#PSCchat Archive
"The purpose of #PSCchat (Principal-School Counselor chat) is to focus on the Principal-School Counselor relationship and the importance that relationship has on meeting the needs of all students. There are so many ways that principals can effectively utilize school counselors in their buildings. #PSCchat gives us the opportunity to learn those ways through collaboration. #PSCchat is not limited to only principals and school counselors, we welcome the participation of all educators and value all insight. #PSCchat meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 8:30pm EST." --Nicole DiSilvestro (co-moderator)
Monday February 22, 2016 9:00 PM EST
Welcome to - Tonight’s topic is Addressing School Anxiety. Thank you for joining us!
Please introduce yourself, your position, & where you’re tweeting from tonight.
Tonight’s topic is Addressing School Anxiety. Q1 in 3 mins.
Hello. Krysten, Elementary School Counselor from New Jersey,
Hi! Laura... Middle school Counselor from Georgia.
. thanks for joining us tonight, Krysten.
. Hi Laura! Great to see you back for another
Thanks! Good topic tonight!
Q1: Describe the various school anxiety concerns you see in practice (i.e. general, test or subject specific, etc.)
Thanks! looking forward to the topic tonight.
A1: As a principal at the K-5 level, I've seen many cases where anxiety causes excessive tardies/absences.
A1. Typically general anxiety or social anxiety
A1: I've seen general school anxiety, test anxiety, being around possible sick students, being in a large group/social anxiety.
Hi! Mackenze, middle school special education teacher, from New Jersey great topic tonight
Hello, Lauren here. Middle School Physical Education teacher
It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when addressing attendance concerns.
. Welcome to Mackenze. Thanks for joining us tonight.
Well hello there, Lauren! Nice to see you joining in instead of just lurking tonight! 😜 https://t.co/GzucBzByXD
Hello, Lauren here. Middle School Physical Education teacher
. thanks for joining tonight, Lauren.
A1: Most definitely general anxiety and test anxiety, especially in my math class.
Definitely see this at the middle school level as well. https://t.co/3QAG4hjpYg
A1: As a principal at the K-5 level, I've seen many cases where anxiety causes excessive tardies/absences.
. true, but often an issue for the younger Ss.
Welcome to your first Mackenze! Glad to have you join us. https://t.co/6yGmJNFnPS
Hi! Mackenze, middle school special education teacher, from New Jersey great topic tonight
A1: I find students having major anxiety with changing in the locker room for gym class. Especially at the middle school level.
. saw many resources for math anxiety as I prepped for tonight's chat.
Yes and it starts at the elementary level before they move up.
Hello, Matt from IL, elem lead learner jumping in late, I love bedtime with the kids!
. I'm sure, especially with those having to do this for the first time in all of their schooling.
. thanks for joining tonight, Matt.
Welcome Matthew! . Thanks for joining in. https://t.co/q3mx9Zk921
Hello, Matt from IL, elem lead learner jumping in late, I love bedtime with the kids!
A1: At the HS level social anxiety is persistently evident but never more so than at the start of school year and new semester
. good to see you in the tonight, Matt. Thanks for taking some time with us.
Welcome back to , ! https://t.co/C2mN7Earo1
A1: At the HS level social anxiety is persistently evident but never more so than at the start of school year and new semester
A1-I see many concerns from T when shooting for perfection, I just want the best effort for all S, take risks, learn and grow
I always learn from the diverse perspectives evident in . Thanks, Sam and for hosting.
Q2: Although variable, how have you observed school anxiety manifest itself? How does it influence student behavior at school?
. good point here, Matt. Continued progress & growth should be goal for all Ss.
I see that even as young as elementary. The anxiety for "perfection"
I see a lot of social anxiety at the MS level. Trouble fitting in and finding their niche! All types of transitioning involved.
A2-shorter fuses with T reacting to S and stress causing further disconnect between T and S. High engagement is needed now
. how many of us in are guilty of this as well?
yes, it happens all the time but learning should be fun. It is on leaders to make sure that is the case
Agree.. Many outside pressures help to foster this anxiety in our students... https://t.co/yQB4ZI2JvK
I see that even as young as elementary. The anxiety for "perfection"
A2: absences & tardies, crying, yelling, refusal to leave parents, withdrawal & avoidance of other Ss, 'freezing' up in the moment
I remember that, kids are trying to fit molds that don't exist as adults. More support is needed for them all
. agree w/you here, Matt. Important to stress to Ts that they are here for Ss, not other way around. Helps to connect.
Completely agree!!!! The stress causes so much disconnect. https://t.co/X1iBdWHWrm
A2-shorter fuses with T reacting to S and stress causing further disconnect between T and S. High engagement is needed now
A2: Instances where it takes 1 S to become anxious over an assignment or quiz/test that then creates an anxious environment 4 all
A2: Unfortunately anxiety often doesn't overtly manifest itself in school and, as a result, it goes unaddressed
absolutely agree, we need to be more mindful in our days, especially in this hard part of the year
. likewise, Laura. All too common manifestations that I see.
A2. Inappropriate coping skills to classroom situations, disconnect with peers & adults, frequent visits to the nurse, etc.
Overcoming this is takes a true partnership between school and family. Need to work together. https://t.co/G9h3h50vRZ
A2: Unfortunately anxiety often doesn't overtly manifest itself in school and, as a result, it goes unaddressed
absolutely, we also need to enhance the toolbox available to T for working with S
Absolutely, especially as Ss get older, their outside actions do not match the struggles on the inside
. do you think this differs at elementary vs. secondary levels, Matt?
so true! I often don't hear about a Ss anxiety until the S has missed a lotof school, is self-injuring etc. https://t.co/LeNKkgTQSL
A2: Unfortunately anxiety often doesn't overtly manifest itself in school and, as a result, it goes unaddressed
A2: Social anxiety especially in MS to have the perfect clothes, shoes, phones, etc. "Fitting in" generates such anxiety
everyone could use more mindfulness
. those frequent nurse visits slipped my mind tonight...can become very influential on classrooms.
Often see the bathroom breaks at the MS level. Ss often ask to leave the classroom & walk around the halls https://t.co/mfgPCGhR7c
. those frequent nurse visits slipped my mind tonight...can become very influential on classrooms.
Q3: Please discuss some strategies that have been successful for you in addressing student anxiety issues at school.
it must. Older students have learned (i.e. been encouraged) to internalize anxiety throughout adolescence.
Yes! definitely frequent visits to clinic!
Yes, being housed in the nurses office has really opened my eyes to this. I also check the other frequently.
A3) Bring the parents in! I think it's important to work together to combat these feelings/behaviors together.
Yes! parents need to be involved to have a team of support for the student. https://t.co/FbuAWdSKGz
A3) Bring the parents in! I think it's important to work together to combat these feelings/behaviors together.
. great point. Need to keep the Ps involved...always.
A3: Having a visible "Daily Agenda" for my Ss written on the board, so there are no surprises that could trigger anxiety
It's all about relationships! Fostering relationships! https://t.co/orA4s6WhHN
. great point. Need to keep the Ps involved...always.
A3: safe place for students to go when becomes extremely anxious. allow them to calm down, distract themselves, in class fidgets
A3. Make them feel safe and create a toolbox that works for them. "Client centered approaches".
. great approach to use with Ss.
Great idea! Something simple like that can help reduce much anxiety!! https://t.co/PMiciIDCCt
A3: Having a visible "Daily Agenda" for my Ss written on the board, so there are no surprises that could trigger anxiety
A3-let's not lose sight of all of the growth that kids make. Our kids are more than a score and we need to celebrate them
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. where in your school, Laura?
sometimes this is hard at elementary level.