#kyadmin Archive
#kyadmin is a great way for Kentucky School Administrators to share strategies, educational resources, and more.
Monday January 25, 2016
7:00 PM EST
Good evening, PLN! How was everyone's return to school after the snow blast last week? Intro and snow stories. And...GO!
Erika from Boone County. K-5 principal I'll be moderating tonight. We got...wait for it...flurries. Seriously, we got nothing.
Amy from Glasgow. Missed Friday and today with about 12 inches of snow. Going tomorrow and can't wait!
Michael Cole Fulton County Elementary/Middle School Assistant Principal
Mark, Thomas Nelson Asst Principal. Apparently we ended up with a mild case of snowmaggedon.
Shelly from Nelson County High, principal. Had about 9 inches of snow. Had a very productive day today.
Shelee Clark, Hardin County Schools Principal, We had anywhere from 5-12 inches in our county. Back to school today.
Thanks for hopping on tonight, Shelly.
Brittany Nickell, AP East Hardin Middle School, my mini doxin puppy loved the snow even though her body couldn't touch the ground!
We had about 8 inches of snow with 40 mph winds. Snow drifts over 5 ft tall on some roads. Missed Wednesday-Friday.
I'm going to get us going so when people add in, we'll just pull them into the fold. Q1 coming up. Tonight we're talking SB1.
Philip West, Green Co MS. We had about 13 inches, and for days of "non traditional instruction" days. Hoping to get back Wed...
13 inches of snow!!!!!! Crazy!
Happy to be on here tonight! We are thawing out in Christian Co. 8"+ in some parts of the county.
Ss Coke back tomorrow....2hr delay.
Tim, Principal @ Allen County Primary! 12 inches of snow and still no school tomorrow!
A1: I'm cautiously optimistic that the changes will positively impact our kids. I'm concerned about a few things for sure.
My take away possibly no program review
Jamie. Joining a little late. Hardin County.
Chris Guier, Freedom Elem., Christian Co. We had between 4-5 in on top of ice. Fun times.
A1. Senate Bill 1 is all about change...some welcome change and some that make me skeptical.
No program review is perplexing to me too.
Good evening - little late just walked in. SB1 seems a bit dramatic to me. I understand change, but this seems a tad extreme
What's the biggest change that makes you skeptical, Shelee?
A1: still learning about it. Like that local agencies will have more voice. Hoping changes will be beneficial to all involved.
Interesting. Dangerous. It seems to open weird doors w regards to arts and SS. several parts seem to contradict ESEA/essa
Changing the standards again worries me. I'm thinking about the amount of work and money that would take.
The good, the bad, and the ugly!
Take another 140 characters and elaborate on your first answer.
A1 Like rebooting an old Tandy1000. By the time it got up and going good it was time to turn it off and start something else.
You and I are on the same page.
I would totally agree that drastic changes to the standards does not seem best for kids.
A1: curious about the no program reviews and dropping social studies assessment
A1. Some parts excite me-others scare me! I'm not a huge fan of Program Reviews, but concerned about arts taking. Hit w/o them
Exactly what I was thinking. Arts concerns especially.
Okay...I've got to move faster, don't I? Not used to the 30 minute chat. Q2 coming up.
A1 Assessment changes, evaluation changes, remove Program Review
I agree! We have not completely mastered these standards. Would set us back to start over again.
A1 We train and work hard to implement and the game changes. Change can be good but change for the sake of it scares me.
so, I am just gathering information on all the :).
A1: Change is good....but glad some is more developmentally appropriate.Always worried about testing at the 5th gr level-too much!
Q2. What short & long term adjustments to current practice should SB1 pass in its current form? https://t.co/hGepTeiexh
Q2. What short & long term adjustments to current practice should SB1 pass in its current form? https://t.co/hGepTeiexh
Yes and changes for the purpose one's personal or political agenda is not cool!
A1. Big change would be less time spent collecting evidence for Program Reviews.
Performing arts is a HUGE benefit to my scholars. Too many, their favorite part of school. Even if no reviews, keep arts for kids
Q2: Short term---not throwing the baby out with the bathwater this year and next.
There's a certain "validity" that comes w/ assessments. Including the drop of PR concerns me, for all those that are assessed.
A2: Long term--sustaining our arts programs without accountability.
A2: Also long term--insuring social studies receives weight in instruction.
A1: change is good, just want to make sure it is good for all students and not just for the sake of the adults!
A2. I also like the focus on growth versus proficiency. Growth is a great focus for any school and for the entire state.
Q2 I see more of a pull away from science and SS in elementary to make room for more read/math. No accountability means less rigor.
Not sure I totally understand question 2
A2: We have made SO much progress with implementing the CC...I personally would hate to see it revised to much.
I think changing prior to seeing benefits is not good! Bad for teacher morale and deflates hard work for the past few years!
Q2 rephrased: As an admin, what would plan for immediately and longterm if this passes?
that will not happen... It's kind of like social studies in fourth grade or science in fifth grade
I wonder what we could use to have accountability for these programs...something less cumbersome that Program Review.
A2: more say in the accountability process would be awesome. Much easier to make authentic and meaningful. short term change.
So agree, . Our kids REALLY are making progress with the growth model. https://t.co/XnoXZ9cC4k
A2. I also like the focus on growth versus proficiency. Growth is a great focus for any school and for the entire state.
Except it seems as though science is still "in the game" https://t.co/k7UIa9h6aY
Q2 I see more of a pull away from science and SS in elementary to make room for more read/math. No accountability means less rigor.
I like the growth piece but the current model concerns me.
Except now what? Who will teach sci and ss?
A2: concern of losing rigor. Worry that our students won't be able to compete nationally or globally. We are making strides with
The way I read it, there was no accountability measure for arts.
Agree. https://t.co/yX2MvNYwUI
A2: more say in the accountability process would be awesome. Much easier to make authentic and meaningful. short term change.
A2: long term? Managing frustration with a new set of standards and the subsequent expectations. Time and money.
A2: standards. Hate to backtrack or for my team to feel their work was in vain
Me too...I'm just thinking what could be added later to put accountability back in for these areas.
growth should be the focus anyways...
Thanks for pointing it back to the kids. https://t.co/A1j6CL0Te8
A2: concern of losing rigor. Worry that our students won't be able to compete nationally or globally. We are making strides with
or it seems PLVS and World languages.
Did anyone else hear that the commissioner mentioned adding cursive handwriting back into the standards?
YES!!!! https://t.co/Rt5HECbGh6
Did anyone else hear that the commissioner mentioned adding cursive handwriting back into the standards?
Q2 I see scheduling changes at the Middle Leve, going back to blocking time for LA & Math and a 45 minute class for SS/SC
. A2: don't want to change the standards but I do like the part about reviewing them and giving KY teachers a voice
Q3. What opportunities do the adjustments in SB1 afford us as educators?
Q3. What opportunities do the adjustments in SB1 afford us as educators?
I did hear that from someone the other day. I did not see it though.
Do you all see my question twice or is that just on my screen?
“: Did anyone else hear that the commissioner mentioned adding cursive handwriting back into the standards?” Really!?
No ONE! That is scary. I spent all last year teaching science and I LoVED it...
A2: love idea of "growth" goes along with leadership ..TLIM
A2 I can handle a structured review of standards, but talk of "tossing" CC is 100% political and 0% educational IMO
Well-stated! https://t.co/eVpr0WiMQO
A2 I can handle a structured review of standards, but talk of "tossing" CC is 100% political and 0% educational IMO
read an article on this!!!
A2: if it is more reading and math- it concerns me. What happened to the "whole child?"
So that we don't be negative nelly to the max, what opportunities do we now have?
A3: Revision of the standards on a regular basis is of interest to me.
Cont. student learning as well as measure growth.
A3. Each district has the opportunity to change their evaluation system to be a combination of PGES and what works for them.
I suppose we have an opportunity to dig back into the standards after 7 years and weigh when they should be taught.
Yes...I hope we don't move from what we're doing too much thought. Really helps with consciousness. https://t.co/frD6ZgTPOb
A3. Each district has the opportunity to change their evaluation system to be a combination of PGES and what works for them.
A3. "Schools will receive copies of each assessment, along with individual test item results for each student and school."
YES. Tweaks and course corrections are great. Not wholesale politics at the expense of children.
This is GOLD to me. Can you guys imagine? Can you imagine how much it will cost though??? https://t.co/uw0jgQAKiL
A3. "Schools will receive copies of each assessment, along with individual test item results for each student and school."
A3: I am all about reviewing and analyzing the progress with standards-just not an overhaul when some are serving students well.
Agree...just when we were starting to make good progress...
A3: could potentially give more local control for improving instruction rather than meeting meeting requirements.
Would rather spend money on this than changing the standards though. This is valuable info. Feedback is powerful!
Way to get your orange on!!
With only 4 minutes left, I've gotta post the last Q.
Q4. If you could speak candidly with a senator, what would you discuss about SB1?
A3 As a band nerd I like that they are expanding the Arts for our students. Not every student is a football player or math wiz.
A4: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE talk to teachers, administrators, and students. This vote shouldn't be made without our input.
A4. I would say, Please talk to teachers and students before changing standards.
But I have a concern that the arts requirement could be world language or programming...
absolutely. Imagine actually being able to individualize remediation based on the end of the year dara
A4: I would ask that there be balance and converstation with students, parents, teachers before making sweeping changes.
A4: making sure we are doing what is best for the student long term, look at "whole child" and growth measures.