#ukedchat Archive
Join teachers and educationalists for #ukedchat each Thursday between 8-9 pm GMT for Edu chat. Education news, resources, and @UKEdSch website with @UKEdMag
Thursday September 8, 2016 3:00 PM EDT
- Qu 1:
Planning – How do you manage your time, and when is the best time for you to plan school lessons?
A1: As soon after the prev lesson as poss - so info is fresh in my mind.
A1 Try to use as many resources as poss - Mdm term plans done in advance, each lesson tweaked based on previous lesson assessment
Good plan, but always a worry when there is another class immediately!
A1 ideally try and get it done during the working day, in practise it's at home, after I've put my boy to bed & (hopefully) eaten
It's 8pm - Welcome to - this week talking all things "Planning and Resources" - 6 Questions https://t.co/6ikQwRi354
A1 Planning has been proven to have a greater impact when co-constructed with students. Do many people do this?
I use weekends/early mornings for planning/making, planning during/after school never works as too many interruptions
Secure medium term planning half term in advance and then tweak/adapt lesson to lesson.
A2: Yes, but always jot down a few quick notes immediately after.
I plan lessons for the following week at a weekend, then tweak mid-week if needed
Balancing all that is quite an achievement
A1: Planning at weekend when plenty of time to resource and plan resources. Time Management: prioritise what has to be done!
Tonight's twilight was a hit; already had messages from inspired staff! Thanks ; looking forward to the next bit!
That’s surely the answer to sanity
A1:Using the Cloud means little pockets of time that sometime emerge in the day can be fully utilised for planning
I try and get as much done before the start of term so I've got time to focus on student progress during the term
Never tried it (other than a casual Q about 2moro's lesson) When would people have time? Bet it would work!
I found workload of school impacted on the quality of family life, at the expense of me spending time with my own kids
I generally plan all lessons each half and tweak the weekend before the lesson
It suits me at least. And when you share out the MTP between the team it lightens everyone's load
That's a good idea. Now that full-length plans are not required?
I generally plan all lessons each half term and tweak the weekend before the lesson
- Question 2:
Resources – How can we ensure we are lead by pedagogy, rather than by a flashy resource?
I do this too but does mean working a 6-day week!
We map out the m bare bones and then take it to the children on a Friday afternoon. Then visually draw it on the WW.
We map out the m bare bones and then take it to the children on a Friday afternoon. Then visually draw it on the WW.
A2: always start planning with the what and why, then add the how.
Ask what will pupils know/be able to do when leaving room that they couldn't do before. Avoid style if no substance
Sounds great. I do discuss what we are doing at the start of the week and thing like that.
A1 As some previous tweets suggest, planning as a team, plans together and plenty of sharing will free up time
Have a young family & want flexible working hours? Learn with us and start working independently! https://t.co/4Naoj48OdK
- Q2:
Resources – How can we ensure we are lead by pedagogy, rather than by a flashy resource?
Planning should be proportionate, collaborative and include pupil voice, then adaptive to pupil responses to learning
a2 by always focusing on what the children are learning and purpose of the lesson. If resource doesn't aid this, bin it.
What's the most difficult aspect of that?
A2: Focus on the outcome first, how will it be achieved? Then pick the best/most fun resources to achieve it.
Does your bin overflow? 😱
This is great idea but in a large school most teams won't be released together. Could meet after school I guess!
A2 we should be led by learning not pedagogy, resources or activities IMO
Or keep it for next time! You're totally right though!
It really makes a difference. They need to understand the journey to become assessment capable learners.
DO you create your own resources?
A2: no difficult element - teaching 101 - what do they need to know, why do the need to know it & best way to teach it.
Completely agree. Defining outcome allows the teacher to identify small steps and skill needed to reach it https://t.co/JN83ee91EY
A2: Focus on the outcome first, how will it be achieved? Then pick the best/most fun resources to achieve it.
I've never worked at a school were they've wanted full plans on a reguar basis which im really happy about
Love taking little ideas like this to staff. If it helps 1% then that's a bonus!
A2: the resource is the last element - pedagogy and data first.
It's scary, as those schools do exist!
My interview with Sadiq Khan discussing school leadership, in particular maintaining one’s ability to lead https://t.co/Rjs2OVYRwd
Create some, source/magpie/borrow others, more rarely I purchase ready-made resources. https://t.co/dVTvwlDXOX
DO you create your own resources?
We do! So that teachers with limited time and subject experience don't have to! https://t.co/KX3iWVRKXV
DO you create your own resources?
- Question 3:
Planning – What aspect of planning takes the most time for you, and how to you handle this?
I prep before term as much as possible too, but I still do basic plans for myself
Books, or online resources?
I have seen some crazy planning. Takes 20mins to fill in boxes before even starting!
365 ways to improve your school (162-176) Via : https://t.co/DveB1DKv8C no.173 Is there consistency in your school?
For example - How long did you plan for before this term started? https://t.co/cZOoLX0oJh
- Question 3:
Planning – What aspect of planning takes the most time for you, and how to you handle this?
always remember that gimmicks don't get results.
Only had a limited character number! :-) A given with the 'How' as much as poss!
Focus on what Ss need to learn, then use pedagogy and if it enhances student progress use edtech
I read book (available on Amazon) and saw so many top tips for resources and planning. Worth a read
- Question 3 again:
Planning – What aspect of planning takes the most time for you, and how to you handle this?
Any rocket science? or just common sense?
I always like the idea of planning collaboratively, I've found it's not that easy in practice
I do use student voice & since they're they appreciate having an input in their education
If you are joining the discussion tonight, look for the hashtag and use it in your own tweets. https://t.co/6ikQwRi354
Buy books for research/prep, especially for A Level. Have also purchased some online resources https://t.co/q1V5LhZRSd
Books, or online resources?
I knew it was coming! Trying to focus on engagement first this year.
A3: Differentiation - review data from etc... Making sure lesson relevant, stimulating for all.
a3 trying to keep activities engaging & varied over time. Keeping lists of activities 4 different skills/purposes helps
If planning doesn't directly improve teaching and impact on the kids then ditch it - time is too precious
yes, but I also adapt other from ideas I find on social media (Twitter mostly)
New website launching on Monday 12.9.2016. please RT
A3 thinking and talking with colleagues, need to handle this with positivity and as a disposition
Contact Clever staffing that allows their teams to collab together during school day https://t.co/rbVpYEunK7
A1 As some previous tweets suggest, planning as a team, plans together and plenty of sharing will free up time
Is it not better to spend time developing resources?
Differentiation is always a challenge to plan for - as much class management as what is actually being taught
Very practical tips which span everything from ICT to marking to being inspiring. Which every strives to be.
Planning new topics and topics I am not confident on. Going on courses, teachmeet help me the most to engage pupils
It depends. If you are doing it for profit, or for the progression of your pupils
A3: always challenging to know if all Ss engaged - engagement v compliance.
I include a few comments of my power point to remind me
A2. I found leading a lesson with an 'initial engagement' to get the grip and relevance for what was to follow
A2: Golden rule of tech:
If it doesn't improve the lesson...DON'T USE IT!!
Planning 'finishing tasks' is also a challenge - something meaningful and engaging + challenging but possible
trying to include engaging activities and catering to all levels
it's helpful when someone has gone to the trouble of creating useful tools for us. The tools are simple yet powerful
Flashy resources or not, it's all about pedagogy & the progress of our pupils. Focus on teaching over time, not the teacher.
We’re experiencing a few tech issues on this evening, but please keep the conversation going 🙄
YES! But this is not always recognised
tweaking lessons prepped by other teachers takes a while, esp if teaching styles are different
That said, sometimes using a flashy resource just for fun improves engagement & learning, without being directly related
The resources should always be there to improve progress in subject knowledge, numeracy or literacy
exactly - first thought when planning is the individual learners.
I've started doing that recently so it may become the norm for me
absolutely tech for the sake of tech is worse than not using it at all - has to enhance the experience
A3: The increase in difficulty in tasks from basics to deeper understanding and then differentiating this
As long as it improves progress though?
"For good ideas and true innovation,you need human interaction, conflict, argument and debate" https://t.co/uSUCQlk0Xx
A3 thinking and talking with colleagues, need to handle this with positivity and as a disposition
Question 4:
Resources – If you collect resources from online sources, how much of your own cash are you willing to pay?
Completely agree. If it adds nothing to the lesson don't use it.
Differentiation planning is hard! But diff. By task is a weak way of doing it and takes most planning so win win
Could get their attention and they'll learn SOMETHING...tactic to engage ''difficult' students?
- Q1:
Planning – How do you manage your time, and when is the best time for you to plan school lessons?
good stuff. Creating a 'can do' attitude
The metric I love to see using tech is effort.Amazing when you find students who may not be top of class trying hard
A4: some much great free stuff out there little need for Ts to spend hard earned cash!
everyone else's tweets show when I search the but not yours? Like it for the last 2 weeks? any ideas?
depends on the resource. Some expensive resources are awful and cheap ones really effective.
We think it’s an issue with Tweetdeck! Or you have ‘muted’ us 😫
A4: great free resource through
Yes definitely. And I do that quite a lot, but I'd argue it's still led by pedagogy in the long run
Normally I do not pay due to the lack of reviewsbon Tes. I am willing to buy books and reputed resources
and most of the best ones are free as they've been developed by teachers on the ground
I really enjoy making resources too, it's an enjoyable part of the job
2/2 or differentiate in other ways
Are you using Tweetdeck, or just Twitter website?
A4) Resources purchased have to save time, workload & stress. Ours are available from £1.99 to £7 per month (including planning!)
Excited about the great stuff has in store for us, if your a teacher I recommend you follow and connect with them
Get involved in a great network and sharing is caring! Teachers generally scared to ask!
Differentiation that actual has an impact on pupil progress
A3 making new resources to keep students enthused, I try and be organised and planned well in advance
Resources – If you collect resources from online sources, how much of your own cash are you willing to pay?
A4 £0.00 Most online resources I've seen for sale are bad/don't match our SOL. Not paying for what I can make myself
I love it too, & then sharing and hearing how better teachers have used my resources
I have reverted to Tweetbot (app) which is behaving for
You have to be very careful about long term planning until you get to know your class. The basics there in good dept.
Not to mention lots of free ones. Knowing the right people and not being scared to ask and use. Then share back.
make valid point re. Overplanning not working. my question: does SLT demand detailed plan/scheme of work?
I've never been afraid to ask if I can 'magpie' someone's idea :) that's why I love Twitter :)
I haven't met many teachers who wouldn't share esp if you're willing to share to
Completely agree - always encourage collaboration in dept - why continue to reinvent the wheel!
agreed, that's a great part of the job. I love sharing ideas
detailed planning should not be asked for. Total waste of time. If SLT are asking for it then there is issues elsewhere.
but some of my colleagues aren't as enthused as me, maybe I'm still too new
I will buy physical things to enhance teaching but would never pay for lesson plans or ready made lessons
what happened to teachers sharing amazing content? In 1 year we have nearly whole of ks4 at More sharing pls!
A4 I have bought some things like Indiv. Whiteboards from pound land but nothing expensive. No course materials etc
Do you see colleagues using really poor resources with their students? Continuously?
I've always been happy to share resources and let Ts adapt etc... with
- Question 2:
Resources – How can we ensure we are lead by pedagogy, rather than by a flashy resource?
very true. I plan the 'skeleton' of my lessons then fill in the smaller blanks closer to the lesson
Agreed! It's nice to go further and offer it out first without even being asked...then others follow.
That's interesting, what have your hurdles been?
Happy to spend money on books but prefer to create own resources. I use colleagues' stuff but own easier to work with.
more sharing is welcome and it should drive some of these companies out of business.
- Question 5
Planning – How does your school prefer planning to be demonstrated?
absolutely - I sometimes think colleagues take my stuff out of pity and then probably recycle!!
If I'm likely to reuse the activity/resource then I'll pay for it and then it's mine to keep
I'd pay maybe up to £10 and not bother claiming back. More than £10 and i'd deffo keep that receipt!
Important because every year something surprises you!
VERY common when I first joined my school, thankfully lots of new staff brought in new blood! Results have rocketed
5 minute lesson plan is superb.
With you 100% Can't understand why we don't just communicate more...too busy planning!
teaching is the only job that accepts people that steal from their own home. Remarkable concept.
A5 through progression in learning
A4: sometimes see the same resources being used every year with a 'one size fits all!'
We should be on q5 now, so Planning – How does your school prefer planning to be demonstrated?
Digi plans? Paper? Submit to HT?
A4 Unwilling to part with my own more for online resources, most of which I could replicate. Already spend too much.
these are the next thing on my 'teacher shopping list', but the upside is that they're mine wherever I go to teach
My Science Club kids pay £5 each for a 10 session block - used to buy consumables
Could you quickly outline Creative Commons for those not in the know?
Hahaha! I'd offer it online in shared docs but most wouldn't be able to access (yet-working on it!)
Regular coaching between staff to focus on and celebrate planning focused on pedagogy
yep - my kids mention that often, where have all our cars gone?
A5: guideline but mostly left up to the Dept - too prescriptive can prevent creativity.
You say that, but how many green pens are at your house 😜 Acquired from school!
A5 We save planning onto our shared drive, got rid of paper planning a while ago. Not that anyone reads it.
I regularly put things on dropbox and share links - sharing resources is one of the jobs pleasures
spend 60% of time on admin. If we reduce that, weekends can be spent doing other things than planning :)
- Q5
Planning – How does your school prefer planning to be demonstrated?
I think you're right the day I stop improving my teaching is the day I quit teaching https://t.co/TtcDOH8gyM
you need to keep at them, re-enthuse them with some of your energy - we all need it sometime 'ukedchat
Indeed I don’t think any really did, beyond your training days!
is work that is shared without copyright - for repurposing and remixing.
Q3 usually the pre planning for a new concept is most time consuming. Once teaching it's easy to plan next steps.
Lucky to work fab dept. Yrs ago TA differentiated sht story for SEN pupil & v.poor quality. Used previous yr&no-one 1/1
What strategies do you use to overcome disengaged boys in geography?
both you and amazing for using weekends. But you've just highlighted massive problem! Workload!
A5: We have electronic templates but I stopped using them ages ago. A few notes and time spend on resources if needed
I've got 3 young stage partners this year, energy and creativity is great - I've had to really up my game
share some of your gimmicks and I shall see if it qualifies as engagement.
Out of interest, do any of you use your school's management information system to record lesson plans? If not, why?
it's always hard to balance creativity v time v learning objective emotions of doing the best for chn always seems to dominate Q2
2/2 had noticed! Shocking SPAG and it was 4 English!
and always available for you unlike a shared resource
as a teacher I don't like this, so I don't think students would like it either
Exactly. Teachers need to TEACH. That's what we enjoy
Why would you? It’s 2016, there are better alternatives, surely?
FREE CPD:6 Oct London DT Network, effective use of Pupil Premium Plus to support attainment . Book now https://t.co/s6fbQbXqG7
completely agree. Differentiation happens naturally when teaching and not on paper.
A5: Exactly! Variety is the spice of life! :-)
Think I need to clarify currently work with wonderful TAs! Colleagues should foster checking without fear/reproach
A5 scheme of work is enough, no need for lesson plans. But note that's different to not planning a lesson! https://t.co/9eaQqNJ1TH
We should be on q5 now, so Planning – How does your school prefer planning to be demonstrated?
Digi plans? Paper? Submit to HT?
Better alternatives than having it all stored in the cloud? Accessible from your phone, tablet or laptop? Easy to share?
One template doesn't meet the needs of all, does it? Planning book of ideas, jottings and sketches sometimes preferred
Question 6:
Resources – How do you share your resources with colleagues, or do you prefer not to?
Q4 I find paying a couple of subscriptions useful for example and
Still? And that’s what is wrong with education. There. Right there!
Indeed. Google Drive. Dropbox and the likes. Easy to do
that can only be a positive thing can't it?
A6: the job is tough sharing makes everyones life easier! I create and share a Google folder & add resources.
A3 engaging practical maths activities which allow concepts and learning to be exploited. They take so much time is it worth it?
just looked it up. World Teachers day is October 5th. Sounds like it should be every weekend
As a teacher,my professionalism is Q. by the Government and DfE on a regular basis, I wouldn't accept if from my school.
A6 - I share everything with people in my school and outside, although I probably promote it more outside of school
planning demonstrated through teaching. Occasionally a triangulation of observation, plans and books.
I can't understand why this is even a question, why would you NOT share resources? If it benefits the students why not?!
Q3 Research but it is worth it. No getting round needing subj knowledge
I use dropbox to store my resources as I can access it anywhere and share easily with anyone
A6: Why wouldn't you? Isn't life all about a little give and take! :-)
A6 we have a shared drive with a folder for every lesson containing resources for Ts to use if they want
FINAL QUESTION: How do you share your resources with colleagues, or do you prefer not to?
try to, esp useful but some people don't want to know. Also I try not to impose and only offer help where needed
totally positive - I love it even if having 3 wee kids means I sometimes struggle to keep up
Resources – How do you share your resources with colleagues, or do you prefer not to?
Have seen these implemented and failed, as teachers just don’t have the time to invest
I share a lot of original and 'magpied' resources on the shared drive @ work but it's not really utilised :(
A6: Shared Google folder with colleagues. Respond to requests on Twitter and email, place links on Blog ...
Apologies for our ‘quietness’ during this week. Tech issues working against us 🙄 But a great chat. Vote for next week on ukedchat
you can never help everyone however much you try, have to hope something posivtive rubs off though
A6 with 3 classes in yr group we check to see if the other classes would like a copy of resources too.
Only a long-term overview.
A6: at least it's there is people want to access. Can lead a horse to water ..!
A6. We save them to a shared area and encourage sharing through faculty coaching programme
I've not shared lesson plans but I have shared kids work - films made, photos etc
if anybody would like to share or show off their current displays. I would Love to see them.
Guys loved the tonight! Gotta go to host Would love it if you guys popped in to say hi!
Indeed. I wonder how many GREAT resources are wasting away in shared drives
definitely. Also tough as only my 2nd yr of teaching so I don't want to dive in like "no, do this it's better"
I use various media to share resources - email, social media, whatsapp (new to it). Makes no sense keeping it to myself.
Indeed. Workload an issue- though most Ts tend to mark or plan at wkend
I save to a shared drive @ work and email bits & bobs, but it usually gathers dust in an inbox/shared drive
We also have Glow in Scotland to share resources, planning & ideas - access from school & home
I share ideas with my schools all the time and hand over what I have. Pinterest is great for this and sharing boards is Easy
Check out - usually some great ones shared on there (on a Friday!)
we'vr just set up a school Flickr account as well to store and share photos - 1Tb for free
Please remember, you can share resources on 😱