#edtechleader Archive
Part of EdCamp 2016! We'll look at the components needed to be an EdTech leader, whether in the classroom, grade level/subject area, or across an entire school or district.
Saturday July 30, 2016 1:00 AM EDT
Welcome to the TWITTER CHAT on , please introduce yourself
First topic in 1 minute...
Welcome everyone to Global's Twitter on Leadership! Please introduce yourself.
Susan, Elem Librarian in Nebraska
Q1: What are the key aspects of an effective leader?
Leaders are innovative and supportive; have growth mindset see failure as growth opportunity
Welcome! Must be late at night for you!
Interesting. How do you know it when you see it?
A1: Flexible, risk taker, knowledgeable
Those sound like IB learner profile certs. :) How do you know them when you see them?
It is created in how others react to failure - do they stop / or encouraged to try again & reflect
Remember to use when you respond...
I would agree, but I think you also have to factor in strategic and systemic thinking.
Learn from mistake in a purposeful way. Make learning part of the plan...but have a plan.
Can't be afraid of trying new things and failing (sometimes)...even in front of a class or staff!
Hmm They model the ability to think on their feet...laugh at themselves and stay cool if something goes wrong.
Very good. There has to be something about leveraging technology's potential as well, right?
definitely having a plan is important so there is a direction in which to steer with some clear vision
Thinking on your feet is definitely key for an ...because something usually goes wrong https://t.co/m56XnsQOZQ
Hmm They model the ability to think on their feet...laugh at themselves and stay cool if something goes wrong.
Topic 2 coming up in 1 minute...
This is true. A day without an error in is called a holiday.
Q2: IT skills are key to , which ones are most important when working in a school?
also has to be able to communicate with staff in a way that makes them feel comfortable.
also needs to be a learner. Can't lead if you don't know what is coming next!
Agreed...that question comes later. :)
A2: Troubleshooting and knowing who to go to for help if needed.
A2: One question I ask myself is how IT literate do we need to be? I htink we need to speak the language at minimum
What level of expertise do you need? Ts are going to see you an IT expert.
This is something I need to work on.
A2: Knowing when to let others lead.
Could someone repeat Q2...can't find it
Q2: IT skills are key to , which ones are most important when working in a school?
How do you do that? And how much time is enough/too much?
How so? Can you give an example?
A2: I have seen overly techy people and those who try to fake it. Neither is a good idea for
Q3 coming up in 1 minute...
The more the better. In my district we have people I can go 2 when I can't fix a problem...Thankfully.
Instead of the demonstrating a strategy let a teacher take the floor who is doing it. All about empowerment
That's good. Do you take on small projects from them to learn the craft?
Leaders build a culture of possibilites
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A2: Sometimes and just needs to say "Not sure, any ideas?" and then be gracious enough to listen
Am not IT - my job is ped integ. IT learns about ped from me, I learn IT from them. Need openness > expertise
Q3: What is for teaching and learning from an perspective?
I would say needs to be a T in the staffroom and a supporter in the classroom
I mostly learn from trial and error. Sometimes fixes are shared district-wide for common problems.
Awesome. is all about relationships and shared expertise. Well done. https://t.co/XWcciAtovW
Am not IT - my job is ped integ. IT learns about ped from me, I learn IT from them. Need openness > expertise
So important that those two areas work well together.
A3: hmm...there often in a big gap between IT side and the teacher "Ed" side of things...almost diff language
A3: As a , you are often supervising coaches. You don't actually get to do the job. How do you do that?
EXACTLY! As , you have to bridge the gap between and .
Agreed - need to collab., but don't need expertise in other area if collab well
How do you teach and As the scope and purpose of (this is a key part of the job)
I find that most are stronger either in or , but work to improve in both
We are talking about leadership as part of Global 2016. Join the conversation...
So then, how do you define ?
Ts don't need IT to teach well, but do need ped competence to teach well. Need who can support that.
is using tech in the classroom to transform teaching and learning.
should be about pedagogy, not devices -- sometimes we forget that edtech is an extension of good teaching.
Q4: Leadership & Management are key aspects of . How do you differentiate between them? How do you build your skills?
I find I have to manage process and personnel, but I have to be an IT and champion for my school.
A4: For me, it is helpful to have a mentor to work with. Not always possible though
I think you would be surprised how many people out there would be open to mentoring you.
Q5: needs to be a systemic thinker, understanding learning and operations. How do you develop that skill?
Exactly!Teaching involves teaching kids about our 🌎! Do we not have tech in our world?Where? https://t.co/7mmYRj6PkD
should be about pedagogy, not devices -- sometimes we forget that edtech is an extension of good teaching.
A5: Always keep learning yourself. So many PD opportunities like are out there.
Similar to IT and , needs to understand how teach and tech combine in the workings of a school
don't consider how use as IT - need that to grasp clssrm uses. IT: network, devices (image, repair),
Very true. Understanding the whole ecology even from a high level is vital.
Q6: What are the best resources for continuing or aspiring ?
A6: I think edcamps can be very powerful because they offer personalized PD.
A4 leaders are not managers. Be helpful and encouraging before you are asked
A6: I subscribe to a number of mailing lists and around and
But in our field there are processes and personnel you have to manage. I agree they are separate.
Last question, Q7, coming up in 1 minute...
Twitter chats are huge and other PLNs are vital for
Q7: What are the best networking opportunities or resources for ?
A7: Conferences and Twitter chats. I really like and ...and of course!
A7: Definitely Twitter! I've also joined a few Voxer groups that are pretty amazing.
21C, Learning 2.0, Edutech Asia, BETT Asia are the big ones.
Thank you everyone for joining Twitter Chat! Great conversations and resources. Make sure to check out the rest of