.@WCPSS Central Area Superintendent Lloyd Gardner has been named the school district's new Chief of Staff starting July 1. He replaces Marvin Connelly, who is leaving Wake to become Cumberland County schools superintendent. #nced
VIDEO: Watch an @eastwakehs parent explain why he paid for a digital billboard to honor his son who isn't being recognized as school valedictorian. East Wake isn't recognizing valedictorians. All @WCPSS schools will use this approach next year. #ncedhttps://t.co/WNrFsi95y5
Rubbing my eyes here: the frmr headmaster of a private NC voucher school ALSO called Trinity Christian (Rutherfordton) was indicted on multiple counts of embezzlement & charged with theft or misappropriation of $100,000+ of the school's $. #nced#ncgahttps://t.co/qkTHjFLwr4
Would love to see someone at #NCGA introduce a bill to make all lunches free. If nothing else, worth it to get the fiscal note so we know how much universal free lunch would cost.
.@WCPSS school lunch prices rising 20 cents for the 2018-19 school year. It will cost $2.55 in elementary schools and $2.80 in middle schools and high schools. Prices have risen 55 cents in last 3 years due to federal school lunch mandates. #nced#ncpolhttps://t.co/h7oW8198fM