Join us as we chat about ways to achieve #SDG1: No poverty. Moderator and co-founder of the #TeachSDGs task force, Fran Siracusa, will lead us in a chat about how teachers and students can work to end poverty in all forms everywhere
#SDG1 A1 In Kindergarten we begin our 1st day of school thinking about where food goes.. Snacks.. compost, trash, recycle. Building an awareness of what we have. #TeachSDGs
Even young children understand the need for food... Going hungry is not acceptable... #nopoverty Building awareness.. turning ideas into an action for change..#SDG1
A wonderful idea and opportunity to build awareness... Explicit and authentic, easy to ask others around the world. We are exploring soon... #SDG1@participate
A3 #sdg1 Visiting local food shelf, walking our donations over 3-4 times this year. Local volunteers visiting Kindergarten to share why we have food shelfs/community need. Great way to involve everyone.
A3 #SDG1 I think it's important to look into our communities and ask what can we do to make things better for everyone. Young children get this and want to be a part of a solution.