Què s’aprèn en un #edcamp?
En aquest vídeo els #edcampers del primer #edcampgirona ens conten en primera persona els aprenentatges i recursos s'emportaren, i us animen a organitzar el vostre propi #edcamp!
👉Informa't aquí: https://t.co/FUiQPKDVYI
Què diu el diari The New York Times 🗽 sobre el moviment #edcamp?
👉El prestigiós diari s'ha fet ressó del moviment #edcamp, i ens comparteix algunes idees de la filosofia edcamp que són molt inspiradores: https://t.co/FyflNx4jEY
A1 Side note: 99% Invisible did a great podcast episode on how designing for accessibility can also provide a better experience for people who don't need that accommodation too https://t.co/Jd3qgY7rfK#GuildChat
The point isn't "building to code". Many of us use ramps for suitcases...closed captions on TV...many of us have vision correction... Make it easier for everybody. https://t.co/kfwwzInRjx#guildchat
Have you seen our July newsletter? This month we focus on tips and tricks from our #Edcamp community on building momentum and making the best out of each Edcamp experience. Check out the stories here: https://t.co/cSwSngtxgb Make sure to SHARE! Enjoy!
‘Twas the Night Before EdCamp, and all through the school, all these 👇 teachers were ready to share something cool! See you tomorrow at @KaimiloaES#EdCampWO