The #INeLearn hashtag is used for both asynchronous sharing and synchronous conversations. Include #INeLearn in your tweets if you want to share resources or questions with Indiana educators and school leaders. Asynchronously, the #INeLearn hashtag provides educators across the state of Indiana a central space for sharing. On Thursday evenings beginning at 8 CST/9 EST when you use the #INeLearn hashtag, you are joining a live conversation--the #INeLearn Twitter Chat. For one hour, we interact in real time having a virtual discussion.
Hey guys! My name's Olivia and I'm a pre-service student at Indiana University studying Elementary Education! Can't wait to be apart of this super cool twitter chat tonight! #INelearn
Hi! My name is Joy Pajdo and I am a pre-service teacher studying secondary health education at Indiana University! I am excited to get started tonight!! #INeLearn
Hello all!! My name is Shania Mundy and I am a pre-service teacher at Indiana University! I'm studying Elementary Education while pursuing license additions in Reading and Computer Education! #INeLearn
I'm at the other end of the #INeLearn spectrum: retired after 39 yrs of teaching, but still in the education field. I often wonder how my teaching career would have been different if social media has been around!
John from Evansville. It has been a while since I was a pre-service teacher, but glad to see my future fellow faculty members on here tonight #INeLearn
Just a friendly reminder that we use the Q1, R1 format for our chats. Our first Q will be coming soon. Watch for our RTs and be sure to add the #INeLearn tag to your posts.
R1 Edtech saved my career. Gave me an outlet for my creativity and personal style. I was 4 years into teaching and thought about an exit, but then we got our iPads. Ten years I am! #INeLearn
R1: The enormous range of possibility and potential for student creation and production. So many awesome things our students can create to showcase their learning in new and innovative ways! I try to share that passion through conferences and in my teaching #INeLearn
R1: I share my #edtech passion with everyone at any opportunity! I love linking things back to the world of tech whenever possible! That way I am normalizing an interest in technology and sparking conversation with others! #INeLearn
R1: What gets me excited about #edTech is all of the possibilities and opportunities that it creates for learning. It takes student creation and production to the next level and it creates a fun environment for me as well #INeLearn
Although technology is evolving, at times, society may be lacking the proper resources, or well-informed leaders, who may be able to incorporate the kind of curriculum the future student body may need. We need people like ed-tech leaders to facilitate that progress. #INeLearn
R1: #edtech is a great way to get this generation of Ss actively engaged in their learning. It allows them to explore their personal passions and interests, and it's exciting to see the creativity this sparks. #INeLearn
R1: The enormous range of possibility and potential for student creation and production. So many awesome things our students can create to showcase their learning in new and innovative ways! I try to share that passion through conferences and in my teaching #INeLearn
R1: Although technology is evolving, at times, society may be lacking the proper resources, or well-informed leaders, who may be able to incorporate the kind of curriculum the future student body may need. We need people like ed-tech leaders to facilitate that progress. #INeLearn
R1: #Edtech is constantly changing. I was on the ground floor of blended curriculum in 2002-2003. Had a vision for 1:1 in 2004-2005. Now curating, making things in 3D. What’s next? I wanna try it! #INeLearn
R1: When I have a question about something, with #edtech there are so many more ways to investigate, whether I'm using a computer, my phone, Voxer, twitter, FB, or even Alexa. The best answers still often involve people. #INeLearn
R1: #edtech will give my students even more opportunities to be creators and innovators in ways that they never thought possible, which I think is pretty darn amazing! #INeLearn
R1: #Edtech is constantly changing. I was on the ground floor of blended curriculum in 2002-2003. Had a vision for 1:1 in 2004-2005. Now curating, making things in 3D. What’s next? I wanna try it! #INeLearn
Our school uses @CanvasLMS to share and retrieve content from Ss. I also use things like @Flipgrid@quizizz etc. to gather more info about my Ss learning. #INeLearn
In reply to
@educsnmundy, @teach1inspire1, @CanvasLMS, @Flipgrid, @quizizz
#INeLearn I love to show teacher's the various platforms that our corporation has Classroom (Google and Apple), SeeSaw, FlipGrid, etc.
Q2: How do you use technology to create activities that are engaging, student-centered, and/or creation-based? What are some of your favorite example? #INeLearn
Q2: How do you use technology to create activities that are engaging, student-centered, and/or creation-based? What are some of your favorite example? #INeLearn
Yes! #edtech certainly makes learning feel more authentic and meaningful to Ss! With an audience, their work becomes not just a personal achievement but a product for the world to see and enjoy. #INeLearn
R2 I #tlap and ask myself questions. Such as, "How can we do this better or in a more meaningful way w/ tech?" I also keep in mind...sometimes tech isn't always the best way. #INeLearn
R2: I hope to use technology to create virtual environments for my Ss to walk through. In health, I think it is easy to get lost in all the little parts of the human body. Technology can keep students engaged and learning in a way that text never could!
R2: As a preservice teacher I haven't had much experience directly, but so far I've noticed that using technology that allows the students to collaborate on the creation of a product allows for students to all get their voice accounted for in a fun way #INeLearn
R2: I enjoy using robots such as Dash from @WonderWorkshop and @littleBits to make learning more engaging. I have used little bits specifically to build circuits for a science lesson #INeLearn
R2: As a music teacher, there are a lot of great applications that help students explore their musical creativity. One app that I like to use is @noteflight. This is a free web-based app that allows students to compose their own music and post their projects online #INeLearn
R2:I have realized how important it is to not always some some kind of specific, by the book agenda, rather leave room for creative, and self influenced activities revolving around technology in order for students to derive their own context for things they're learning. #INeLearn
R2: my Ss cm create parts for mousetrap cars on @Tinkercad, print them on one of my 3D printers from @1stmakerspace, and then run them like this. #INeLearn
There are some Voxer groups that I use daily. It's a great place to ask questions and get suggestions from active practitioners. And, I'm actually on a few listservs that are still very viable. Have even had productive threads on FB #INeLearn
R2: As a preservice teacher I haven't had much experience directly, but so far I've noticed that using technology that allows the students to collaborate on the creation of a product allows for students to all get their voice accounted for in a fun way #INeLearn
R2: One thing I have been focused on recently is using technology to increase participation from Ss. Check out my latest blog post for some great resources! A couple favorites: @Socrative and @polleverywhere#INeLearn
R2: I generally start with the standard/objective/topic and from there, find a great tool or two that can be used to give students space to create & explore & collaborate. Favorites lately are @nearpod@WonderWorkshop@DoInkTweets#INeLearn
R2:I watched a class of students use a Google doc to take group notes over new material a teacher was presenting in a HS Biology was excellent to see the different interpretations and explanations that students were sharing. Smarter together #inelearn
I totally agree! It is so fun to watch students create and collaborate with their peers using technology--they are so excited about what is possible for them! #INeLearn
Q3: What would be your ideal classroom technology setup and why? Is this setup grade-level dependent? (e.g. 1:1, tablet vs. laptop, Windows vs. Mac vs. Chromebook, etc.) #INeLearn
The idea of using virtual environments in the classroom is so cool to me! I think this opens up limitless opportunity for exploring a ton of different topics. #INeLearn
Exactly! I love watching Ss collaborate on something like Google Docs where you can see what each student contributed, and notice that everyone seems to participate more! #INeLearn
Q3: What would be your ideal classroom technology setup and why? Is this setup grade-level dependent? (e.g. 1:1, tablet vs. laptop, Windows vs. Mac vs. Chromebook, etc.) #INeLearn
R2: I also like using @WeVideo for video production. Videos can be uploaded and shared with whomever via @YouTube. It’s sharing with anyone that I find mind blowing. #INeLearn
R3: Depending on the grade level, I think 1 to 1 with tablets for younger grades and laptops for the older grades works well. It allows for more students to be hands on at the same time #INeLearn
R3: I would love to have 1:1 technology whether it be laptops or tablets. I would prefer to work with K-2, so tablets seem like they would be more useful for those grades! #INeLearn
R3: Ideal would be flexible learning spaces with lots of options for students to use and explore. Maybe a mac station for A/V work, maybe even a VR station! And then I generally think iPads are great for younger students, and laptops/chromebooks for upper students #INeLearn
R3: I hope to one day ideally have a 1:1 classroom with a laptop that allows the students the full potential to create what they need in a given day with minimal technical issues!! #INeLearn
R3: I often imagine the "perfect" learning setting with a variety of devices...laptops, chromebooks, ipads...all available, connected and ready to meet the needs of students in exploring and evidencing their learning. #inelearn
R3: I view the 1:1 classroom beneficial, in the sense that teachers are able to play an even more critical role in their students' educational careers. The idea technology setup would include a laptop assigned to each student, as keyboards are tangible, unlike iPads. #INeLearn
R2: I was able to support a T who did an extensive research proj with 6th grade. Before it was over, they had connected with experts via skype, GHO, facetime and phone. Created presentations for community members. #INeLearn
R3: I want to give my Ss a project that would benefit the community, they construct and design in class using the tech we provide (3D printers, cad programs, video production), then sell it “shark tank” style. #INeLearn
This sounds very interesting–I will have to look into it!! I actually haven't heard of Voxer being used for educational purposes, but I think this
could be very helpful, especially as a pre-service teacher! Are these groups public? #INeLearn
R3: My ideal classroom setup with tech would be 1:1 with Chromebooks and 5 ipads to use as needed. Teacher has a projector and apple tv for airplay. That being said teacher training with the devices is the key to successful integration of that setup. 👩🏻💻❤️#INeLearn
R3: I teach band, so 1:1 tablets would be ideal for me so students can put it on their stand next to their music. It also gives them the flexibility to move around the room and work with other students. Other setups might not offer as much flexibility. #INeLearn
That variety in the classroom is absolutely essential in an educational environment, as diversity is key. This way, students are able to be accommodated in a plethora of forms! #INeLearn
R3 I do think it is important to give Ss exposure to multiple platforms and devices. That's why I am an Apple girl who adores Google, too. :) #INeLearn
Love the idea of connecting the project to the community. I really think giving the students a purpose that they can truly connect with is a great way to encourage student-centered learning through the technology!! #INeLearn
I agree. Having students create videos incorporates so many skills and decisions (although sometimes my Ss spent too much time on things like the background music) My own children often created videos when given a choice. #INeLearn
In reply to
@educhsbegle, @LCHS_Bio, @WeVideo, @YouTube
I love this idea so much! This gets Ss invested in their work, makes learning feel more authentic and valuable, and even gives back. I would love to steal this idea to do with my Ss one day! #INeLearn
Q4: What strategies have you used to overcome challenges with technology integration? Are there any strategies you have found to be more effective than others? #INeLearn
Love this idea! I wonder if you could get money from a grant or donated by an organization to actually implement the projects in the community! #INeLearn
Q4: What strategies have you used to overcome challenges with technology integration? Are there any strategies you have found to be more effective than others? #INeLearn
R4 STAY CALM. Glitches will absolutely happen. Failure will be a guarantee when you try something new. Fight through the problems alongside your Ss. Teach them to troubleshoot. Become BFF w/ your tech staff and have them teach you instead of just fix it. #INeLearn
R4 Always have a plan B, C, D and is great as long as you can get it to perform accordingly. Sometimes our best laid plans with technology aren't fully executable...#INeLearn
Q4: What strategies have you used to overcome challenges with technology integration? Are there any strategies you have found to be more effective than others? #INeLearn
R4: Remember that everything doesn't always go as planned, so remember to not freak out if something doesn't always work the first time! Always ask your Ss if they can help, they usually know a lot about technology and can help! #INeLearn
R4: The biggest strategy I use is learning from my own mistakes and collaborating with peers to work toward making the technology integration more successful in the future #INeLearn
R4: Prepare for any and every possibility. Students will forget passwords, wifi will go out, devices will be uncharged, and things will not work as expected. Be ready to roll with whatever happens, and have a backup plan ready to go! #INeLearn
Couldn't agree with this more! I went to a Windows centered high school and while that was nice, I had little exposure to Mac and had to spend time learning it when I got to IU. #INeLearn
R4: Modeling, but empathy. Make the #edtech real and useful, not something wedged into the class to say you had it. Make connections between the tech and to their world after school #INeLearn
I love how you mentioned fighting through the problems alongside your Ss. I believe that is so important and many teachers don't think about it in this way! #INeLearn
R4: As a preservice T, I have never had ANY struggles integrating technology...this is due to a lack of classroom or Ss to implement them with...but I do think that honesty with students about the limitations of the tech being used is a great way to absolve frustration
I think providing students with flexibility when it comes to the platforms and devices they use is so important for the succes of the students! #INeLearn
R4: YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES, have hiccups, tech won’t work, etc. If you give up, you probably won’t use tech that much. Be fearless of failure. Expect to fail. You learn from it. #INeLearn
#INeLearn R4: In short--be adaptable and flexible. Challenges with technology are inevitable. Take them in stride, and use them as teachable moments for Ss. Have them help you problem solve!
A4 when introducing new tech to Ss (or Ts also) don’t tie it to anything new in the curriculum.
Make it fun with no pressures attached. Allow time for exploration and sharing. #INeLearn
R4: I think it is super important to be prepared to have a back up plan in case something goes wrong. Even with short field experiences I've experienced this, and it's okay! Sometimes the learning that comes out of that is even better than you had imagined before #INeLearn
R4: As several have said stay calm and think before you jump into action. Always have a plan B.. I think showing kids how adults can remain calm in those situations speaks volumes. 👩🏻💻😊 #INeLearn
YESSSSS!!!! I always give "explore time" when I intro an app. Plus...sometimes it gives you great ideas when you see what they do with the tech/tool. #INeLearn
I think this is a wonderful example of overcoming challenges with tech integration! Do you have any specific stories that this came from? #INeLearn#ReitzNation
Absolutely. Modeling for Ss how to appropriately handle stressful and frustrating things is so important. If WE are afraid of failure, they will be too. #INeLearn
That is the power of a #PLN like #INeLearn - We come together, share and innovate, taking an idea here, adding to it and making it bigger and better. I can only hope some of my work is "stolen" like this!
R4: Remember, you are not alone! I would be remiss if I didn't remind you that you might be able to collaborate with your school librarian! #INeLearn#AISLEchat
R4: Remember, you are not alone! I would be remiss if I didn't remind you that you might be able to collaborate with your school librarian! #INeLearn#AISLEchat
This is so important and I think a lot of people tend to forget this! Twitter chats like this I think are an awesome resource in addition to your school librarian! #INeLearn
R4: @techcoachjuarez and I coach teachers to focus on leading with learning, never with tech. Focus on the 4Cs and the tech takes care of itself. The 4Cs are student centered rather than teacher centered, allowing for student choice. #INeLearn
Q4: What strategies have you used to overcome challenges with technology integration? Are there any strategies you have found to be more effective than others? #INeLearn
R5: Since I am a preservice teacher, I don't actually know. But I know schools that have weekly/monthly professional development to learn and collaborate together as a school for the best way to implement new technology and what is working for them #INeLearn
R5: Making sure professional development is sustained and continuous for the whole school year! Not just a one-and-done workshop at the start of the year, and then assuming everyone is on the same page and good to go from there out. #INeLearn
R4: While I don't have a ton of experience with tech integration in a classroom setting, I think it's important to be open with students and work through problems with the students. Communication is key, and it's okay to let students know when you're struggling too! #INeLearn
R5 Providing PD for content creation, tools, etc. A tech integration rubric was tossed around a couple of years ago, but never implemented. At this point in our 1:1 journey, I think integration shouldn't be forced and should look more fluid. #INeLearn
R5: By utilizing technology in a way that benefits all parties inside the classroom, it is crucial for students to begin incorporating technology into their educational background at a young age, and with the help of knowledgable teachers. #INeLearn
We happen to think that the #INeLearn PLN is a fabulous place to start building! Check us out on all of our SM platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.) #INeLearn
I COMPLETELY agree with this. I want my students to have the space to learn to be innovators and independent thinkers, uninhibited by the pressure of grades, standards, and the fear of failure. Let them explore and experiment!! #INeLearn
R5: By involving all stakeholders including students in the process. I am fortunate that my district believes in me and knowing how to guide them in the right direction 👩🏻💻😊❤️ #inelearn
R5: I think it is important for all parts of a school--admins, Ss, Ts--to be on the same page when it comes to tech. Ss and Ts can't be fighting constantly when it comes to tech! To have a shared vision is to have a shared goal when it comes to tech integration
I think being fluid is so important and integration should never be forced. You want to be comfortable with whatever it is your are implementing. #INeLearn
R5: I think it is so important for everyone to be on the same page, and hopefully the Ss opinions are truly taken into to consideration in the entire process #INeLearn
Ok I have a ? to ask of our preservice Ts. Do you feel prepared to integrate tech into a classroom? As a #DigitalImmigrant, I have no fear of busting out tech in my room. Yet, I feel that some #DigitalNatives don’t feel as comfy. Thoughts? #INeLearn
Great point! With everyone's wide variety of experiences with technology, you shouldn't try to immediately force them to change what they're already finding successful in their classrooms. #INeLearn
I think involving Ss is critical. Allowing their voices to be heard brings them into the adult, democratic process of decision-making and compromise...not to mention the fact that they will be directly affected by the decisions! #INeLearn
I think it's good to give people a nudge or some would never try anything. I think what I mean is that for our district (1:1 for several years now) tech should just flow in our curriculum rather than having to think about it. :) #INeLearn
I'm interested by the idea of "leading with learning," and I love the idea of creating a student centered classroom. With this mindset, tech can still be integrated, just may not be the actual leading factor! #INeLearn
I feel as if I am mostly prepared because I am pursuing a computer educators license addition. I feel comfortable with exploring tech tools but I believe without taking these classes to learn how to incorporate tech tools I would not feel prepared #INeLearn
Yes, I do feel comfortable implementing most technology, but I still know that things could go wrong. I think the more you use technology, the less you have fear of it! #INeLearn
Q6: How do you ensure technology is used to increase participation and accessibility, and not act as a barrier for students with special needs, or those who might not have access outside of school? #INeLEarn
What a good question! I feel like I am still closer to an immigrant than a native, as I did spend most of my childhood without tech, I do feel fairly comfortable taking tech in the classroom. The DigNat's that I know are usually pretty excited to integrate tech too! #INeLearn
Q6: How do you ensure technology is used to increase participation and accessibility, and not act as a barrier for students with special needs, or those who might not have access outside of school? #INeLEarn
I feel very comfortable integrating technology in the classroom but this is mostly because of the Computer Education Licensing program at @IUBloomington!! I have had a lot of experience within this program to try new things with tech! #INeLearn
Great question! I certainly feel like I am comfortable using and integrating #edtech, although with the exponential rate at which technology develops, I know I will have to keep learning and growing just like every other T! #INeLearn
R6: Always keeping those students in mind when creating and curating content. Making sure teachers are aware of extensions, apps to help meet those students’ needs. #UDL 👩🏻💻❤️ #inelearn
My comfort levels of tech integration are high, but incorporating technology into the classroom is an extremely important asset that I am 100% rooting for because both students and their teachers should be well informed and aware of the technological world we live in. #INeLearn
R6 I think of all the avenues that tech opens up for our Ss with special needs. For ex: I started using @quizizz because I had a visually impaired student who couldn't see the classroom screen for other review methods, but could read his own screen. #INeLearn
R6 #INeLearn
Ts gotta do their HW and learn what’s out there. It’s a daunting task at times but you’ll better be prepared to incorporate tech for all Ss
Also provide choice! Not all Ss are the same so they might need a different tools to display their learning.
Q6: Start with your students.
Who they are, where they're at, what their needs are, etc. Take the time to get to know them and their needs. And then always keep them and their needs central to any learning experience you're developing #INeLearn
Yes! I think tech has actually broken down so many barriers. This question has me thinking more mindfully though. Do I ask my Ss about their preferences or needs enough? #INeLearn
R6: It is important to always be thinking of the students with different needs, abilities, and access when creating lessons that include tech. Differentiation is so important in this regard. It is also important to talk to Ss and get their feedback on what is working
R6: I think it's important to recognize that #edtech is a tool and must be used appropriately, and to teach your Ss to see it the same way! Not everything requires tech, even in our increasingly digital society. #INeLearn
R6: I think it is important to be sure to consider your demographics and perform your due diligence in terms of research. You have to know your Ss, Ts, and community. I think this should be a big drive for your decision making #INeLearn
Yes, and when you are out in the teaching world, you need to be sure to attend some of the Summer of eLearning events! Some of the best, most reasonably-priced PD around! (some of it even free-- with lunch!)
R6: Always keeping those students in mind when creating and curating content. Making sure teachers are aware of extensions, apps to help meet those students’ needs. #UDL 👩🏻💻❤️ #inelearn
Yes, and when you are out in the teaching world, you need to be sure to attend some of the Summer of eLearning events! Some of the best, most reasonably-priced PD around! (some of it even free-- with lunch!)
R6: The wide variety of options we have for technology tools really opens the door to help differentiate educational materials for students with special needs. As teachers, it's important constantly communicate and assess technology needs to help students succeed. #INeLearn
Absolutely. There is so much #edtech available that it's imperative for Ts to weed through the flashy new gadgets and find tools that actually make learning and teaching more efficient and effective. #INeLearn
R7: Keep doing what you're doing! Ya'll are awesome and it's always an honor and privilege working with you!! I have no doubt you'll be rockstar inservice teachers! #INeLearn
R7: Advice for the veteran teachers, don't be afraid to try new things, you would be amazed at how well your students adapt even if you think it will be difficult! #INeLearn
R7: Just know that you're going to run into a very wide variety of situations. Some districts are very well-resourced and some are not. Be flexible and know how you're going to adapt if you end up in a less-than-ideal setting. #INeLearn
#INeLearn It was awesome; wish I could have participated more, but time to get moving out of here. S/O to all the awesome preservice Ts leading the chat and getting involved tonight!
R7 Try things. Don't be afraid to ask questions of veteran Ts and likewise don't be afraid to share your voice in a respectful way. Teaching is about sharing. We are all in this together. #INeLearn
Thanks. Ive heard 2 things about technology and teachers. Basically something like this:
Tech will amplify teaching and make great teachers better, but will expose bad teaching too. #INeLearn
R7: My advice for the veteran teachers would be to not be afraid to let your Ss teach you things about a technology or take the lead sometimes!! Your Ss might be an expert on some application that you may not be #INeLearn
R7: focus on learning one tool per quarter then by the end of the year your level of integration will be high amd student choice will become embedded 😊👩🏻💻❤️ #INeLearn
You know I am the same; however, you must sometimes weed the garden, find that one or two things that you really like, and nurture their use. #INeLearn
Yes!! It's easy to get caught up in finding the latest and greatest. It's always best to find something that is effective and truly master the tool. #INeLearn
WU For me this was a good reminder to think about solid foundations and tapping into my passion. Sometimes the days can blend together if we let them. I loved the energy in this chat tonight. #INeLearn
R7: I had a wise, helpful tech support person in the district tell me once, "Don't think about all of the things you don't know; look how far you've come!" And I remember that, years later. Wish I knew where she is now so I could thank her. #INeLearn
Wrap Up: While I don't have a classroom of my own to implement the ideas discussed tonight, I'm definitely keeping the resources, tools, and ideas in my teacher tool-box for future use!! #INeLearn
Great questions tonight “newbies”! I look forward to seeing your successes in the near future! Good luck and make sure you come back to visit with us! #INeLearn
WUQ: I'm going to be teaching my undergraduate class music education about effective ways to integrate technology into music classes (and will keep bringing all these new ideas up throughout the semester). #INeLearn