Good evening #engagechat! I’m Jess, 7th grade writing teacher in Texas.
I’m currently working on planning out stations to utilize in class this coming year. 🧐🧐
Hello #engagechat! So glad to be back! Lauren from NY - currently on leave from teaching 6th grade English to write another book about empowering students!
Kathryn Starke, national urban literacy consultant from Richmond, VA! One of favorite parts of my role is providing beginning teacher support! #engagechat
In case you haven't heard about us, we built LiFT to help Ts implement authentic PBL by building it around students' personal interests and goals. We believe that to engage learners, we must start with the learner at the center. #engagechat
A1: I think it means helping out teachers who are new to the field, as well as those that are new to a district. There are those tricky hidden rules in every district. #engagechat
#EngageChat A1. To me, it means letting that teacher know I'm here for you and will help in any way I can...For me, that'd be at the building + colleague level.
A1 When I first started teaching, I was lucky to have a mentor who answered my million questions, listened to my ideas, and gently steered me in a better direction—always based on what was best for my students. #engagechat
A1: It means personalized and individualized support. A strong coach/mentor relationship along with the recognition that new Ts will need time for reflection, conversation & observation of other Ts - ensure that time is prioritized. #engagechat
A1: I think it means helping out teachers who are new to the field, as well as those that are new to a district. There are those tricky hidden rules in every district. #engagechat
A1) With the ongoing teacher shortage in America, I would like it to mean a comprehensive program modeling a growth mindset that helps to positively cultivate lifelong professionals into our field. #engagechat
A1 Helping the new T to connect w/colleagues, sharing ideas and tools that are helpful in the school, being available for new Ts to ask Qs, need mentors #engagechat
A1 Not sink or swim! Rather care and concern! Daily check ins from peers and admins...Let them talk, we listen...daily encouragement and opportunities to grow #engagechat
Hey Jason you too! Hope you are well. We are doing great here. Two teachers off in the summer...cannot complain. Our oldest goes to kinder this yr and I get to help teach her...excited #engagechat
A1: Having veteran staff serve as a sounding board to assure beginners their experience is normal while providing advice to help reduce the inevitable stress. Support is promoting personal and professional well-being and transmitting the culture of teaching. #engagechat
A1: A plan that includes extensive modeling of best practices & space for safe practice with bite-sized actionable feedback but most importantly CONSISTENT side-by-side support #engagechat
A1 “Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much! - Helen Keller. It’s important to let our BT’s know we are all in this together! #engagechat
A1. Relationship building, Experiential Learning (modeling, various PD opportunities ) followed by feedback. Building a culture of risk-taking & growth from the beginning #engagechat
A1: It means personalized and individualized support. A strong coach/mentor relationship along with the recognition that new Ts will need time for reflection, conversation & observation of other Ts - ensure that time is prioritized. #engagechat
A1: Making sure beginning Ts have the necessary resources and materials. Also checking in on them frequently and being available and visible to them. #engagechat
A1) With the ongoing teacher shortage in America, I would like it to mean a comprehensive program modeling a growth mindset that helps to positively cultivate lifelong professionals into our field. #engagechat
A1 It means creating a culture that is welcoming to new teachers. This includes greeting them, supporting them with mentoring, and providing opportunities for mutual class visitations. #engagechat
A1 I think it involves active listening. Letting the new teacher tell you what he/she needs, and figuring out how to support them. My mentor helped me to understand non-negotiables vs unrealistic expectations. I am forever grateful! #engagechat
A1: #engagechat Beginning teacher support means being a mentor for the new T. Helping them feel welcome, reminding them to “breathe” on hard days, helping them to be as successful as possible, and providing encouragement...
A1: Beginning teacher support to me means providing a listening ear, advice when needed, encouragement, and motivation. We need to celebrate new teachers and their talent. #EngageChat
A1: Mentors: with whom you can brainstorm, ask for guidance, observe, and learn from.
Opportunities: to grow, learn, explore, fail, and try again.
A1: Mentors: with whom you can brainstorm, ask for guidance, observe, and learn from.
Opportunities: to grow, learn, explore, fail, and try again.
A1. Resources available to you for various subject areas teaching, a mentor to go to for questions or problems, The person whose doing observations to sit an talk and ask questions. #engagechat
A1: Beginning teacher support to me means providing a listening ear, advice when needed, encouragement, and motivation. We need to celebrate new teachers and their talent. #EngageChat
A1: Yes! Ditto on the "not just once but consistently". What does your school's beginning teacher support look like 2 months in? 4 months in? #EngageChat
#engagechat Beginning teachers, like anyone taking a risk, need the freedom to well as active, engaged support to keep Ss from bearing the brunt of the T's learning curve. Most importantly, Ts need to feel their colleagues' belief in them and their value to the team.
A1: In addition to a sort of acculturation to the school and offering veteran advice,support also means listening to beginning teacher ideas, welcoming their perspectives as they are coming in with some of the latest research and strategies; their voice is welcome #EngageChat
I don’t think there is any career in which mentoring is more important than teaching & mentoring is not a one-lesson “seminar”. Constancy is definitely key! #EngageChat
A1: Being there before they enter a classroom to offer my assistance! I think it’s so important to help them from day 1 build a strong positive classroom culture!#EngageChat
A1: simply we just need to make time for them. We need to be visible and approachable to whatever help they need. They should not be apologetic when they approach us. #engagechat
Also something to consider is what can WE veteran teachers learn from these young whipper snappers! I have a millenial across the hallway from me, and besides having amazing hair and a super cool casual style, he has great ideas! #engagechat
A1: Beginning teacher support should include mentorship from the building principal! Advice and encouragement from my principal during my first few years (and still now!) was transformational! #engagechat
#engagechat Bring Ts into your school not with hope of making them like you, but because you want to become more like them. Make sure to appreciate the perspective and ideas of new Ts!
A1: simply we just need to make time for them. We need to be visible and approachable to whatever help they need. They should not be apologetic when they approach us. #engagechat
A1: In addition to a sort of acculturation to the school and offering veteran advice,support also means listening to beginning teacher ideas, welcoming their perspectives as they are coming in with some of the latest research and strategies; their voice is welcome #EngageChat
A1: Being there before they enter a classroom to offer my assistance! I think it’s so important to help them from day 1 build a strong positive classroom culture!#EngageChat
#EngageChat A1. I always say never forget we were all beginners at one time..Never forget from where you started...There's always time to help or support
A2: RELATIONSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS! This is a foundational component of classroom management. Students need to know that there’s the teacher is someone who truly cares about them and believes in them! #engagechat
#engagechat In general, I advise people to avoid "management." Establish a culture. A culture that you want for yourself and your Ss. Odds are, the culture you imagine is not one that requires "management."
A2: first things first... an effective behavioral model. If you can manage the students who may have “behavioral issues” you will have more time to instruct #EngageChat
#EngageChat A1. I always say never forget we were all beginners at one time..Never forget from where you started...There's always time to help or support
A2: RELATIONSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS! This is a foundational component of classroom management. Students need to know that there’s the teacher is someone who truly cares about them and believes in them! #engagechat
Build relationships with students and be sure to include all family members. Share details about yourself and bring “props” related to your interests. (snowboard, favorite book) #engagechat
A2 Best classroom management strategy is to plan a meaningful lesson, make every minute count, and authentically connect with each student. #engagechat
I don't manage a classroom, I build a community.We create a social contract that we are all responsible for upholding. Rules without relationship creates classroom struggles.#engagechat
A2 Being consistent, adhering to school and district policies while being flexible and knowing there are many grey areas, practicing kindness to students and colleagues alike. #engagechat
A2 being present, greet the students and be active in the classroom, interact with and engage the Ss, and also talk with Ss about the class, involve them in the structure of it #engagechat
Build relationships with students and be sure to include all family members. Share details about yourself and bring “props” related to your interests. (snowboard, favorite book) #engagechat
A2: I always cringe a bit at the word "management" though I certainly understand what is implied;I'd rather see practice, pedagogy, planning, routine as founded in relationships and community.If that's there, the learning environment is, well, learning.#EngageChat
A2: #engagechat Be consistent! If you say you are going to do something, do it! Have compassion. Remember, school is a place many students get their only chance to be around positive, caring adults.
I don't manage a classroom, I build a community.We create a social contract that we are all responsible for upholding. Rules without relationship creates classroom struggles.#engagechat
A2: I always suggest little tricks like consistent circulation, an agenda on the board & continuous time checks like “we’re on this for 5 more mins” so Ss know what to anticipate. I also suggest not to talk OVER Ss; it’s okay to wait for them to be quiet to talk #engagechat
A2: The set-up/layout of the physical classroom environment impacts classroom management. Something to have in mind when arranging furniture and placing materials #engagechat
A2 The best classroom management strategy for any teacher is to build a relationship with every student. You don’t need a behavior need to show up and show students you care and wherever you want them to go...take them there! #engagechat
Bedtime called.... #engagechat
A1 Providing new teachers with mentors who they can go to all year, providing a meeting prior ro preplanning, and giving them time to plan and set up their rooms #engagechat
Q2: (Jenny from NC jumping in late) Don't worry about curriculum for the first 2 weeks...spend time with community building activities. Instead of teaching content, teach your expectations and procedures. Also, get a good night's helps with everrrything!;) #engagechat
A2 being present, greet the students and be active in the classroom, interact with and engage the Ss, and also talk with Ss about the class, involve them in the structure of it #engagechat
A2) Building classroom community through morning meetings; communicating with and getting to know families; building positive relationships with students; engaging students in their learning. #engagechat
A2) Also, don't ever assume that just because you are in the front of the room, you are the leader. Evaluate behavior, figure out who influences who, and if you can get the person or person(s) the students follow to follow you, you will get them all! #engagechat
A2: Create areas in the classroom where students can take brain breaks or time for them to be creative such as STEAM/STEM bins. You can find many ideas for this in an online search. #EngageChat
A2- Develop clear, consistent routines; be extremely well-planned and get to know your students. Build community- allow time for Ss to share their stories and share your own. Don't focus on rewards or incentives- they are quickly outgrown. #engagechat
We agree! It really needs to be a 360 support, with systems in place like a mentor, peer planning, ongoing personalized PD, and other non-obvious helps that first year teachers need. #engagechat
A2. Be sure to include students in developing the protocols you think are most important. Have each team model that over and over and over again the steps involved. Spending time on this important step will provide smooth sailing the rest of the year. #engagechat
A2. Build authentic relationships with students so they know that you care about them.
Also, engagement in doing work that they know is making an impact on their community #engagechat
A2) Building classroom community through morning meetings; communicating with and getting to know families; building positive relationships with students; engaging students in their learning. #engagechat
A2 New teachers and all teachers must know their expectations: teach, model, practice, and review them all year long. They MUST build relationships with kids. Eat lunch weekly with your class is key #engagechat
#engagechat A general thought for new Ts: Avoid hyperbolic positions. It's not ALL about have to know your stuff, too. Grades don't harm kids, just make sure to provide context and opportunity for growth. Etc.
Beware gurus who promote extreme views.
A1: it was seven years ago, but back then it meant having someone I could not only bounce off ideas with but also someone who would listen to me when I had difficult days. Someone who would remind me why I chose the profession. 1st year can be full of many challenges. #engagechat
A2. Build authentic relationships with students so they know that you care about them.
Also, engagement in doing work that they know is making an impact on their community #engagechat
A2b Greet your kids at the door and exit with them at the end of the day. Remember this is their time not ours. Our planning is called planning for a reason #engagechat
Totally agree! We have to provide proactive help. Cannot stand back and watch new teachers sink or swim. We must provide the spaces and times to listen and provide encouragement, and those opportunities to grow. Ditto. #engagechat
This is so wise. Would you want to work in a school in which you didn't get a say in any of the procedures and protocols of your day-to-day work? Neither do Ss. #engagechat
A2 New teachers and all teachers must know their expectations: teach, model, practice, and review them all year long. They MUST build relationships with kids. Eat lunch weekly with your class is key #engagechat
#EngageChat A2. I've always started the first day of school creating Agreements in the Room with the that we all have decided what is needed each day for learning.
@daviswelcome A2: Experience is necessary to determine the most effective classroom management strategies, and every group of students is different. Creating a positive classroom community and using literature to teach and address issues goes a long way. #EngageChat
A2: I think it’s so important to present expectations from day 1 and simultaneously build rapport with your students. Relationships are #1! Students want reassurance! #engagechat🙏🏻
A2. Before the school year begins, reflect on your philosophy of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation. Talk with other educators about what works best for them. This will help guide you for many years into the future #engagechat
A2: Recognize and respond to behavior as communication. Behavior is valuable feedback that should be analyzed to make improvements to instructional planning and the learning culture. #EngageChat
I love the name, community.
We call our class a Class Family. This puts so much importance on relationships. Our fav teachers made an impact on us bc they knew us not just our scores #engagechat
I don't manage a classroom, I build a community.We create a social contract that we are all responsible for upholding. Rules without relationship creates classroom struggles.#engagechat
A1: We totally agree! The most powerful thing we can do for new teachers is model for them the relationship building, and experiential learning, feedback-based growth that we'd like them to practice in their classroom, with their students! #engagechat
A1. Relationship building, Experiential Learning (modeling, various PD opportunities ) followed by feedback. Building a culture of risk-taking & growth from the beginning #engagechat
#EngageChat A2. Add some basics and colorful borders to the room, but, those walls should really be bare..The class is creating learning environment togethet
A2.2 I’m going to respectfully disagree with the suggestion to avoid teaching content for the first two weeks and only do community building. Instead, use academics as an opportunity for community building. Learn how:
A3) Home visits; class family picnic; bring your family members to school day or night; invite them in to share careers and/or read; use @Flipgrid to create introductory videos. #engagechat
Q3: Working the car line, walking students home, greeting families/students during morning entry, POSITIVE calls/notes home.. but most of all being Approachable, Available, & Accomodating to individual student needs!
A3 Aside from inviting them in and planning activities, using diff tools to create videos. share Ss work using @Flipgrid or create @Buncee to share info #engagechat
A3. I had a kindergarten teacher would go visit each family w/ her dog Murphy before the school year began. They would meet out in the yard or if the family requested, at a park or some community place. Great way to build a connection with families before year begins #engagechat
A3 I always love doing a daily greeting or share to get to know my students such as Ya'll Know What or Temperature Readings or a simple high five etc.
Say your students names often which is music to anyones ears
A3) I do the announcing for many of the sports teams, and I have gotten to know SO many parents and siblings because of that! Such a silly thing, but being the voice of specific sport allows me to connect with the student and their family! #engagechat
A3: Parent involvement is more than a monthly meeting at the school; it is the sum of all interactions with parents. Everything you do sends a message. #engagechat
A3) Home visits; class family picnic; bring your family members to school day or night; invite them in to share careers and/or read; use @Flipgrid to create introductory videos. #engagechat
A3: An instructor during my masters told us to involve the parents early and in a positive manner. I would suggest calling the families and introducing yourself before school starts and inviting them to back to school night and asking if they have any questions. #engagechat
Brian from IL...later than planned
A3 Pick up the phone and greet your families Even if it is just your homeroom Important to let families know you are present #engagechat
A3. Sharing highlights of Ss doing things in classroom through pics! Sending home good comments if a child does something outstanding or helpful! Sending home comments showing how a child was leading a discussion or activity! #engagechat
A2: you must include the Ss in the process of class expectations. When u include them, they will help hold each other & teacher accountable. I always told Ss, “we r going to be together for 9 months. It’s your classroom as much as it is mine. It’s our classroom.”.#engagechat
A3: one of my goals is to increase parent communication this year. The most effective way for me is email, but I’m planning to create Remind section for parents. I’m also thinking about something with QR Codes or AR for open house #EngageChat
A3: A3: Class Dojo has a great parent communication tool that I plan to try next year (even has a translate button so language doesn't have to be barrier). #engagechat
A3 I always love when I seen new teachers at the 8th grade parent/student orientation. It shows the teacher is invested from day one. Finding ways to connect with families is so important. Some simple ways include phone calls, listerv, inviting families in. #engagechat
A3 I love the essay-Tell me about your child in a million words or less. It starts the conversation between the teacher and parents. When the teacher mentions elements of what he/she learned in the essay, kids and parents love that! #engagechat
A2: Begin planning with the end in mind. What do you hope to accomplish with your management? Make sure you are aimed at engagement and relationships as opposed to simple compliance. #engagechat
A2) Also, don't ever assume that just because you are in the front of the room, you are the leader. Evaluate behavior, figure out who influences who, and if you can get the person or person(s) the students follow to follow you, you will get them all! #engagechat
A3. The knowledge that every child in your classroom is someones WHOLE world will help you connect with families and understand their perspective. #engagechat
A3. Find out what the families are interested in and be sure and attend those activities. During the summer months, it could be a baseball game, a town parade, or a special county festival. #engagechat
A2: Don’tmanage. Connect. Start with what matters most: the kids in the room. Begin every period, every day with Smiles and Frowns, giving the humans in the room an opportunity to share their world. You’ll be amazed at the “problems” that go away when you connect. #engagechat
A3b I also love to read a book the first week of school with lots of names in it Yet change the names to all my students names. Any grade in Elem loves this. They are always like....what!
Yes! Though our work is helping districts implement student-centered project-based learning, we've found it most powerful to start the shift with PD first, making it into learner-centered and personalized coaching for teachers. New and veteran teachers all need this! #engagechat
A3 Aside from inviting them in and planning activities, using diff tools to create videos. share Ss work using @Flipgrid or create @Buncee to share info #engagechat
A3: Make calls/send emails for positive behaviors observed. Be genuine in communicating that you care about their child and want to partner with them in setting them up for success early on. #engagechat
A3: #EngageChat Be available when families need to talk to you. Offer various forms of communication- class website, Twitter, Remind101, newsletter. I’ve hosted nights for families to come join in on the fun and picnics during lunchtime.
A3: I used the Remind app for students and parents. It was a great way to communicate and let parents know what was going on. I also truly enjoyed having parent volunteers! Even at the secondary level it was a blessing! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻#engagechat
I send a video to parents at the start of each quarter with info on what we are covering. More than anything I want them to get a sense of my energy and enthusiasm for their kids! My one student said his dad affectionately referred to me as that Youtuber Teacher! #engagechat
In reply to
@Rdene915, @daviswelcome, @Flipgrid, @Buncee
A3: In secondary, it can be challenging for new Ts to do this, but I’ve seen some new Ts do great work w/ Google classroom, regular emails to parents, personal invites to PT interviews and good news phone calls. #engagechat
A3- One thing I always do at the start of the year is send home a note which says simply, "What would you like me to know about your child?" - it's amazing what I learn and parents get a chance to express their hopes, concerns, etc. #engagechat
A3. BE SURE to send a postcard letting the student know how excited you are to meet them once school begins. Include what you are doing during the summer to relax and have fun. #engagechat
A3 I always love doing a daily greeting or share to get to know my students such as Ya'll Know What or Temperature Readings or a simple high five etc.
Say your students names often which is music to anyones ears
Each year it changes how much I eat lunch with them. One year I did daily. Once I did M W F and some I could only do a few times a week or only pulled a few kids each time. But any time is a gift #engagechat
A3: one of my goals is to increase parent communication this year. The most effective way for me is email, but I’m planning to create Remind section for parents. I’m also thinking about something with QR Codes or AR for open house #EngageChat
I look forward to doing this every summer! I also send one to my previous Ss just telling them how much I miss them. I've started enclosing a SASE so they can write back if they wish- nothing better than getting student letters in the mailbox! #engagechat
A3: Also, show an interest in families. Ask them to come in and lead an activity. Do they have specific skills or an interesting job? Have them do a demonstration #engagechat
#EngageChat A3. Small get together, some day after school for class and parents to socialize...snacks...
Welcome Letter, Newsletter each month, Communication is a priority at all times
#engagechat Agreed. If you don't learn how to build the community around the learning of content, then you built a useless community independent of the context of 90% of what happens day to day. Being practical is ok!
A2.2 I’m going to respectfully disagree with the suggestion to avoid teaching content for the first two weeks and only do community building. Instead, use academics as an opportunity for community building. Learn how:
A3: Sending a personal introductory letter home before school starts and inviting parents into the classroom help to create a connection between home and school.
I want to try getting pics and printing them off to put around the room throughout the year. I think it would be a great community builder and if the parents come in it would be a fun way for parents to see what their child has been doing in class. #engagechat
A3: Remember that if your first communication with a particular parent/guardian is negative, you've already made a mistake. Contact to praise and share milestones as often as you reach out for discipline. Above all, always see your communication as collaboration! #engagechat
Oooh I love the Flipgrid idea! I could share student videos directly with their parents...maybe quarterly have students reflect through Flipgrid about what they’ve learned, how they feel about their efforts in class, goals for the course, etc.
In reply to
@Rdene915, @daviswelcome, @Flipgrid, @Buncee
Excellent Q2 from #EngageChat. What are some your most effective classroom management practices that you wish you'd known as a beginning teacher?
A3: I email two parents a day for one male and one female student. I give praise or share a concern. Heavy on praise and positivity. Parents like contact, especially contact that’s positive. I do more when I can, but I can commit to 2 a day. #engagechat
A1: Beginning teacher support includes assistance with transitioning into the district, building, culture; support with building relationships within the district; personalized coaching support within the classroom; supporting with resources & anything else needed. #engagechat
A1: Beginning teacher support includes assistance with transitioning into the district, building, culture; support with building relationships within the district; personalized coaching support within the classroom; supporting with resources & anything else needed. #engagechat
A2: I just did the Development Designs 1 training for middle grades and it was powerful! It provides a lot of effective strategies, but my biggest takeaway is to invest time to learn and appreciate the students' developmental needs that drive their behaviors. #engagechat
A2: u need to learn ur kids name and likes. You have to establish #relationships in order to connect on a personal level. You gotta know the current trends in music, gaming, etc. #engagechat
I have a class Facebook page set on"secret" that way only families can see the content. My parents were amazing last year! I shared pictures of field trips, updates, and general happenings. Parents even used it to invite the rest of the class to bd parties! #engagechat
After my first year of teaching I felt like I was Robinson Crusoe, marooned on an island and facing challenges of survival. My principal was not one to lend a listening ear or seen as one who could provide support. #engagechat chat
Having The time of my life! Here is a photo of educators I began working with TWENTY years ago. They all came to a party we held when I was able to visit that area of the country this week. Continued community building. #engagechat
A4 Be watching and be available Many new Ts don't want to ask for help Monitor new Ts & offer to talk if you see a concern Don't let them struggle alone...walk along side daily #engagechat
A3: Another idea is to make Joy Calls. Let students call parents immediately with positive news. Great idea I got from another teacher! #engagechat#teachersaretheexperts
A4: being intentional about being supportive. Weekly checkups, accountability. New teachers need to know that their leaders care about them and their instructional growth #EngageChat
A4 By modeling, connecting the new teachers with mentors, visiting their classes and providing encouraging feedback and assisting them with difficulties. #engagechat
A4: I’m new to a school this year and they have a mentor program that I absolutely love! We each have a go to person that helps us with anything and everything. I already feel less anxious about starting the school year because of my mentor @k_callahan4. #TMGenius#engagechat
#engagechat Leaders, like Ts to Ss, need to develop relationships with new Ts. There is NOTHING different here. Ss need to feel valued as people to get the most out of learning, so do Ts. When the relationships are there, there is NO SUCH THING AS A "HARD" CONVERSATION.
A4- By asking "How can I best support you?" - no two Ts will have the same answer. Allowing Ts to choose colleagues with whom they'd like to work on specific areas of growth and providing time for that #engagechat
A4: Provide a mentor, offer regular feedback, offer training, lavish a lot of grace while still setting ad holding high expectations, model a growth mindset, coach, check in regularly to get an emotional barometer and make sure they know they belong and they matter! #engagechat
#engagechat A3. I find it is important to get to know the families & see how they feel comfortable helping. Finding a way for them to feel valued even if they aren't on campus or at every event, & really listening to their concerns helps us work as a team for a successful year.
A4: Teachers are always asking for PD and coaching to improve their craft, especially in reading. Providing one-on-one coaching and consulting increases the teacher’s competency and teacher retention. #EngageChat
A4: Encouragement, enthusiasm, and empathy. We were all new teachers at one point. Remember how it was like to be in those shoes and lead accordingly. #engagechat
A2: I entered the world of education with the Dr. Wong “First Days of School” mindset (structure, clear expectations, reinforcement). I do feel this is still important but I would add more emphasis on Relationships ~ Relationships ~ Relationships. #engagechat
A4: stress an open door policy- no issue or question is too big or too small. Frequent check-ins to make sure the teacher has what they need and feel encouraged #engagechat
A4 As a leader ask every teacher these two questions...(1) Do you have the resources you need and (2) What barriers do you face? Our job is to provide support and knock down barriers for our Ts so they can succeed. #engagechat
A4 By being visible in their feedback not from a standpoint only of authority, but also in the regard that you've been right where they are #engagechat
A2 Keep your cool Especially when things get tense keep calm so Ss know you are in charge Also, give Ss jobs, even small ones, to promote that you are working with them #engagechat
A4) Pretty much all of the answers to #3 apply here as well! Engage! Go to their baseball games with your not that one, but get to know them. Make them feel like they are valued & needed. Don't make them feel like freshman on the varsity!
A4: Be available, accessible and welcoming. Being non-judgemental is also key - new Ts can make mistakes and how we listen AND respond is important. As a Principal, it’s on me to show new Ts that I’m a “safe place” to land when needed. #engagechat
A4: being intentional about being supportive. Weekly checkups, accountability. New teachers need to know that their leaders care about them and their instructional growth #EngageChat
A4: Reveal their own vulnerabilities as humans and educators. One of the most important things that we can do as experienced educators is letting new teachers know that we all struggle, that we all are learning and growing. Always. #engagechat
#EngageChat A4. District may or may not require a designated mentor, but a leader can also provide each "new" teacher with a mentor/buddy for support. I'd also have a New Teacher PLC maybe each week Sept.-Oct. and then a few times a month rest of year..Discuss school, needs..etc
A4 Set up a mentor mentee program that meets montly. Do class walk ins not just observations so the new teacher feels you know them well. Give specific feedback on what they do well & pick 1 thing to build upon #engagechat
A4: I’m new to a school this year and they have a mentor program that I absolutely love! We each have a go to person that helps us with anything and everything. I already feel less anxious about starting the school year because of my mentor @k_callahan4. #TMGenius#engagechat
A4: Assigning a mentor to provide regular & planned time to interact w/ new T. Creating a mindset that mentoring is characterized as non-judgmental, constructive and compassionate. #engagechat
A4: Leaders have GOT to be available and also check in frequently. They also need to help the new Ts navigate school and district policy. Most importantly, they need to just listen! #engagechat
A4: Encouragement, enthusiasm, and empathy. We were all new teachers at one point. Remember how it was like to be in those shoes and lead accordingly. #engagechat
A2 Keep your cool Especially when things get tense keep calm so Ss know you are in charge Also, give Ss jobs, even small ones, to promote that you are working with them #engagechat
Ha! That will be good to remember. That good night sleep can make all the difference.
Ditto on everything! Use the first 2 weeks to build a supportive learning community before teaching content. #engagechat
A4: stress an open door policy- no issue or question is too big or too small. Frequent check-ins to make sure the teacher has what they need and feel encouraged #engagechat
Help to prioritize what is "important" and providing opportunity for new Ts to work with peers on classroom management & procedures. Additionally, genuinely checking in and offering assistance, taking things off their plate, & helping them feel appreciated #engagechat
#EngageChat Have a fun family fun night or coffee night with parents. Maybe a fun makerspace evening where you get to hang out with them in your classroom. Also, send out a welcome postcard or email before school starts just to make an introduction
A4. To be honest, be supportive, be intentional, let teachers know areas for growth which are needed, supports and resources available which can help them in learning. #engagechat
A2 being present, greet the students and be active in the classroom, interact with and engage the Ss, and also talk with Ss about the class, involve them in the structure of it #engagechat
A4 Listen to the needs, acknowledge the struggles and celebrate the small victories. Take every opportunity to coach and let them know that it is ok to make mistakes as long as you do not lower your expectations. #engagechat
#EngageChat Have a fun family fun night or coffee night with parents. Maybe a fun makerspace evening where you get to hang out with them in your classroom. Also, send out a welcome postcard or email before school starts just to make an introduction
I often would observe and co-teach with new teachers within the school. This way they could watch how I approached a lesson or management skill and immediately test it out while I was there. I’ve always received good feedback doing this. #engagechat
#engagechat Support for beginning teachers needs to begin with creating a supportive community- listening to them, making them feel connected and above all else- visit them frequently and just let them ask questions and feel a part of crew.
#engagechat Support for beginning teachers needs to begin with creating a supportive community- listening to them, making them feel connected and above all else- visit them frequently and just let them ask questions and feel a part of crew.
When I moved to a new district, I had an assigned mentor in the building. She was amazing!! Empathy flowed from her! Even though I had experience, I was new to the building and it was HARD!! She let me talk, cry, and eat chocolate in her office!! #engagechat
A4: I gather new Ts together (more often during 1st part of year, then once a month after that). I always want them to feel ahead of the game w/things coming up. The most important part is helping them build positive relationships w/others & providing support. #engagechat
A3: Home visits, calls home, parent-teacher conferences, an outing before school at the local library or snow cone place, Meet and Greet, letter or brochure of introduction, school could host an Open House to meet the new staff. #engagechat
#EngageChat Every teacher new & veteran need a mentor, someone who they feel comfortable with and supported by. Leaders need to make sure there is a network for new teachers and provide opportunities for staff to mingle and build relationships
A3: Home visits, calls home, parent-teacher conferences, an outing before school at the local library or snow cone place, Meet and Greet, letter or brochure of introduction, school could host an Open House to meet the new staff. #engagechat
A4: Check in on them throughout the year and ask them if they need anything. Point out the positives when you visit and avoid making negative remarks. Remember your positive/negative ratio. 🙏🏻As a new teacher you need extra TLC!❤️#engagechat
#EngageChat Every teacher new & veteran need a mentor, someone who they feel comfortable with and supported by. Leaders need to make sure there is a network for new teachers and provide opportunities for staff to mingle and build relationships
A5: 1. Remember to breath 2. You won’t be perfect your first year but you will learn so much! 3. It’s okay to ask for help and need help. Don’t be afraid to ask! #engagechat
1. Remember your start, show empathy
2. Offer help in constructive ways
3. Let new Ts know that struggles are going to matter if you are new or a vet we all struggle #YouAreAlwaysBetterAfterAStruggle#engagechat
A5: Intentionally build relationships with students by trying to find a way to make each one your favorite. Don't sweat the small stuff. Stay connected with other educators for empathy, support, compassion and self-care.
Good luck and enJOY! Welcome to the fold.
1. Don't get so wrapped up in your own to-do list that you don't check in with them.
2. Let them know that you're available to listen!
3. Put a welsome note and chocolate in their mailbox,
#EngageChat It all depends on their comfort level but a routine is necessary- it helps minimize behavior issues but also I think being genuine and honest goes a long way- let students know you are leatwith them, it will endear them to you
A5) get a brown, black, navy, & gray pair of dress pants and develop a rotation, just nod and laugh at the faculty lunch table for the first year, and develop a positive whisper voice for parent phone calls. #engagechat
A5: Intentionally build relationships with students by trying to find a way to make each one your favorite. Don't sweat the small stuff. Stay connected with other educators for empathy, support, compassion and self-care.
Good luck and enJOY! Welcome to the fold.
A5 Top three tips for BT’s...(1) Build relationships, (2) Don’t hesitate to ask ?’s and (3) Teach Ss and the content will take care of itself. #engagechat
1. Don't get so wrapped up in your own to-do list that you don't check in with them.
2. Let them know that you're available to listen!
3. Put a welsome note and chocolate in their mailbox,
A5) get a brown, black, navy, & gray pair of dress pants and develop a rotation, just nod and laugh at the faculty lunch table for the first year, and develop a positive whisper voice for parent phone calls. #engagechat
Leaders must create the supportive structures that ensure teachers are getting what they need and regularly talk with everyone. It is especially important to regularly communicate and support your instructional coaches! #engagechat
A5: 1. You're going to make mistakes, & it's ok. 2. You can find great people to rely upon, avoid the negative talk. & 3. You're immediately going to start changing lives, because it's the business we're in! #engagechat
1. Have a life outside of school
2. To grow strong you have to go through challenges, its ok to struggle
3. Never give up...struggles will develop you as an empathetic teacher/leader
A5 1. Enjoy learning about the profession and your students 2. Develop toughness and forgiveness 3. Connect to some positive peers to help you along the way #engagechat
A5: 1) relationships with Ss are sooooo important. 2) set aside time to unwind and reenergize. (I did a poor job of that year 1). 3) remember that Ss are more important than completing the lesson right now. . #engagechat
#engagechat AT: 1)Your Ss will not care how much you know till they know how much you care 2)Engage parents as your partners in education, not as foes. They will be your school's best ambassadors 3) Find time to unwind and recharge. You deserve it for all your heart work 😍
1. Location location location place them near positive teachers, 2. Support with feedback, 3. Remember what it’s like to be a new teacher and BE THE ADMINISTRATOR YOU WISH YOU WOULD HAVE HAD WHEN IT WAS UR FIRST YEAR #engagechat
A5 1.Keep the focus on the kids - don’t be distracted by the daily minutia 2. Take care of your emotional health and stress-remember your priorities. 3. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes - we all make them and continue to make them- just learn from them and grow! #engagechat
#EngageChat A5. Be Yourself and Be Open to Learn
Watch, Listen, Relationships
Work Hard but Always leave time for you
Have Fun..Our job can be tough..You're going to do great!
1) do what is best for your Ss, you are a professional & you do know what that is
2) find a positive work "best friend" - they don't have to teach your subject/grade, just be willing to laugh with you
3) know where the closest adult bathroom is to your room #engagechat
A5: (1.) Visit them in their classroom and see what they’re teaching. (2.) Answer their emails quickly (in person, if you can). (3.) Be genuinely interested in knowing about them as people & not just as teachers #engagechat
A5: 3 tips for supporting beginning teachers include being a great listener to them, sharing your work and passion with them, and encouraging them to share their ideas and voice! Everyone makes an impact in education, and this includes beginning teachers. #engagechat
I don't say this enough...
Thanks Eric for all you do for so many educators. Many of us here were inspired by you to lead and YOU sir make us better. Thank you