So, I will share a good story. After schiol, I was doing some field work with 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. They were sharing all the projects they loved from my science class. Especially Genius Hour! #scitlap
Also, one of the girls in my group bought me a gift of Chestnut leaf earrings because she is part of the Chestnut Club and we now share this passion! #scitlap#gratitude
What were some of their favorite projects? I need to up my game in some areas. I want to bring more inquiry and #NGSS in next year. Not sure how, but I am looking forward to it. #scitlap
One more story (It was a nice day) while doing field work students told me how much they appreciate that I officially ditched homework this year, instead they gushed about how much we learned! #scitlap#ditchHW
Definitely Genius Hour (one researched and presented quantum physics and another researched fears), catapults, ecology (specifically story of American Chestnut) and planting our backcrosses. #scitlap
Google Expeditions AR came to our campus on Monday! It came together in just over a week. So cool. Set up for 3rd and up. Snuck the K's and 1st in :) #scitlap
We are just finishing state testing in Texas. YeeHa! I would love to hear fun ideas on how to finish out the year without finishing the teacher off. I know some teachers with very challenging classes that I could pass ideas on to. #scitlap
Ive never been big on HW, but felt so free after reading Ditch That Homework by @jmattmiller and @alicekeeler#gamechanger Not replaced really, but just looking at it differently. By "it" I mean how you teach. Read #DitchHW ! #scitlap
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@HowardKiyuna, @jmattmiller, @alicekeeler