#teachnvchat Archive

#teachNVchat is now a weekly 1/2 hour Thursday chat designed to connect Nevada teachers with one another & the rest of the twitter world. Share your thoughts, ideas, solutions and connect with not only Nevada educators but educators across Twitter. Join us 7:30 PM pst every Thursday for a 1/2 hour of #eduawesomeness

Thursday May 10, 2018
10:30 PM EDT

  • teachNVACS May 10 @ 10:30 PM EDT
    We are excited to have @tikaee joining #teachNVchat to co-moderate & provide questions on Meta-Cognition
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:30 PM EDT
    Welcome to #teachNVchat Please introduce yourself, share a favorite part of Teacher Appreciation Week so far, & invite some friends to join us tonight! #teachNVchat
  • teachNVACS May 10 @ 10:31 PM EDT
    Please introduce yourself, share a favorite part of Teacher Appreciation Week so far, & invite some friends to join us tonight! #teachNVchat
  • LCHS_Bio May 10 @ 10:32 PM EDT
    Hi everyone. I’m Kevin and I teach high school science @LCHSBears in Indianapolis, IN. I received a couple of letters from Ss. The best one was from a S who has struggled with school, but is doing GREAT in my class. Meant a lot! #teachNVchat
  • CarolCstranford May 10 @ 10:32 PM EDT
    Carol, EL, @maxwellbulldogs. Enjoyed free buffet at the El Dorado on Sunday before the Pioneer Show. #teachNVchat
  • teachNVACS May 10 @ 10:33 PM EDT
    Our format is same as always 3 Qs with a Q1-A1 format. Be sure to add the #teachNVchat tag in your response
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:33 PM EDT
    My favorite part of #teacherappreciationweek is receiving all of the beautiful notes and cards. #teachNVchat
    • tikaee May 10 @ 10:30 PM EDT
      Welcome to #teachNVchat Please introduce yourself, share a favorite part of Teacher Appreciation Week so far, & invite some friends to join us tonight! #teachNVchat
  • AMDicksonNV May 10 @ 10:33 PM EDT
    #teachNVchat, hello, Ann Marie Dickson, proud wife of Ben and proud principal of Elmcrest ES, my favorite part has been having students ask if they could have materials and space to make cards and posters to show their love and appreciation for their teachers.
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:33 PM EDT
    Hey #teachNVchat Ben Assistant Principal in Reno NV and @teachNVACS conspirator Stoked to have @tikaee joining us tonight for #teachNVchat hope @CarolCstranford @robertleichner @LintonRJ @SaraHolm15 @EducatorSanchez @ChanTheMan92 @AMDicksonNV can join us tonight!
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:33 PM EDT
    hi @tikaee! I'm excited to chat with you tonight! I've received 2 very sweet kid-written notes this week. Any #bmoreedchat or #eduar friends still up who want to join us? #teachnvchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:33 PM EDT
    Hey Carol! #teachNVchat
    In reply to @CarolCstranford, @maxwellbulldogs
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:34 PM EDT
    Check out https://t.co/uDkJeT0bD2 to keep track of the Qs,-build a collection-or if you miss anything #teachNVchat https://t.co/t29PD7tbMv
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:34 PM EDT
    Hey Kevin! #teachNVchat
    In reply to @LCHS_Bio, @LCHSBears
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:34 PM EDT
    Hello Ann Marie! I love homemade cards from my students! #teachnvchat
    In reply to @AMDicksonNV
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:34 PM EDT
    I've loved seeing all the students and families celebrating the hard work our teachers do #teachNVchat
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:35 PM EDT
    Hi Carol! Happy Teacher Appreciation week! :) #teachnvchat
    In reply to @CarolCstranford, @maxwellbulldogs
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:35 PM EDT
    Hello Sara! Kid notes are the best! #teachnvchat
  • LCHS_Bio May 10 @ 10:35 PM EDT
    Hope you have had a great week! #TeachNVchat
    In reply to @BDicksonNV, @LCHSBears
  • Dale_Chu May 10 @ 10:36 PM EDT
    HAPPENING NOW: @teachNVACS and @tikaee hosting a talk about metacognition. Follow along at #teachNVchat!
  • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:36 PM EDT
    Meredith joining from SW Florida. I’m still awake! Ready to learn from all of you!! #teachnvchat
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:36 PM EDT
    Hey Donna! @wood3rd Are you around? I'm sorry I missed last night's get together. Looking forward to Denver @NVCoreAdvocates! #teachnvchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:36 PM EDT
    Hey Meredith! glad you're up late to join us!! #teachNVchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:37 PM EDT
    Hello Meredith! I would love to join Florida sometime! I have heard it is a beautiful place! #teachnvchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:37 PM EDT
    why not! I got a call today from my second crew in Ms. Wilson's class-reminded them to #BEAWESOME #teachNVchat
    In reply to @CarolCstranford, @maxwellbulldogs
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:38 PM EDT
    Some reading on tonight's #teachNVchat topic How Metacognition Boosts Learning https://t.co/PGV7lVw5fz
  • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:39 PM EDT
    Oh yes! I dreamed a dream and finally made it to this amazing corner of the world! View from our lanai #teachnvchat
    In reply to @tikaee
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:39 PM EDT
    Our format is same as always 3 Qs with a Q1-A1 format. Be sure to add the #teachNVchat tag in your response
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:39 PM EDT
    Hi Meredith! I hope some #teachnvchat folks will join you for #bookcamppd summer learning this year. I'm sorry I forget the special hashtag.
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:40 PM EDT
    hmm ... mine (husband) had a root canal on Tuesday. I hope yours is doing well. #teachnvchat
    In reply to @CarolCstranford, @maxwellbulldogs
  • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:41 PM EDT
    Oh Sara .. just sharing out about the opportunity thrills me - you absolutely ROCK!! #teachnvchat
    In reply to @SaraHolm15
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:41 PM EDT
    Q1 What does metacognition look like in your classroom? #teachNVchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:42 PM EDT
    A1. I grabbed this graphic that helps me understand the concept. "Thinking about my thinking ..." #teachnvchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:44 PM EDT
    A1 when students & teachers can explain their thinking-sometimes its a think aloud during a read aloud or during a number talk when a student explains a strategy #teachNVchat
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:44 PM EDT
    I use this graphic quite a bit, too. #teachnvchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • CarolCstranford May 10 @ 10:44 PM EDT
    A1 Trying to help kids think about the processes they have to do to read, answer, solve a problem. #teachNVchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:44 PM EDT
    A1. When I think about adult learners reading so many professional books over the summer, my mind wonders if sharing their thoughts with others won't aid in true implementation in the fall. "Thinking about their thinking ..." #teachnvchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:45 PM EDT
    RT Question 1 #teachNVchat
  • LCHS_Bio May 10 @ 10:45 PM EDT
    R1: I give background content on a subject, give a lab activity that Ss can manipulate the content and apply to real situations, then provide opportunities for Ss to explain their results in relation to the background knowledge. #teachNVchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:46 PM EDT
    when students can explain their thinking process then we know real learning has occurred-so much more than just memorized facts #teachNVchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:46 PM EDT
    A1 In kindergarten, it is generally done through discussion. I try to make time for the Ss to reflect on new learning, a particularly challenging or just fun activity, or new experience i.e. performances. #teachnvchat
    In reply to @tikaee
  • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:46 PM EDT
    A1. Wondering ...... perhaps we need to practice this as adults in our PLCs/#PLNs so we could model it for students? #teachnvchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:47 PM EDT
    this is real life-when we can explain what we have learned or observed and connect it to our real world #relevantlearning #teachNVchat
    In reply to @LCHS_Bio
  • LCHS_Bio May 10 @ 10:48 PM EDT
    Honestly, how well do Ts understand this and the psychological aspect of applying this with our Ss? #TeachNVchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:48 PM EDT
    Yes, definitely! We use metacognition in our PLCs, PDs, and in our staff meetings. I use #visiblethinking quite a bit. #teachnvchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:48 PM EDT
    For sure! That's why I'm excited about book clubs in general but online plns even more so. I love to read but learn best through listening, processing, then processing some more. #teachnvchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:48 PM EDT
    Great idea-asking Ts to talk about their process when planning and teaching a lesson would be powerful learning for grade levels #teachNVchat
    • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:46 PM EDT
      A1. Wondering ...... perhaps we need to practice this as adults in our PLCs/#PLNs so we could model it for students? #teachnvchat
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:48 PM EDT
    Question #2 will be up in one minute #teachnvchat
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:49 PM EDT
    Hey Justin! Awesome to see you! #teachnvchat
    In reply to @justincholbrook, @tikaee
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:50 PM EDT
    What are questions you would like your students to ask you or themselves when they are thinking about their thinking? #teachNVchat
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:51 PM EDT
    for sure. I loved the math assessment notebooks you used to have the kids do at SR. Writing about what they initially thought and then how they changed their thinking to work toward the correct answer #teachnvchat
    In reply to @BDicksonNV, @mjjohnson1216
  • teachNVACS May 10 @ 10:51 PM EDT
    RT Question 2 #teachNVchat
    • tikaee May 10 @ 10:50 PM EDT
      What are questions you would like your students to ask you or themselves when they are thinking about their thinking? #teachNVchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:53 PM EDT
    A2 does my answer make sense? is my answer reasonable? what in the text makes me think this & how is it connected to the larger theme of the story? Why do I think this is important & can I justify it? #teachNVchat
    • tikaee May 10 @ 10:50 PM EDT
      What are questions you would like your students to ask you or themselves when they are thinking about their thinking? #teachNVchat
  • LCHS_Bio May 10 @ 10:54 PM EDT
    R2: I want my Ss to be able to ask themselves “why?” and start to develop the answer for that question. #teachNVchat
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:54 PM EDT
    Reasonableness is #1 thought I want my students to think about. #teachnvchat
    In reply to @BDicksonNV
  • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:54 PM EDT
    A2. Why, what if .... and how. Having a class discussion about the graphic below might be very helpful in students internalizing their thinking #teachnvchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:54 PM EDT
    Learning how to learn | Barbara Oakley | TEDxOaklandUniversity https://t.co/ZG7YVbnbe6 via @YouTube #TeachNVchat
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:55 PM EDT
    Yes, our students need to know the "why." #teachnvchat
    In reply to @LCHS_Bio
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:55 PM EDT
    Yes! I've worked at schools where T metacognition was an expected component of our weekly PLC meetings. This is not the case currently, however. Would be so enlightening, humbling and progressive #teachnvchat
    In reply to @tikaee, @mjjohnson1216
  • CarolCstranford May 10 @ 10:55 PM EDT
    A2. What is this saying? Is it important and why? And most importantly, what am I not getting? #teachNVchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:55 PM EDT
    YES we talk a lot about estimation in Math & what that means to understanding the reasonableness of an answer-are you even in the ballpark? #teachNVchat
    In reply to @tikaee
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:56 PM EDT
    Question #2 is coming up in one minute. #teachnvchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 10 @ 10:57 PM EDT
    I worked with several teachers and they, in turn, tried to help students learn about asking each other questions. It was VERY challenging. Baby steps are necessary with this one :-) #Teachnvchat
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:57 PM EDT
    A2 The 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice are great ways to incorpoate metacognition throughout the math lesson. #teachnvchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:57 PM EDT
    WHAT AM NOT GETTING!! that's so key!!!! be aware of where you are confused and ask questions to clarify #teachNVchat
    In reply to @CarolCstranford
  • SaraHolm15 May 10 @ 10:58 PM EDT
    I love the Does my answer make sense? In kindergarten math, I love asking for multiple ways to show their thinking i.e. adding on their finger, with a number line, with manipulative, drawing a picture, making 10 frames. #teachnvchat
    In reply to @BDicksonNV
  • tikaee May 10 @ 10:58 PM EDT
    Question #3 What are some changes you would like to make to ensure metacognition is used throughout your lessons? #teachnvchat #teachnvchat
  • BDicksonNV - Moderator May 10 @ 10:59 PM EDT
    YES & I will shamelessly plug this around ELA practices https://t.co/Tixy2qipRc #teachNVchat
    In reply to @tikaee