Hey #xplap. Louie from Lancaster, PA. Middle School SS Teacher. Soon to be moving to Philly as 5th grade teacher next year. Always love learning from the #xplap crew.
Michael Matera
Author of #XPLAP
YouTuber: https://t.co/SB0FREshu7
6th Grade Teacher
Best of all DAD!
Child like amazement... This time of year is one of my favs... I love the kiddos so much, have seen so much growth, and now must watch them shine from a distance! #XPLAP
✨Hello, #XPLAP Crew! I'm Kimberly from NE, and I teach 7th grade ELA. I'm trying to use every last sprinkle of EDUmagic I can! So many amazing ideas shared by others to try, but so little time!✨
Is the challenge tonight to response with gif (again) -- loving' all the great visual emotions we are going through as the school year comes to an end #xplap
A1: I just really like the excitement it brings into the class. I haven’t found any other way to get it. When the kids are into it they ask for more! #XPLAP
A1: for me in the library it is the kids who choose to join my games. Everything is a choose and I’m overwhelmed by the students who want to do it. 💝#xplap
A1: Hard to pick just one, but I really like incorporating dice with time limits. Ss seem to get and stay really focused, rising to the challenge. And it's also easy to use items with the dice game too! #xplap
A1 Just dipped my toe in this past week and watched a few kids actually wake up in class. Others messaging teammates in the middle of night to strategize. What?!?#XPLAP
A1: suspense, curiosity as time. I love to lay experiences out for Ss to interact with and interpret in their own time and then boom watch it come together #XPLAP
a1) I like the scenarios or game environment. Provides a break from the "going to school" that kids complain about. Gets them able to do something new or unique. #xplap
Your power-ups are so powerful! I need to add more. Thinking of what I need to tweet this year and this is definitely one. I want to have a rolling roll-out of power. #XPLAP
A1 - I'm pretty new to gamification so I think I'm finding everything really exciting. Getting all of my game pieces together for September and working out all the logistics of my game.#XPLAP
A1: I am loving using 4th quarter to have convos with my kiddos to change and make my game stronger… here are my new items… Simple tweets that make me love them way more. Thanks guys! #XPLAP
A1: Ooooo so hard to pick one. I do love the element of surprise or when the game reveals something you didn’t necessarily intend but it ends up making it better! #xplap
A1 Just dipped my toe in this past week and watched a few kids actually wake up in class. Others messaging teammates in the middle of night to strategize. What?!?#XPLAP
a1) I need to work on my items and the method for obtaining the items. I had Ss earn gold this year, but no one really seemed to get into it, very low participation compared to previous year. Also, making it more fun! #XPLAP
A2: This year I tried adding player types and only certain items could be used by that player type. I didn’t like it for my kiddos… Not enough options or items per type. Going with more streamlined system that = more fun and more choice! #XPLAP
A1: For me it is the energy the kids bring to the game. The are creating powers, curses and challenges simply because they love the game... it challenges them beyond my content. #XPLAP
A2: Group projects. I need to find a way to incorporate more group work, group power-ups and other cohort ideas.Currently working on having groups start their own stores or ad agencies in my business classes. #xplap
#xplap So awesome to see so many ELA teachers tonight - would love to have an English centered #gamified twitter chat one time to share and collaborate
I need to make my leaderboard more public. It is on my website, but only those really into the game see it. Yet when I pull it up for everyone the excitement level raises. I need to figure this one out. #XPLAP
#XPLAP Hi! I’m Shauna from Oregon. I teach in a public online charter school. This time of the year I feel pulled in a thousand different directions and my attention span keeps growing shorter and shorter.
I thought of putting a physical board in my room. First year, I hung the team banners in the order they were, but it became a bit more work than I was able to do #XPLAP
A2: 1 - updating my side quests frequently 2 - getting more items circulating. 1 - set aside time in my calendar to update side quests 2 - use currency system to obtain items instead of just winning challenges; started this change, now need to improve it #xplap
A2: the rewards I have at each level were loosely co-constructed with some students but I'm excited to hear what students want to add/change in sept when I use it. #XPLAP
A2: I definitely want to use more items next year, especially items that need to be combined to be used. I also want to use some sort of monetary system like gold in my game. #xplap
A2 I am also really intent on changing my narrative. My current narrative was interest (to me) but not to my students. I'm latching onto the Super Hero craze and switching to that. #XPLAP
A2 This year was all about getting the mechanics in place to build on. We have a leaderboard, power ups, and side quests. Now I want to build a compelling narrative. #XPLAP
A1: I haven’t gamified, but I’m impressed that I see students working on optional content outside of @MrsCford_tweets classroom! That intrigues me! #XPLAP
So I have an XP dilemma - my students who earned 10,000 XP got points & powers w/final exams but we have decided to eliminate our final exam this year. What should I gift my 10,000 XPers? #xplap
Oh Ericka, if you have @MrsCford_tweets as an example… Sit down with her and get started… Your classroom will never be the same and you and your students will love it. #XPLAP
In reply to
@ebushDVMS8, @MrsCford_tweets, @MrsCford_tweets
A1: I am just getting started in exploring gamification in my online classroom. I’ve not had a lot of success yet. But the thing that I’m looking forward to is genuine student engagement. #xplap
That's the amazing thing about #gamification, I think, because it can change every year to meet the needs and interests of a new group. One year gold might motivate, while the next it might be XP #xplap
Every year is an opportunity to revise and revamp - reflect on what is working and what can be better. That never stops as a teacher. I am already thinking about expanding a few quests for next year #xplap
Go with something you're passionate about! I use Harry Potter, and it doesn't matter whether students love HP or not, my passion gets them involved! #xplap
A3: my game board brings in experiences and moments. My students love the experiences it brings to them, game elements and the interaction it brings. #XPLAP
A3: Ss seem to enjoy the public leaderboard made to look like house hour glasses with class leader pictures posted to the sides and the #IdeaFlood (put out by @HeckAwesome) side quests #xplap
A3: My students like the idea of the leaderboard and items, but I feel like they aren't fully fleshed out yet. I need to incorporate my theme better too. Lots of work to do, but the potential does still seem to be there. #xplap
A3: I used classcraft at the end of the year and the only thing they really like about it is random events. They don't care about XP, but they like to win XP. I trying to figure out how to incorporate RE in a non-classcraft game. #XPLAP Also incorporating self-paced quests.
I have an aid that does it when I think of it, but organizing him and the class can be a challenge. I want to find a way to have Ss put it in through a google form. tied to to my leaderboard so it could update automatically once I approved it. #XPLAP
https://t.co/GC1L7noHVg is one way… I happen to use a image editor on my computer to add a bit more custom feel… Let me know if you want more info… not sure how big of a nerd you are… I like to go full nerd when I create! #XPLAP
Thank you! I'd be happy to help brainstorm with you if you want to work something out. And thanks, a colleague made them for me, taking my vision and making it a reality. #xplap
A3: I don’t know if it was an element so much as the game itself but my kids loved our poetic quest! I think our leaderboard, poetic missions, and being able to share their poems on our Padlet were some of their favorites! #xplaphttps://t.co/GqkbO5aTMZ
A3: Any game where I have Ss running around the school in a scavenger hunt or quest. Puzzles, cyphers and @breakouts always inspire and ignite the classroom #xplap
I have two different grades in middle school, so I might have the 8th grade put in the 7th graders scores? or just pick someone who is trustworthy maybe? #XPLAP
Q4: Our games are ultimately for our students. How do you include your students in your reflection/revision process? If you don't currently, how could you? #xplap
I had my Ss fill out a google form at mid-year asking for suggestions. It lead to a “game council” that meets once a week. Not sure I can implement all their plans but It is fun to watch them plan. #XPLAP
Yes, escape rooms are all the rage now, I was inspired by the Escape Bus at #ISTE17 last year -- need to work with my tech teachers to make this come to fruition next year #xplap
A3 The answer is playful competition. Adding that element of fun has made a huge difference in their excitement. Then the fact that they are competing all the time is good. #xplap
A4: I've asked my kids for any help or ideas for new items, but they responses have been few and far between. I'll create a Form to complete at the end of the course asking for the good, bad and the ugly. #xplap
Last year I had students fill in a google form for reflection, didn't really get any good feedback though. working on changing it to hopefully get better responses. #XPLAP
I had my Ss fill out a google form at mid-year asking for suggestions. It lead to a “game council” that meets once a week. Not sure I can implement all their plans but It is fun to watch them plan. #XPLAP
✨A4: Great ideas come from reflection! I plan to give my students a survey next week to help with my game planning for next year! I'm going to dive deeper into gamification! Can't wait! #XPLAP✨
A4: I tried to make it part of our class meetings and if our game was still in progress we made those changes immediately. Ss took way more ownership that way! I will be honest though, I wish I would have done this more! #xplap
A4: I like making topics of reflection that I want feedback on, dividing Ss up into groups with sticky notes, and letting them reflect on the topic. They have a time limit and move around to each group. #xplap
Surviving as a paleo tribe where students could send different members to gather or hunt mammoth was the biggest. Also did some events around lumberjacks & trading. #xplap
A4 We had a design a power up challenge. We are going to choose one and add it to a set, but the kids picture will be on it. We are going to unveil it at the end of the year celebration for the game. #xplap
My final side quest for the school year allows students to write a guest blog post about how #gamification helped them learn this year, design badges, or create a game for a future lesson #xplap
Q5: A part of reflection is thinking about what you wish you would've known or thought about before entering into some element that you've used. What advice would you give about gamifying a classroom? #xplap
I am totally borrowing that Temptations idea. It sounds like a few random students get a Temptation that can boost their or their groups power for finishing a mission BUT it takes time from another mission. #XPLAP
A4 my son is my student (and reader of Explore Like a Pirate!) so we have talked a lot. Lots of informal convos w students, but would like to do a survey before the year’s out. Also use suggestion boards in class for the game and other feedback. #xplap
A5: Don't get overwhelmed or discouraged if something doesn't work right away. I think I jumped in a little too fast and have plenty of work to do, but I still see the merit to putting in the effort. #xplap
A5: Don't wait for things to be all worked out or "perfect" before jumping in. The beauty of the system is that it can change as you need it to. Be confident in what you start with and then add and revise from there. #xplap
Hey all - just wanted to pop in quickly to say hey to the amazing #XPLAP crew. Sorry I couldn't join you tonight but I will do my best to make it back here soon. Happy #TeacherAppreciationDay to you all! "You. You're good." Keep on rocking, friends!
A5 My advice... follow the ABCs... Always Be Creating...
We are always in beta and always making relationships. It always feels big - eat the elephant one bite at a time.
!. Spend time on your narrative, including plans for how it will change throughout the year. Your plans may change, but it is easier to have something to go from than realizing too late you need something. #XPLAP
I love your use of Google Forms too, especially that you made it a council, keeping it gamified. Great idea! (This is actually the topic of the vlog post I put out today, just some ideas for involving students.) #xplap
A5: My advice about #gamification to those thinking about it... It is simply good teaching... And not the teaching that has done before... #Gamification ties together all the recent ideas on PD into one umbrella that works. Get ready for awesomeness... and a ton of work! #XPLAP
Yup... Me too... I find the pics at school and write the text to go along at school and then do it at home. I've tried to get it unblocked to no avail... #XPLAP
In reply to
@Renard_Teach, @shaunaaltman, @mrmatera, @Modrndaygalileo
A5: I actually wish I hadnt overthought it AND that I started earlier. I think I was overwhelmed at first with feeling the need to have every what if senario solved. I would tell a teacher they don’t have to wait until August. You can start now! #xplap
A5 - EVERYTHING IS GROWING! Do not frustrate because something is not perfect yet or something is not working how you envisioned it. You will grow. Your game will grow. Your class will grow. Focus on the fun! #xplap
✨YOU SHOULD TRY IT. It's almost a given that once #gamification and #GBL are given a chance, they'll become a permanent component in the classroom. #XPLAP✨
A5 Be honest with your kids, your excitement feeds there’s. However, your business can bog the game. Apologize and get it back. They will come with you, especially if you pull them back in with flair. A breakout for a unicorn power up. Or some big competitive spark #XPLAP
I started this time last year. It gave me the courage I needed to go all it. When I saw the difference it made at the end of the year I knew I wanted it for the whole year. #XPLAP
Individuals get powers for every 1500 XP and fill out a Google form to claim them. They include things like Dragon Power which can affect another guild or heal your own.
Q6: There's always something new to try. What is one mini game that you would like to incorporate next year (or reinvent)? How will you implement it into your classroom? #xplap
I like that you mentioned this. Like in all parts of our classroom, honesty does wonders with our Ss. They get it that it's not an exact science and are willing to go along for the ride with you. #xplap
A6 I am working on 5 Question "Skirmishes". Students get 5 questions to defeat an "enthralled" historic character. If they win they become an ally for the larger Boss Fight. #XPLAP
Temptations are sent to random students and if accepted change the layout of the game. For example the March Madness temptation was accepted by all classes and guilds played trashketball for XP #XPLAP
I am always looking for mini games. I want to add them all. I need the 5 minutes for the end of the class and the 55 minute for the testing days when you want something fun, yet still a bit educational. #XPLAP
You can use mtgcardsmith for free… I don’t use that one… I did for awhile… Now I use an image editor on my computer. I know, I am a nerd but I just wanted that extra bit of control. #XPLAP
a6) not really a mini game, but want to gamify my second class for next year (Earth Science) I'm thinking a civilization type game. Would also like to include minute to winit type challenges. #XPLAP
A6: I have some different ideas for different units, but the one that I want to try is a Price is Right game in my Pricing unit. Getting Plinko and the Big Wheel, while dealing with regular retail prices? It just makes sense. Just need to build it. #xplap
A6: This is not super specific but all ideas start somewhere right?! I really would love too bring more gamified ideas to the PD our coaching team provides! #xplap
A6 I am testing out a choose your own adventure on Friday that uses @PearDeck to help make choices. Students can vote and respond in secret. If it works you can bet we will use it in our narrative next year. #XPLAP
A6 There are so many mini challenges that it’s hard to pick. I haven’t tried @Mr_JSpike caption activity yet, but plan to use it w students before the year is out. #xplap
Q7: When we plan new ideas or revisions, there are resources we think of as go-to. What are some of your resources for aiding the reflection/revision process? #xplap
I have had kids build models “chopped” style. It has been fun to see how they put a plastic fish into a model showing a chemical change. (LOVE your vlog!) #XPLAP
I always say you are going to work hard, no matter what. The difference is the journey and the result. Will you and the students enjoy it and grow or suffer through each day? #XPLAP
A7: Google Forms for autograding, https://t.co/ThJAoywWSa for item creation, Google Sites & Slides for my website and maps, and @mrmatera's leaderboard. Oh, and the #xplap community.
Means a lot… The #XPLAP community is filled with so many wonderful, helpful, and just all around great people… Thanks for being such an awesome community people!
A7: #xplap and #xplapcamp Twitter chats are a must, and I really would like to start participating in #games4ed. @mrmatera 's leaderboard and vlog are awesome tools, and just learning from everyone in this community!
Q8: BONUS! What is a possible collaboration you could incorporate with a teacher from your PLN that could make a game or game element stronger? Tag that teacher and let the brainstorming begin! #xplap
WOW! So well said, Monica! Your words remind me of this quote by @burgessdave...
"It’s not supposed to be easy—it’s supposed to be worth it."
There are so many great vlogs, blogs, and tweets from this community and the #XPLAPcamp community. It just is a great community with wonderful ideas. #XPLAP
Dear #xplap crew, thank you for being reflective, creative, and just plain awesome tonight! Cheers to the end of one school year and the beginning of another. (And in case you didn't catch it, the two graphics used for this chat are HP movie locations.)