A1 great question; heard during calendar cmte its February - sure its short but no breaks, no sunshine, and snow & ice #wyoedchat - as principal it was May, all those summatives, March looking challenging as supt with budget and personnel
A2. It depends on the student and their interests. It can be difficult to connect any subject to real life for a student who isn't setting those connections or who struggles with that subject. #WYOedchat
A2 @karynsmith17 hit it on the head, it depends on the student's interests #wyoedchat and expanding on that, it depends on the approach in the classroom - if simple stand and deliver is the model, its hard to connect to kids that way regardless of topic
A2 #Wyoedchat which ever subject you are not prepared to share. Students often ask math teachers "when am I ever going use this in real life?" Best answer I ever heard was a teacher respond w/ "Probably never. But problem solving skills will serve you the rest of your life.
A3 I really want to support my teachers and principals as we migrate to #PBL so getting plenty of authentic learning opportunities for my teachers will be big! Also, first year as superintendent, so landing the plane will be great #wyoedchat