#AfricaEd Archive
A slow chat intended for international educators in Africa and beyond but open to anyone who is interested of course. We chat weekly on Thursdays from August to June starting at 7am GMT and going until whenever.
Thursday October 13, 2016 3:00 AM EDT
Q1 How often does your school provide students with grading reports? Just enough or too much? https://t.co/fW5sv0ic61
Campbell's Law (Social adage) implies that too much importance to indicators spoils the process - applies to education as well.
A1: HS and MS get S1 and S2 reports. ES gets trimester. Other periodic updates go from Ts. Enough, i guess.
Are you attending the educators conference next week in Jo'Burg? Looking forward to seeing you there!
. I agree for MS/HS online access should encourage reg convo between Ps & Ss & require less formal reporting
Other periodic updates are informal I assume? Struggling kid or missing assignment type things?
. I wonder how we can help ss & prnts c schl year as lrning journey, ss are continually growing, reports as snapshots
. Great question. I've had lots of convos w/ Ps abt dif in MYP grades & Amer/Brit system. That understanding helps some
A2. The person who has the answer to this question will makes LOTS of money.
Yes. Ss led conferences are key! Descriptive feedback > grades too! https://t.co/IF8ylmVMGi
A1: We provide descriptive feedback in midterms 2 build understanding on final grade reports with parents. Also hav… https://t.co/XnRBXpPtNm
. MYP & best fit is so much more of a learning journey than traditional systems. But difficult to communicate
is now trending in Ghana, ranking 22
is now trending in Ghana, ranking 22