#OHEdChat was started by an ad hoc group of Ohio educators and other interested people. For information and updates about the chat, visit https://ohedchat.wordpress.com/
#ohedchat Carrie Holmberg, from SJSU. Co-author of Mastering Formative Assessment Moves: 7 High-Leverage Practices to Advance Student Learning with @BrentDuckor
A1: Teachers consistently focusing on orchestrating moves that keep students expressing where they are in their learning. Time to move towards FA 2.0 with a focus on trajectories of high leverage practice. #ohedchat
A1: To me assessment for learning means that we as the teachers learn about our students insights; and our students also learn what they do and do not know. Instructional adjustment for teachers, learning changes for students. #ohedchat
A1: it means we don’t just assess to give grades, we assess to discover if the students have mastered the content and if not then we remediate until they do! #ohedchat
A1: Assessment for learning: constantly noting what my Ss are doing, getting at how they're thinking about & understanding what we're studying. Using info to plan next steps. #ohedchat
A1 Assessment today in 2018 means not just EOY evaluation, but evaluation day by day, & minute by minute to tailor our teaching to Ss meet needs every day! #ohedchat
A1 Assessment for Learning is exactly that - some sort of assessment (written, verbal, illustrated, get creative here) that will help guide the students and teachers in the learning process. Should provide information that will influence next steps #ohedchat
#ohedchat A1: Assessment for learning means...for me...SBG. We're monitoring growth and process. It means feedback is more important then merely the grade.
A1: learning is no longer take this test &show me you can remember some facts. Authentic learning is here is a problem use what we have learned to solve it. I think mastery comes in many forms. At times we play to strengths and other times weaknesses to help kids grow
A1: My hope is that my assessments are aligned to what my students need to know and are able to give me an insight into how I can help my students continue to grow. #ohedchat
A1-When we give an assessment it's not a gotcha...it's about where the S is in the learning process and what the S needs to do next to get closer to the goal. #ohedchat
A school filled with crying children. Anyone have a rule book for how to deal with dozens of grief chicken students for whom this is yet another loss confirming the unfairness of the world? #NoWords
The students create/display/construct the assessment product. They own it! When I say assess I don’t mean a test... I mean to show mastery or misunderstandings. #ohedchat
A1. Learning thru assessment can be done for both Ss & Ts... Ts can learn about instructional practices - Ss can learn specifics around areas of strength and where/how to develop other areas #ohedchat
A1. Taking this one from another perspective: Assessments offer admins knowledge about strengths (where/how/why) as well as areas to target (why ... the how can come from learning from the strengths) #ohedchat
#ohedchat Homework is exclusively summative. Feedback comes in the form of peer or T help/clarification given in class (usually). Ss can earn credit by doing problems on the board. If they "fail" the class helps them understand why/how. I also use "mathacognition"...1/2
I heard feedback related to a GPS system - need to start by knowing the destination. Then as you are moving along your journey you will get information based on your progress to continue influencing you until you reach your journey. #ohedchat
2/2 #ohedchat It's a Google Doc between me and each S to discuss their process. Great private dialogue to talk about what is working, what should change, and how S can own their own process.
A2. Perhaps because summative is a reflection or validation of all that has attempted to be celebrated, investigated, and remediated through formative assessment processes #ohedchat
I think it would be interesting.there are some kids who just want a paper/pencil multiple choice 'test'. I'm not a fan of those, I want to see products of learning..so making sure kids see the purpose is important, but not sure that always happens, if that makes sense! #ohedchat
This is an interesting idea. I like the thought of summative as a reflection, validation. No surprises. Just showing what we know and can do. #ohedchat
A2: Grades lead to this. We need Progress Reports rather than Report Cards. We are always learning. Summarize = finished. Formative leads to the next steps in learning. #ohedchat
A2: To me they do the same. Does a student need a summative assessment if they can show mastery in formative assessments?
Summarize assessments because “we always have”
A2: Purposes still matter. Teacher judgment plays a key role in leveraging instructional decisions to promote learning. When a teacher is formatively assessing, her stance is much more that of a guide and mentor. #ohedchat
A2: old habits die hard. Why do we still run schools like itsvthev1940s. Game changers like this awesome group have to realize assessment is on going needs to happen daily. Real growth occurs when the assessment measures what it intends & impacts the mind set.
A2: I've wondered this myself. Best A I can come up with is because formal checkpoints are built into the school model. This shouldn't mean that learning stops, though. #ohedchat
A2-I love this question. I see that all assessment provides us with formative data. I don't think there is a reason to differentiate between the two. #ohedchat
#ohedchat too many assessments are given without legitimate immediate feedback, personally I don’t feel this is the purpose of assessment. Often it is simply to fulfill the requirement of entering a grade, need to move past that
#ohedchat too often the for@active assessments show us students don’t have a mastery & we still give them all the same summative assessment. Industrial mindset unfortunately
I would argue yes - for validation! It also makes me think about process/product - how one demonstrates mastery - perhaps it can be an opportunity to demonstrate mastery though different means #ohedchat
A2: Labeling assessment Formative or Summative was a baby step toward shifting mindsets around the purpose for assessment from "Points generator" or "Compliance Tool" to " Natural part of the learning process" #ohedchat
A2) jumping in late. sometimes there is a finality to a real-world assignment. Grants. Presentations. Reports. I think there needs to be a lot of feedback on the way, and it doesn't mean learning stops, but it's real world to have to have a truly finished product. #ohedchat
I agree with you -- too me feedback has to tell me what I'm doing well, something to work on AND a strategy on how to get better related to the learning target. #ohedchat
A3: We love short cuts. Quick solutions. It’s time to refocus on what matters. Masterful teachers always blend FA in ways that look like good teaching. A common grammar of FA practices sheds light on the art of assessing AND teaching. #ohedchat
A3-Formative assessment is constantly occurring at my school.We are 1:1 and kids work is usually shared with others in some way allowing for feedback/formative assessment from peers and Ts throughout the learning process #ohedchat
A3. I think you have to change your view of assessment. Assessment is a conversation, not a test. It is ongoing. If we make it a one-time deal, we severely devalue the growth and learning process. #ohedchat
The drivers test is not the end of our learning how to be a good driver... it’s just a formative point that says we have met the minimum requirements #ohedchat
Great question... one we probably shouldn't have to be asking in 2018; right? Meet Ss where & when they need re-instruction; who cares what the assessment method is called?? #ohedchat
A3-kids often post their work to padlet. Ss and Ts look at each other's work and then form groups or partners to work together to continue the learning. #ohedchat
A3: have student input on what the assignment is actually looking for based on the information being covered. What understanding looks like. Finally, where the assessment tool leads in the process of mastering the material.
Totally agree! There is some merit in finality and giving it your best go. Of course there is a whole bunch more merit in feedback and revision. But I don't think you can dismiss summative completely. #ohedchat
Which you get to keep taking if you don't do well (in some shape or form)! Often times I see kids who get a poor score and then...... on to the next chapter they go, or make corrections on the test and then get some extra points, no mastery.... Makes me so sad. #ohedchat
In reply to
@kwildehealey, @ChadLensman, @MsVandeborne
Padlet has changed the game at my school. Kids now expect that nearly all of their work will be shared and expect to receive feedback on and expect to have to explain their thinking #Ohedchat
A3: Be mindful of pre-planning Qs to ask Ss who are at different points along the learning continuum - the "just right" Q or comment that will help move that learning forward. It is hard to think of those Qs on the fly. #ohedchat
Ahhh...the challenge. Find another strategy. What instructional strategies work for groups of students and work best for the skill/learning needed. Doing the same thing in the same way getting the same results. I think this is the definition of something! #ohedchat
A3 to make formative assessment an action (verb) rather than a thing (noun) there should be Ts action (Ss help) associated, rather than a thing
(a grade)! #ohedchat
A3 I believe it is in the planning that goes along with-this is why "exit ticket" drives me nuts in an interview. What are you doing with the exit ticket? Seems most of the time that answer is nothing. But, if you use it to shape future lessons-now we've got something! #ohedchat
These are the Ss who get lost when they venture out beyond school. I was one of them. Learning is the product of mistakes, and the persisting myth is that A-students don't make them #ohedchat
#ohedchat A2: It's only formative if Ss get it back. Some Ts believe that semester or year-end tests should not be returned to the S. AP Exams, for example, are purely summative.
Preparing the groundwork for FA, establishing and maintaining norms, supporting students’ various learning styles in a public space. Priming undoes the habit of “doing school” and seeing assessment as outside of and beyond learning. #ohedchat
A4 - Binning to me is the most important - it allows us to make sense of what we are seeing and make changes for students. Transparency is crucial with this to support students in their growth as well #ohedchat
I took a position in a Catholic school (no Ohio AIR testing for graduation) and it's amazing how removing that changes your outlook. On assessment. And life in general 😂😂 #ohedchat
In reply to
@MsVandeborne, @kwildehealey, @ChadLensman
These are the Ss who get lost when they venture out beyond school. I was one of them. Learning is the product of mistakes, and the persisting myth is that A-students don't make them #ohedchat
A4: We have been doing this for a decade and it changes with time, students, and subject matter. But Priming and Probing and Bouncing and Tagging never get old. Binning for feedback is where it all comes together, though. #ohedchat
I find the Performance Level Descriptors that identify what Ss can do at each level of performance on state tests to be helpful in having conversations with teams about what stages of mastery might look like around clusters or sets of standards. #OHedchathttps://t.co/axls3Wij7e
In reply to
@MsVandeborne, @kwildehealey, @ChadLensman
A3: Reminding students the value of not bringing a finished/polished product to the table the first time around. Appreciate the process and value mistakes. Lack of FA can breed anxiety and uncertainty. FA builds confidence. #OhEdChat
I feel like Binning is very important. As Ts we must look at student work, categorize their thinking and look for trends to plan for next steps--this is why we should NEVER plan lessons weeks or days ahead of time #ohedchat Use what happened today to plan for tomorrow.
A4: Posing is so powerful. I love to see a teacher asking students questions at a level that make students think differently. Students figure it out. Stretch #ohedchat
A4. effective "assessment" means that it brings reflection, change, and growth... and that often means your practice is https://t.co/IkEl2YC5NY.Takes #ohedchat
My Kindergarten daughter told me the other day when she made a mistake that making mistakes means that she is learning - Thankful for her phenomenal teacher to be guiding her in that thinking already #ohedchat
A4 I think it depends on the lesson, the student, and probably many more things. But, if forced to choose, then I'm going with probing, posing, and pausing, #ohedchat
"FA builds confidence." I agree. And one reason as we help all kinds of learners and students build academic identities that FA moves, and a having a common grammar of (FA) practice matters. #ohedchat
A3: Reminding students the value of not bringing a finished/polished product to the table the first time around. Appreciate the process and value mistakes. Lack of FA can breed anxiety and uncertainty. FA builds confidence. #OhEdChat
A4: Priming for me.... I think laying that foundation of group norms, sharing publicly, respecting other's opinions are so crucial now and in their future #ohedchat
A4) as a prn, wanting to respond to staff , binning and tagging. I want to see trends and I want my teachers to see what their colleagues care about (or absolutely don't care about). #ohedchat
Absolutely! These are incredibly helpful for instructing/assessing #ELLs /#ESL Ss in each linguistic domain as well... #WIDA Can Do Descriptors are amazing #ohedchat
In reply to
@edtechgirl, @MsVandeborne, @ChadLensman
I think the work that @CarrieHolmberg and @BrentDuckor have done to qualify and name the Formative Assessment Moves will help Ts have more intentional, specific conversations around instructional practices. #OHedchat#FIP
In reply to
@CarrieHolmberg, @DrBDrost, @CarrieHolmberg, @BrentDuckor
A4: What a question! My instinct is to say probing bc it forces inward thinking and gets to the heart of an idea, but if this were a summative assessment, I would probably find an argument for each of them #ohedchat
Absolutely! These are incredibly helpful for instructing/assessing #ELLs /#ESL Ss in each linguistic domain as well... #WIDA Can Do Descriptors are amazing #ohedchat
In reply to
@edtechgirl, @MsVandeborne, @ChadLensman
A5: Priming says I care who you are. Posing says I care what you think. Pausing says I have time to listen. Probing says your ideas are interesting. Bouncing says who else can contribute? Tagging says we all matter… #ohedchat
Me too! Only for one year, but it definitely had a huge impact on me professionally. Super fun when one of my k kids became an algebra student of mine in HS many years later! #ohedchat
In reply to
@Jacki_prati, @DillsMelissa1, @BrentDuckor
A5: Joining WAY late tonight. FA help build a relationship btw S & T that illustrates that a teacher is there to help and is working to show a student they can & will improve. #ohedchat
A4: Pausing [creating space and time] hits close to home for me (thinking of my time as a student). Also sets the stage for so many other areas. Let's be honest, with so much to get through, the pace can leave so many Ss behind and struggling. #OhEdChat
A5: Consistently using FA moves strengthens the partnership and collaboration between Ts and Ss. We're learning together, we're here to grow together. #ohedchat
Giving students adequate time to think and respond is key. We all need time to process! Actual pausing moves need not be silent time. “Turn and talk” pausing moves let students rehearse responses and increase student engagement. #ohedchat
Creating, curating and posing questions is one way teachers help students go deeper. A critical purpose of teacher posing is to elicit evidence suggesting where learners are. Students need to pose too to close the ZPD gap. #ohedchat
A5-It's all about relationships-when learning isn't about a "gotcha" and is instead about the T truly being there to help the S learn and grow then a relationship of trust is built and the S will achieve #ohedchat
Probing honors what students say and uses their initial responses to go deeper. Example: “Can you say more about ‘Lennie’s strength’ and why it matters?’” Like all FA moves, probing invites sharing of unpolished, emergent thinking. #ohedchat
#ohedchat A5: Formative assessments help both Ts and Ss know that we are not merely the givers and takers of tests. Ts are interested in Ss growth and will be there to help Ss along the way, not merely evaluate and judge. It makes the class an ok place to "fail" and thus, risk.
Categorizing student responses is binning. How “bins” or categories are built depend upon a teacher’s purposes. Binning for grading (A, B, C, D, and F bins) differs from building bins for formative feedback. Use a scoring guide! #ohedchat
The primary purpose of bouncing is: systematically sample student thinking minute by minute. Quality bouncing/sampling helps us identify misconceptions and fuzzy thinking and to infer “what’s next” in a lesson. #ohedchat
Tagging represents, for all in the class to see, student thinking on a topic. Tagging aims to create a snapshot that captures all the variation in student responses. Writing down students’ words as they brainstorm is one example of tagging. #ohedchat
A5 Formative assessment made w/ the aim of Ss improvement will only serve to increase student mastery & comfort level w/ the feedback. How can that not help build the Ts & Ss relationship??#Ohedchat
Are these FA moves just what we would all want for our children--to use their Habits of Mind, Heart and Work--with intention and care for other ideas and feelings while learning? #ohedchat
A5: The term "moves" makes me think of dancing. If Ts are mindful of the effective moves they can make, they also by necessity need to be mindful of how the Ss will partner with them in the learning. #ohedchat
We build bins for different aims. Binning 4 feedback=building bins that help us give students feedback to use while revising their work. Revising=learning. Binning 4 feedback doubles down on “next steps” via timely advice for continuous improvement. #ohedchat
A5: Students have a strong barometer for how much we care about their success. What a better way to show that we, as educators, are all-in on their education, growth, and development! #OhEdChat
A5 It should be about a partnership in the learning process. Strong partnership = strong relationship. At the end we all truly want to do better - it's about how the information is given and what will be done with it together. #ohedchat
And this is likely why we all became teachers--because we had teachers who believed in us and built those partnerships with us and our learning. #ohedchat
A6: Trust that what we do as teachers everyday is dedicated to assessment for learning. When we feel stuck we fall back on the holy trinity of homework, quizzes and testing. Getting unstuck means honoring our craft—honor thy FA moves! #ohedchat
A5: reinforces the idea that we are in this together. Checking in is a great way to make sure ur understanding & I'm teaching the best way to meet all learners.
A6-we must keep the conversation about assessment in the forefront. When working with colleagues we must consider our WHY when it comes to assessment-are we assessing to give a grade or are we assessing for learning? #ohedchat
A5. change in assessment may help strengthen some Ss/T relationships... but the truth is, that if we are need of assessments to close a "gap" between Ss and Ts, then we are in trouble. #ohedchat
A6:Sharing and modeling ways to use formative assessment to drive instruction. Blended Learning can serve as the platform. Need quality assessment to plan instruction. #ohedchat
Cristin, that's why our first chapter Priming is first! Relationship building is key to strong visible FA practice. Kids need to know: We are gonna make some moves that require us to stretch and imagine new ways of being students! #ohedchat
A5 It should be about a partnership in the learning process. Strong partnership = strong relationship. At the end we all truly want to do better - it's about how the information is given and what will be done with it together. #ohedchat
What I like about the FA moves, Cristin, is that I see that how I am interacting with a student in the moment is not working, I have a framework, the FA moves, that help me to improvise a better way! #ohedchat@BrentDuckor
A6) Just by doing it, students AND parents will realize this is the new norm. I have heard parents say "more grades! More homework!" We need to change mindsets by making FA the NORM. #ohedchat
A6: If we really want Ss to be a part of this process, then perhaps teaching Ss to identify these moves, and their role in them, may open a feedback channel within your own classroom. #FeedbackForTeachers#FeedbackForStudents#OHedchat
A6: Sharing with each other is key. I always learn so much when collaborating with others. Turning to my thought partners for reflection and feedback is key. #ohedchat
A5: The term "moves" makes me think of dancing. If Ts are mindful of the effective moves they can make, they also by necessity need to be mindful of how the Ss will partner with them in the learning. #ohedchat
A6: Sharing with each other is key. I always learn so much when collaborating with others. Turning to my thought partners for reflection and feedback is key. #ohedchat
A6: Helping each other understand the importance of FA, that the are not just another “test”, but valuable tools to@improve student achievement on an individual level. #ohedchat
A6-And when Ts use formative assessment frequently-they get to know each Ss as a learner and are able to connect with them in more meaningful ways #ohedchat
A6: Sharing with each other is key. I always learn so much when collaborating with others. Turning to my thought partners for reflection and feedback is key. #ohedchat
A6: If we really want Ss to be a part of this process, then perhaps teaching Ss to identify these moves, and their role in them, may open a feedback channel within your own classroom. #FeedbackForTeachers#FeedbackForStudents#OHedchat
Thanks @TebnerEbner and friends. I have to sign off for tonight. Great topic. #ohedchat
I hope everyone can come back next week when @bobby__dodd moderates.
A6. Through questioning and sharing ... ask others about their experiences/implementations (both successful and not) - Ask/share the WHO/HOW/WHEN/WHAT/WHY #ohedchat
A6: Exactly why I love peer groups like #OhEdChat - so many transformative practices being implemented each day with our Ss, and we often take just a sliver of time to share and ask for the FA that WE could really benefit from. Thankful for each an every one of you and this time!
A6: breaking down the walls of 'this is my classroom'. Collective teacher efficacy and collaborative conversations to move S learning forward! #ohedchat
A6: If we really want Ss to be a part of this process, then perhaps teaching Ss to identify these moves, and their role in them, may open a feedback channel within your own classroom. #FeedbackForTeachers#FeedbackForStudents#OHedchat