we need to be aware of our own dips in the day and reset ourselves so we can be committed to “bring it” no matter what time...if we set the stage, our kids will engage! #MakeItReal
Q3 Look at doing a time study several times during the year and report the findings to the staff. Sometimes we are not aware of our own habits and routines. Just think if you had a GO PRO on your head to watch at the end of the day. What would you Learn from it? #MakeItReal
A3 cont. There are amazing things happening around the country as schools flip the script on the traditional model to make time a vital component in student ownership. I can’t wait for my school to take this leap in August with @Synnovationlab#makeitreal
A3: This is a tough one. We've been looking at how to maximize it with votech, work release, sports, club trips, required credits, oh my! :) The list is long, but there's an answer out there somewhere. #MakeItreal
A3: There is benefit in posting the agenda on the board for the entire day/period. The challenge (we've all been there) is when you have students really engaged in a lesson, so you drag it out, or when students need more time to complete a lesson which sets you back. #makeitreal
A3: Try to balance high energy activities/moments with something more low-key. Scheduling is tricky because we sometimes need to do "split lessons" around specials. This is definitely something to continue working on finding a solution to the puzzle that works for all #MakeItReal
Q3: Pink’s research shows that we should look at timing more as a science instead of haphazardly. How can we use hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? How can we make time our ally and an ally for our students?
Q3: We implemented a PowerHour into the middle of our day (tied with lunch). Ss could go to activities, get extra assistance from teachers (office hours), tutoring, clubs, study hall and lunch. Awesome way to help all students be successful. #MakeItReal
Thanks for joining #MakeItReal tonight. I hope you get to read “When” by @danielpink . One suggestion is instead of running home at the end of the day, take 5 minutes to write down your “dones”. By ending the day recording what you’ve achieved you encode the day more positively.
A3: I wish teachers could make schedules to fit the needs and patterns of their students & not be tied to building schedules...easier said than done #sigh#MakeItReal
A3: Try to balance high energy activities/moments with something more low-key. Scheduling is tricky because we sometimes need to do "split lessons" around specials. This is definitely something to continue working on finding a solution to the puzzle that works for all #MakeItReal
Q3: Pink’s research shows that we should look at timing more as a science instead of haphazardly. How can we use hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? How can we make time our ally and an ally for our students?
A3: It's important for the students to understand that every second matters. Every moment in class is adding to the opportunity for a student to learn or prepare for the next unit/lesson/grade level/test, etc. #makeitreal
A3:We have to start looking at the schedule w/the mindset of what’s going to be best for Ss” instead of what’s easiest for adults!We can’t fragment the day for Ss & randomly plug subjects in just bc of time constraints. We have to stretch our thinking & resources! #MakeItReal
A3: This is something I think about daily. While there may not be a perfect schedule, I do need to work harder at using the time we have in the most efficient and effective manner possible based on best practices and what is best for kids. #makeitreal
A3: This is something I think about daily. While there may not be a perfect schedule, I do need to work harder at using the time we have in the most efficient and effective manner possible based on best practices and what is best for kids. #makeitreal
A3 worked with my leadership team to develop a schedule that gives as much uninterrupted instructional time, common planning and intentional breaks #makeitreal
Another quick hint from the book...If you have a minute, send someone-- anyone-- a thank you email or tweet. Gratitude is a powerful restorative. It is an equally powerful form of elevation.
So… Thank you all for being here tonight. Remember to #MakeItReal ...always.
Thank you JFB @JayBilly2 . Awesome to have an opportunity to chat with you and the crew! Very interested in this book & adding it to my list ASAP. Happy Summer 🌞#makeitreal
A3 worked with my leadership team to develop a schedule that gives as much uninterrupted instructional time, common planning and intentional breaks #makeitreal
Thank you JFB @JayBilly2 . Awesome to have an opportunity to chat with you and the crew! Very interested in this book & adding it to my list ASAP. Happy Summer 🌞#makeitreal
A2 You have to have several dance parties during the day! Off the bus and Recess is a MUST. Just bought a standing desk for my office and hallway. #MakeItReal
Big issue teachers have is the lack of time for common planning, observing their peers & collaboration. Our Scheduling page https://t.co/TORpBS1Sq6#makeitreal
A3 worked with my leadership team to develop a schedule that gives as much uninterrupted instructional time, common planning and intentional breaks #makeitreal
Thank you @JayBilly2 for hosting...glad to make it to #MakeItReal...great questions giving me lots to reflect on...sad I missed all the awesome chats tonight #122edchat#BeTheOne#kidsdeserveit...but night time swim with my kids HAD to happen!
That’s my every morning routine. #GratitudeFirst email.
Before checking email—I must send a grateful one to anyone! I like surprising the transportation department, food center, teachers, anyone...thank them for their awesomeness. #MakeItReal