#CUEchat is both a weekly Twitter chat and an ongoing conversation across social media that connects CUE members, resources, and new ideas. Each week is powered by a unique voice.
More info can be found at http://blog.cue.org/cuechat/
Hi, y’all! Kristin from SoCal. I’m a TK-5th Tech TOSA. I’m thankful for my family! They definitely help me get through days that just don’t seem to go right...like at all. #cuechat
Hi, y’all! Kristin from SoCal. I’m a TK-5th Tech TOSA. I’m thankful for my family! They definitely help me get through days that just don’t seem to go right...like at all. #cuechat
Kyle, special education teacher in Reno! Very thankful for my life in general, there are definitely struggles at times, but life is good! #cuechat#wearecue
Kyle, special education teacher in Reno! Very thankful for my life in general, there are definitely struggles at times, but life is good! #cuechat#wearecue
Chris. Ed-tech instructional coach. Co-host the Project Based Awesome Podcast. Thankful for family, friends, the ability to make a diffeeence in young people’s lives, and the snow dumping in the mountains. 🎿 season is here!! #CUEchat
Chris. Ed-tech instructional coach. Co-host the Project Based Awesome Podcast. Thankful for family, friends, the ability to make a diffeeence in young people’s lives, and the snow dumping in the mountains. 🎿 season is here!! #CUEchat
A1: I’m thankful for @bribriggs and his amazinfbstory/energy. @Citizensowls for inspiration & more. @CUENV board/educators @cue for pushing/inspiring me to be a better educator/person. @jcorippo for being a CARRIFIC mentor. Many more #cuerockstars I am missing! #cuechat
A1 Part B: I also have to throw @BDicksonNV out there, my podcast partner and the man responsible for my sanity as I have settled into a new city! There are numerous more, they all know who they are! #cuechat#wearecue
A1: I’m thankful for @bribriggs and his amazinfbstory/energy. @Citizensowls for inspiration & more. @CUENV board/educators @cue for pushing/inspiring me to be a better educator/person. @jcorippo for being a CARRIFIC mentor. Many more #cuerockstars I am missing! #cuechat
With @CUENV as my home base, it can be tough since we are an entire state and do not have the luxery of multiple affiliates nearby, but we do share a border with affiliates like @capcue@NorthStateCUE@IACUE#wearecue#cuechat
In reply to
@judyblakeney, @CUENV, @capcue, @NorthStateCUE, @IACUE
A2: I have to show love for @cuelosangeles! So many hard-working and dedicated individuals whom I have the pleasure of working with on the Board. I also have to shout-out to @IACUE and @TrPatel20 - such great peeps out there! #cuechat
#CUEchat#WeAreCUE A2a Most recently @CahuillaCUE. It’s easier to get to than the affiliates closer to the Pacific Ocean. I try to stay away from the 91..
A3: Because I didn't realize that I actually missed snow after moving back to a place that gets it, and because it's a great workout, I'll shovel snow for all of them! However because it's me, there will be snowballs, snow related jokes, and other random snow shenanigans #cuechat
I cannot wait to boot up the #WeAreCUE Creativity in The Classroom Learning Network this Spring. Love me some @stevemcgriff and @rushtonh in the Higher Ed LN. #CUECHAT
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@judyblakeney, @stevemcgriff, @rushtonh
#CUEchat#WeAreCUE A3b It’s kinda an interesting thing.. used to be #elearning was page-turner stuff. Now the trend’s towards increased interactivity & connectivity with other learners. Ts have taught me discrete apps like @Flipgrid and @dotstorming are good for both.
#CUEchat#WeAreCUE A4a Imagine my surprise (#glee) passing by an open door to one of those massive #CUE18 conference rooms and bumping into @iOgrapher.. #eduwin. Who knew streaming could be so easy.
Hi - This is Sonal! I am definitely thankful for Inland Affilate's board members for keeping up with a busy IACUE wk! and also @JasonSeliskar@dennislarge & @DCulberhouse for being just plain awesome and... @KristinOropeza because she just made my day extra special! #cuechat
A5: The sheer amount of ideas gleaned from simply interacting with the #CUELDI family has not only made me better, but I feel that I speak for the @CUENV board when I say that our events are even better now because of them! #cuechat#WeAreCUE
A5: Being more active at #CUE events has helped me as a coach in PYLUSD. I get to learn from amazing people that inspire me, stretch my skills, and help me look at things in new ways. #CUEchat
A5: I attended #CUELDI for the first time this summer and it brought to light a lot of what I didn't know about CUE and how the organization is ran. It also solidified my decision in getting involved with my local affiliate board. CUE offers educators so much! #cuechat#cuela
#CUEchat#WeAreCUE A5a I’m not familiar with #CUEldi. But seeing’s how the Q is about leader growth.. since serving in the US Navy & working with @intel I think leadership can be situational: see a problem/opportunity, own solving or finding someone who will. +
Wow! So many ways! Being on @sgvcue board = so many opportunities to gain tech skills and serve the community. At #cueldi I have connected with amazing peeps that have helped me grow and learn. @cue gave me the freedom to teach better! #CUEchat
A5: #CUEldi is a great time to learn/collaborate with all affiliates. As board members, we are able to grow and can better serve our members. #CUE events keep me striving to be a better educator/mentor. #cuechat
#CUEchat#WeAreCUE A5b I see leadership development at work at every #CUE conference I’ve visited.. what makes a T get up in front of peers and share #knowHow? It worked for the Tin Man; why not give it a shot? Anyway.. my take on #CUEldi
LDI - Leadership Development Institute...it was offered to local affiliate group board members to come for a day (I think it was one day??) of training and learning with other affiliate group members. It was very helpful in learning how CUE works behind the scenes. #cuechat
Wow! So many ways! Being on @sgvcue board = so many opportunities to gain tech skills and serve the community. At #cueldi I have connected with amazing peeps that have helped me grow and learn. @cue gave me the freedom to teach better! #CUEchat
A6: I am SUPER excited about #SpringCUE19 - it will be my first Spring CUE event!! I cannot wait to go to sessions, network and meet all of you amazing peeps IRL (and again if we've by chance met!!) #cuechat
#CUEchat#WeAreCUE A6a #EduMeat. Having grilled on two continents and the Indian Ocean I’ve seen chefs and tongs come and go. But I ain’t ever seen such consistent meat slinger as @jcorippo .. so yeah, I’m pumped!
#CUEchat#WeAreCUE A6b I’d like to be at that #CUE thing where people get up in front of their peers and talk about something for a couple of minutes. It was at #CUEbold but I can’t remember the hashtag or person who facilitated it.
Those tweets come from being inspired by those around me! Colleagues, fellow coaches (EdTech PLN!), Twitter #PLN, tech leaders, and random tweets that trigger my brain! LOL #cuechat
In reply to
@TrPatel20, @hilz2teach, @iluvteaching72, @Catlin_Tucker, @CateTolnai, @KristinOropeza, @BaynesHeidi, @annkozma723, @EdSurge, @nacol, @GMMoon1, @DCulberhouse
How do you know that every day in your class ISN’T their best day? You may not be there- or you just may not be able to see your light the way they do? ❤️ #cuechat
In reply to
@dustin772, @jcorippo, @techcoachjuarez, @judyblakeney, @kat_goyette, @CateTolnai, @TheTechProfe, @mathkaveli, @edcampOSjr, @AndersonEdTech, @AprilBuege, @brumbaugh, @kristinamattis, @adnanedtech, @msrachelhollis