#1to1techat Archive
We discuss all aspects of the effective implementation of 1:1 programs in schools. We are comprised of teachers, tech coordinators,administrators, and school board members. All are welcome to attend and participate. We also welcome topic suggestions.
Wednesday May 4, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Good evening & welcome to 5/4/16. & I are glad you're here. And we are so pleased to welcome Guest Mod
Jonathan, Library & Instructional Tech Spec at where we're iPad 1:1. I co-org w/ & am Prez Elect of
Thanks for the invite. My first ever attempt to moderate so looking for patience.
Welcome to I'm Sean Scanlon & I co-organize w/ Jump right in and introduce yourself.
John from IL - CTO for D230. Happy to be here!
Hey there I'm Stacey from IL and work with the amazing as the district curriculum director
Dan, business teacher from St. Louis.
Desi from IL - Teacher @ D230 and Tech Coach
I am Deb Baker, proud principal of Carl Sandburg High School. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
starting our please join and let us know your thoughts tonight
kyle - network admin from philly. google guru and fanboy.
Chris from IL - Teacher and Tech Facilitator in D230.
Good to see you here Dan.
Mike Patterson, K-12 Education Strategist in IL, and a D230 resident!
We need Google gurus. Thanks.
Hello all. Tim, 4th & 5th grade classroom teacher in Maine.
Melissa middle school special Ed teacher with a side of technology classes in Ohio.
Awesome timing to have Deb moderate this chat during teacher appreciation week!
Dave from IL. 1:1 teacher
Glad to see some new faces from D230 joining us tonight, as well as our usual suspects
Q1: So remind me: why should educators move to a digital learning environment?
You are. Just add to anything you tweet so it shows up for people following the #
5-8th teacher (last 2 yrs mostly 7th gr science) in Lemont, IL hi !
Glad you're. and D230 are going Chromebooks. I was hoping for your expertise to appear.
A1 As a sped teacher going digital led to independence & self acceptance.
a1: searching is reason alone. try searching for specific words in a stack of papers sitting on your desk.
A1: Cliche'd as it may sound, our schools should be on a mission to prepare our students for their future and not our past.
Glad you could be here tonight. Should be a good conversation.
A1: keeping up with students' interests & motivation; amazing access to instant collaboration around the globe
A1 heard this today, "to prepare students FOR learning leverage tech PRIOR to learning experiences"
A1: SHAREABILITYIFICATION! Fantastic way to augment F2F & to be able to collaborate & co-create when you have a dig learning env
A1 Digital learning env creates spaces where instruction is personalized, there is access to the world, preparation for future.
A1 1:1 expands our ability to differentiate and extends the reach of our instruction
A1: So many benefits 2 moving digital, but the 1 that sticks out is the increased ability 4 students to own thier own learning
So many friends here I couldn't resist!
A1: Feedback from formative assessments. Know what your Ss get or don't get before the last 1 walks out the door. Not in 2 days.
Yeah Kim! FOr sure a great person to know in
YES! Love point about DLE giving us access to "the real thing" Authors. Primary sources. A partner classroom in India.
A1: Ts are able to do more projects and be creative with assignments and content needed to be covered. Deeper collaboration.
agree, the speed at which formative assessments can be used to tailor class has increased Ss engagement
That is not only 1:1 but a shift in strategy & philosophy for some Ts. Many struggle w/ old content mindset.
Access is important. Information & connection leads to empowerment. Students engage with learning, create, & share
A1: Many authentic experiences in life will be accomplished in a digital environment; learning should match those experiences.
always good to remind ourselves of the WHY
Gives students empowerment based on what they want to learn, rather than basic engagement in what is being forced upon them.
Exactly! Bell to bell learning is not the end of the education experience for our Ss anymore!
Rob from Dallas. A1: we and our Ss live in a digital world. Tech affords us new opportunities to enhance our experiences
Awesome to see in . Learned a lot from him over the last few weeks - look forward to more.
YES YES YES. Having a DLE allows Ss to self-select and self-direct learning + find authentic audiences. https://t.co/bStpcQ0WNi
A1: So many benefits 2 moving digital, but the 1 that sticks out is the increased ability 4 students to own thier own learning
i know what you are doing this summer ;-)
A1: It gives us more opportunities to connect with our students.
We had 2 Ss in our Mac lab for weeks creating Span vocab video. Not required, they did it just because.
A1: The capacity to leverage the devices for personalized learning and formative assessment to differentiate
Thanks the feeling is mutual!
When they're engaged, it's because lesson is good. Addition of digital won't change a bad lesson.
Q2: How do you communicate that the digital approach is neither a "menace" nor a "panacea" to traditional teaching & learning?
Great to see you digitally again in
Also gives our Ss more opportunities to connect with us. Experimenting w & am enjoying the platform
Absolutely. Too many Ts try to 'add tech'. IT needs to be invisible - focus on learning objectives
Join the conversation here! https://t.co/QVirQbznOn
Q2: How do you communicate that the digital approach is neither a "menace" nor a "panacea" to traditional teaching & learning?
A2: it's a tool like many others that can be used to assist Ts and Ss in our quest to create best experience possible
A2: By showing it's no more a menace than the printing press was in making knowledge widely available.
And running discussion boards for homework assignments lets Ss connect w/ each other. Adds 20+ more Ts to class
A2 We stress that ia just another set of tools available to our Ts & Ss. We focus on choosing best tool for the job
A2: Key is that tech is a tool in a teachers toolbox. It does not replace good pedagogy
a2: get teachers teaching teachers. tech claims of "panacea" coming from IT and admins isn't always the best delivery method.
I show the success we had, Ss have changed, my teaching needs to keep up with them. I see how tech enhances my lesson & go
A2: Position it as a compliment to the traditional teaching & learning, a way to enhance instruction and opportunities to learn
A2: invite the skeptics to come out and try out the technology. Let them see how it would be used and incorporated in classes.
Great analogy. Fear can paralyze but not in that context, it's not as scary.
A2.1: And by showing it's no more a panacea than... stole my answer.
A2: letting others see the tech in action and just part of your classes fabric
A2 Be more transparent by identifying S outcomes first and showing how digital and analog tools help Ss reach those outcomes.
A2: Making sure folks know that it can/will improve student learning & make things easier on the Ts. Showing examples is huge.
Awesome! Encourage Ts to observe the use of tech in lessons they're familiar with. Easier for them to relate.
A2: Once asked are you a prophet or a pusher in an interview never forgot. I make sure to listen to other's needs.
A2: by modeling how effective 1:1 can be for our students and modeling how easily Ts can integrate 1:1. Think tech innovators
inviting Ts into high functioning tech classrooms has been a big key in our district. Helps to ease the tension
I was trying to pull a "right tool for the right job" one liner...
A2 Brilliant minds think alike?
A2: Asking "what do you need?" then show a tool that can possibly fit that need.
A2: If tech is just pushed on Ts and they don't own the process, they'll see it as 1 more thing. They need playtime & support.
A2: How do I tell my PLN that it's not about the tech but about the teaching? I say "READ " https://t.co/568JRD2kFg
Likely. It took knowledge out of the hands of the masters and gave it to the common folk.
a2: harder to train in the abstract. using real data, students, lessons, etc is the best way to reach those non-believers
exactly! Modeling goes very far in my building.
Now that's a question that would make me pause first.
Finding that students, armed with their portfolios, do a great job of showing the value of in our classrooms.
A2 Get Ts to reflect / assess their current situation, where would the like to go?
A2: from a t's standpoint, don't push tech onto ts. Let them come to you. When they do (& they do!) take it slow & be inviting
I've had most success w/ observing Ts teaching w/o tech & helping them fit tech into what they're GREAT at. Encourage
I try to let the Ss speak as to how tech has helped them be successful.
A2: With a clear message that tech tools will always have a purpose for optimal results, the two will always work together
A2 Great concept - "playtime" Puts fun in the mix. Teaching/learning should be fun.
Anyone else have to look up "panacea" ? Only would do this to me.
Q3: What factors will have greatest positive influence for high school teachers to accept a digital learning environment?
Exactly. The faster it's pushed, and the less support - the faster Ts will push back & abandon the tech.
oh yes! I drop in all the time and say "hey I just saw you doing.... you know what... can do??!
Ss are great ambassadors for the movement
A3: Colleagues and friends using the tech!
A2.1 Ask Ts about their biggest classroom challenge. Collaboratively brainstorm ways tech could help overcome said challenge.
A3 The greatest positive influence that will help all Ts experiment w/ is time, support, & positive modeling.
Reinforces idea that we start with the learning outcomes https://t.co/JX8fWOLvl0
I've had most success w/ observing Ts teaching w/o tech & helping them fit tech into what they're GREAT at. Encourage
a3: force them to. just kidding...i think
I am sure! and it does to many but as soon as they understand they can ask for help
We used this concept in our PLC's 1 session of instruct time, 2 sessions play/build, 1 session share time.Success!
A3: (Teachers Teaching Teachers Tech) like said. NOTHING I say in PD is more powerful than a Ts peers.
A3: Not carrying a giant stack of papers between the classroom and the office.
A3 - Bandura's research indicates the highest efficacy builder is the "mastery experience" a small success goes a long way
I loved being able to chat with about something in her class and then seeing the excitement when she tried it.
You remind me that professional learning takes on a new life when using portfolios to make learning visible.
a3: change college admissions requirements.
The biggest factor is that they need to be given the time to develop the lessons.
A3: Uniquely tailoring tech to Ts needs. "I wish I could..." from T -> "How about if we try..." from me. Make tech indispensable
A3: PD around the "Why" of the technology, grassroots level buy-in from stakeholders via involvement in planning conversations
A3: I think the most 'wow' is the jobs that are waiting or waiting to be created for the students in a few short years
A3: PD w/choice, relevance, & time for creation! MODELING by leaders, seeing the "Bobs" of tech having success/excitement.
A3: when Ts realize how powerful/creative/effective/collaborative tech is and can be if open to try
Bandura...that is my area of expertise....
Can I please have an
As long as admissions statistics + standardized tests reign, we're stuck https://t.co/4HSjJgB63n
a3: change college admissions requirements.
A3: When admin allows them to take risks without fear of failure, & builds culture of collaboration. https://t.co/AIDxZczUnO
Well said, ! Takes the right kind of culture for that to occur. You, , allow for it to happen!
A3: colleagues using the tech. Training on the tech. Just overall support
A3: a good comfort level is key. Most people are uncomfortable with unfamiliar tech
Q3: I'm not at HS but do collaborate w/ours. Maybe observe in the MS classes so they can see the instruction ss are coming from
Love this acronym, use it all the time in talking with schools about
Agreed. Using the tech in the professional learning goes a looong way.
You know you're succeeding when those doors stays open when you're coming down the hall.
A3 Now, there's a motivating factor!
A3: also be willing to let Ss take a lead with the tech and "show" how to use
Ts are then more inclined to use it when they have structured time to try it.
My daughter did this at OJHS when they installed Apple TV's. So frustrated w/ boys who "thought they knew everything"
A3 Mutually beneficial. That's powerful.
A3 How about mapping the web to identify personal learning patterns; https://t.co/Uvj0B2bNQR Find ways to transfer to classroom
it always ends up being less "show me how" and more "do it for me again" for many teachers
I also find gentle reminders help. I like to stick postits on their 'puters. "Hey try yet? Need help?"
A3 So adjusting habits of mind a bit.
Q4: Can you share examples of how you have showcased or how you would showcase digital activity?
Thanks for sharing. Hope to catch up at
How do we find time to use all new tech?
A3: isn't the hardest thing to change classroom routines? Teachers direct, students as receptive learners is all many know
a4: all digital work should either have a link to it or be embedded somewhere like a blog or website.
Welcome to the chat, Col!
A4: Twitter has been our golden ticket in . Thanks to for being such a strong supporter of it.
Ha! This time posted it before I could get to it. Looking forward to seeing you at ISTE
that it does. I am going to try that on Ts I don't see everyday.
A3: how do we prevent tech from taking away basic skills of reading and writing
A3: Start with the teachers in your PLC and move beyond to your division and so on.
A4 Ss sharing at their parent/teacher conference & S generated posts on the blog help showcase some of the work.
Yeah.. I should really buy stock in Post-its.
That's why they need good support and collaboration. They're more willing to risk w/ tech coach there.
A3: teachers need to know they can start small. The
A4: links to our class website with work samples; Ss sharing with their peers
A4: Twitter and PD sessions. Anyway to expose Ts to tech the better. I'll even do 1:1 with Ts to help
A4 With smartphones & tablets, it's easy to capture & share learning as it happens. Living showcase.
A4: showed colleagues student work samples that were done using 1:1 tech during an institute day. Very powerful.
teaching to read tech is read/write
A3: can we role out new tech slower to learn benefits of each medium
Baby steps. Choose something that interests you and move ahead when ready.
One of the easiest ways is to design learning opps linked to creating digital products. Showcase away from there!
no kidding! are a lifesaver in daily life. Several bricks used in a year.
A4: We've formed the (following lead). Ss run it and create the content. Ts can't help but be impressed
A4: Everything from YouTube Channels to Podcasts, blogs and microblogs, but mostly just sharing
A3: I'd love to play with classroom furniture and layout. Nonverbal message about what is going to happen
One of the reasons I am a huge fan of digital portfolios. Make learning visible, transparent, available for others.
I'm with you on that 😜
A4: also keeping my classroom door open others see/hear what is happening & starts conversations
A4 Always psyched when former Ss come back to use the classroom for integration. Ts in MS & HS start to ask questions.
A4: Feature what Ts & Ss are doing to the learning community via Social Media, why does Ts Appreciation only happen 1 day/yr
A3: We're starting to build a video library for Ts to see how tech is being used. Here are 2 examples. https://t.co/BGi0PjmHxY
A4.1 Visitors vs. Residents, map internet use to fond common ground for showcasing learning, examples: https://t.co/Uvj0B2bNQR
Can't do it all. Try something on as someone said earlier. See how it "fits." Glad you've joined the chat.
doesn't have to be complicated; I showed my son his blog from when he was 8 - 15 now...he was shocked...and slightly horrified
A4: ts & ss applying to present at IL TECH 2016 😄 Thx for pushing me to apply with a project to share. It's next Tues😱
I forgot!! Here we come Springfield on Tuesday!! YES!
There's a learning curve for Ts and Ss with any new media / tech. It can be frustrating all around.
A great place to start is to consider how you want tech to help with instruction. Learn the tech helps with that
Find one or 2 things and get really good at them. Focus on the ones that help your Ss, not just tech to add tech.
Yes. Many staff pushing out the digital classroom story through Twitter. Love it.
When he showed me Win the White House it blew me away! So much better than Oregon Trail
But I always advise if it's not working, don't do it. "Tech" doesn't have to equal "toys" or "new".
A4: find your teacher all stars and promote them - open up the classroom to anyone that wants to see what is going on.
Q5: How about examples of e-learning/e-teaching tools or knowledge management systems to organize those tools?
is awesome! All the good chats are during west coast bedtime!
A3. Absolutely! Thanks for jumping on, Amy!
this is my greatest struggle...have not found a digital "organizer" that works hope to get some ideas
i hardly ever see any Ts created content on any social media site. even our private g+ community is barren of any Ts content.
Build a team of confident experts each with a specialty with which to help others.
A4 "living showcase" - great idea
A3: also I love tech. However the personal connection of t's and s's can get lost. They still need interpersonal communication
A5 We miss out on building a "knowledge base" bc as soon as you create it, something changes...this is hard
A4. It's about individual readiness. TIFs are there to support. Success breeds success.
A4. That's the idea, yes!
A4: we showcase a lot on and and are excited to explore
A5: I think most of our Digital Toolboxes look like my grandfather's garage.
challenge 4 sure, adds emphasis on PD & Training needed for SM 4 our Ts as well. How to expand and use their Digi-PLN
I could see it increasing communication because you have more time to work with students 1 on 1.
Working w/tech is like being a new teacher. Hard to go back to 1st yr prep but veteran expectations and standards
I like creating a Canvas course to test or organize tech tools AND trying out how to organize these in Canvas
1st yr at D230, students presented on allowing BYOD. That shaped one of our directions! Student input is huge
A4. And building student communication skills too. Great pairing of ideas.
A5: But, a bit of time spent organizing bookmarks, utilizing favorites, and just sharing useful tools can help organization
T's feel inadequate vs. the professional content with big budgets and talent. Too bad to miss T's voice https://t.co/cECy5DrGEm
i hardly ever see any Ts created content on any social media site. even our private g+ community is barren of any Ts content.
if they would come to our training sessions they could learn.
Google docs so Ss can write, share w/ others Ss for peer review. is a great resource for you.
and we don't teachers how to "design" digital content...we know how to teach :)
has allowed for more insight into their thought processes which allows for more tailored classes
Has your team considering badging systems for your Ts?
Agreed. Empty training sessions stink. I noticed more attendance when I let Ts create topics though
couldn't agree more with this!
ha. hahahahahaha!!!! that's funny.
1st txt ever sent was w/o txt, I was still :):)..learn as you go.
I feel that @ d230 has done a good job of going slow/deliberate to help amplify T's voice
Definitely not about the 'show'. More success when Ts allow Ss to drive the bus more. Allow Ts to facilitate
this year, our training sessions have been run by a teacher. his own topics. very low turn out.
Great start. Discussion boards are also a huge asset for college level classes. Builds confidence.
It is exciting to think about how much of Canvas we have not tapped into yet.
Don't go backwards. Use tech to build on what you're great at. Make your lessons more engaging - don't start over.
i'm not against badging at all. i'm just a lowly IT guy. that has to come from the top
Anyone want to share their favorite resources for digital learning environments?
Had to squash the "Canvas is going away" rumor today. =(
And you are great at a LOT!
A5 Agreed. Lots more potential there.
Google and Canvas have been big for us.
So many, do you have specific needs? https://t.co/Z9JhPgjuFc
Anyone want to share their favorite resources for digital learning environments?
What is your next step in designing, implementing, or improving a DLE in your school or classroom?
is going to Chromebooks next year. So anything helps - especially for Ts lurking.
Freshman Device Orientation
: continue to empower teachers so that they are driving the bus! Not me or IT.
layout of the classroom needs to evolve with the new role of tech and teacher
This summer take everything I have learned & reflect if I best matched content to the most successful tech integration