#6thchat is used to chat, collaborate, and grow with other sixth grade educators from around the globe. Each session we discuss a topic voted on by #6thchat participants. It's a great way to help grow your PLN and share ideas with others.
Welcome to #6thchat! Please introduce yourself, where you teach, and what subjects! I am Kristin and will be moderating tonight's chat. I teach ELA and SS in Lansing, MI.
Please set aside next Tuesday, August 7 at 9pm EST to have a wonderful #6thchat about Hacking Classroom Management with author @BaldRoberts guest moderating! It's going to be great! Don't miss it!
A1) Here's an interesting idea: Make totem pols like native North Americans who use them to tell stories and accomplishments of their lives. Do a maker challenge where students create totem poles telling a story of one or more of their goals. Visuals for Ss to keep. #6thchat
A1: I'm not sure I have any great ideas here. Last year we made a sort of goal menu for students to look at and use in forming goals, but I think we ended up making the whole thing too much of an "assignment" and not enough meaningful for their lives. #6thchat
This topic seems to be one that has to be ongoing and recurring for it to become a real habit. I hope to put more of this in the classroom this year on a continuous basis. #6thchat
A2) Have Ss discuss: Why is it important to have goals? Should people have them? Is it possible to set a goal that is too difficult? Have you set goals before & reached them? Not reached them? How does this make you feel? What kind of goals do you think Ss should set? #6thchat
A2: I think one key thing is to get students to think about what steps they need to take to achieve their goals and how they can prioritize to find time for this work. The word prioritize seemed to be pretty key. #6thchat
A2: where do you think you should go next? What is your overall vision? What steps do you need to take to get there? What help do you need from others? What do you hope to see? How will you measure I’d you are successful or not? #6thchat
Hi #6thchat Bryan, 6th gr ela from Oh. I will be in and out tonight. A2: Is goal measurable and specific enough? What is the time frame for the the goal?
A1: I’m going to show them some of my goals. Maybe have them help me keep track. And them model hoe we use a bigger picture to set smaller goals. Jumping into #passionprojects right away as well!!! #6thchat
A3) In small groups have Ss discuss: do you think it's possible to get along w/o other people? What are some ways you can let others know you need support? How do you support others? In writer's notebooks: List adults you can turn to when struggling w/a big problem. #6thchat
A3, The blindfold activity comes to mind. Where you have partners and one child is blindfolded and the partner needs to lead them to a destination. #6thchat
A1: Late to #6thchat, but we talk about checkpoints and targets and run through how to organize their GDrive, GCalender, etc. We love @GoogleForEdu to help organize ourselves and earners!
A3: I think it is important for us to model accepting help as well as offering it. If we talk openly about asking our parents or friends or others for help, we show students that even "successful" and "put-together" people (like all of us teachers, lol) need help too! #6thchat
A1: Late to #6thchat, but we talk about checkpoints and targets and run through how to organize their GDrive, GCalender, etc. We love @GoogleForEdu to help organize ourselves and earners! We also talk about their WHY @simonsinek and start planning their passion based projects!
A3: it all comes down to relationships. Start early and don’t make it all about academics. Truly care. It slso@helps to show your vulnerability yourself. #6thchat
A4) Have Ss think about times that they get upset (others interrupt them, others taking things from them, etc). Then, have them write "I-statements" such as "When you take something without asking, I get upset and would like you to ask me first." Share them out. #6thchat
Sorry I'm late, #6thchat crew! I was putting the final touches on my presentation for tomorrow.
Ryan in Michigan, 6th grade social studies. Excited to join you all tonight!
A4: Our elementaries taught some discussion cues (visual and verbal) that students used to agree, respectfully disagree, add on, etc. I would like to build on these, but haven't gotten them all straight yet. #6thchat
A2: We dive deep into their personal WHY and then set goals from there-I share my own personal goals, ask them WHY and HOW they want to accomplish things, etc. #6thchat Qs to guide them down the path to actually accomplish feasible goals.
A4: We practice those skills by doing role play. We need to make sure we are putting Ss in situations where they need to use those collaborative communication skills. Then, I try my best to model those skills for my Ss. #6thchat
A5) Have Ss work together to create a Student Bill of Rights at the beginning of the year discussing if the "rights" are sensible and to be taken seriously or just for laughs. Maybe have one group do one way and another do another way. #6thchat
A3 Connect students to real world mentors doing work students are either currently trying to accomplish or want to do "some day." When kids make connections with these authentic voices they see help/support beyond parents and teachers to reach their goals. #6thchat
A5: I try to convey Essential 55 Rule 49: "Stand up for what you believe in" to my Ss. We talk about what it means to do so and what situations are inappropriate to do so. Again, role play and discussion are great ways to work on Ss advocating for themselves. #6thchat
Yes! We have to allow our Ss to question the meaning behind decisions being made within the classroom. But, we need to ensure those "questioning" moments don't turn into "argument" moments. #6thchat
A6) Have Ss come up w/problem solving guidelines; then, brainstorm common problems they encounter (friends becoming friends w/someone else, missing school supplies from desk, see someone cheating), then have groups choose a problem and use guidelines to solve; talk #6thchat
A6: It's hard to teach someone this skill. The best practice is for Ts to model listening skills and seeking first to understand, then to be understood. #6thchat
A6: A fun way to do this might be as a writing exercise. Maybe have pairs of students draw "problems" out of a hat and then have a made-up character solve that problem in a few different ways. Like role play, but in writing. #6thchat
A6: Allow students to be in the driver’s seat of their learning. Provide students with the opportunity to work in small groups to devise a solution to an open-ended problem. Inquiry-based learning complements, but does not replace, direct classroom instruction. #6thchat
A6 I think discussing possible problems that may come along and have students develop strategies that might help to overcome them. Once yr gets rolling having pr. solving conferences between kids that are having issue helps give them ownership. #6thchat
A6 life isn't perfect, even for those that seem perfect. Having perseverance and grit is taught daily when S's are given challanges vs. worksheets. #6thchat
A7) Read Patricia Polocco's book, Thank You Mr. Falkner then have students talk in small groups about why people tease each other. Have Ss talk about if they have teased others, or been teased. Talk about ways to combat this in self and others. #6thchat
A7: I think 6th graders are old enough to have frank discussions about how teasing works. Who is the audience? Is the remark being made because it's an inside joke that both ppl find funny or is it being made to give attention to the speaker? #6thchat
A6 When students justify their thinking for or against the actions of a character in a novel or a historical figure they are practicing making judgments and studying problem solving in real world, low stakes ways. #6thchat
A7: (2): If the intent is to bring attention or praise to the one doing the teasing then it's not actually teasing. A problem is that adults don't always do a good job of modeling in this area. #6thchat
A8) Have groups of Ss research & discuss healthy eating, exercise options and the importance of sleep; share out learning & have Ss create personal health plans; discuss during community meetings a couple of times/month (how's it going, etc). #6thchat
A8: We had question sessions for this last year (after a talk by the school nurse with some general info). It was useful to talk through the questions students wrote anonymously. #6thchat
A8: Have Ss develop plans for ensuring they are eating well and sleeping enough each day and night. Set personal goals related to this and track the data. Include time to research how lack of sleep and unhealthy eating habits impact daily life. #6thchat
A8 I love articles and infographics that show students the research on sleep and its impact, healthy eating habits, etc.. Let them see the data for themselves, analyze it and see the facts win the argument. #6thchat
A3: scenarios/role play is option for Ss 2 understand how 2 navigate tough situations. Another-listen to them, guide them, and let them validate what they are feeling but coaching them to "reframe" and make smart decisions about how to react. Adults struggle with this 2! #6thchat
Once again in case you missed it: Please set aside next Tuesday, August 7 at 9pm EST to have a wonderful #6thchat about Hacking Classroom Management with author @BaldRoberts guest moderating! It's going to be great! Don't miss it!
Awesome chat tonight, #6thchat crew! I'm heading out, but I'm looking forward to being on time next week for the Hacking Classroom Management chat w/ @BaldRoberts!