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Thursday June 30, 2016 3:00 PM EDT
Hello! Welcome to focusing on More Able students...6 Questions to follow, answer with A1, A2 etc & include the hashtag! 👍🏼😊 Kate
Good evening Kate. Noswaith dad not from Wales but Colchester tonight.
- Q1 via
What’s your best advice for challenging more able students?
Noswaith da Nina! Thanks for joining in the conversation, sure you can share some of your expertise!
1 room
180 kids
6 ability groups of 30. Stage not age.
Daily carousel to specialist techrs.
Years 3,4&5
I struggle on this but I use open ended questions
Get them to show someone less able how to do it
get to know them inside out first…strengths, weaknesses, diverse needs, intrinsic tools etc A!
Not to be intimidated by them. Give them the space to shine
being a buddy is great but doesn’t always expand the needs of the Mable student
I have done this before too Colin, helps different students in the class
they need a wide range of diverse experiences from use of different learning tools and challenges
Q1 Effective questioning. Challenging and developing pupil responses to our questions and not simply providing answers to theirs.
get the children to ask the questions about a scenario/problem
I have also used current newspaper headlines and a open ended question to get students thinking.
A1: Develop models where able Ss lead peer groups during assignments, or pair/share with Ss of need. Empowering leadership>content
ensuring differentiation by stelf. They often hate to be perceived as different. For boys, appeal to competitive streak.
I agree, it can work can help the less able students more sometimes than actually challenge
- Q.1 via
What’s your best advice for challenging more able students?
Help others understand 'how to'. Exam Q: G+T write cognitive process over answer & talk through with group
Questioning crucial with simple to complex language especially if you introduce historical unusual words
a1 thru questioning. This can be targeted at different children at different times. Vital not to pigeon hole.
only one strategy. I do know that just more of the same isn't the answer.
Current affairs is important. Questioning techniques -great strategies to get more from gifted students!
often setting them mini research projects with correct intellectual research plans works very well. A1
Lots of advanced grammarfor shaping writing!
A1 give them a purposely incorrect answer and ask them to explain reasoning as to why wrong and hoe to make it right
A1. Develop questions which require a greater understanding of current learning so they can still engage with peers
not always about the written text either as you can have SEND pupils being MAble in one special area…
We all agree questioning can challenge students as well as tasks that promote indepence, encouraging peer support & push them!
Can anyone share the sheet they are using to report end of key stage attainment to parents?
Be creative in how you allow them to show their understanding
I also find exposing them to complex writing structures that they can use to frame ideas very powerful
a multitude of learning experiences and show share in a way that works for them A1
Totally! That can often be over looked with focus on writing for exams etc so something we must consider
Teaching assistants face violence at work, says union
Allow them to act as coaches. Challenge their understanding through application with others.
- Q2 via
Do you provide any extra curricular events or activities for more able students?
ABC questioning excellent for this. Agree, Build, Challenge
so many MAble work well in diff mediums not just written..oracy and use of complex language and connections
Q1 Effective open ended questions and use of Bloom's Taxonomy to elicit thoughtful responses and expand understanding.
Q2. What extracurricular opportunities do you or your School provide for More Able Students? https://t.co/XKCrpne0yi
i know one Primary schools that runs a Professors Club for Yr 1 & 2 amazing
Currently No but hopefully next year we will be running some STEM clubs to get students excited
I love ABC and PPPB. I get students to lead PPPB either with the whole class or in groups
Love the idea of that club! talks about genius bar for Digital Leaders!
I use to run an enrichment session when stdnts cld attend and have a 1:1 session or just thrill in ‘Own Work’
Not all schools do offer extracurricular but something to consider!
Great to have the Gifted & Talented expert involved tonight, thanks!
Opera visits. Public lectures. University visits by us and to us.
A2: I have help schools organize TED Talks or Ignite events to foster . Also create Peer2Peer & T leadership opportunity
A1 Need to inspire and set the bar high by using questions and expectations. Think about them while planning.
ahhh but this is about discovery awe & wonder without technology & through investigative play
Just a kindly reminder to please include the ➡️ ⬅️ hashtag if you are taking part with this week
We used to run a TaPs group - Thinking and Problem Solving. Need to relaunch that at my new school!
Not extra-curricular but many of ours are Literacy Leaders, helping out with WBD & helping younger readers
Definitely, will also be looking at an events that I could take students to
A1 We have depth of learning activities ready for all maths units to challenge those who grasp new concepts quickly.
enriched learning opp should & need 2 b everywhere 4 MAble not just xtracurr embed in lessons
- Q.2 via
Do you provide any extra curricular events or activities for more able students?
Event: University sports science experience for KS3/4 G+T
A2. Unfortunately our school does not have such sessions currently - we have sent children out to a Masterclass though (Maths)
Literacy Leaders work well in the classroom as peer support giving more able students responsibility
waves delightfully at from Colchester this evening
has started! Q1, Q2 etc. can be answered by using A1, A2 etc. in front of your reply. Please, don't forget to include the hashtag!
Q2 Cross curricular projects work well, STEM etc. Working in teams to problem solve and create.
A2. My school recently took More Able students to visit Cambridge University, they loved it! Interesting & inspiring
not the or even a. Just learnin'😁
q1 challenging the most able should mean going beyond the syllabus and marks scheme-inspire them and their interests.
I also ran Mystery learning sessions when I was MaT Ldr they loved it & also philosophical enquiry
A1 is key, e.g. using models like & then challenging e.g. divergent exs
A2 we have made links with a local grammar school for Y5 MAble in maths. They go for lessons with other MAble from other schools
Just a kindly reminder to please include the ➡️ ⬅️ hashtag if you are taking part with this week :-)
Devils Advocate: Does your curriculum allow opportunities for less-academic students to become one of the "Most able"?
A2. We challenge in the classroom but can be difficult to provide extracurricular opportunities.Whole school or county collab?
also flipping the flip where students flip and challenge the teacher too - works well
Please remember that the hashtag for this chat is 😃
has to as part of the police in my view because we have so many that are often more talented than us!
Please note that the hashtag for this conversation is - Thank you 😀
Like the idea of TED Talks! Got me thinking G & T students could create&deliver talks via web for others! https://t.co/X6o7uhp1IR
A2: I have help schools organize TED Talks or Ignite events to foster . Also create Peer2Peer & T leadership opportunity
- Q3 via
What support do teachers receive to help challenge more able students?
A2 All activities open to everyone. Some can do it. Some can't do it yet, and won't be able to if they don't get the chance
A1 I often use authentic materials in less adapted ways for abler students, compared to adapted counterparts for others.
every school should have a MaT policy and identification needs and offer wide range of learning…it’s a requirement!
love taking children to places to inspire them
Q2 currently running a 4 week programme on creating forms of media looking at Vlogs, chatshows, magazines etc.
will do it was autocorrecting on my phone as I sent the tweets!
Yes but how far does the polocy to go to actually help teachers when lesson planning etc?
A1 collaborative learning within the classroom so that all benefit. A3 being introduced to collaborative strategies
This is something I wish to improve but sadly I haven't received much support.
[recEIve, I think :-)] A3 Teamwork is very important: give and get feedback, use four eyes for every activity & dare to try out.
A2 We provide chess, debating, code, science clubs, plus others which tend to be the more able child but open to all.
not much. Need to seek it for ours mainly
was Police a typo?! Yes there are many Ss who have considerable talents across the curriculum & beyond
A3 Time to think about and plan appropriate challenging activities
A3 our MAGT lead runs regular 'drop ins' for staff with queries/support/ideas and to share expertise
A1. Help more able students fail. They are so capable they rarely practice so it devastates/shocks. Challenge them young!
all part of diverse differentiation and inclusion and how do schools identify what’s the measured scale. It’s complex
Apologies for typos! Should teachers have more support than a G&T policy?
what kind of adaptations are you talking about?
Great feedback is all about an open discussion with pupils about the topic. Challenge what they think!
We have been given CPD on Mastery and we have now got a G&T Coordinator who will support us with this
I think ongoing CPD is important but I also think challenge for all (not just G&T) is imperative
More able are often just given a more difficult worksheet. This is not catering for them
Is it because everyone is still trying to understand the new curriculum and levels themselves?
Q3 In my school we had a G and T focus group, we would meet, share ideas and then feedback to departments.
We need to ask them what they enjoy. Keep them engaged.
A1. A2. I firmly believe in growth mindset and instilling this. All benefit from encouragement which is in class or out.
not much internally but we do use outside companies such as Ferrari World to challenge and inspire
- Q.3 via
What support do teachers receive to help challenge more able students?
yes! Apologies just going too fast and then not proof reading….note to self…slow down. thank you
Dont Know but I also find there is a bigger emphasis on PP
What percentages are you allowing for your G&T?
'most able' not always most-academic. Those that possess leadership skills are 'most able' in group work.
A3 what about team teaching? And teacher coaching. This could help
that’s great…I was one of those myself and once the post was in place teachers felt better too.
Think policy without action is waste of time.Get everyone talking!
that is horrendous and unacceptable and agree with you totally.
show the students exactly what an a* student 'looks' like. Model their behaviour.
A3 and taking learning walks as teachers (it doesn't just have to be an SLT thing) you can learn so much just from those few mins
Ofsted look into use of money to 'narrow the gap' where as not as closely with G&T possibly.
Are mastery and depth the same thing or different? today at work
I chat to Heads of Subject and ask them what they do. Then I share. V non threatening! Me learning from them.
Q3 Not enough support currently. We still seem to focus on the borderline pupils. Often individual teacher-led.
Q3 As needed (not one size fits all)- support secure subject knowledge, good questioning, skilful development of pupil responses
I know. But it does happen.
tomorrow we are launching an exciting display competition. Follow us to find out more!
- Q4 via
What are the main factors that lead more able students to underachieve & how can this be prevented/dealt with
this is almost criminal isn't it? I try to get G+T Ss to make resources such as tarsias and Soc quizzes
I think the openness of that approach means that everyone feels valued. It is positive and trust then grows.
A4 tasks which lack fun, excitement or are too stretching that they just give in.
I think we are in danger of creating fixed mindsets by telling these students how clever they are.
More able in one area (eg. academic) does not mean more able all together - identify weaknesses and build a well rounded pupil.
Know it is a bit obvious but asking G and T students themselves has got to be a way forward. Would also be good to involve parents
the me to you, you to me, us to them, them to all, all to etc works brilliantly
I ask my learners how they want to be challenged and I use poundland pedagogy to set up practical challenges
A4: Boredom & loose connection b/n content & Interests. Do a 20% project where Ss allowed 2 somthing they believe/interest in
Underachievement down to lack of aspirations.
The tendency to just find harder questions and leave them to their own devices to complete it
I know I’ve seen myself and I can’t tell you what I said !!!
A4. A greater focus on borderline children and closing the gap than on extending those with a greater depth
Love Challenge but fun not a punishment type of task ever!
Underachievement down to the test factor we call education! Maybe?
Often the most able are the most afraid of failure and therefore don't take risks.
100% Keep them on their toes!
e.g. simplified versions of newspaper articles instead of the exact Guardian / Independent copy.
We have different 'b-est' pupil awards! Kind-est, fast-est etc. Covers all skills! important ALL feel best at something!
Over confidences. I have known students which do not attempt the work as they say they find it too easy before they give it chance
stereotype is definitely something we should be aware of.
A4 ch are so used to always being correct they fail to persevere when difficult teachers nd to model perseverance
A1 via
Give able students "life success" skills.
Most able at Sch, shd =^ potential 4 life. That's where we can start.
Q4 'More able' often means smart enough to invest no more than the minimum effort needed to achieve top grades!
underachievement due to lack of stretch and challenge and students being bored in lessons A4
I also get learners do create instructional videos or info clips tat learners share on our community
A4 Since using (incl. ) I have never had the problem of underachieving.
I think that is very true! Boredom, lack of challenge & engagement things can go downhill!
We also put so much pressure of these gifted children. If you are at the top there is only one way - down.
A4) boredom & lack of motivation as they see it as too easy, before they've even tackled the task which could extend their thinking
Brilliant examples of extending the most able in a simple yet effective way. https://t.co/kDMiZ1t2fm
Q1 Effective open ended questions and use of Bloom's Taxonomy to elicit thoughtful responses and expand understanding.
the need to clearly identify what and where they are MA is crucial.
- Q.4 by
What are the main factors that lead more able students to underachieve & how can this be prevented/dealt with
I agree with some classes I can see that and it frustrates me that I am not stretching them
A3 Has anyone worked with ? Non profit organisation to support teachers in providing challenge for MAT pupils.
Another idea for and esp. challenging abler students (without losing track of less abled!) is : works!
A4. Language barriers. More able does not mean they are more able in literacy. This would cause a problem to worded questioning
Just asking I saw a lot about it tonight, what is ?
A4 they get bored, need to be creative yet subtle to keep them challenged (use academic articles to inspire/challenge)
You are right some students can really struggle with the pressure from teachers, themselves or parents to do well
A2 via
Let them start a food business. Nothing challenges, stretches rewards in real life more!
A shake-up is always good to avoid complacency: to be in top set means hard work and an exemplary attitude to learning!
OfSTED list common failings in their 2015 report eg weak advice re top Unis; teacher fears re elitism; lack of challenge everyday
not being challenged or engaged. If they get bored they stop attending and become distant.
a4. Health issues in FE. In which case it us about adapting, motivating, encouraging as much as stretching.
OK. simplified by you? Or found on web? Haven't tried that myself yet. Thx for sharing idea.
Q5. Where do you get resources? Do you collaborate/share or just create your own? Any websites to suggest? https://t.co/svVL1UhLaw
This evening's is almost ready for this edition's fifth question.
Q5 is coming up in about two minutes. Get ready!
and are often more vulnerable to emotional health issues too as ‘high is never high enough!’
A4 Able fail when we fail to challenge. Too much positive praise/success and they lose the fight to achieve.
A4 - Ts not facilitating a challenge.
(ok if I join in? 😀)
therefore I set up flipped learning and extension tasks to develop growth mindsets
Do you print just the abstract or part of the article?
A4 I always ask them why they think something or how they can prove/explain an answer. I do this daily so they are always thinking
Use to differentiate experience around learning outcome. https://t.co/qv44nyqjML Able Ss redefine, while most Sub or Aug.
I have seen gifted students become anxious, worried, nervous so I agree can be vulnerable
True we sometimes forget how much pressure they are under in all subjects!
A4 I do think there is not enough practical application of skills in separate curriculum areas
Yes, I think it is a challenge for teachers to do that (made a job of it last 15 ys): learning by doing, see what works!
a4: not being challenged enough. Not giving them the opportunity to shine. Goes for all students really
A5 - Beg, steal, borrow, create.
agree and this is where we are seeing and have issues with emotional health…how high is high!
A4 lack of challenge, lack of fun and perhaps too much pressure looking at performance outcomes not learning
A5 for maths Nrich is fantastic the 'decade tree' is v challenging especially when reasoning is required
a4 poor teaching and understanding of how to stretch. Or, student who is scared to fail and remains in comfort zone.
I look in textbooks, TES, exam questions. I definitely think I need more resources to help me
I esp had very good experiences w/ rendering &adapting texts, so that I seldom used lit. extracts
Yes, I think it is a challenge for teachers to do that (made a job of it last 15 ys): learning by doing, see what works!
I am a fan of with all pupils, gifted or not. Need to encourage the approach to not worry about failure.
they are excellent - I used when I was a MaT Leader in Wales.
A5 - I used to spend far too long searching for resources rather than create them myself first. Now I store things as I go.
- Q5 via
Where do you find resources that challenge more able students?
a4 can also be lack of parental encouragement and parents beliefs of where education can get their child.
definitely. Even in Yr.6 we have children in tears as they feel they have failed.
I feel the same too. Twitter is great network & resource...like now for example!
A4. We fail more able Ss via complacency, & hype them on things that don't matter in the long run (what 2 think rather than how)
Q5 Extra resources not really essential - there are so many opportunities to stretch all abilities within a well planned lesson
we have BYOD so I send them a link/PDF to read/discuss/analyse - I encourage them to focus on the intro
That is so upsetting, we need to be bery aware and mindful of this with gifted students
Agreed. Taking risks is the only way to access the highest grades and that should be made possible for all
Agree I have had some good examples I have used in class but need to collaborate more
A5. As mentioned Birch - also STEM, White Rose Mastery Resources, NCETM (all Maths)
look at the wok of Dr David George a G&T specialist and works with us at A5
a5 greatest resource is the teacher.
I think teach meets are very useful but I do like to create my own resources
Seconded. https://t.co/6xRwfYJTnt
Agreed. Taking risks is the only way to access the highest grades and that should be made possible for all
the lack of everyday challenge is the killer. Stretching the most able is NOT a bolt on. It must drive delivery
Great suggestion Nina! Thanks/Diolch!
Or students more knowledgeable than the teacher (although I'm sure this rarely happens!)
I think they also sometime put too much pressure on themselves, especially when aiming for the top unis. https://t.co/hz5jsvdhrM
We also put so much pressure of these gifted children. If you are at the top there is only one way - down.
is a great tool for challenging all ch
a5: I like ideas on twitter, tes, you tube videos for flipped learning and PiXL math to choose own level.
I make a lot myself or challenge them to make their own
self harm is a one to watch with G&T students
Couldn't this be a topic for a next chat: how to adapt texts? Not only for languages, for ANY subject?
Thanks for sharing that Robert!
Not enough time is spent sharing the best strategies/resources instead of obsessing over data!
q4 boredom and lack of motivation when uninspired by the constrains of curriculum.
indeed and we have to be careful to keep lights on and not switch talented students off!
In which case we should be helping prepare them for the feeling of this fall.we all have to experience it https://t.co/OHdWG3xFzt
I think they also sometime put too much pressure on themselves, especially when aiming for the top unis. https://t.co/hz5jsvdhrM
We also put so much pressure of these gifted children. If you are at the top there is only one way - down.
I have started attending alot more teachmeets but don't have many in Linconshire
Tend to be ideas from discussions/observations/twitter rather than tangible resources.
yes good one…from simple to complex language and text for G&T
- Q.5 via
Where do you find resources that challenge more able students?
A5 shameless plug-I use my own books as they have lots of s+c and diff.tasks as well as various sites
Definitely, pupil should be considered whilst planning and not an afterthought. Same wih SEND too.
Websites for differentiation
1 - ukedchat
2 - tes
3 - my own
start one yourself? A G&T Teachmeet?
definitely; after a few attempts they can write their own about something of interest/experimented on
Teach Meet events are great, you can watch them streamed online like tonight
Maybe webinars? I also like MOOCs as they do free courses on some useful things if you look hard enough https://t.co/WgZHrIcwW1
I have started attending alot more teachmeets but don't have many in Linconshire
A great idea by anyone been to or hosted a Gifted & Talented Teach Meet? https://t.co/8eLpigtUQK
start one yourself? A G&T Teachmeet?
we only do 2 days planning then plan on a daily basis to proactively reflect on the areas in which all children need to be pushed
That's wrong with Ofsted. Now not enough time to watch teaching. All results 'guessed' from data.
Schools right to have high expectations/aspirations for G and T students but not be overwhelming or too demanding.
I am following and plan to organise a teachmeet in Oct/Nov
- Q6 via
What are your top tips for ensuring more able students achieve their maximum potential in your subject?
Brilliant! Good luck with that, fantastic CPD! Someone could present on G&T students
love a good teach meet. Going to next week.
And here' is this evening's sixth question: .
Q6. Finally...share your top tips to ensure more able students achieve their maximum potential! https://t.co/dRQ54uwMIF
In my FE college, its often students placing too much pressure on themselves not us, some have to be coaxed to relax more
Definitely, want to plan it as T&L rather than subject specific.
where will the teach meet be?
Yes I've seen that too, students being disappointed with anything other than top grades for every subject.
A6 Love your subject and enjoy teaching it. Children will then be inspired by you.
let them be students and free. Remember they are humans not just statistic.
Find out exactly what motivates them it’s all about I+E=M and collaborative dialogue & parents too A6
Find out exactly what motivates them it’s all about I+E=M and collaborative dialogue & parents too A6
A6. Question, reinforce, synthesise and evaluate then repeat
A6 giving them teacher-style tasks - marking, grading, resource-making, planning a lab, talking about topic
I am in Boston so will have to be there unless I can't host it at school.
A6 Let them help others, let them be independent (eg working w/ authentic texts [newspapers, magazines, leaflets], and !
I make them! Resources tailored to students needs is the way to go.
constant stretch and challenge with higher expectations on learners whilst engaging and making it fun.
Using the best quality literature (the canon?) as mentor texts although this works well with all abilities
A5 model how to push themselves, put the onus on them. Always ask for the hows and whys for answers
all about creativity, discovery, awe & wonder doesn’t matter what age you are - feeling Fizz.
Q6 Focus on leading lessons with a strong sense of purpose, pace and energy -and creating a space that feels challenging yet safe
I agree and using them as peer coaches with mark criteria
our students are encouraged to peer assess and peer teach
- Q.6 via
What are your top tips for ensuring more able students achieve their maximum potential in your subject?
A6 It is really not a coincidence that the word "challenge" for abler students starts with the letters C and H: "care"/"help"!
A6 Depends - for teachers, remembering that a G&T child has SEN as much as those who need support
I agree, with all students as well as challenge we care and help them!
A6 ... For children - persevering through challenges that are placed when it's out of their comfort zones
I think expectations are very important
Thanks for this evening I have to leave early another meeting to go to.
A2 We've produced a murder mystery kit for schools. Many of our customers have used it to challenge G&T to think laterally.
Yes I was at the Conference it was a great day with amazing workshops. Its only an hour to Leicester
Diolch Nina, thanks for a great contribution tonight we can all learn so much from you! Nos da
definately and learners tend to live up to the expectations their teachers set and share with them
Yes our expectations and treatment is so important!